
news2025/2/22 20:00:15




  1. 打开输出文件并写入头部信息。

  2. 添加音频和视频流,并为每个流创建 AVCodecContext 对象,根据输入格式设置编码器参数,并打开编码器;同时为每个流创建 AVStream 对象,将编码器参数复制到该对象中,并添加该对象到输出文件的媒体流列表中。

  3. 创建 AVFrame 对象并分配内存,用于保存音频和视频数据。对于音频帧,使用正弦函数生成虚假音频数据填充;对于视频帧,使用颜色生成算法生成虚假视频数据填充。

  4. 循环编码音频和视频,直到编码完成为止。对于音频,将虚假音频数据填充到 AVFrame 中,通过 AVCodecContext 进行编码后写入输出文件;对于视频,将虚假视频数据填充到 AVFrame 中,转换成指定像素格式(如果需要),通过 AVCodecContext 进行编码后写入输出文件。

  5. 写入输出文件尾部信息,关闭输出文件,释放相关资源。

总体上,本程序实现了将虚假音频和视频数据编码成指定格式并写入输出文件的功能。其中,步骤 2 的主要作用是为音频和视频流创建必要的对象和参数,以便后续进行编码和写入;步骤 3 和 4 则是生成虚假数据并进行编码和写入的具体实现。



go run ./examples/internalexamples/muxing/main.go ./out/muxing.mp4
./lib/ffplay ./out/muxing.mp4


package main

import (


func main() {
	os.Setenv("Path", os.Getenv("Path")+";./lib")

	genDir := "./out"
	_, err := os.Stat(genDir)
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			os.Mkdir(genDir, 0777) //  Everyone can read write and execute

func main0() (ret ffcommon.FInt) {
	var video_st, audio_st OutputStream
	var filename string
	var fmt0 *libavformat.AVOutputFormat
	var oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext
	var audio_codec, video_codec *libavcodec.AVCodec
	var have_video, have_audio ffcommon.FInt
	var encode_video, encode_audio ffcommon.FInt
	var opt *libavutil.AVDictionary
	var i ffcommon.FInt

	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		fmt.Printf("usage: %s output_file\nAPI example program to output a media file with libavformat.\nThis program generates a synthetic audio and video stream, encodes and\nmuxes them into a file named output_file.\nThe output format is automatically guessed according to the file extension.\nRaw images can also be output by using '%%d' in the filename.\n\n", os.Args[0])
		return 1

	filename = os.Args[1]
	for i = 2; i+1 < ffcommon.FInt(len(os.Args)); i += 2 {
		if os.Args[i] == "-flags" || os.Args[i] == "-fflags" {
			libavutil.AvDictSet(&opt, os.Args[i+1][1:], os.Args[i+1], 0)

	/* allocate the output media context */
	libavformat.AvformatAllocOutputContext2(&oc, nil, "", filename)
	if oc == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not deduce output format from file extension: using MPEG.\n")
		libavformat.AvformatAllocOutputContext2(&oc, nil, "mpeg", filename)
	if oc == nil {
		return 1

	fmt0 = oc.Oformat

	/* Add the audio and video streams using the default format codecs
	 * and initialize the codecs. */
	if fmt0.VideoCodec != libavcodec.AV_CODEC_ID_NONE {
		add_stream(&video_st, oc, &video_codec, fmt0.VideoCodec)
		have_video = 1
		encode_video = 1
	if fmt0.AudioCodec != libavcodec.AV_CODEC_ID_NONE {
		add_stream(&audio_st, oc, &audio_codec, fmt0.AudioCodec)
		have_audio = 1
		encode_audio = 1

	// /* Now that all the parameters are set, we can open the audio and
	//  * video codecs and allocate the necessary encode buffers. */
	if have_video != 0 {
		open_video(oc, video_codec, &video_st, opt)

	if have_audio != 0 {
		open_audio(oc, audio_codec, &audio_st, opt)

	oc.AvDumpFormat(0, filename, 1)

