
news2025/1/12 7:50:53


  • Introduction
  • Understanding the basics of CTP acquisition and processing
  • CTP thresholds and quantification
  • Pitfalls of perfusion imaging
    • Technical pitfalls
      • Patient motion
      • Contrast bolus
      • Radiation
    • Clinical pitfalls
      • Core volume measurement errors
      • Misclassification of ischemic penumbra (hypoperfusion)
      • Stroke mimics
      • Perfusion in posterior circulation and lacunar infarcts
      • MRP
  • Future directions
  • Conclusion

期刊文献《Automated CT perfusion imaging for acute ischemic stroke:Pearls and pitfalls for real-world use》阅读笔记。





Many stroke centers are quickly incorporating the use of automated perfusion processing software to interpret perfusion raw data.
As CT perfusion (CTP) is being assimilated in real-world clinical practice, it is essential to understand the basics of perfusion acquisition, quantification, and interpretation.
It is equally important to recognize the common technical and clinical diagnostic challenges of automated CTP including ischemic core and penumbral misclassifications that could result in underestimation or overestimation of the core and penumbra volumes.

Two randomized trials (DAWN and DEFUSE 3) have thrust acute cerebral perfusion imaging into the routine evaluation of acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion (i.e., intracranial internal carotid artery [ICA] or middle cerebral artery trunk [M1]) with definitive data.
两项随机试验(DAWN和DEFUSE 3)将急性脑灌注成像纳入了对大血管闭塞(即颅内颈内动脉[ICA]或大脑中动脉主干[M1])急性缺血性卒中的常规评估,并提供了明确的数据。

CTP data with manual postprocessing requires an active user interface to get adequate quantitative evaluation and may add interobserver variability. However, even with the use of fully automated software to process CTP results, clinicians have a significant learning curve to interpret the output data accurately.

This review is written to aid the acute stroke clinician, who must interpret data output from automated perfusion post processing software, in the real-world emergency setting to make time-dependent treatment decisions in the setting of acute ischemic stroke.

Understanding the basics of CTP acquisition and processing


CTP consists of a temporal sequence of images obtained during the wash-in and the wash-out of an IV bolus of iodinated contrast agent.
For each pixel on a CTP map, hemodynamic parameters are calculated based on the time-density curves created from the wash-in and the wash-out of contrast material in this pixel.

  1. 到达最大值的时间(Tmax或延迟时间)表示从扫描开始到造影剂团的最大强度到达每个体素的时间。它是以秒表示的绝对值。
  2. 平均通过时间(MTT)表示造影剂团穿过体素所需的平均时间,以秒为单位测量。MTT与脑灌注压力成反比,在正常组织中通常持续约4-5秒。10
  3. CBF是指在单位时间内以脑质量为单位流动的血液体积,单位为毫升/100克/分钟(mL/100克/分)。正常灰质的CBF(约80mL/100g/min)高于正常白质(约20ml/100g/min)。10
  4. CBV指的是脑血容量,相当于包含血管的体素的分数,8–10以单位mL/100g表示。注意,参数CBF、MTT和CBV在数学上由以下等式关联:CBF=CBV/MTT,这也被称为中心体积原理。11因此,这些参数中的任何2个的测量足以导出第三参数。

The time-density curves, and specifically the area under the curve, of each voxel are influenced by 2 major factors: (1) arterial flow (i.e., the arterial input function) and (2) the tissue itself (i.e., its inherent hemodynamic properties).
Numerous factors can alter the temporal profile of arterial flow of contrast agent delivery to tissue, resulting in delay, or dispersion, of the contrast bolus; examples include impaired cardiac output, ca rotid artery stenosis, and injection-related factors such as the injection rate and the saline chase.
许多因素可以改变向组织输送造影剂的动脉血流的时间分布,导致造影剂推注的延迟或分散;示例包括心输出量受损、ca rotid动脉狭窄和注射相关因素,如注射速率和盐水追逐。

To minimize the effect of the temporal profile of arterial flow on time-density curves, a mathematical operation called deconvolution is performed to show the true hemodynamic properties of the tissue being depicted.

CTP thresholds and quantification

Pitfalls of perfusion imaging


Technical pitfalls

The importance of optimizing the technical acquisition of a perfusion study cannot be overstated.
It is difficult for any perfusion software to sufficiently correct an inherently poor acquisition using a postprocessing algorithm;
“garbage in, garbage out.”
Assessing image quality metrics from a technical standpoint should be the first step in CTP interpretation and should be performed before evaluating the color and quanti tative perfusion maps.

