
news2025/1/12 20:44:05





  在这里强调一下,我们需要把每一个网页都认作是一个带有作者的文档,因此使用网站上的信息,我们也必须在Assignment里面正确引用每个网站。举个例子,比如你在Assignment中引用Steven Pinker的书《The Language Instinct》,你可能会很自然地认为需要在Assignment中加上明确的引用信息。但是,如果你从Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Web site网站上找到一些类似的信息,你可能会觉得不需要提供引用信息了。即使和一篇印刷Assignment相比,网站上的Assignment我们可能不太容易找到作者的信息,或者根本没有提供作者的信息,你也有责任做好正确的引用。无Assignment献的来源是什么,或者文献的作者是否明显,你始终都需要提供文献的来源。


  英国Assignment查重-Assignment抄袭种类英国Assignment查重-避免Verbatim plagiarism

  如果你从另一个来源逐字逐句地复制到你自己的Assignment中,那么你就是犯了Verbatim plagiarism的错误。正确的方法是使用双引号进行直接引用,并给出作者信息。或者是用自己的语言表达原文的意思,同时给出作者信息。现在我们来看几个例子。


  Political transitions brought about by the collapse of authoritarian rule,democratization,or political reforms also make states particularly prone to violence.28 The emergence and rise of exclusionary national ideologies,such as ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalism,can be destabilizing as well.The emergence of dehumanizing ideologies,which literally deny the humanity of other ethnic groups,is particularly dangerous because it is often the precursor to genocidal slaughter.29

  –Brown Michael E.“The Causes of Internal Conflict:An Overview.”Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict.Ed.Michael E.Brown et al.Cambridge:MIT,2001.14.Print.


  In the case of Rwanda,both overt ethnic discrimination and a weak state led to genocide.The state had not protected the civil liberties of the Tutsis,thus failing to uphold true democratic principles.In fact,political transitions brought about by the collapse of authoritarian rule,democratization,or political reforms also make states particularly prone to violence.The emergence and rise of exclusionary national ideologies,such as ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalism,can be destabilizing as well.The emergence of dehumanizing ideologies is often the precursor to genocidal slaughter.



  In the case of Rwanda,both overt ethnic discrimination and a weak state led to genocide.The state had not protected the civil liberties of the Tutsis,thus failing to uphold true democratic principles.In fact,Brown notes that“political transitions brought about by the collapse of authoritarian rule,democratization,or political reforms also make states particularly prone to violence.The emergence and rise of exclusionary national ideologies,such as ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalism,can be destabilizing as well.The emergence of dehumanizing ideologies…is often the precursor to genocidal slaughter”(14).



  In the case of Rwanda,both overt ethnic discrimination and a weak state led to genocide.The state had not protected the civil liberties of the Tutsis,thus failing to uphold true democratic principles.In fact,as Michael Brown suggests,violence often results from the end of an authoritarian government and its replacement with a more democratic society.Violence is also more likely when an authoritarian society gives way to ethnic nationalism or religious fundamentalism.When emerging ideologies dehumanize certain ethnic groups,the conditions are also ripe for genocide(14).

  在这个版本中,学生用自己的语言表达了原作者的观点,但是明确给出了原作者的信息(“Michael Brown suggests…”),同时给出了引用来源的页码(此处使用的是MLA引用格式)。

  英国Assignment查重-避免Mosaic plagiarism

  如果你从一个文献或者几个文献复制了好几处的内容,但是没有给出引用信息,那你这就是犯了mosaic plagiarism的错误。有的时候,这种错误并不是你有意为之。你可能只是在收集文献时,因为没有仔细地记录笔记,所以弄混了你自己个人的想法和原文的信息,因此犯了Assignment抄袭的错误。所以为了避免Assignment写作抄袭,我们不仅需要有一个正确的意识,同时也要养成一个良好的学术习惯。在research和写Assignment的整个过程中,你都需要明确区分你自己的想法和其他作者的想法。如果你仔细地记录了他人的想法,分清你自己想法和原文的不同之处,并且严格遵循正确的引用方式,你就可以避免mosaic plagiarism。


  An episode of Scrubs off a DVD(without commercials)is only 22 minutes long.A 22-minute episode followed by a 5-minute break and a 22-minute discussion will be more engaging and more memorable to the students than a lecture…

  One need not agree with all elements of the story for it to have educational value.What is accurate and what is inaccurate are grist for a good discussion,and encourages student participation more than any article that just tells them what to believe.Furthermore,watching people and hearing their voices provide much better tests of clinical skills of observation than merely reading words on a page.One must see a patient’s body language and hear her tone of voice in order to learn how to observe(or how to hone one’s skills).