	/* open the output file, if needed */
	if fmt0.Flags&libavformat.AVFMT_NOFILE == 0 {
		ret = libavformat.AvioOpen(&oc.Pb, filename, libavformat.AVIO_FLAG_WRITE)
		if ret < 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Could not open '%s': %s\n", filename,
			return 1

	/* Write the stream header, if any. */
	ret = oc.AvformatWriteHeader(&opt)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Error occurred when opening output file: %s\n",
		return 1

	for encode_video != 0 || encode_audio != 0 {
		/* select the stream to encode */
		if encode_video != 0 &&
			(encode_audio == 0 || libavutil.AvCompareTs(video_st.next_pts, video_st.enc.TimeBase,
				audio_st.next_pts, audio_st.enc.TimeBase) <= 0) {
			if write_video_frame(oc, &video_st) == 0 {
				encode_video = 1
			} else {
				encode_video = 0
		} else {
			if write_audio_frame(oc, &audio_st) == 0 {
				encode_audio = 1
			} else {
				encode_audio = 0

	/* Write the trailer, if any. The trailer must be written before you
	 * close the CodecContexts open when you wrote the header; otherwise
	 * av_write_trailer() may try to use memory that was freed on
	 * av_codec_close(). */

	// /* Close each codec. */
	if have_video != 0 {
		close_stream(oc, &video_st)
	if have_audio != 0 {
		close_stream(oc, &audio_st)

	if fmt0.Flags&libavformat.AVFMT_NOFILE == 0 {
		/* Close the output file. */

	/* free the stream */

	return 0

const STREAM_DURATION = 10.0
const STREAM_FRAME_RATE = 25                        /* 25 images/s */
const STREAM_PIX_FMT = libavutil.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P /* default pix_fmt */

const SCALE_FLAGS = libswscale.SWS_BICUBIC

// a wrapper around a single output AVStream
type OutputStream struct {
	st  *libavformat.AVStream
	enc *libavcodec.AVCodecContext

	/* pts of the next frame that will be generated */
	next_pts      ffcommon.FInt64T
	samples_count ffcommon.FInt

	frame     *libavutil.AVFrame
	tmp_frame *libavutil.AVFrame

	t, tincr, tincr2 ffcommon.FFloat

	sws_ctx *libswscale.SwsContext
	swr_ctx *libswresample.SwrContext

func log_packet(fmt_ctx *libavformat.AVFormatContext, pkt *libavcodec.AVPacket) {
	time_base := &fmt_ctx.GetStream(pkt.StreamIndex).TimeBase

	fmt.Printf("pts:%s pts_time:%s dts:%s dts_time:%s duration:%s duration_time:%s stream_index:%d\n",
		libavutil.AvTs2str(pkt.Pts), libavutil.AvTs2timestr(pkt.Pts, time_base),
		libavutil.AvTs2str(pkt.Dts), libavutil.AvTs2timestr(pkt.Dts, time_base),
		libavutil.AvTs2str(pkt.Duration), libavutil.AvTs2timestr(pkt.Duration, time_base),

func write_frame(fmt_ctx *libavformat.AVFormatContext, c *libavcodec.AVCodecContext, st *libavformat.AVStream, frame *libavutil.AVFrame) ffcommon.FInt {
	var ret ffcommon.FInt

	// send the frame to the encoder
	ret = c.AvcodecSendFrame(frame)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Error sending a frame to the encoder: %s\n",

	for ret >= 0 {
		var pkt libavcodec.AVPacket

		ret = c.AvcodecReceivePacket(&pkt)
		if ret == -libavutil.EAGAIN || ret == libavutil.AVERROR_EOF {
		} else if ret < 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Error encoding a frame: %s\n", libavutil.AvErr2str(ret))

