Android init学习笔记

news2025/1/15 21:10:40





init入口函数是main() system/core/init/main.cpp



//init的第一阶段      FirstStage 挂载一些基础文件系统和加载内核模块等
int FirstStageMain(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (REBOOT_BOOTLOADER_ON_PANIC) {  //设置panic处理器

    boot_clock::time_point start_time = boot_clock::now();  //获取当前时间

    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> errors; 
#define CHECKCALL(x) \
    if ((x) != 0) errors.emplace_back(#x " failed", errno);

    // Clear the umask.

    CHECKCALL(setenv("PATH", _PATH_DEFPATH, 1));
    // Get the basic filesystem setup we need put together in the initramdisk
    // on / and then we'll let the rc file figure out the rest.
    CHECKCALL(mount("tmpfs", "/dev", "tmpfs", MS_NOSUID, "mode=0755"));
    CHECKCALL(mkdir("/dev/pts", 0755));
    CHECKCALL(mkdir("/dev/socket", 0755));
    CHECKCALL(mkdir("/dev/dm-user", 0755));
    CHECKCALL(mount("devpts", "/dev/pts", "devpts", 0, NULL));
#define MAKE_STR(x) __STRING(x)
// /proc 伪文件系统,记录进程、线程相关实时状态
    CHECKCALL(mount("proc", "/proc", "proc", 0, "hidepid=2,gid=" MAKE_STR(AID_READPROC)));
#undef MAKE_STR
    // Don't expose the raw commandline to unprivileged processes.
    CHECKCALL(chmod("/proc/cmdline", 0440));
    std::string cmdline;
    android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/cmdline", &cmdline);
    // Don't expose the raw bootconfig to unprivileged processes.
    chmod("/proc/bootconfig", 0440);
    std::string bootconfig;
    android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/bootconfig", &bootconfig);
    gid_t groups[] = {AID_READPROC};
    CHECKCALL(setgroups(arraysize(groups), groups));
    CHECKCALL(mount("sysfs", "/sys", "sysfs", 0, NULL));
    CHECKCALL(mount("selinuxfs", "/sys/fs/selinux", "selinuxfs", 0, NULL));

    CHECKCALL(mknod("/dev/kmsg", S_IFCHR | 0600, makedev(1, 11)));

    if constexpr (WORLD_WRITABLE_KMSG) {
        CHECKCALL(mknod("/dev/kmsg_debug", S_IFCHR | 0622, makedev(1, 11)));

    CHECKCALL(mknod("/dev/random", S_IFCHR | 0666, makedev(1, 8)));
    CHECKCALL(mknod("/dev/urandom", S_IFCHR | 0666, makedev(1, 9)));

    // This is needed for log wrapper, which gets called before ueventd runs.
    CHECKCALL(mknod("/dev/ptmx", S_IFCHR | 0666, makedev(5, 2)));
    CHECKCALL(mknod("/dev/null", S_IFCHR | 0666, makedev(1, 3)));

    // These below mounts are done in first stage init so that first stage mount can mount
    // subdirectories of /mnt/{vendor,product}/.  Other mounts, not required by first stage mount,
    // should be done in rc files.
    // Mount staging areas for devices managed by vold
    // See storage config details at

    CHECKCALL(mount("tmpfs", "/mnt", "tmpfs", MS_NOEXEC | MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV,
    // /mnt/vendor is used to mount vendor-specific partitions that can not be
    // part of the vendor partition, e.g. because they are mounted read-write.
    CHECKCALL(mkdir("/mnt/vendor", 0755));
    // /mnt/product is used to mount product-specific partitions that can not be
    // part of the product partition, e.g. because they are mounted read-write.
    CHECKCALL(mkdir("/mnt/product", 0755));

    // /debug_ramdisk is used to preserve additional files from the debug ramdisk
    CHECKCALL(mount("tmpfs", "/debug_ramdisk", "tmpfs", MS_NOEXEC | MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV,

    // /second_stage_resources is used to preserve files from first to second
    // stage init
    CHECKCALL(mount("tmpfs", kSecondStageRes, "tmpfs", MS_NOEXEC | MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV,

    // Now that tmpfs is mounted on /dev and we have /dev/kmsg, we can actually
    // talk to the outside world...

    if (!errors.empty()) {
        for (const auto& [error_string, error_errno] : errors) {
            LOG(ERROR) << error_string << " " << strerror(error_errno);
        LOG(FATAL) << "Init encountered errors starting first stage, aborting";

