Oracle Cloud和足球

news2025/3/9 10:12:02

Oracle除了我们熟知的数据库产品,它还有很多技术和产品栈,而且在实践层面,已经有了很多可借鉴的案例,如果了解英超的朋友,可以发现最近几个赛季,英超的转播画面图标中,会出现Oracle Cloud,其实就是Oracle和英超联赛组织的合作(参考《Oracle同英超联赛数据统计和展示的结合》),通过Oracle Cloud强大的数据分析能力,从数据的角度,助力联赛、球队、管理层、教练组、球迷等,更好地运营、组织和观赛。,Oracle官网也对这块进行了更多的介绍,强调的就是"英超联赛和 Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud 服务:重构球迷体验",指出英超赛事开始启用"Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud"服务,在直播屏幕上以全新的方式提供球场表现的实时深度数据,让观赛体验更上一层楼。数十亿球迷可以更深入地了解球场上发生的事情,并以全新的方式享受(和讨论)精彩绝伦的球赛。






技术基础框架OCI(Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)则是一个适用于所有工作负载的全面云技术平台,



1. 《New this season: Premier League brings fans Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud》

Real-time statistics and insights will let fans see inside their favorite game as never before.

The Premier League begins their 2021–22 season when Arsenal takes on newcomer Brentford on August 13. Brentford is fresh off their promotion to the top flight of English football, but they won’t be the only new team on the pitch on opening day. Oracle will be debuting their own bold moves in the game’s broadcast with Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud.


Watch how teams adjust their tactics in defense and attack.

Viewers outside the UK will see Match Insights statistics that combine years of historical match data about teams and players with real-time player tracking. AI-powered analytical models will use the data to give viewers a deeper understanding of what’s happening on the pitch. Insights for the opening match will include:

Average Position: This insight tracks the positions of all players in and out of possession and highlights the different ways teams organize themselves when attacking and defending.

Win Probability: Using four years of match data, Win Probability shows the chance a team will win or draw by simulating the remainder of the match 100,000 times.

Attacking Threat: As the match ebbs and flows, this statistic tracks how likely the team in possession is to score a goal in the next 10 seconds based on data from thousands of historical games.

Match Insights will make Premier League matches even more exciting by giving fans a deeper understanding of the action on the pitch, says Lee Bonfield, a football enthusiast and member of the Oracle Cloud team tasked with developing Match Insights. Bonfield wants Match Insights to help TV viewers and social media followers enjoy the match even more by giving them new perspectives on the action. As a Londoner who runs a Premier League fantasy football league and podcast with his wife Sam, Bonfield can’t believe his good luck at getting to help bring new insights to Premier League fans. "It's my personal and my professional life coming together in a way that I never thought would happen,” he says. “It's brilliant."


See the chances that an offensive push will lead to a goal.

Premier League leaders are excited to bring fans a new perspective to start this season. "With a new season about to kick off, we are delighted to have Oracle on board as the Premier League’s official cloud, data and analytics, and machine learning provider," says Premier League Commercial Director Will Brass. "We are always looking for new ways to bring the competition to fans and will work with Oracle’s expertise and technology to create new experiences and more opportunities to tell the story of player and team performances during live broadcasts."

Match Insights will flow to the screen and the broadcast booth where they can help on-air talent such as former midfield great Roy Keane convey the action. "A TV presenter like Roy Keane might note that while Arsenal are down after the first 45 minutes, Match Insights might indicate there’s a good chance they will come back," Bonfield says. How will Keane know? The analytics engine in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will weigh, for example, "the number of sprints by the midfield three over the last five minutes compared to the previous 40 minutes" and compare that trend with historical scoring outcomes, Bonfield says. "All of those different criteria can be taken in to model the game a thousand times and say, 700 times out of a 1,000 this kind of movement and speed in the midfield, combined with this number of successful passes, make for a score in the next five minutes."


Know if your team is likely to hold on for the win.