		/* rescale output packet timestamp values from codec to stream timebase */
		pkt.AvPacketRescaleTs(c.TimeBase, st.TimeBase)
		pkt.StreamIndex = uint32(st.Index)

		/* Write the compressed frame to the media file. */
		log_packet(fmt_ctx, &pkt)
		ret = fmt_ctx.AvInterleavedWriteFrame(&pkt)
		if ret < 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Error while writing output packet: %s\n", libavutil.AvErr2str(ret))

	if ret == libavutil.AVERROR_EOF {
		return 1
	} else {
		return 0

/* Add an output stream. */
func add_stream(ost *OutputStream, oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext, codec **libavcodec.AVCodec, codec_id libavcodec.AVCodecID) {
	var c *libavcodec.AVCodecContext
	var i ffcommon.FInt

	/* find the encoder */
	*codec = libavcodec.AvcodecFindEncoder(codec_id)
	if *codec == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not find encoder for '%s'\n",

	ost.st = oc.AvformatNewStream(nil)
	if ost.st == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not allocate stream\n")
	ost.st.Id = int32(oc.NbStreams) - 1
	c = (*codec).AvcodecAllocContext3()
	if c == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not alloc an encoding context\n")
	ost.enc = c

	switch (*codec).Type {
	case libavutil.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
		if (*codec).SampleFmts != nil {
			c.SampleFmt = (*codec).GetSampleFmt(0)
		} else {
			c.SampleFmt = libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP
		c.BitRate = 64000
		c.SampleRate = 44100
		if (*codec).SupportedSamplerates != nil {
			c.SampleRate = (*codec).GetSupportedSamplerate(0)
			for i = 0; (*codec).GetSupportedSamplerate(uint32(i)) != 0; i++ {
				if (*codec).GetSupportedSamplerate(uint32(i)) == 44100 {
					c.SampleRate = 44100
		c.Channels = libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(c.ChannelLayout)
		c.ChannelLayout = libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO
		if (*codec).ChannelLayouts != nil {
			c.ChannelLayout = (*codec).GetChannelLayout(0)
			for i = 0; (*codec).GetChannelLayout(uint32(i)) != 0; i++ {
				if (*codec).GetChannelLayout(uint32(i)) == libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO {
					c.ChannelLayout = libavutil.AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO
		c.Channels = libavutil.AvGetChannelLayoutNbChannels(c.ChannelLayout)
		ost.st.TimeBase = libavutil.AVRational{1, c.SampleRate}

	case libavutil.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
		c.CodecId = codec_id

		c.BitRate = 400000
		/* Resolution must be a multiple of two. */
		c.Width = 352
		c.Height = 288
		//     /* timebase: This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms
		//      * of which frame timestamps are represented. For fixed-fps content,
		//      * timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be
		//      * identical to 1. */
		ost.st.TimeBase = libavutil.AVRational{1, STREAM_FRAME_RATE}
		c.TimeBase = ost.st.TimeBase

		c.GopSize = 12 /* emit one intra frame every twelve frames at most */
		if c.CodecId == libavcodec.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO {
			/* just for testing, we also add B-frames */
			c.MaxBFrames = 2
		if c.CodecId == libavcodec.AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO {
			/* Needed to avoid using macroblocks in which some coeffs overflow.
			 * This does not happen with normal video, it just happens here as
			 * the motion of the chroma plane does not match the luma plane. */
			c.MbDecision = 2


	/* Some formats want stream headers to be separate. */
	if oc.Oformat.Flags&libavformat.AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER != 0 {
		c.Flags |= libavcodec.AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER

/* audio output */

func alloc_audio_frame(sample_fmt libavutil.AVSampleFormat,
	channel_layout ffcommon.FUint64T,
	sample_rate, nb_samples ffcommon.FInt) *libavutil.AVFrame {
	frame := libavutil.AvFrameAlloc()
	var ret ffcommon.FInt

	if frame == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error allocating an audio frame\n")

	frame.Format = int32(sample_fmt)
	frame.ChannelLayout = channel_layout
	frame.SampleRate = sample_rate
	frame.NbSamples = nb_samples

	if nb_samples != 0 {
		ret = frame.AvFrameGetBuffer(0)
		if ret < 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Error allocating an audio buffer\n")

	return frame

func open_audio(oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext, codec *libavcodec.AVCodec, ost *OutputStream, opt_arg *libavutil.AVDictionary) {
	var c *libavcodec.AVCodecContext
	var nb_samples ffcommon.FInt
	var ret ffcommon.FInt
	var opt *libavutil.AVDictionary

	c = ost.enc

	/* open it */
	libavutil.AvDictCopy(&opt, opt_arg, 0)
	ret = c.AvcodecOpen2(codec, &opt)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not open audio codec: %s\n", libavutil.AvErr2str(ret))

	/* init signal generator */
	ost.t = 0
	ost.tincr = float32(2 * libavutil.M_PI * 110.0 / float64(c.SampleRate))
	// /* increment frequency by 110 Hz per second */
	ost.tincr2 = float32(2 * libavutil.M_PI * 110.0 / float64(c.SampleRate) / float64(c.SampleRate))

	if c.Codec.Capabilities&libavcodec.AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE != 0 {
		nb_samples = 10000
	} else {
		nb_samples = c.FrameSize

	ost.frame = alloc_audio_frame(c.SampleFmt, c.ChannelLayout,
		c.SampleRate, nb_samples)
	ost.tmp_frame = alloc_audio_frame(libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, c.ChannelLayout,
		c.SampleRate, nb_samples)

	/* copy the stream parameters to the muxer */
	ret = ost.st.Codecpar.AvcodecParametersFromContext(c)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not copy the stream parameters\n")

	/* create resampler context */
	ost.swr_ctx = libswresample.SwrAlloc()
	if ost.swr_ctx == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not allocate resampler context\n")

	// /* set options */
	libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ost.swr_ctx)), "in_channel_count", int64(c.Channels), 0)
	libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ost.swr_ctx)), "in_sample_rate", int64(c.SampleRate), 0)
	libavutil.AvOptSetSampleFmt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ost.swr_ctx)), "in_sample_fmt", libavutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 0)
	libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ost.swr_ctx)), "out_channel_count", int64(c.Channels), 0)
	libavutil.AvOptSetInt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ost.swr_ctx)), "out_sample_rate", int64(c.SampleRate), 0)
	libavutil.AvOptSetSampleFmt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ost.swr_ctx)), "out_sample_fmt", c.SampleFmt, 0)
	/* initialize the resampling context */
	ret = ost.swr_ctx.SwrInit()
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Failed to initialize the resampling context\n")

/* Prepare a 16 bit dummy audio frame of 'frame_size' samples and
 * 'nb_channels' channels. */
func get_audio_frame(ost *OutputStream) *libavutil.AVFrame {
	frame := ost.tmp_frame
	var j, i, v ffcommon.FInt
	q := (*ffcommon.FInt16T)(unsafe.Pointer(frame.Data[0]))

	// /* check if we want to generate more frames */
	if libavutil.AvCompareTs(ost.next_pts, ost.enc.TimeBase,
		STREAM_DURATION, libavutil.AVRational{1, 1}) > 0 {
		return nil

	for j = 0; j < frame.NbSamples; j++ {
		v = ffcommon.FInt(math.Sin(float64(ost.t)) * 10000)
		for i = 0; i < ost.enc.Channels; i++ {
			*q = ffcommon.FInt16T(v)
			q = (*ffcommon.FInt16T)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(q)) + 2))
		ost.t += ost.tincr
		ost.tincr += ost.tincr2

	frame.Pts = ost.next_pts
	ost.next_pts += int64(frame.NbSamples)

