YOLOv7 tiny 新增小目标检测层

news2024/10/1 5:28:36

YOLOv7 tiny 新增小目标检测层

  • YOLOv7 tiny 新增小目标检测层
    • 修改yolov7-tiny.yaml文件
    • YOLOv7 tiny 结构图
    • 调用 models/yolo.py验证

YOLOv7 tiny 新增小目标检测层



(1)修改nc 自己数据集类别数;
(2)设置anchors 4 #自动调用autoanchor.py
(3)新增 ###模块
(4)修改[[92,93,94,95], 1, IDetect, [nc, anchors]], # Detect(P2,P3, P4, P5)

# parameters
nc: 5  # number of classes 
depth_multiple: 1.0  # model depth multiple
width_multiple: 1.0  # layer channel multiple

# anchors
anchors: 4
  # - [10,13, 16,30, 33,23]  # P3/8
  # - [30,61, 62,45, 59,119]  # P4/16
  # - [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]  # P5/32

# yolov7-tiny backbone
  # [from, number, module, args] c2, k=1, s=1, p=None, g=1, act=True
  [[-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 2, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 0-P1/2  
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 1-P2/4    
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 7
   [-1, 1, MP, []],  # 8-P3/8
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 14
   [-1, 1, MP, []],  # 15-P4/16
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 21
   [-1, 1, MP, []],  # 22-P5/32
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 28

# yolov7-tiny head
  [[-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, SP, [5]],
   [-2, 1, SP, [9]],
   [-3, 1, SP, [13]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -7], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 37
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],
   [21, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]], # route backbone P4
   [[-1, -2], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 47

   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],
   [14, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]], # route backbone P3
   [[-1, -2], 1, Concat, [1]],

  # ELAN
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 57
  # end ELAN
  # CBL
      [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
     [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']],
  # backbone CBL
     [7, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]], # route backbone P4 
     [[-1, -2], 1, Concat, [1]],

   [-1, 1, Conv, [16, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [16, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [16, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [16, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 67  x-small head
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, 57], 1, Concat, [1]], 
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [32, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [32, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 75  small head
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, 47], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [64, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 83 middle head
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, 37], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-2, 1, Conv, [128, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [[-1, -2, -3, -4], 1, Concat, [1]],
   [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],  # 91 large head
   [67, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [75, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [83, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],
   [91, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 1, None, 1, nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)]],

   [[92,93,94,95], 1, IDetect, [nc, anchors]],   # Detect(P2,P3, P4, P5)

YOLOv7 tiny 结构图


调用 models/yolo.py验证

python models/yolo.py --cfg cfg\training\yolov7-tiny.yaml #修改过的yaml路径

YOLOR  2023-3-4 torch 1.12.1+cu113 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA RTX A4000, 16375.5MB)