Match Insights will help open up more conversations and healthy debates about the action on the field. "A guy with loads of experience like Roy Keane will have his own stories to enhance the commentary, but this can give him new ways to talk about the game," Bonfield says.

Match Insights can also stir the pot in those "second screen" conversations among viewers who split attention between their TV and phone. These viewers watch the TV screen but stay connected with all the dialogue happening via texts and social media on their phone. "When we pick our phones up, we create our own narrative on social media," Bonfield says. "Match Insights can give those viewers a way to use their second screen to go deeper into the data-driven storyline." Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud is "an extension of the work we do every day," which is helping people create value from data, says Bonfield.

For players and fans around the world, Premier League opening day is a time to relish the challenge ahead for their favorite clubs. This season it will also be a chance to experience a fresh level of insight via the new stats and the Oracle partnership, "Oracle have a proven track record of working with global sports organizations and have an unrivalled ability in data analytics, so we are excited to see how the partnership will develop," says Premier League’s Brass.

2. 《Premier League set to deliver advanced football analytics using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure》

Look for “Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud” during live Premier League broadcasts starting with the 2021/22 season.


The feats of Premier League players—the goals they score, the passes they make, the endurance they show—seem almost impossible at times. Now the football competition has partnered with Oracle to bring a new level of analysis during live broadcasts, giving the Premier League’s global fan base more ways to appreciate key moments of every match.


A goalkeeper reacts to stop a shot on goal.

As the 2021/22 Premier League season kicks off in August, its unparalleled global audience will see “Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud” in real-time during television broadcasts.

The broadcasts will include insights such as Win Probability based on years of match data, Momentum Tracking, which measures the likelihood of scoring based on a combination of historical and in-match data, and a formation tracker that follows team tactics as they evolve during a match.

"We are always looking at new ways to bring the Premier League to life and enhance the analysis of the competition," says Premier League Chief Executive Richard Masters.

For Oracle, the idea of linking on-field moves and tactics with terabytes of historical data to spark new levels of wonder is exactly the kind of challenge that Oracle Cloud’s data experts relish, says Toby McAuliffe, Oracle’s senior director of sports analytics.

Richard Masters, Premier League Chief Executive, "We are always looking at new ways to bring the Premier League to life and enhance the analysis of the competition."

"The Premier League has a passionate fan base around the world, and we’re part of that fan base," he says. McAuliffe is based in Seattle, Washington, where Premier League fans gather at pubs on game days (early in the mornings on the West Coast of North America) in their team colors of Leicester blue, Wolverhampton gold, Newcastle’s black and white stripes, and many others, to cheer their teams. It’s a ritual that plays out in big cities and tiny villages around the globe.


A player uses footwork and speed to overcome the odds.

"We’re thrilled that the Premier League has asked us to bring advanced analytics and insights into all of their broadcasts," McAuliffe says. Using our cloud platform, "we’ll bring meaningful, fun, innovative insights to every match."

So much data, so little time

Here’s how this will work. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will take in real-time data from Premier League partners who use computer vision to track players’ every move on the field. Once in Oracle Cloud, machine learning models will go to work sifting data and uncovering insights, and then push those to broadcasters, mobile apps, and social media channels.

Premier League and Oracle teams are working together to develop those machine learning models and deliver analytics that fans will love. “We’ve got Oracle product managers involved, key members of our cloud infrastructure team, and some bona fide football experts within the company,” McAuliffe says. Beyond that, “we’re working closely with the Premier League to find the most interesting and useful angles to explore.”


Split seconds count when players clash near the goal.

The Premier League had a vision for in-game analytics, and it needed a technology partner to help execute it. "Oracle is a global brand with a great track record in driving innovation," Masters says, "and we look forward to working together to bring new levels of engagement to fans around the world."

As Premier League fans, Oracle’s data experts can’t wait to present "Match Insights—Powered by Oracle Cloud" when games kick off in August 2021.

另外,Oracle Cloud支持了英超数据的统计展示,可以从这个链接,挖掘更多球员、球队比赛的数据统计信息,充分体现了数据技术和足球领域的结合和整合,





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