	return frame

 * encode one audio frame and send it to the muxer
 * return 1 when encoding is finished, 0 otherwise
func write_audio_frame(oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext, ost *OutputStream) ffcommon.FInt {
	var c *libavcodec.AVCodecContext
	var frame *libavutil.AVFrame
	var ret ffcommon.FInt
	var dst_nb_samples ffcommon.FInt

	c = ost.enc

	frame = get_audio_frame(ost)

	if frame != nil {
		/* convert samples from native format to destination codec format, using the resampler */
		/* compute destination number of samples */
		dst_nb_samples = int32(libavutil.AvRescaleRnd(ost.swr_ctx.SwrGetDelay(int64(c.SampleRate))+int64(frame.NbSamples),
			int64(c.SampleRate), int64(c.SampleRate), libavutil.AV_ROUND_UP))
		//     av_assert0(dst_nb_samples == frame->nb_samples);

		/* when we pass a frame to the encoder, it may keep a reference to it
		 * internally;
		 * make sure we do not overwrite it here
		ret = ost.frame.AvFrameMakeWritable()
		if ret < 0 {

		/* convert to destination format */
		ret = ost.swr_ctx.SwrConvert((**byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ost.frame.Data)), dst_nb_samples,
			(**byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&frame.Data)), frame.NbSamples)
		if ret < 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Error while converting\n")
		frame = ost.frame

		frame.Pts = libavutil.AvRescaleQ(int64(ost.samples_count), libavutil.AVRational{1, c.SampleRate}, c.TimeBase)
		ost.samples_count += dst_nb_samples

	return write_frame(oc, c, ost.st, frame)

// /**************************************************************/
// /* video output */

func alloc_picture(pix_fmt libavutil.AVPixelFormat, width, height ffcommon.FInt) *libavutil.AVFrame {
	var picture *libavutil.AVFrame
	var ret ffcommon.FInt

	picture = libavutil.AvFrameAlloc()
	if picture == nil {
		return nil

	picture.Format = pix_fmt
	picture.Width = width
	picture.Height = height

	// /* allocate the buffers for the frame data */
	ret = picture.AvFrameGetBuffer(0)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not allocate frame data.\n")

	return picture

func open_video(oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext, codec *libavcodec.AVCodec, ost *OutputStream, opt_arg *libavutil.AVDictionary) {
	var ret ffcommon.FInt
	c := ost.enc
	var opt *libavutil.AVDictionary

	libavutil.AvDictCopy(&opt, opt_arg, 0)

	/* open the codec */
	ret = c.AvcodecOpen2(codec, &opt)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not open video codec: %s\n", libavutil.AvErr2str(ret))

	/* allocate and init a re-usable frame */
	ost.frame = alloc_picture(c.PixFmt, c.Width, c.Height)
	if ost.frame == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Could not allocate video frame\n")

	/* If the output format is not YUV420P, then a temporary YUV420P
	 * picture is needed too. It is then converted to the required
	 * output format. */
	ost.tmp_frame = nil
	if c.PixFmt != libavutil.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P {
		ost.tmp_frame = alloc_picture(libavutil.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, c.Width, c.Height)
		if ost.tmp_frame == nil {
			fmt.Printf("Could not allocate temporary picture\n")

	/* copy the stream parameters to the muxer */
	ret = ost.st.Codecpar.AvcodecParametersFromContext(c)
	if ret < 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not copy the stream parameters\n")

/* Prepare a dummy image. */
func fill_yuv_image(pict *libavutil.AVFrame, frame_index,
	width, height ffcommon.FInt) {
	var x, y, i ffcommon.FInt

	i = frame_index

	/* Y */
	for y = 0; y < height; y++ {
		for x = 0; x < width; x++ {
			*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pict.Data[0])) + uintptr(y*pict.Linesize[0]+x))) = byte((x + y + i*3) % 256)

