1 主要内容
2 部分代码
3 程序结果
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1 主要内容
该程序完美复现《Optimal air-conditioning load control in distribution network with intermittent renewables》,中文题目(翻译)为《含可再生能源的配电网最佳空调负荷优化控制》,实现内容:为了减轻包括风力发电、环境温度变化和电力零售价格在内的随机变量的不确定性,采用滚动水平优化(RHO)策略来连续更新实时信息并进入控制窗口。此外,为了确保客户的热舒适性,引入了一种新颖的两参数热模型来更精确地计算室内温度变化,保证用户舒适度,以系统总运行成本最低为目标,采用基于MILP(混合整数线性规划)的方法来调度可中断的空调负荷,从而实现最佳调度效果。
- 该程序采用matlab+mosek(求解器)进行求解,具体mosek安装方法可参见官网,后期公众号也会更新该求解器的安装注意事项。
- 两参数模型如下:
- RHO策略
2 部分代码
%% Variables syms Sac1; % (integer variables) operational status of AC--0=off,1=on各个房间空调开关状态,房间温度,墙体温度 syms Tr1; % temperature of the room syms Tw1; % temperature of the wall syms Sac2; % (integer variables) operational status of AC--0=off,1=on syms Tr2; % temperature of the room syms Tw2; % temperature of the wall syms Sac3; % (integer variables) operational status of AC--0=off,1=on syms Tr3; % temperature of the room syms Tw3; % temperature of the wall syms Sac4; % (integer variables) operational status of AC--0=off,1=on syms Tr4; % temperature of the room syms Tw4; % temperature of the wall syms Sac5; % (integer variables) operational status of AC--0=off,1=on syms Tr5; % temperature of the room syms Tw5; % temperature of the wall syms P_bat; % power output from battery to consumers (kW)消费者从电池使用的电量 syms P_buy; % power bought from grid (kW)从电网购买的电量 syms P_sell; % power from battery to grid (kW)电池输入电网的电量 syms SoC; % battery state of charge电池电量,百分比 numofvars = 19; % the number of variables which have been listed above %% Import ambient temperature and electrcity prices data from spreadsheets Tamb = xlsread('Main.xlsx','Data','P2:P97')'; % importing data for expected consumption during the day (pu)预期环境温度 c_buy = xlsread('Main.xlsx','Data','D2:D97')'; % importing data for the cost of purchasing power from the grid (pu)购入电价 PCritical = xlsread('Main.xlsx','Data','Q2:Q49'); % importing data for the critical loads基础负荷,不可控部分 PCritical=0.2*Process_Load(PCritical); WindGeneration=xlsread('Main.xlsx','Data','U1:U96')';% importing data for wind generation风力发电预测数据 WindGeneration=0.1*WindGeneration; c_sell = xlsread('Main.xlsx','Data','E2:E97')'; % importing data for the price of selling power to the grid (kw)卖出电价 %% Data t_step = 15; % timestep in minutes每次滑动距离(分钟) t_total = 24*60; % total time window in minutes总时长 N = t_total / t_step; % total number of time steps总滑动次数 E_bat = 60; % battery capacity 1000 kWH电池容量 P_max_discharge = 60; % battery maximum discharge output kw 电池最大输出功率 P_max_bound = 10000; density_of_wall=2400; % Density of wall is 2000kg/m3墙体密度 density_of_air=1.1839; % Density of air at 25℃空气密度 GroupOneNumber=10; % House number of group one is 100;每组房子的房屋数量 GroupTwoNumber=12; % House number of group two is 100; GroupThreeNumber=14; % House number of group three is 100; GroupFourNumber=18; % House number of group four is 100; GroupFiveNumber=15; % House number of group five is 100; %House 1 Tr_init_1 = 25; % initial room temperature is 25℃房间初始温度 Tamb_init_1 = 25; % last time step ambient temperature before optimization is 25℃ Tw_init_1=25; % initial wall temperature is 25℃初始墙体温度 Sac_init_1 =0; % initial ac operational status is off初始空调状态为关闭 cpa_1 = 1005.4; % cp = cp of air (273 K) = 1005.4 J/kg-K空气比热容 cpw_1=840; % cpw = cp of wall (273k)=840J/kg-k墙体比热容 Pac_1 =3; % power of air conditioner(kW)空调的功率 COP_1=2.8; % coefficient of performance空调性能系数 Qac_1=COP_1*Pac_1*1000*0.25*900; % energy of air conditioner at 15minutes(J)15分钟内空调消耗的电量 NumberOfHouse1=200; % Number of House 1 is 200 %House 2 Tr_init_2 = 25; % initial room temperature is 25℃ Tamb_init_2 = 25; % last time step ambient temperature before optimization is 25℃ Tw_init_2=25; % initial wall temperature is 25℃ Sac_init_2 =0; % initial ac operational status is off cpa_2 = 1005.4; % cp = cp of air (273 K) = 1005.4 J/kg-K cpw_2=840; % cpw = cp of wall (273k)=840J/kg-k Pac_2 = 4; % power of air conditioner(kW) COP_2= 2.8; % coefficient of performance Qac_2=COP_2*Pac_2*1000*0.25*900; % energy of air conditioner at 15minutes(J) %House 3 Tr_init_3 = 25; % initial room temperature is 25℃ Tamb_init_3 = 25; % last time step ambient temperature before optimization is 25℃ Tw_init_3=25; % initial wall temperature is 25℃ Sac_init_3 =0; % initial ac operational status is off cpa_3 = 1005.4; % cp = cp of air (273 K) = 1005.4 J/kg-K cpw_3=840; % cpw = cp of wall (273k)=840J/kg-k Pac_3 =4; % power of air conditioner(kW) COP_3=2.8; % coefficient of performance Qac_3=COP_3*Pac_3*1000*0.25*900; % energy of air conditioner at 15minutes(J) %House 4 Tr_init_4 = 25; % initial room temperature is 25℃ Tamb_init_4 = 25; % last time step ambient temperature before optimization is 25℃ Tw_init_4=25; % initial wall temperature is 25℃ Sac_init_4 =0; % initial ac operational status is off cpa_4 = 1005.4; % cp = cp of air (273 K) = 1005.4 J/kg-K cpw_4=840; % cpw = cp of wall (273k)=840J/kg-k Pac_4 = 2.8; % power of air conditioner(kW) COP_4=2.8; % coefficient of performance Qac_4=COP_4*Pac_4*1000*0.25*900; % energy of air conditioner at 15minutes(J) %House 5 Tr_init_5 = 25; % initial room temperature is 25℃ Tamb_init_5 = 25; % last time step ambient temperature before optimization is 25℃ Tw_init_5=25; % initial wall temperature is 25℃ Sac_init_5 =0; % initial ac operational status is off cpa_5 = 1005.4; % cp = cp of air (273 K) = 1005.4 J/kg-K cpw_5=840; % cpw = cp of wall (273k)=840J/kg-k Pac_5 =3.5; % power of air conditioner(kW) COP_5=2.8; % coefficient of performance Qac_5=COP_5*Pac_5*1000*0.25*900; % energy of air conditioner at 15minutes(J) %% Define the house geometry各房间的几何参数 % converst radians to degrees r2d = 180/pi; % Roof pitch = 40 deg屋顶坡度 pitRoof = 40/r2d; %--House one--% % House length = 30 m长度 lenHouse1 = 20; % House width = 10 m宽度 widHouse1 = 12; % House height = 4 m高度 LWall1 = 0.24; % Width of the wall =0.24m墙体厚度 htHouse1 = 3.2; % Number of windows = 6窗口数量 numWindows1 = 6; % Height of windows = 1 m窗口高度 htWindows1 = 1; % Width of windows = 1 m窗口宽度 widWindows1 = 1; windowArea1 = numWindows1*htWindows1*widWindows1;%窗户总面积 wallArea1 = 2*lenHouse1*htHouse1 + 2*widHouse1*htHouse1 + ... 2*(1/cos(pitRoof/2))*widHouse1*lenHouse1 + ... tan(pitRoof)*widHouse1 - windowArea1;%墙体总面积 volume_of_wall1=lenHouse1*htHouse1*LWall1*2+(widHouse1-LWall1*2)*htHouse1*LWall1*2-windowArea1*LWall1;%墙体体积 volume_of_air1=lenHouse1*htHouse1*widHouse1+0.5*widHouse1*tan(40)*0.5*widHouse1;%空气体积 Mw1=volume_of_wall1*density_of_wall;%墙体总质量 Mair1 = density_of_air*volume_of_air1; % mass of air within the household(kg)空气总质量 % Define the type of insulation used定义绝热材料 % Glass wool in the walls, 0.2 m thick墙面玻璃棉,0.2米厚度 % k is in units of J/sec/m/C - convert to J/hr/m/C multiplying by 3600 kWall1 = 0.038*900; % hour is the time unit RWall1 = LWall1/(kWall1*wallArea1); % Glass windows, 0.01 m thick玻璃窗,0.01米厚度 kWindow1 = 0.78*900; % hour is the time unit LWindow1 = .01; RWindow1 = LWindow1/(kWindow1*windowArea1); % Determine the equivalent thermal resistance for the whole building %确定整个建筑的热阻抗 Rw1 = RWall1*RWindow1/(RWall1 + RWindow1); % Convection Heat transfer coefficient between air and wall,hwr=15w/(m2k); %空气与墙壁对流换热系数hwr hwr1=15; % convection resistance is Rwr=1/(hA)对流阻抗Rwr Rwr1=1/(hwr1*wallArea1); Rwa1=Rwr1; %Calculate the constants to simplified the计算常数以简化计算
3 程序结果
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