Patient motion

Because of the cine acquisition (i.e., dynamic successive gantry rotations), even slight motion can degrade a perfusion study.
The majority of automated software packages routinely provide patient motion profiles, which provide a graphical estimate of rotational and translational motion (figure 2).
We recommend routinely checking the patient motion profile in the automated report and, in cases with severe motion, potentially repeating the perfusion study with appropriate head immobilization (e.g., taping).
It is also important to scan the patient with the head in a symmetrical position without head tilt.
The CTP software uses the contralateral side as reference for detecting the core, and spurious asymmetry between the brain hemispheres could lead to incorrect results.
Also, with angulation or head tilt, the distance of the axial slice of the brain will be at unequal distance from the major arterial supply, potentially leading to false penumbra.

Contrast bolus

Contrast bolus characteristics, particularly duration of contrast administration, ensure adequate cerebral saturation of iodinated contrast in cerebral tissue.
A scan duration of ;70 seconds, which covers both wash-in and wash-out of contrast bolus, is usually sufficient to accurately assess the ischemic lesion volumes.28
Importantly, in patients with large vessel occlusions, however, contrast arrival may be delayed, and the CTP scan may end earlier than appropriate (i.e., truncation).
The ideal time-density curve (figure 2) should not have any early truncation or incomplete wash-out and an adequate baseline period of image acquisition (representing no contrast initiated yet).
In addition, inadequate IV access, such as a distal/hand IV or small IV bore, can also contribute to an insufficient bolus profile (figure 3);
a contrast injection rate of at least 4 mL/min is recommended for proper CTP acquisition.

Nontechnical factors that can affect contrast bolus characteristics include comorbidities of low cardiac output, atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrhythmias, aortic dissection, severe proximal ICA stenosis, and ICA dissection; interpretation should be more tentative in the setting of these comorbidities.


CTP acquisition involves repeatedly scanning the head for 60–70 seconds, resulting in relatively high radiation doses that typically equate to an additional noncontrast CT scan.
Moreover, erroneous CTP protocols could increase the dose to the organs, including skin and ocular lens by 3- to 11-fold.29
FDA investigations30 of highly publicized incidents31 of ra diation overdose from CTP in the acute stroke setting have led to well-established recommendations for CTP protocols.
The technique should typically use a low peak tube potential of 80 kVp32 and tube current of 100–200 mAs.33 Additional information on technical acquisition pitfalls is available in data available from Dryad (additional information, doi.org/10.5061/dryad.b9q0dg4).
该技术通常应使用80 kVp32的低峰值管电位和100–200 mAs的管电流。33 Dryad提供的数据中提供了关于技术采购陷阱的更多信息(更多信息,doi.org/10.5061/Dryad.b9q0dg4)。

Clinical pitfalls

Core volume measurement errors

缺血核心的自动体积计算通常基于预定义的阈值;例如,大多数软件包将CBF相对减少70%的脑组织识别为缺血核心。23在一项评估CTP性能的研究中,RAPID CTP后处理算法显示,与预测DWI最终梗死的rCBF<38%(95%对87%)相比,rCBF阈值<30%更高具有更高的特异性。24最近对第二个队列(SWIFT PRIME数据库)中使用RAPID预测最终梗死体积的不同阈值的准确性进行的分析34表明,仅在少数情况下,常用的rCBF阈值<30%核心体积。这项研究还提出了一个替代的rCBV阈值0.32,其绝对误差中值与rCBF 30%相似,但高估了中值堆芯的体积。3

Conventional thresholds were derived from large data sets, with an emphasis of being more inclusive inpatient selection (i.e., allowing more underestimation rather than over estimation of core volumes). Therefore, individual patient predictions will not vary in accuracy.

For example, the ischemic core (defined by MRI-DWI) may not be identified in the automated outputs resulting in underestimation of the core if the reduced CBF of the acute infarct has not reached the predefined threshold in an individual patient.
This could also be related to the timing of the CTP acquisition in relation to stroke onset and whether reperfusion therapies have been used.
In the extended time window, the ischemic core may be underestimated on CTP outputs if leptomeningeal collaterals have resulted in partial reperfusion of completely infarcted tissue.
Therefore, it is critical to always assess the noncontrast CT; the presence of clear hypodensity on CT (low ASPECTS), if larger than seen as the predicted core on CTP, should always be taken into account.

A clear hypodensity on noncontrast CT is consistent with the ischemic core, even if not defined by the CTP. Computed tomography angiogram (CTA) source images can also sometimes demonstrate clear hypodensity and should be assessed.