	// /* Cb and Cr */
	for y = 0; y < height/2; y++ {
		for x = 0; x < width/2; x++ {
			*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pict.Data[1])) + uintptr(y*pict.Linesize[1]+x))) = byte((128 + y + i*2) % 256)
			*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pict.Data[2])) + uintptr(y*pict.Linesize[2]+x))) = byte((64 + x + i*5) % 256)

func get_video_frame(ost *OutputStream) *libavutil.AVFrame {
	c := ost.enc

	/* check if we want to generate more frames */
	if libavutil.AvCompareTs(ost.next_pts, c.TimeBase,
		STREAM_DURATION, libavutil.AVRational{1, 1}) > 0 {
		return nil

	/* when we pass a frame to the encoder, it may keep a reference to it
	 * internally; make sure we do not overwrite it here */
	if ost.frame.AvFrameMakeWritable() < 0 {

	if c.PixFmt != libavutil.AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P {
		/* as we only generate a YUV420P picture, we must convert it
		 * to the codec pixel format if needed */
		if ost.sws_ctx == nil {
			ost.sws_ctx = libswscale.SwsGetContext(c.Width, c.Height,
				c.Width, c.Height,
				SCALE_FLAGS, nil, nil, nil)
			if ost.sws_ctx == nil {
				fmt.Printf("Could not initialize the conversion context\n")
		fill_yuv_image(ost.tmp_frame, int32(ost.next_pts), c.Width, c.Height)
			(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&ost.tmp_frame.Linesize)), 0, uint32(c.Height), (**byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ost.frame.Data)),
	} else {
		fill_yuv_image(ost.frame, int32(ost.next_pts), c.Width, c.Height)

	ost.frame.Pts = ost.next_pts

	return ost.frame

 * encode one video frame and send it to the muxer
 * return 1 when encoding is finished, 0 otherwise
func write_video_frame(oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext, ost *OutputStream) ffcommon.FInt {
	return write_frame(oc, ost.enc, ost.st, get_video_frame(ost))

func close_stream(oc *libavformat.AVFormatContext, ost *OutputStream) {






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编辑&#xff1a;Alan Wang 排版&#xff1a;Rani Sun Lets Learn .NET 系列 “Lets Learn .NET” 是面向全球的 .NET 初学者学习系列&#xff0c;旨在通过不同语言&#xff0c;帮助不同地区的开发者掌握最新的 .NET 开发知识与技能。 在 ChatGPT 与 OpenAI 火热的当下&#x…


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tp6.1 bingher/ueditor(百度编辑器)(七牛、阿里OSS第三方云)详情图文教程(第二版)

之前做过一版&#xff1a;tp6 bingher/ueditor(百度编辑器)(七牛、阿里OSS第三方云)详情图文教程_我是高手高手高高手的博客-CSDN博客 登录权限是Session&#xff0c;现在系统是Cookie加jwt的Token方式验证 一、修改验证登录权限 修改文件&#xff1a; vendor\bingher\uedito…

R语言 | 向量对象运算

目录 一、数值型的向量对象 1.1 建立规则型的数值向量对象使用序列符号 1.2 简单向量对象的运算 1.3 建立向量对象&#xff1a;seq()函数 1.4 连接向量对象&#xff1a;c()函数 1.5 重复向量对象&#xff1a;rep()函数 1.6 numeric()函数 1.7 程序语句短语跨行的处理 …


下面这个场景是是阶段式软件研发场景&#xff0c;适用于采用瀑布模式开展软件研发的企业或者团队。 创建项目 新建项目时&#xff0c;使用“阶段式软件开发项目”项目模板创建项目。 系统会自动创建10个阶段看板&#xff08;一个阶段一个看板&#xff09;&#xff0c;1个缺陷…

libgo 流程分析(1)

libgo 基础模块 libgo逻辑结构 libgo主要的功能模块主要包括&#xff1a;调度器( Scheduler )、处理器( Processer )、协程( Task )和一个FastSteadyClock。 其中 Scheduler -> Processer -> Task 三层逻辑结构实现了对协程( Task )的生命周期管理和调度和运行。 sch…