                 from  n    params  module                                  arguments
  0                -1  1       928  models.common.Conv                      [3, 32, 3, 2, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]  
  1                -1  1     18560  models.common.Conv                      [32, 64, 3, 2, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
  2                -1  1      2112  models.common.Conv                      [64, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
  3                -2  1      2112  models.common.Conv                      [64, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
  4                -1  1      9280  models.common.Conv                      [32, 32, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
  5                -1  1      9280  models.common.Conv                      [32, 32, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
  6  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
  7                -1  1      8320  models.common.Conv                      [128, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
  8                -1  1         0  models.common.MP                        []
  9                -1  1      4224  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
 10                -2  1      4224  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)] 
 11                -1  1     36992  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 12                -1  1     36992  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 13  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 14                -1  1     33024  models.common.Conv                      [256, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 15                -1  1         0  models.common.MP                        []
 16                -1  1     16640  models.common.Conv                      [128, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 17                -2  1     16640  models.common.Conv                      [128, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 18                -1  1    147712  models.common.Conv                      [128, 128, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 19                -1  1    147712  models.common.Conv                      [128, 128, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 20  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 21                -1  1    131584  models.common.Conv                      [512, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 22                -1  1         0  models.common.MP                        []
 23                -1  1     66048  models.common.Conv                      [256, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 24                -2  1     66048  models.common.Conv                      [256, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 25                -1  1    590336  models.common.Conv                      [256, 256, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 26                -1  1    590336  models.common.Conv                      [256, 256, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 27  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 28                -1  1    525312  models.common.Conv                      [1024, 512, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 29                -1  1    131584  models.common.Conv                      [512, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 30                -2  1    131584  models.common.Conv                      [512, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 31                -1  1         0  models.common.SP                        [5]
 32                -2  1         0  models.common.SP                        [9]
 33                -3  1         0  models.common.SP                        [13]
 34  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 35                -1  1    262656  models.common.Conv                      [1024, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 36          [-1, -7]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 37                -1  1    131584  models.common.Conv                      [512, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 38                -1  1     33024  models.common.Conv                      [256, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 39                -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample    [None, 2, 'nearest']
 40                21  1     33024  models.common.Conv                      [256, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 41          [-1, -2]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 42                -1  1     16512  models.common.Conv                      [256, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 43                -2  1     16512  models.common.Conv                      [256, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 44                -1  1     36992  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 45                -1  1     36992  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 46  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 47                -1  1     33024  models.common.Conv                      [256, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 48                -1  1      8320  models.common.Conv                      [128, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 49                -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample    [None, 2, 'nearest']
 50                14  1      8320  models.common.Conv                      [128, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 51          [-1, -2]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 52                -1  1      4160  models.common.Conv                      [128, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 53                -2  1      4160  models.common.Conv                      [128, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 54                -1  1      9280  models.common.Conv                      [32, 32, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 55                -1  1      9280  models.common.Conv                      [32, 32, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 56  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 57                -1  1      8320  models.common.Conv                      [128, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 58                -1  1      2112  models.common.Conv                      [64, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 59                -1  1         0  torch.nn.modules.upsampling.Upsample    [None, 2, 'nearest']
 60                 7  1      2112  models.common.Conv                      [64, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 61          [-1, -2]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 62                -1  1      1056  models.common.Conv                      [64, 16, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 63                -2  1      1056  models.common.Conv                      [64, 16, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 64                -1  1      2336  models.common.Conv                      [16, 16, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 65                -1  1      2336  models.common.Conv                      [16, 16, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 66  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 67                -1  1      2112  models.common.Conv                      [64, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 68                -1  1     18560  models.common.Conv                      [32, 64, 3, 2, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 69          [-1, 57]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 70                -1  1      4160  models.common.Conv                      [128, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 71                -2  1      4160  models.common.Conv                      [128, 32, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 72                -1  1      9280  models.common.Conv                      [32, 32, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 73                -1  1      9280  models.common.Conv                      [32, 32, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 74  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 75                -1  1      8320  models.common.Conv                      [128, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 76                -1  1     73984  models.common.Conv                      [64, 128, 3, 2, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 77          [-1, 47]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 78                -1  1     16512  models.common.Conv                      [256, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 79                -2  1     16512  models.common.Conv                      [256, 64, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 80                -1  1     36992  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 81                -1  1     36992  models.common.Conv                      [64, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 82  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 83                -1  1     33024  models.common.Conv                      [256, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 84                -1  1    295424  models.common.Conv                      [128, 256, 3, 2, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 85          [-1, 37]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 86                -1  1     65792  models.common.Conv                      [512, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 87                -2  1     65792  models.common.Conv                      [512, 128, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 88                -1  1    147712  models.common.Conv                      [128, 128, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 89                -1  1    147712  models.common.Conv                      [128, 128, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 90  [-1, -2, -3, -4]  1         0  models.common.Concat                    [1]
 91                -1  1    131584  models.common.Conv                      [512, 256, 1, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 92                67  1     18560  models.common.Conv                      [32, 64, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 93                75  1     73984  models.common.Conv                      [64, 128, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 94                83  1    295424  models.common.Conv                      [128, 256, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 95                91  1   1180672  models.common.Conv                      [256, 512, 3, 1, None, 1, LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1)]
 96  [92, 93, 94, 95]  1     39680  IDetect                                 [5, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]], [64, 128, 256, 512]]      
D:\Anaconda3\envs\yolov8\lib\site-packages\torch\functional.py:478: UserWarning: torch.meshgrid: in an upcoming release, it will be required to pass the indexing argument. (Triggered internally at  C:\actions-runner\_work\pytorch\pytorch\builder\windows\pytorch\aten\src\ATen\native\TensorShape.cpp:2895.)
  return _VF.meshgrid(tensors, **kwargs)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
Model Summary: 327 layers, 6122976 parameters, 6122976 gradients, 15.6 GFLOPS