    LOG(INFO) << "init first stage started!";

    auto old_root_dir = std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)>{opendir("/"), closedir};
    if (!old_root_dir) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not opendir(\"/\"), not freeing ramdisk";

    struct stat old_root_info;
    if (stat("/", &old_root_info) != 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not stat(\"/\"), not freeing ramdisk";

    auto want_console = ALLOW_FIRST_STAGE_CONSOLE ? FirstStageConsole(cmdline, bootconfig) : 0;

    //want_parallel的值是通过查找bootconfig中是否包含字符串androidboot.load_modules_parallel = "true"来确定的。
    auto want_parallel =
            bootconfig.find("androidboot.load_modules_parallel = \"true\"") != std::string::npos;

    boot_clock::time_point module_start_time = boot_clock::now();
    int module_count = 0;
    if (!LoadKernelModules(IsRecoveryMode() && !ForceNormalBoot(cmdline, bootconfig), want_console,
                           want_parallel, module_count)) {
        if (want_console != FirstStageConsoleParam::DISABLED) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load kernel modules, starting console";
        } else {
            LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to load kernel modules";
    if (module_count > 0) {
        auto module_elapse_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
                boot_clock::now() - module_start_time);
        setenv(kEnvInitModuleDurationMs, std::to_string(module_elapse_time.count()).c_str(), 1);
        LOG(INFO) << "Loaded " << module_count << " kernel modules took "
                  << module_elapse_time.count() << " ms";

    bool created_devices = false;
    if (want_console == FirstStageConsoleParam::CONSOLE_ON_FAILURE) {
        if (!IsRecoveryMode()) {
            created_devices = DoCreateDevices();
            if (!created_devices) {
                LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create device nodes early";

    //如果目标路径不存在,则会创建它。最后,会输出一条日志记录已将ramdisk prop复制到目标路径中。
    if (access(kBootImageRamdiskProp, F_OK) == 0) {
        std::string dest = GetRamdiskPropForSecondStage();
        std::string dir = android::base::Dirname(dest);
        std::error_code ec;
        if (!fs::create_directories(dir, ec) && !!ec) {
            LOG(FATAL) << "Can't mkdir " << dir << ": " << ec.message();
        if (!fs::copy_file(kBootImageRamdiskProp, dest, ec)) {
            LOG(FATAL) << "Can't copy " << kBootImageRamdiskProp << " to " << dest << ": "
                       << ec.message();
        LOG(INFO) << "Copied ramdisk prop to " << dest;

    // If "/force_debuggable" is present, the second-stage init will use a userdebug
    // sepolicy and load adb_debug.prop to allow adb root, if the device is unlocked.
    if (access("/force_debuggable", F_OK) == 0) {
        constexpr const char adb_debug_prop_src[] = "/adb_debug.prop";
        constexpr const char userdebug_plat_sepolicy_cil_src[] = "/userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil";
        std::error_code ec;  // to invoke the overloaded copy_file() that won't throw.
        if (access(adb_debug_prop_src, F_OK) == 0 &&
            !fs::copy_file(adb_debug_prop_src, kDebugRamdiskProp, ec)) {
            LOG(WARNING) << "Can't copy " << adb_debug_prop_src << " to " << kDebugRamdiskProp
                         << ": " << ec.message();
        if (access(userdebug_plat_sepolicy_cil_src, F_OK) == 0 &&
            !fs::copy_file(userdebug_plat_sepolicy_cil_src, kDebugRamdiskSEPolicy, ec)) {
            LOG(WARNING) << "Can't copy " << userdebug_plat_sepolicy_cil_src << " to "
                         << kDebugRamdiskSEPolicy << ": " << ec.message();
        // setenv for second-stage init to read above kDebugRamdisk* files.
        setenv("INIT_FORCE_DEBUGGABLE", "true", 1);
    if (ForceNormalBoot(cmdline, bootconfig)) {
        mkdir("/first_stage_ramdisk", 0755);
        // SwitchRoot() must be called with a mount point as the target, so we bind mount the
        // target directory to itself here.
        if (mount("/first_stage_ramdisk", "/first_stage_ramdisk", nullptr, MS_BIND, nullptr) != 0) {
            PLOG(FATAL) << "Could not bind mount /first_stage_ramdisk to itself";

