Lecture 15 Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar

news2025/1/9 23:04:05


      • Ambiguity in Parsing
    • Basics of PCFGs
      • Basics of PCFGs
      • Stochastic Generation with PCFGs
    • PCFG Parsing
      • CYK for PCFGs
    • Limitations of CFG
      • Poor Independence Assumptions
      • Lack of Lexical Conditioning

Ambiguity in Parsing

  • Context-Free grammars assign hierarchical structure to language

    • Formulated as generating all strings in the language
    • Predicting the structure for a given string
  • Raises problem of ambiguity: Two parse tree from the same tree, which is better

Basics of PCFGs

Basics of PCFGs

  • Same symbol set:

    • Terminals: words such as book
    • Non-terminals: syntactic labels such as NP or NN
  • Same production rules:

    • LHS non-terminal -> ordered list of RHS symbols
  • In addition, store a probability with each production:

    • NP -> DT NN [p = 0.45]
    • NN -> cat [p = 0.02]
    • NN -> leprechaun [p = 0.00001]
  • Probability values denote conditional:

    • P(LHS -> RHS)
    • P(RHS | LHS)
  • Consequently they:

    • Must be positive values, between 0 and 1
    • Must sum to one for given LHS
  • E.g.

    • NN -> aadvark [p = 0.0003]
    • NN -> cat [p = 0.02]
    • NN -> leprechaun [p = 0.01]
    • ∑x P(NN -> x) = 1

Stochastic Generation with PCFGs

  • Almost the same as for CFG, with one twist:

    1. Start with S, the sentence symbol
    2. Choose a rule with S as the LHS
      • Randomly select a RHS according to P(RHS | LSH)
      • Apply this rule
    3. Repeat step 2 for each non-terminal in the string
    4. Stop when no non-terminal terminal
  • Output a tree with sentence as the yield

    • Given a tree, compute its probability



    • For this tree: P(tree) =
      P(S → VP) × P(VP → Verb NP) × P(Verb → Book) × P(NP → Det Nominal) × P(Det → the) × P(Nominal → Nominal Noun) × P(Nominal → Noun) × P(Noun → dinner) × P(Noun → flight)
      = 0.05 × 0.20 × 0.30 × 0.20 × 0.60 × 0.20 × 0.75 × 0.10 × 0.40
      = 2.2 × 10-6

  • This resolve the problem of parsing ambiguity:

    • Can select between different tree based on P(tree)


PCFG Parsing


  • CYK finds all trees for a sentence: want the best tree

  • Probabilistic CYK allows similar process to standard CYK

  • Convert grammar to Chomsky Normal Form

    • From: VP -> Verb NP NP [p = 0.10]
    • To: VP -> Verb NP+NP[p = 0.10]; NP+NP -> NP NP[p = 1.0]
  • E.g.


  • Retrieving the Parses

    • S in the top-right corner of parse table indicates success
    • Retain back-pointer to best analysis
    • To get parse, follow pointers back for each match
    • Convert back from CNF by removing new non-terminals
    • E.g.


  • Pseudocode Code for Probabilistic CYK:

function Probabilistic-CYK(words, grammar) return most probable parse and its probability
  for j <- from 1 to LENGTH(words) do
    for all {A | A -> words[j] ∈ grammar}
      table[j-1, j, A] <- P(A -> words[j])
    for i <- from j-2 downto 0 do
      for k <- i+1 to j-1 do
        for all {A|A -> BC ∈ grammar, and table[i, k, B] > 0 and table[k, j, C] > 0}
          if (table[i, j, A] < P(A -> BC) × table[i, k, B] × table[k, j, C]) then
            table[i, j, A] <- P(A -> BC) × table[i, k, B] × table[k, j, C]
            back[i, j, A] <- {k, B, C}
  return BUILD_TREE(back[1, LENGTH(words), S]), table[1, LENGTH(words), S]

Limitations of CFG

Poor Independence Assumptions

  • Rewrite decisions made independently, whereas interdependence is often needed to capture global structure

  • E.g.:

    • NP -> DT NN [p = 0.28] and NP -> PRP [p = 0.25]

    • Probability of a rule is independent of rest of tree

    • No way to represent this contextual difference in PCFG probabilities:

    • NP -> PRP should go up to 0.91 as a subject

    • NP -> DT NN should be 0.66 as an object

  • Solution: add a condition to denote whether NP is a subject or object (Parent Conditioning)

    • Make non-terminals more explicit by incorporating parent symbol into each symbol

    • E.g.


      • NP^S represents subject position
      • NP^VP represents object position

Lack of Lexical Conditioning

  • Lack of sensitivity to words in tree

  • Prepositional phrase PP attachment ambiguity

  • E.g. Worker dumped sacks into bin


    • into a bin describes the resulting location of the sack. So correct tree should be:


  • Coordination Ambiguity:

    • dogs in houses and cats
    • dogs is semantically a better conjunct for cats than house


  • Solution: Head Lexicalization

    • Record head word with parent symbols

      • Head word: the most salient child of a constituent, usually the noun in NP, verb in VP


      • VP -> VBD NP PP to VP(dumped) → VBD(dumped) NP(sacks) PP(into)
    • Incorporate head words into productions, to capture the most important links between words

      • Captures correlations between head words of phrases
    • Grammar symbol inventory expands massively. Many production rule are too specific, rarely seen.

      • Leaning more involved to avoid sparsity problems




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