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Python 下载后的打开方法 Python是一种流行的编程语言,用于开发各种类型的应用程序,从Web应用程序到数据分析工具再到科学计算应用程序。许多人下载了Python,但是不确定如何在计算机上安装和打开它。在本篇文章中,我们将讨论Pyth…


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1.概述 作为开发人员,我们每天都要开发大量的接口,其中包括了读接口和写接口,而对于写接口来说,除了要保证他的性能、可用性以外,还需要有一个重要的问题,那就是考虑如何保证接口的幂等性。 “幂等&#x…

mysql数据库连接失败授权认证 reading authorization packet --别的电脑可以,但是本地电脑连接失败

1.分析原因是否由于本机多次失败连接导致 在能连接的主机上或者服务器上 查看当前数据库阻断连接次数是否在不断增长 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE Aborted_connects;1.2观察这个终端连接次数是否一直在增长 如果一直在增长,说明mysql服务器被计算机不断的进行连接且被…


​安科瑞虞佳豪 摘 要:近年来,随着数据中心的迅猛发展,数据中心的能耗问题也越来越突出,有关数据中心的能源管理和供配电设计已经成为热门问题,合理可靠的数据中心配电系统方案,是提高数据中心电能使用效率…


目录 【跳表】 跳表的实现原理 如何确定跳表的层高? 【散列表】 散列函数的设计 散列冲突 (1)开放寻址法(Open Addressing) (2)链表法(chaining) 装载因子 如何…



paddleclas pp-shitu v1/v2



概述 blackice是一个古老的感染型病毒,可感染系统中exe、doc和xls文件,通过USB设备和网络驱动器来传播,会向C&C下载pe执行,会关闭常用的杀软进程。下面找了一个样本,这个样本的代码结构清晰,用IDA pro…


客服配置 注意事项 shopro客服系统 采用 workerman 的 gateway-worker 作为服务基础,请先安装 gateway-worker 扩展包shopro商城 已不再支持 workerman 在线客服插件 安装部署 安装扩展包 composer require workerman/gateway-worker:~3.0 删除禁用函数(如有未列…


环境变量引用 语法:{{变量名}} 环境变量分类 1. 全局变量:全局有效,在Postman中的任何集合中都可以使用该变量,作用域最大。 2. 环境变量:要申明环境变量,先要创建环境,然后在该环境中创建变…


什么是KPI考核 KPI考核是指对企业或组织的关键绩效指标进行量化的评估和监控,以了解其业务目标的实现情况。 KPI(Key Performance Indicators)是指关键绩效指标,是衡量企业或组织成功的基本指标。对KPI进行考核可以帮助企业或组织…


破解极域(4):万能密码法 1.思路2.实现2.1 获得密码2.2 解除控制2.3 特别注意 3.视频展示 今天来分享下破解极域的第4种方法——万能密码法 1.思路 首先,我们要知道的是,极域这个东西它有一个万能密码,万能…


学前感言: 1.这是一条坚持的道路,三分钟的热情可以放弃往下看了.2.多练多想,不要离开了教程什么都不会了.最好看完教程自己独立完成技术方面的开发.3.有时多 google,baidu,我们往往都遇不到好心的大神,谁会无聊天天给你做解答.4.遇到实在搞不懂的,可以先放放,以后再来解决. 基…


目录 题目 学到的知识点: 题目 在buu上看到了一道数独题,没见过,记录一下 下载附件,查壳,无壳,在IDA中打开,直接找到主函数 unsigned __int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3…


家公司都在努力更好地了解其运营效率,但他们都遇到了同样的问题:规模。那么,可扩展的监控策略是什么样的?您如何防范可观察性中最重要的问题? 什么是可扩展监控策略? 我们将从确定受规模影响最大的两件事…




3. 分层解耦 3.1 三层架构 3.1.1 介绍 在我们进行程序设计以及程序开发时,尽可能让每一个接口、类、方法的职责更单一些(单一职责原则)。 单一职责原则:一个类或一个方法,就只做一件事情,只管一块功能。…