//如果没有成功挂载,则会记录一个致命错误日志并退出程序。其中,DoFirstStageMount 函数是用来挂载分区的,
//!created_devices 表示如果没有成功创建设备节点,则需要传入 true,表示需要重新创建设备节点。如果挂载失败,则会记录一个致命错误日志并退出程序。
    if (!DoFirstStageMount(!created_devices)) {
        LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to mount required partitions early ...";
    struct stat new_root_info;
    if (stat("/", &new_root_info) != 0) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not stat(\"/\"), not freeing ramdisk";
//如果是,则调用 FreeRamdisk 函数释放旧的根目录。这段代码通常用于 Android 系统的启动过程中,
    if (old_root_dir && old_root_info.st_dev != new_root_info.st_dev) {
        FreeRamdisk(old_root_dir.get(), old_root_info.st_dev);
    setenv(kEnvFirstStageStartedAt, std::to_string(start_time.time_since_epoch().count()).c_str(),

//启动 init 进程,并传递参数 "selinuxsetup"。具体来说,它使用 execv() 函数来执行 "/system/bin/init" 可执行文件,
//并将标准输出和标准错误输出重定向到 "/dev/kmsg" 设备文件。如果 execv() 函数返回,则会记录一个致命错误消息并退出程序。
    const char* path = "/system/bin/init";
    const char* args[] = {path, "selinux_setup", nullptr};
    auto fd = open("/dev/kmsg", O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
    dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
    dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO);
    execv(path, const_cast<char**>(args));

    // execv() only returns if an error happened, in which case we
    // panic and never fall through this conditional.
    PLOG(FATAL) << "execv(\"" << path << "\") failed";

    return 1;




int SetupSelinux(char** argv) {

//检查是否需要在发生 panic 时重启 bootloader,如果需要,就调用 InstallRebootSignalHandlers() 来安装重启信号处理程序
//panic 是指操作系统遇到无法处理的错误或异常情况时的一种状态。在 Android 中,当系统遇到无法处理的错误时,会触发 panic 状态,此时系统会尝试重启以恢复正常运行。
//bootloader 是指启动加载程序,是在计算机系统启动时运行的程序。在 Android 设备中,bootloader 负责初始化硬件设备、加载操作系统内核并启动它

    boot_clock::time_point start_time = boot_clock::now();



    LOG(INFO) << "Opening SELinux policy";




    //在杀死 snapuserd 之前读取策略并清理 Apex sepolicy。具体来说,它首先声明了一个名为 policy 的字符串变量,然后调用 ReadPolicy 函数将策略读入该变量中。
    //接下来,它调用 CleanupApexSepolicy 函数清理 Apex sepolicy。

//Apex sepolicy 是 Android 的一个安全机制,它是一种基于 SELinux 的安全策略,用于保护系统的关键部分免受恶意软件的攻击。
//Apex 是 Android 的一种新的软件分发格式,它将应用程序和系统组件打包到一个单独的文件中,以便更轻松地进行更新和管理。
//Apex sepolicy 是专门为 Apex 设计的一种安全机制,它可以确保 Apex 文件中的应用程序和系统组件只能访问它们被授权访问的资源和功能。
    // Read the policy before potentially killing snapuserd.
    std::string policy;

//启动 snapuserd 进程并开始转换。如果 snapuserdhelper 不为空,则会调用 StartTransition() 方法来杀死旧的 snapuserd 进程以避免审计消息。
//snapuserd 是一个用户空间进程,用于管理 Android 的 snapshot 功能。在这里,如果 snapuserd_helper 不为空,就会调用 StartTransition() 来杀死旧的 snapuserd 进程,以避免审计消息。在这之后,就不能从 /system(或其他动态分区)中读取数据,直到调用 FinishTransition()。
//在调用 FinishTransition() 方法之前,我们不能从 /system(或其他动态分区)中读取任何内容。
    auto snapuserd_helper = SnapuserdSelinuxHelper::CreateIfNeeded();
    if (snapuserd_helper) {
        // Kill the old snapused to avoid audit messages. After this we cannot
        // read from /system (or other dynamic partitions) until we call
        // FinishTransition().

