Python 小型项目大全 11~15

news2024/10/6 20:26:18



我们的网站需要欺骗人们去看广告!但是想出有创意的原创内容太难了。幸运的是,有了标题党生成器,我们可以让一台计算机产生数百万个令人发指的虚假标题。都是低质量的,但读者似乎并不介意。这个程序根据你的需要从一个 MadLibs 风格的模板中生成尽可能多的标题。




Clickbait Headline Generator
By Al Sweigart email@protected

Our website needs to trick people into looking at ads!
Enter the number of clickbait headlines to generate:
> 1000
Big Companies Hate Him! See How This New York Cat Invented a Cheaper Robot
What Telephone Psychics Don't Want You To Know About Avocados
You Won't Believe What This North Carolina Shovel Found in Her Workplace
14 Reasons Why Parents Are More Interesting Than You Think (Number 1 Will Surprise You!)
What Robots Don't Want You To Know About Cats
This Florida Telephone Psychic Didn't Think Robots Would Take Her Job. She Was Wrong.


这个程序有几个函数来生成不同类型的标题党。他们每个人都从STATESNOUNSPLACESWHEN和其他列表中获得随机单词。这些函数然后用format()字符串方法将这些单词插入到一个模板字符串中,然后返回这个字符串。这就像一本“Mad Libs”活动书,只是电脑会填空,让程序在几秒钟内生成数千个标题党。

"""Clickbait Headline Generator, by Al Sweigart email@protected
A clickbait headline generator for your soulless content farm website.
This code is available at
Tags: large, beginner, humor, word"""

import random

# Set up the constants:
OBJECT_PRONOUNS = ['Her', 'Him', 'Them']
POSSESIVE_PRONOUNS = ['Her', 'His', 'Their']
PERSONAL_PRONOUNS = ['She', 'He', 'They']
STATES = ['California', 'Texas', 'Florida', 'New York', 'Pennsylvania',
         'Illinois', 'Ohio', 'Georgia', 'North Carolina', 'Michigan']
NOUNS = ['Athlete', 'Clown', 'Shovel', 'Paleo Diet', 'Doctor', 'Parent',
        'Cat', 'Dog', 'Chicken', 'Robot', 'Video Game', 'Avocado',
        'Plastic Straw','Serial Killer', 'Telephone Psychic']
PLACES = ['House', 'Attic', 'Bank Deposit Box', 'School', 'Basement',
         'Workplace', 'Donut Shop', 'Apocalypse Bunker']
WHEN = ['Soon', 'This Year', 'Later Today', 'RIGHT NOW', 'Next Week']

def main():
   print('Clickbait Headline Generator')
   print('By Al Sweigart email@protected')

   print('Our website needs to trick people into looking at ads!')
   while True:
       print('Enter the number of clickbait headlines to generate:')
       response = input('> ')
       if not response.isdecimal():
           print('Please enter a number.')
           numberOfHeadlines = int(response)
           break  # Exit the loop once a valid number is entered.

   for i in range(numberOfHeadlines):
       clickbaitType = random.randint(1, 8)

       if clickbaitType == 1:
           headline = generateAreMillenialsKillingHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 2:
           headline = generateWhatYouDontKnowHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 3:
           headline = generateBigCompaniesHateHerHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 4:
           headline = generateYouWontBelieveHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 5:
           headline = generateDontWantYouToKnowHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 6:
           headline = generateGiftIdeaHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 7:
           headline = generateReasonsWhyHeadline()
       elif clickbaitType == 8:
           headline = generateJobAutomatedHeadline()


   website = random.choice(['wobsite', 'blag', 'Facebuuk', 'Googles',
                            'Facesbook', 'Tweedie', 'Pastagram'])
   when = random.choice(WHEN).lower()
   print('Post these to our', website, when, 'or you\'re fired!')

# Each of these functions returns a different type of headline:
def generateAreMillenialsKillingHeadline():
   noun = random.choice(NOUNS)
   return 'Are Millenials Killing the {} Industry?'.format(noun)

def generateWhatYouDontKnowHeadline():
   noun = random.choice(NOUNS)
   pluralNoun = random.choice(NOUNS) + 's'
   when = random.choice(WHEN)
   return 'Without This {}, {} Could Kill You {}'.format(noun, pluralNoun, when)

def generateBigCompaniesHateHerHeadline():
   pronoun = random.choice(OBJECT_PRONOUNS)
   state = random.choice(STATES)
   noun1 = random.choice(NOUNS)
   noun2 = random.choice(NOUNS)
   return 'Big Companies Hate {}! See How This {}  {} Invented a Cheaper {}'.format(pronoun, state, noun1, noun2)

def generateYouWontBelieveHeadline():
   state = random.choice(STATES)
   noun = random.choice(NOUNS)
   pronoun = random.choice(POSSESIVE_PRONOUNS)
   place = random.choice(PLACES)
   return 'You Won\'t Believe What This {}  {} Found in {}  {}'.format(state, noun, pronoun, place)

def generateDontWantYouToKnowHeadline():
   pluralNoun1 = random.choice(NOUNS) + 's'
   pluralNoun2 = random.choice(NOUNS) + 's'
   return 'What {} Don\'t Want You To Know About {}'.format(pluralNoun1, pluralNoun2)

def generateGiftIdeaHeadline():
    number = random.randint(7, 15)
    noun = random.choice(NOUNS)
    state = random.choice(STATES)
    return '{} Gift Ideas to Give Your {} From {}'.format(number, noun, state)

