背景介绍: 因为爱、幸福、快乐、悲伤、富有、悲伤等交织在一起组成了人这样一个特殊的感情个体,现实生活中很多人忽视了爱的珍贵,这个故事讲的是"富有","虚荣","悲伤","狂喜" 都不能理解爱的珍贵,抛弃了"爱", 只有"时间" 带上了"爱"一起, 其实只有爱能经得起时间的洗礼和考验,同时唯有时间能懂得爱的珍贵, 爱是永恒、珍贵的。
Love and Time
Once upon a time, There is an island where all feelings lived : Happiness, Sadness, KnowLedge, and all of others, including love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink. so all constructed boats and left except love. Love was the only one who stayed, love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
第一部分介绍背景: 有一个岛上生活了人具备的所有"感觉", 每一个"感觉" 都是一个个体,大家都生活在这里。有一天大家突然被告知生活的岛要沉没了,除了"love" , 所有人都开始建造船只,因为"love" 想在岛上待到最后一刻。
When the island had almost sunk. the love decide to ask for help. Richness was passing by with a grand boat. love said , "Richness , can you take with me ?", Richness answered, "No, I can't . There is a lot of gold and silver on my boat, there is no place for you here. "
接下来的故事讲的是: 岛快要沉没了,"爱" 才决定要离开,于是找其他人寻找帮助,当"富有" 的大船经过时,"爱" 想"富有"带他一起,但是"富有" 的大船上全是带的金子和银子,"富有" 最后没带上"爱"。
Love decide to ask Vanity who was also passing by with a beautiful ship. "Vanity, please help me"。 "I can't help you , love, you are so wet and may damage my boat " Vanity answered. Sadness was also close by so love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you ." "Oh... love , I am so sad that I want to be alone ", Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she can't hear when love called her.
紧接着, "爱" 向 "虚荣" 请求帮助,虚荣害怕他把船弄坏了,向"悲伤"请求帮助,"悲伤" 太难过了,想一个人待着,当"幸福" 经过时,甚至没有听到"爱"在喊她, "爱" 在这个时候陷入了困境,没人能帮助他。
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, I will take you." it was an elder so blessed and overjayed, Love even forgot to ask elder where they were going . when they arrived at dry island, the elder went her own way, Realizing how much he owned the elder, Love asked knowdege, another elder, "Who helped me ?".
"It was time ", Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked love, "But why did time help me ?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only time is capable of understanding the how valuable Love is".
最后一部分讲的是, "时间" 帮助了 "爱","爱" 对此感激不已,'知识"对"爱"说, 因为只有"时间"明白您的价值有多大。
最后一部分值得反复推敲、品味,"爱" 完全信任又无条件的将自己的交给了一个陌生人,这个陌生人只有"知识"知道他是"时间", "时间" 知道 "爱" 有多么重要,其他人都离开了,只有 "时间" 没有离开。这里字里行间流露出: 爱是无价的,对于时间来讲是永恒的。