//加载 SELinux 策略。具体来说,它调用了 LoadSelinuxPolicy 函数,该函数从字符串 policy 中读取 SELinux 策略

//用于完成 snapuserd 的转换并关闭它。在这之前,snapuserdhelper 会被创建并启动转换。
//完成转换后,snapuserdhelper 会被设置为 nullptr。这个函数的目的是为了确保在 SELinux 强制执行之前,snapuserd 转换已经完成并关闭了。
    if (snapuserd_helper) {
        // Before enforcing, finish the pending snapuserd transition.
        snapuserd_helper = nullptr;

    // This restorecon is intentionally done before SelinuxSetEnforcement because the permissions
    // needed to transition files from tmpfs to *_contexts_file context should not be granted to
    // any process after selinux is set into enforcing mode.

    if (selinux_android_restorecon("/dev/selinux/", SELINUX_ANDROID_RESTORECON_RECURSE) == -1) {
        PLOG(FATAL) << "restorecon failed of /dev/selinux failed";
    //它调用了 SelinuxSetEnforcement() 函数,用于设置 SELinux 的执行模式。SELinux 是一种安全增强功能,它可以限制进程的权限,
    //从而提高系统的安全性。在 Android 系统中,SELinux 默认是开启的,而 SelinuxSetEnforcement() 函数用于设置 SELinux 的执行模式为强制模式,
    //这意味着所有进程都必须遵守 SELinux 的规则,否则将会被拒绝访问。

    // We're in the kernel domain and want to transition to the init domain.  File systems that
    // store SELabels in their xattrs, such as ext4 do not need an explicit restorecon here,
    // but other file systems do.  In particular, this is needed for ramdisks such as the
    // recovery image for A/B devices.
    //调用了 selinux_android_restorecon 函数来恢复 /system/bin/init 的安全上下文。
    //如果恢复失败,它将记录一个致命错误并退出。这个函数的第二个参数是一个标志,用于指定恢复上下文时是否递归地恢复其子目录和文件。在这里,它被设置为 0,表示不递归恢复。
    if (selinux_android_restorecon("/system/bin/init", 0) == -1) {
        PLOG(FATAL) << "restorecon failed of /system/bin/init failed";

//设置 SELinux 启动时间的环境变量。具体来说,它将当前时间戳转换为字符串并设置为名为 kEnvSelinuxStartedAt 的环境变量的值。
    setenv(kEnvSelinuxStartedAt, std::to_string(start_time.time_since_epoch().count()).c_str(), 1);

//启动第二阶段的 init 进程。
//具体来说,它使用 execv 函数执行了 /system/bin/init 可执行文件,并传递了 "second_stage" 参数。
//如果 execv 函数返回,那么会输出一条错误信息并进入死循环。这段代码位于 system/core/init/init.cpp 文件中的 Init::SecondStageMain 函数中。
    const char* path = "/system/bin/init";
    const char* args[] = {path, "second_stage", nullptr};
    execv(path, const_cast<char**>(args));

    // execv() only returns if an error happened, in which case we
    // panic and never return from this function.
    PLOG(FATAL) << "execv(\"" << path << "\") failed";

    return 1;


int SecondStageMain(int argc, char** argv) {

    // No threads should be spin up until signalfd
    // is registered. If the threads are indeed required,
    // each of these threads _should_ make sure SIGCHLD signal
    // is blocked. See b/223076262

    boot_clock::time_point start_time = boot_clock::now();

    trigger_shutdown = [](const std::string& command) { shutdown_state.TriggerShutdown(command); };

    LOG(INFO) << "init second stage started!";


    // Update $PATH in the case the second stage init is newer than first stage init, where it is
    // first set.
    if (setenv("PATH", _PATH_DEFPATH, 1) != 0) {
        PLOG(FATAL) << "Could not set $PATH to '" << _PATH_DEFPATH << "' in second stage";

    // Init should not crash because of a dependence on any other process, therefore we ignore
    // SIGPIPE and handle EPIPE at the call site directly.  Note that setting a signal to SIG_IGN
    // is inherited across exec, but custom signal handlers are not.  Since we do not want to
    // ignore SIGPIPE for child processes, we set a no-op function for the signal handler instead.

        struct sigaction action = {.sa_flags = SA_RESTART};
        action.sa_handler = [](int) {};
        sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, nullptr);

    // Set init and its forked children's oom_adj.
    if (auto result =
                WriteFile("/proc/1/oom_score_adj", StringPrintf("%d", DEFAULT_OOM_SCORE_ADJUST));
        !result.ok()) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to write " << DEFAULT_OOM_SCORE_ADJUST
                   << " to /proc/1/oom_score_adj: " << result.error();

    // Set up a session keyring that all processes will have access to. It
    // will hold things like FBE encryption keys. No process should override
    // its session keyring.

    keyctl_get_keyring_ID(KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING, 1);

    // Indicate that booting is in progress to background fw loaders, etc.