  –Spike,Jeffrey.(2008).Television viewing and ethical reasoning:Why watching Scrubs does a better job than most bioethics classes.The American Journal of Bioethics,8(12),11-13.


  Indeed,of the more than 3500 hours of instruction during medical school,an average of less than 60 hours are devoted to all of bioethics,health law and health economics combined.Most of the instruction is during the preclinical courses,leaving very little instructional time when students are experiencing bioethical or legal challenges during their hands-on,clinical training.More than 60 percent of the instructors in bioethics,health law,and health economics have not published since 1990 on the topic they are teaching.

  –Persad,G.C.,Elder,L.,Sedig,L.,Flores,L.,&Emanuel,E.(2008)The current state of medical school education in bioethics,health law,and health economics.Journal of Law,Medicine,and Ethics 36,89-94.


  In order to advocate the use of the sitcom Scrubs as part of the medical education system,it is also important to look at the current bioethical curriculum.Medical school curriculum does not focus adequately on the moral issues that doctors face in the clinic.In fact,in more than 3500 hours of training that students undergo in medical school,only about 60 hours are focused on bioethics,health law,and health economics.It is also problematic that students receive this training before they actually go on to their hands-on,clinical training(Persad et al,2008).Most of these hours are taught by instructors without current publications in the field.


  By watching episodes of Scrubs,however,medical students would have the chance to watch people and hear their voices,providing a much better test of clinical skills of observation than you can get from reading words on a page.One must see a patient’s body language and hear her tone of voice if one is to become a better observer,and watching the patients on television would provide a good opportunity for medical students to do so.


  Perhaps even more significantly,medical students would be introduced to certain issues,and while the experiences may not be their own,they would be effective in helping them to understand those experiences as they empathize with the characters.



  In order to advocate the use of the sitcom Scrubs as part of the medical education system,it is also important to look at the current bioethical curriculum.Medical school curriculum does not focus adequately on the moral issues that doctors face in the clinic.In fact,according to Persad et al.(2008),only about one percent of teaching time throughout the four years of medical school is spent on ethics.As the researchers argue,this presents a problem because the students are being taught about ethical issues before they have a chance to experience those issues themselves.They also note that more than sixty percent of instructors teaching bioethics to medical students have no recent publications in the subject.

  Professor Jeffrey Spike(2008)proposes an unconventional solution:watching Scrubs.As he notes,simply in viewing the show,“watching people and hearing their voices provide much better tests of clinical skills of observation than merely reading words on a page”(p.12).Perhaps even more significantly,medical students would be introduced to certain ethical dilemmas,and while the experiences may not be their own,they would be effective in helping them to understand those experiences as they empathize with the characters.

  在这个版本中,每个句子中都提到了原文中的作者,这清楚地表明了这一段话中的所有信息都来源于Persad等人。同时,这段话里面还正确使用了APA引用格式指出了原文。另外,通过使用“Professor Jeffrey Spike(2008)proposes”,介绍了原文作者的信息,这段话很好地在学生自己的想法和引用文献之间设置了一个明确的界限。

  那么在与同学讨论中得到的想法应该如何做引用呢?课堂讨论中提出的想法通常是大家一起合作的结果,往往不是一个人思考的产物。但是,如果有某一个学生在讨论中明确提出一个想法,而你在Assignment中引用了这个想法,那么你应该提供这个学生的引用信息。在其他情况下,如果课堂讨论给了你一些想法和灵感,你可以在Assignment中加一个脚注,让你的读者知道讨论的信息。比如,你正在写关于The Things They Carried这本书的Assignment,并且在某次课堂讨论中得到了想法,你可以在Assignment脚注上标注一下“I am indebted to the members of my Expos 20 section for sparking my thoughts about the role of the narrator as Greek Chorus in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried.”,对你的同学表示感谢。






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