The authors also suggest futuristic CTP summary maps with a 3-color “traffic light” output for the ischemic core and penumbra based on different thresholds for rapid vs delayed reperfusion

Misclassification of ischemic penumbra (hypoperfusion)

Ischemic penumbra may be misclassified due to either technical or flow-related patterns.
The most common location of overcall in penumbral measurement is seen at the base of the skull, posterior fossa, or orbits (figure 3) and is relatively easy to recognize.
In a multisite study, the interpreting neurologists easily recognized hypoperfusion abnormalities as artifacts in skull base and orbits.36
However, the total penumbral volume calculation produced by the software still includes these arti facts, a potential source of overestimation of penumbral volume.

Other scenarios of overcalling ischemic penumbra include limitations to arterial flow, such as chronic carotid stenosis, low cardiac output, cardiac arrhythmia, previously discussed.
Penumbral volume is the parameter most affected by the type of CTP postprocessing algorithm used, and particularly the deconvolution techniques used.
The SVD deconvolution method described is more subject to chronic ischemia or a tight carotid stenosis and therefore more likely to overcall the volume of the penumbra in this setting.
There are inherent microvascular abnormalities in white matter disease, including chronic hemodynamic in sufficiency in periventricular watershed zones and impaired blood-brain barrier permeability.37
All these can lead to per fusion abnormalities in areas of microvascular ischemia, which can create errors in the estimates of volume.
Most of the fully automated software packages do not have adequate post processing tools to subtract the miscalculated volumes including skull base penumbral artifacts.
There are tools in the manual (nonautomated) versions of CTP where an user can segment an region of interest around the artifactual penumbra and remove them from the calculation.

Stroke mimics

Stroke mimics such as seizures, hypertensive encephalopathy, hemiplegic migraines causing vascular dysregulation, or vascular anatomy variations can also be falsely classified as ischemic penumbra.
Seizures are a common stroke mimic, and CTP can demonstrate a continuum of findings depending on ictal vs postictal stage.
It is important to correlate perfusion abnormalities with clinical symptoms and CTA, as discordance between the CTP findings, clinical symptoms, and CTA findings provides an additional suggestion of diagnosis of a stroke mimic.

Perfusion in posterior circulation and lacunar infarcts

Although perfusion imaging has been well studied in anterior circulation, there is a dearth of evidence regarding appropriate thresholds and their utility in posterior circulation.
However, accurate calculations of both ischemic core and penumbral volumes in the posterior fossa are limited by skull base and orbit artifacts.
Furthermore, optimal perfusion thresholds for the posterior fossa circulation are not established.
MRI-DWI has a clear advantage over CTP for lacunar infarcts and small watershed infarcts.



Compared with CTP, MR perfusion (MRP) is inherently less quantitative because the signal is not proportional to the concentration of contrast.

Future directions

The current lack of standardization between CTP vendor software and postprocessing techniques may lead to variation in calculated core and mismatch.
Although automation has reduced human variability in CTP postprocessing, additional issues related to data acquisition and processing can lead to variable results, even when the exact same CTP raw data set is evaluated.
There is a need for calibration while balancing intellectual property considerations.
The ideal standaridization would result in 2 similar patients with stroke being diagnosed with similar volumes of the infarct core and penumbra so that the same treatment decision is made independent of imaging modality, type of scanner, or postprocessing software.
Future work takes into consider ation broader physiologic and hemodynamic variables (i.e., a personalized approach).


Despite this inexact science, one can take comfort that there is some room for error, given the large treatment effects among those selected for treatment by the CTP imaging selection algorithms used in both the DAWN and DEFUSE 3 trials. However, with the surge of perfusion utilization in clinical decision making, the opportunity arises to standardize selection across software platforms and institutions to further improve and individualize patient selection and thereby improve clinical outcomes after acute ischemic stroke. This will require an aggressive and collaborative effort between the scientific community and industry partners to enhance future research, particularly for meta-analysis and data pooling.
尽管这是一项不精确的科学,但考虑到DAWN和DEFUSE 3试验中使用的CTP成像选择算法选择的治疗效果较大,人们可以放心地认为存在一定的错误空间。然而,随着临床决策中灌注利用率的激增,出现了跨软件平台和机构标准化选择的机会,以进一步改进和个性化患者选择,从而改善急性缺血性卒中后的临床结果。这将需要科学界和行业合作伙伴之间积极合作,以加强未来的研究,特别是荟萃分析和数据汇集。





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