    //打开 /dev/.booting 设备文件,然后关闭它。这个文件是用来指示系统正在启动中的,
    close(open("/dev/.booting", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0000));

    // See if need to load debug props to allow adb root, when the device is unlocked.
    //检查是否需要加载调试属性以允许在设备解锁时使用adb root。
    const char* force_debuggable_env = getenv("INIT_FORCE_DEBUGGABLE");
    bool load_debug_prop = false;
    if (force_debuggable_env && AvbHandle::IsDeviceUnlocked()) {
        load_debug_prop = "true"s == force_debuggable_env;

    // Umount the debug ramdisk so property service doesn't read .prop files from there, when it
    // is not meant to.
    //在 load_debug_prop 为假时卸载调试 ramdisk。具体来说,如果不需要加载调试属性,就会卸载调试 ramdisk。
    if (!load_debug_prop) {



    // Umount second stage resources after property service has read the .prop files.

    // Umount the debug ramdisk after property service has read the .prop files when it means to.
    if (load_debug_prop) {

    // Mount extra filesystems required during second stage init

    // Now set up SELinux for second stage.
    //初始化 SELinux 并恢复上下文

    Epoll epoll;
    if (auto result = epoll.Open(); !result.ok()) {
        PLOG(FATAL) << result.error();

    // We always reap children before responding to the other pending functions. This is to
    // prevent a race where other daemons see that a service has exited and ask init to
    // start it again via ctl.start before init has reaped it.
    //设置了 epoll 的第一个回调函数为 ReapAnyOutstandingChildren。
    //这个函数的作用是在响应其他挂起的函数之前,始终回收子进程,以防止其他守护进程在服务退出后看到它并要求 init 通过 ctl.start 启动它。这是为了防止竞争条件。


    // Make the time that init stages started available for bootstat to log.

    // Set libavb version for Framework-only OTA match in Treble build.
    //检查环境变量 INIT_AVB_VERSION 是否存在,如果存在则将其设置为 ro.boot.avb_version 属性的值。
    //然后,它会使用 unsetenv 函数删除 INIT_AVB_VERSION 环境变量。
    //这段代码的作用是在启动时设置 Android Verified Boot (AVB) 版本。
    if (const char* avb_version = getenv("INIT_AVB_VERSION"); avb_version != nullptr) {
        SetProperty("ro.boot.avb_version", avb_version);

//fs_mgr_vendor_overlay_mount_all():挂载 vendor overlay 分区,该分区用于存储厂商定制的一些文件。
//export_oem_lock_status():导出 OEM lock 状态,该状态用于判断设备是否处于锁定状态。
//MountHandler mount_handler(&epoll):初始化 MountHandler 对象,用于处理文件系统挂载。
//SetUsbController():设置 USB 控制器,用于处理 USB 相关的事件
    MountHandler mount_handler(&epoll);

    const BuiltinFunctionMap& function_map = GetBuiltinFunctionMap();

//用于设置mount namespace的。如果SetupMountNamespaces()函数返回false,那么会记录一个fatal级别的日志,表示设置mount namespace失败。
    if (!SetupMountNamespaces()) {
        PLOG(FATAL) << "SetupMountNamespaces failed";

//初始化 SELinux 上下文

    //初始化系统启动时需要的各种资源和服务,包括但不限于:初始化 SELinux、初始化 property service、挂载文件系统、启动各种服务等等。
    //其中 ActionManager 和 ServiceList 的实例化是在初始化完成后,启动各种服务之前进行的。

    //ActionManager 和 ServiceList 是 Android 系统启动时的两个重要类。
    //ActionManager 负责管理系统启动时需要执行的所有操作,
    //而 ServiceList 则负责管理系统启动时需要启动的所有服务。这两个类的实例化都是通过 GetInstance() 函数来实现的。
    ActionManager& am = ActionManager::GetInstance();
    ServiceList& sm = ServiceList::GetInstance();

//加载启动脚本 会加载init.rc
    LoadBootScripts(am, sm);

    // Turning this on and letting the INFO logging be discarded adds 0.2s to
    // Nexus 9 boot time, so it's disabled by default.
    if (false) DumpState();

