有个成语叫: "塞翁失马" , 这个讲的是在战国时期,有个叫"塞翁"的老人养了很多马,有一天他丢了一匹马,邻居来劝说他,不要着急,说不定哪天就回来了,"丢了一匹马或许是好事,我一点也不担心",塞翁笑答。结果几天后,马儿真的自己回来了,并且还带了一匹强壮的马回来,看着像是匈奴那边养的马。邻居非常佩服塞翁,见此羡慕的说,"还是您有远见,马儿不仅自己回来了,并还赚了一匹马,真是好福气啊!" , 塞翁眉头紧锁道, "白白得一匹马,不一定是什么福气"。邻居听了后觉得塞翁有点担心过头,不料几个月后,塞翁的儿子因骑这匹捡了的马摔断了腿,塞翁对此也并不烦恼,心里想,"摔断了腿并不一定是坏事",塞翁这句话又说对了,一段时间后,战乱开始,年轻力壮的男士都被拉去征兵了,没有一个能幸免回来,他的儿子也因祸得福。
Trategy or Blessing
Years ago in Scotland, the clark family had a dream to travel to US with nine children, clark and his wife worked and saved, and finally had enough money to get the passports and reservations for the whole family on a new liner to US.
第一段介绍的是: 在苏格兰有个家庭想要去美国旅游,他和妻子一起努力攒钱最终获取了他们一家人去US的通行证和船票。
The whole family was filled with expectation and excitement about life in America.However, seven days before departure, the yougest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy and hung a yellow sheet on the clark's door. Because of the possibility of rabies, they were being separated for 14 days.
这一段讲述的是: 他们一家人正准备出发,但是他们最小的儿子确被狗狗给咬伤了,小儿子被医生包扎好后,他们的门上挂了一个隔离的牌子。正是因为这个原因,他们一家的旅游计划都泡汤了。
The family's dreams were dashed. They would not be able to make the trip to America as they had planned. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their misfortune.
Five days later, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland —— Titanic had sunk. The unsinkable ship had sunk. taking hundreds of lives with it. The clark family was to have been on that ship, but because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland.
When Mr. clark heard the news, he hugged his son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives and turning what he feld was tragedy into a blessing.
Although we may not always understand, all things happen for a reason.
对于所有事情的发生都是有理由的,我们可能还是不明白。 最后总结: 一切都是最好的安排,塞翁失马焉知非福 !