以下内容来自《NIST Special Publication 800-38D November, 2007》- Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC。
AES Galois/Counter Mode
1. 加密步骤
2. 解密步骤
3. GCTR函数
4. GHASH函数
5. 块数据乘法
6. CTR递增函数
7. 基础运算
- ⎡2.1⎤ = 3, and ⎡4⎤ = 4.
- 08 = 00000000
- 001 || 10111 = 00110111
- 10011 ⊕ 10101 = 00110
- len(00010)=5
- LSB3(111011010) = 010, MSB4(111011010) = 1110
- X >> 1, is MSBlen(X)(0 || X), 0110111 >> 1 = 0011011.
- [39] 8 = 00100111
- int(00011010) = 26.
8. 输入输出数据长度
len(P) ≤ 239-256;
len(A) ≤ 264-1;
1 ≤ len(IV) ≤264-1.
tag长度可以是: 128, 120, 112, 104, 96,64, 32;