- 收集网络基础设施组网图
- 收集防火墙日志
- 请求安全策略
- 询问旧的防火墙审计报告
- 检查许可证和支持
- 收集与isp和vpn相关的信息
- 风险分析文件(如有)
- 审核调试流程
- 了解配置变化
- 确保所有变更都得到管理层的批准和授权
- 操作系统加固
- 物理设备安全
- 设备管理程序控制
- 删除冗余规则
- 禁用不使用的规则
- 根据PCI-DSS、ISO 27001、CIS等标准检查防火墙规则
- 检查变更请求的文档
- 检查允许流量从互联网到敏感主机(服务器,文件系统,数据库)的规则
- 检查日志是否启用
- 检查是否配置了SNMPv3
- 检查登录banner
- 检查是否关闭telnet、HTTP等不安全协议
- 检查是否设置强密码
- 设备管理出检空闲时间小于10分钟
- 检查设备是否具有防止暴力破解密码机制
- 检查冗余NTP服务器是否可用且配置正确
- 检查’TACACS+/RADIUS’是否已配置
- 确保SSH配置正确
- 确保路由协议(RIP、OSPF、EIGRP)的认证配置正确
- 确保启用DOS保护(如果可用)
- 确保DNS监控和下沉功能已启用
- 检查访问的日志记录
- 确保使用安全协议(例如SFTP)传输文件
- 如果需要使用FTP协议,服务器位于与内部保护网络不同的子网中。
- 确保使用Nmap工具识别开放端口
- Port scanning: Nmap (https://nmap.org/)
- OS fingerprinting: Xprobe2 (http://xprobe.sourceforse.net/)
- Firewall tule testing: Eirewalk (https://github.com/defunkt/firewalk)
- Packet fragmentation evasion: Fragroute (https://github.com/plitex/fragroute)
- IP spoofing: Hping3 (https://github.com/antirez/hping)
- Protacakspecific evasion: Metasploit Framework (https://www.metasploit.com/)
- ICMP tunneling: ICMPTX (http://thomer.com/icmptx/)
- DNS tunneling: Dns2tcp (https://github.com/alex-sector/dns2tcp)
- HTTP tunneling: HTTPTunnel (https://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/httptunnel)
- IPv6 tunneling: Jeredo (https://tools.iett.org/html/fc4380)
- ARP spoofing: Ettercap (https://www.ettercap proiect.org/)
- SSL/TLS interception: SSLstrip (https://github.com/moxie0/sslstrip)
- SSL/TLS decryption: Wireshark (https://www.wireshark.org/)
- SSH tunneling: OpenSSH (https://www.openssh.com/)
- Proxy server evasion: Proxychains (https://github.com/roflOr/proxychains-ne)
- TOR network evasion: Tor Browser (https://www.torproiect.org/)
- Web applicatian firewall (WAF) testing: Wafw00f (https://github.com/EnableSecuritv/wafw0or)
- Session hiacking: Cookie Cadger (https://github.com/cookiecadger/CookieCadser)
- Man-in-tbe middle attack: Bettercap (https://www.bettercap.org/)
- VPN detection: lodine (https://github.com/varick/iodine)
- Firewall evasion using encrypted payloads: VeiLEvasion (https://github.com/VeilFramework/Veil)
- Application level evasion using SQL iniection: SQLMap (https://salmap.org/)
- Application level eyvasion using Cross-Site Scripting: XSSer (https://github.com/epsylon/xsser)
- Fle type and extension evasion: FuzzDB (https://gthub.com/fuzdb-proiest/fuzzdb)
- Web service scanning and evasion: Nikto (https://github.com/sullo/nikto)