【好书分享】数字信号处理入门宝典(Digital Signal Processing-A Student Guide)

简介 该书作为初学者的入门书籍&#xff0c;葵花宝典级的存在&#xff0c;发行量很少&#xff0c;在市面上很难见到&#xff0c;仅此一本&#xff0c;想要的私信&#xff01; Digital signal processing (DSP) systems have developed at a rapid pace over the past two dec…


如图 4.1 所示是系统硬件系统的信号框图&#xff0c;数字信号处理板上的主要核心是 两个处理芯片&#xff0c;即 FPGA 和 DSP &#xff0c;其中 FPGA 主要作用是做 DSP 和外围接口的 桥梁及数据预处理&#xff0c; DSP 做为数据解算核心。 FPGA 通过各种的数据总…


1、什么是AJAX? AJAX&#xff08;ASynchronous JavaScript And XML&#xff09;异步的JavaScript 和 XML&#xff1b; 由Jesse James Garrett 在他的文章AJAX&#xff1a;A New Approoch to Web Applications中首次提出。 ajax&#xff08;Web数据交互方式&#xff09;_百…


我参考博客CenterFusion 项目超详细环境搭建步骤及可视化操作_centernet可视化_上班摸不了鱼的博客-CSDN博客本文引用 CenterFusion: Center-based Radar and Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection&#xff0c;复现此论文中的代码&#xff0c;互相学习。注意&#xff1a;由于…




2023-04-27&#xff1a;用go语言重写ffmpeg的remuxing.c示例。 答案2023-04-27&#xff1a; ffmpeg的remuxing.c是一个用于将多媒体文件从一种容器格式转换为另一种容器格式的命令行工具。它可以将音频、视频和字幕等元素从源文件中提取出来&#xff0c;并按照用户指定的方式…

Windows 11 本地 php 开发环境搭建:PHP + Apache + MySQL +VSCode 安装和环境配置

目录 前言1. PHP 的下载、安装和配置1.1 下载 php1.2 安装 php1.3 配置 php 系统变量1.4 配置 php.ini 2. Apache 的下载、安装和配置2.1 下载 Apache2.2 安装 Apache2.3 修改配置 Apache2.4 指定服务端口&#xff08;非必须&#xff09;2.5 配置系统变量2.6 安装服务2.7 启动服…


在Docker上部署SpringBoot项目 在学习中发现了部署的时候总是有各种问题,此文章只有操作步骤没有原理解释,只是用来提醒自己部署步骤 部署总共可以分为五步&#xff01; 第一步&#xff1a;将SpringBoot项目打包成jar包 这里使用idea的上maven选项打包&#xff0c;点一下就行。…

seata 1.4.2 安装部署(Linux环境)

Linux安装部署 seata server 1.4.2 下载安装包上传至服务器 1.首先从GitHub拉取seata压缩包 https://github.com/seata/seata/releases/download/v1.4.2/seata-server-1.4.2.zip 下载到本地后上传至服务器 或使用命令拉取 wget https://github.com/seata/seata/release…


需求:校验收货地址是否超出配送范围 重要: 做该需求的思路就是通过卖家和卖家具体的地址信息,来获取到二者的经纬度, 此时可以使用百度的 "地理编码服务",即可获取对应的经纬度 第二步,就是通过二者的经纬度,按照百度接口的要求,发送,即可获取到包含二者距离的JSON串…

SQL Father - 模拟数据生成器(后端)

SQL Father - 模拟数据生成器&#xff08;后端&#xff09; SQL 之父项目&#xff1a;快速生成 SQL 和模拟数据&#xff0c;大幅提高开发测试效率&#xff01; 前后端全栈项目 By 程序员鱼皮 制作不易&#xff0c;请勿商用和二次售卖&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; 在线…