    // Make the GSI status available before scripts start running.
    //首先检查 GSI 是否正在运行,如果是,则将属性 gsi::kGsiBootedProp 设置为 "1",否则设置为 "0"。
    //然后它检查 GSI 是否已安装,如果是,则将属性 gsi::kGsiInstalledProp 设置为 "1",否则设置为 "0"。
    //GSI 是 Generic System Image 的缩写,是一种 Android 系统映像,可以在支持 Project Treble 的设备上运行。
    //它是一个通用的、不包含设备特定代码的 Android 系统映像,可以在多种设备上运行。
    auto is_running = android::gsi::IsGsiRunning() ? "1" : "0";
    SetProperty(gsi::kGsiBootedProp, is_running);
    auto is_installed = android::gsi::IsGsiInstalled() ? "1" : "0";
    SetProperty(gsi::kGsiInstalledProp, is_installed);

    am.QueueBuiltinAction(SetupCgroupsAction, "SetupCgroups");   //设置cgroups,以便在后续的进程管理中使用。
    am.QueueBuiltinAction(SetKptrRestrictAction, "SetKptrRestrict");  //限制内核指针的泄露,以提高系统的安全性。
    am.QueueBuiltinAction(TestPerfEventSelinuxAction, "TestPerfEventSelinux"); //测试SELinux是否正确地限制了性能事件的访问。
    am.QueueBuiltinAction(ConnectEarlyStageSnapuserdAction, "ConnectEarlyStageSnapuserd"); //连接snapuserd,以便在后续的Snapshots操作中使用。
    am.QueueEventTrigger("early-init"); //触发"early-init"事件,以便在后续的初始化过程中执行必要的操作。

    // Queue an action that waits for coldboot done so we know ueventd has set up all of /dev...
    am.QueueBuiltinAction(wait_for_coldboot_done_action, "wait_for_coldboot_done");
    // ... so that we can start queuing up actions that require stuff from /dev.
    am.QueueBuiltinAction(SetMmapRndBitsAction, "SetMmapRndBits");

    //它使用了 am.QueueBuiltinAction() 函数来将一个 lambda 函数作为内置动作添加到 ActionManager 中。
    //这个 lambda 函数会遍历 ServiceList 中的所有服务,将它们的按键组合注册到 keychords 中。然后,它会使用 epoll 监听按键事件,并在按键组合被触发时调用 HandleKeychord 函数。
    Keychords keychords;
            [&epoll, &keychords](const BuiltinArguments& args) -> Result<void> {
                for (const auto& svc : ServiceList::GetInstance()) {
                keychords.Start(&epoll, HandleKeychord);
                return {};

    // Trigger all the boot actions to get us started.

    // Don't mount filesystems or start core system services in charger mode.
    std::string bootmode = GetProperty("ro.bootmode", "");
    if (bootmode == "charger") {
    } else {

    // Run all property triggers based on current state of the properties.
    am.QueueBuiltinAction(queue_property_triggers_action, "queue_property_triggers");

    // Restore prio before main loop
    setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0);
    while (true) {
        // By default, sleep until something happens. Do not convert far_future into
        // std::chrono::milliseconds because that would trigger an overflow. The unit of boot_clock
        // is 1ns.
        const boot_clock::time_point far_future = boot_clock::time_point::max();
        boot_clock::time_point next_action_time = far_future;

        auto shutdown_command = shutdown_state.CheckShutdown();
        if (shutdown_command) {
            LOG(INFO) << "Got shutdown_command '" << *shutdown_command
                      << "' Calling HandlePowerctlMessage()";
   //这个 am 对象是 ActionManager 类的一个实例,它负责管理系统启动过程中的所有操作。
        if (!(prop_waiter_state.MightBeWaiting() || Service::is_exec_service_running())) {
            // If there's more work to do, wake up again immediately.
            if (am.HasMoreCommands()) {
                next_action_time = boot_clock::now();

        // Since the above code examined pending actions, no new actions must be
        // queued by the code between this line and the Epoll::Wait() call below
        // without calling WakeMainInitThread().
        if (!IsShuttingDown()) {
            auto next_process_action_time = HandleProcessActions();

            // If there's a process that needs restarting, wake up in time for that.
            if (next_process_action_time) {
                next_action_time = std::min(next_action_time, *next_process_action_time);

        std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> epoll_timeout;
        //计算下一次 epollwait 的超时时间。如果下一次有事件需要处理,那么就计算出下一次事件的时间,然后将其转换为毫秒并向上取整,作为 epollwait 的超时时间。
        if (next_action_time != far_future) {
            epoll_timeout = std::chrono::ceil<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
                    std::max(next_action_time - boot_clock::now(), 0ns));
        auto epoll_result = epoll.Wait(epoll_timeout);
        if (!epoll_result.ok()) {
            LOG(ERROR) << epoll_result.error();
        if (!IsShuttingDown()) {

    return 0;





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