Medical X-rays Dataset汇总(长期更新)

news2025/3/11 15:41:44








ChestX-ray8 is a medical imaging dataset which comprises 108,948 frontal-view X-ray images of 32,717 (collected from the year of 1992 to 2015) unique patients with the text-mined eight common disease labels, mined from the text radiological reports via NLP techniques.


ChestX-ray14 is a medical imaging dataset which comprises 112,120 frontal-view X-ray images of 30,805 (collected from the year of 1992 to 2015) unique patients with the text-mined fourteen common disease labels, mined from the text radiological reports via NLP techniques. It expands on ChestX-ray8 by adding six additional thorax diseases: Edema, Emphysema, Fibrosis, Pleural Thickening and Hernia.



VinDr-CXR is an open large-scale dataset of chest X-rays with radiologist’s annotations. It's bult from more than 100,000 raw images in DICOM format that were retrospectively collected from the Hospital 108 and the Hanoi Medical University Hospital, two of the largest hospitals in Vietnam. The published dataset consists of 18,000 postero-anterior (PA) view CXR scans that come with both the localization of critical findings and the classification of common thoracic diseases. These images were annotated by a group of 17 radiologists with at least 8 years of experience for the presence of 22 critical findings (local labels) and 6 diagnoses (global labels); each finding is localized with a bounding box. The local and global labels correspond to the “Findings” and “Impressions” sections, respectively, of a standard radiology report.

The dataset is divided into two parts: the training set of 15,000 scans and the test set of 3,000 scans. Each image in the training set was independently labeled by 3 radiologists, while the annotation of each image in the test set was even more carefully treated and obtained from the consensus of 5 radiologists.


Paper: PediCXR: An open, large-scale chest radiograph dataset for interpretation of common thoracic diseases in children

VinDr-PCXR is an open, large-scale pediatric chest X-ray dataset for interpretation of common thoracic diseases in children. The dataset contains 9,125 CXR scans retrospectively collected from a major pediatric hospital in Vietnam between 2020 and 2021. Each scan was manually annotated by a pediatric radiologist who has more than ten years of experience. The dataset was labeled for the presence of 36 critical findings and 15 diseases. It aims to aid research in the detection of multiple findings and diseases.






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