💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
👨💻4 Matlab代码
💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
% Code for Clock Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks clc clear all close all load("ClockSync.mat"); tx = tx_timestamps; rx = rx_timestamps; % Estimate of phi2 based on the Clock Synchronisation Equation x = rx - tx - tau; % (x has a Gaussian noise distribution (contributions from rx & tx measurement errors) % Phi_2 Scaled as per Data set phi_2s = phi_2 .* ones(K,trial,6); phi2 = phi_2 .* ones(10,6); p = phi_2.* ones(1,6); % Estimated phi - Mean of timestamps of K messages with trials phi_mean = squeeze(mean(x,2)); % Standard Deviation for K messages with trials phi_std = squeeze(std(x,1,2)); % Bias in Measurements for K messages with trials phi_bias = (phi_mean - phi2).^2; % Variance in Measurements for K messages phi_var = (1/trial) * phi_std.^2; % Calculated MSE & CRLB for the Dataset (average over K messages) se = (x - phi_2s).^2 ;% Squared Error mse_c = mean(squeeze(mean(se,2))); crlb_c = mean(phi_var); % Theoretical MSE & CRLB for the Dataset (average over K messages) mse_t = mean(phi_var + phi_bias); crlb_t = (1/trial) * noise_var; % Phi : Estimates and Standard deviations phi_mm = mean(phi_mean); phi_sm = mean(phi_std); % Plot of Theoretical & Estimated CRLB vs. Noise Variance figure loglog(noise_var, crlb_t,'Marker', 'o') %hold on %loglog(noise_var, crlb_c,'Marker', 'x') title('CRLB of \phi with noise variance','FontName', 'Times') xlabel('Noise \sigma^2','FontName', 'Times') ylabel('CRLB','FontName', 'Times') legend('Theoretical CRLB') %, 'Calculated CRLB') saveas(gca,['CRLB_Variance.png']); % Plot of MSE vs. Noise Variance figure loglog(noise_var, mse_t,'Marker', 'o') hold on loglog(noise_var, mse_c,'Marker', 'x') title('MSE of \phi with noise variance','FontName', 'Times') xlabel('Noise \sigma^2','FontName', 'Times') ylabel('MSE','FontName', 'Times') legend('Theoretical MSE', 'Calculated MSE') saveas(gca,['MSE_Variance.png']); % Plot of Phi_Estimate vs. Noise Variance figure semilogx(noise_var, p,'Marker','o') hold on semilogx(noise_var, phi_mm,'Marker', 'x') title('Estimate of \phi with noise variance','FontName', 'Times') xlabel('Noise \sigma^2','FontName', 'Times') ylabel('Estimate E[\phi]','FontName', 'Times') legend('Reference', 'Numerical Estimate') saveas(gca,['Estimate_Variance.png']); % Plot of Data Sets with different noise variances min_x = min(x,[],'all'); max_x = max(x,[],'all'); figure('Renderer', 'painters', 'Position', [10 10 1200 600]) t = tiledlayout(2,3,'TileSpacing','none'); for i = 1 : 6 nexttile x1 = x(:,:,i); grid minor % pdf distribution for plotting Observed Data x_pdf(i,:) = linspace(min_x,max_x,K*trial); y_pdf(i,:) = normpdf(x_pdf(i,:), phi_mm(i), phi_sm(i)); xline(phi_mm(i),'-','Estimate'); hold on histogram(x1(:), 'Normalization', 'pdf', 'EdgeColor','k' ,'FaceColor' , 'none'); hold on plot(x_pdf(i,:), y_pdf(i,:), 'color', 'b' , 'LineWidth',1); title(['E[\phi] for 10k MC run; Noise \sigma^2 = ', num2str(phi_sm(i))],'FontName', 'Times'); xlabel('Distribution','FontName', 'Times'); ylabel(['PDF'],'FontName', 'Times'); end
🎉3 参考文献