Lecture 16 Dependency Grammar

news2025/2/23 6:33:53


    • Dependency Grammar
      • Dependency Grammar
      • Dependency Relations
      • Application: Question Answering
      • Application: Information Extraction
      • Dependency vs. Constituency
      • Properties of a Dependency Tree
      • Projectivity
      • Treebank Conversion
    • Transition-based Parsing
      • Dependency Parsing
      • Transition-Based Parsing
      • Parsing Model
    • Graph-based Parsing
      • Graph-based Parsing

Dependency Grammar

Dependency Grammar

  • Dependency grammar offers a simpler approach to CFG:

    • Describe relations between pairs of words
    • Namely, between heads and dependents
  • Deal better with languages that are morphologically rich and have a relatively free word order

    • CFG need a separate rule for each possible place a phrase can occur in
  • Head-dependent relations similar to semantic relations between words

    • More useful for applications: coreference resolution, information extraction

Dependency Relations

  • Captures the grammatical relation between:

    • Head: central word
    • Dependent: supporting word
  • Grammatical relation: subject, direct object, …

  • Many dependency theories and taxonomies proposed for different languages

  • Universal dependency: a framework to create a set of dependency relations that are computationally useful and cross-lingual


Application: Question Answering

  • Dependency tree more directly represents the core of the sentence: who did want to whom?
    • Captured by the links incident on verb nodes


Application: Information Extraction

  • Brasilia, the Brazilian capital, was founded in 1960. to capital(Brazil, Brasilia); founded(Brasilia, 1960)
  • Dependency tree captures relations succinctly


Dependency vs. Constituency

  • Dependency tree:

    • Each node is a word token
    • One node is chosen as the root
    • Directed edges link heads and their dependents
  • Constituency tree:

    • Forms a hierarchical tree
    • Word tokens are the leaves
    • Internal nodes are constituent phrases
  • Both use POS

Properties of a Dependency Tree

  • Each word has a single head (parent)
  • There is a single root node
  • There is a unique path to each word from the root
  • All arcs should be projective


  • An arc is projetive if there is a path from head to every word that lies between head and the dependent


  • Dependency tree is projective if all arcs are projective. In other words, a dependency tree is projective if it can be drawn with no crossing edges

  • Most sentences are projective, but exception exist

Treebank Conversion

  • A few dependency treebanks but many constituency treebanks
  • Some constituency treebanks can be converted into dependencies
  • Dependency trees generated from constituency trees are always projective
  • Main idea: Identify head-dependent relations in constituency structure and the corresponding dependency relations
    • Use various heuristics
    • Often with manual correction

Transition-based Parsing

Dependency Parsing

  • Find the best structure for a given input sentence

  • Two main approaches:

    • Transition-based: Bottom-up greedy method
    • Graph-based: encodes problem using nodes/edges and use graph theory methods to find optimal solutions
  • Caveat:

    • Transition-based parsers can only handle projective dependency trees
    • Less applicable for languages where cross-dependencies are common

Transition-Based Parsing

  • Processes word from left to right

  • Maintain two data structures:

    • Buffer: Input words yet to be processed
    • Stack: Store words that are being processed
  • At each step, perform one of the 3 actions:

    • Shift: Move a word from buffer to stack
    • Left-Arc: Assign current words as the head of the previous word in stack
    • Right-Arc: Assign previous word as head of current word in stack
  • E.g.



  • For simplicity, omit labels on the dependency relations. In practice, we parameterize the left-arc and right-arc with dependency labels:

    • E.g. left-arc-nsubj or right-arc-dobj
  • Expands the list of actions to > 3 types

  • Assume an oracle that tells the correct action at every step. Given a dependency tree, the role of oracle is to generate a sequence of ground truth action.

Parsing Model

  • Train a supervised model to mimic the actions of the oracle

    • To learn at every step the correct action to take
    • At test time, the trained model can be used to parse a sentence to create the dependency tree
  • Parse as Classification:

    • Input:
      • Stack: top two elements: s1 and s2
      • Buffer: first element: b1
    • Output:
      • 3 classes: shift, left-arc, right-arc
    • Features:
      • word, part-of-speech
  • Traditionally SVM works best. Nowadays, deep learning models are SOTA

  • Weakness: local classifier based on greedy search

  • Solution:

    • Beam Search: Keep track of top-N best actions
    • Dynamic oracle: during training, use predicted actions occasionally
    • Graph-based parser

Graph-based Parsing

Graph-based Parsing

  • Given an input sentence, construct a fully-connected, weighted, directed graph

  • Vertices: all words

  • Edges: head-dependent arcs

  • Weight: score based on training data (relation that is frequently observed receive in a higher score)

  • Objective: find the maximum spanning tree (Kruskal’s algorithm)

  • Advantage

    • Can produce non-projective trees

    • Score the entire trees:

      • Avoid making greedy local decisions like transition-based parsers
      • Captures long dependencies better
  • E.g.:


  • Caveat: Tree may contain cycles

    • Solution: Need to do cleanup to remove cycles




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