def generateReasonsWhyHeadline():
    number1 = random.randint(3, 19)
    pluralNoun = random.choice(NOUNS) + 's'
    # number2 should be no larger than number1:
    number2 = random.randint(1, number1)
    return '{} Reasons Why {} Are More Interesting Than You Think (Number {} Will Surprise You!)'.format(number1, pluralNoun, number2)

def generateJobAutomatedHeadline():
    state = random.choice(STATES)
    noun = random.choice(NOUNS)

    i = random.randint(0, 2)
    pronoun1 = POSSESIVE_PRONOUNS[i]
    pronoun2 = PERSONAL_PRONOUNS[i]
    if pronoun1 == 'Their':
        return 'This {}  {} Didn\'t Think Robots Would Take {} Job. {} Were Wrong.'.format(state, noun, pronoun1, pronoun2)
        return 'This {}  {} Didn\'t Think Robots Would Take {} Job. {} Was Wrong.'.format(state, noun, pronoun1, pronoun2)

# If the program is run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == '__main__':


  • 添加其他类型的标题党。
  • 添加新的单词类别,超出NOUNSSTATES等。



  1. 如果删除或注释掉第 34 行的numberOfHeadlines = int(response),会得到什么错误信息?
  2. 如果将第 34 行的int(response)改为response,会得到什么错误信息?
  3. 如果将第 19 行改为WHEN = [],会得到什么错误信息?



柯拉茨序列,也称为3n + 1问题,是最简单的不可能数学问题。(不过不用担心,程序本身对初学者来说已经足够简单了。)从一个起始数字,n,遵循三个规则得到序列中的下一个数字:

  1. 如果n是偶数,那么下一个数字n就是n / 2
  2. 如果n是奇数,那么下一个数n就是n * 3 + 1
  3. 如果n为 1,则停止。否则,重复。

一般认为,但迄今为止没有数学证明,每个起始数最终终止于 1。关于柯拉茨序列的更多信息可以在找到。



Collatz Sequence, or, the 3n + 1 Problem
By Al Sweigart email@protected

The Collatz sequence is a sequence of numbers produced from a starting
number n, following three rules:
Enter a starting number (greater than 0) or QUIT:
> 26
26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

Collatz Sequence, or, the 3n + 1 Problem
By Al Sweigart email@protected
Enter a starting number (greater than 0) or QUIT:
> 27
27, 82, 41, 124, 62, 31, 94, 47, 142, 71, 214, 107, 322, 161, 484, 242, 121, 364, 182, 91, 274, 137, 412, 206, 103, 310, 155, 466, 233, 700, 350, 175, 526, 263, 790, 395, 1186, 593, 1780, 890, 445, 1336, 668, 334, 167, 502, 251, 754, 377, 1132, 566, 283, 850, 425, 1276, 638, 319, 958, 479, 1438, 719, 2158, 1079, 3238, 1619, 4858, 2429, 7288, 3644, 1822, 911, 2734, 1367, 4102, 2051, 6154, 3077, 9232, 4616, 2308, 1154, 577, 1732, 866, 433, 1300, 650, 325, 976, 488, 244, 122, 61, 184, 92, 46, 23, 70, 35, 106, 53, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1


模数运算符可以帮助您确定一个数字是偶数还是奇数。记住这个操作符是一种“余数”操作符。23 除以 7 是 3 余 2,而23 mod 7只是 2。偶数除以 2 没有余数,奇数除以 2 有余数 1。当n为偶数时,第 33 行if n % 2 == 0:中的条件求值为True。当n为奇数时,计算结果为False

"""Collatz Sequence, by Al Sweigart email@protected
Generates numbers for the Collatz sequence, given a starting number.
More info at:
This code is available at
Tags: tiny, beginner, math"""

import sys, time

print('''Collatz Sequence, or, the 3n + 1 Problem
By Al Sweigart email@protected

The Collatz sequence is a sequence of numbers produced from a starting
number n, following three rules:

1) If n is even, the next number n is n / 2.
2) If n is odd, the next number n is n * 3 + 1.
3) If n is 1, stop. Otherwise, repeat.

It is generally thought, but so far not mathematically proven, that
every starting number eventually terminates at 1.

print('Enter a starting number (greater than 0) or QUIT:')
response = input('> ')

if not response.isdecimal() or response == '0':
    print('You must enter an integer greater than 0.')

n = int(response)
print(n, end='', flush=True)
while n != 1:
    if n % 2 == 0:  # If n is even...
        n = n // 2
    else:  # Otherwise, n is odd...
        n = 3 * n + 1

    print(', ' + str(n), end='', flush=True)



  1. 以 32 开头的柯拉茨序列中有多少个数字?
  2. 以 33 开头的柯拉茨序列中有多少个数字?
  3. 起始数为 2 的幂(2、4、8、16、32、64、128 等等)的排序序列是否总是只由偶数组成(除了最后的 1)?
  4. 输入0作为起始整数会发生什么?

#13 康威的生命游戏


康威的生命游戏是一种细胞自动机模拟,它遵循简单的规则来创建有趣的模式。它是由数学家约翰·康威在 1970 年发明的,并由马丁·加德纳在《科学美国人》的“数学游戏”专栏推广开来。今天,它是程序员和计算机科学家的最爱,尽管它更像是一个有趣的可视化而不是真正的“游戏”二维棋盘有一个“单元格”网格,每个单元格都遵循三个简单的规则:

  • 具有两个或三个邻居的活细胞在模拟的下一步中保持存活。
  • 在模拟的下一步中,正好有三个邻居的死细胞变成活的。
  • 在模拟的下一步中,任何其他细胞死亡或保持死亡。

下一步模拟中细胞的活或死状态完全取决于它们的当前状态。这些细胞不会“记住”任何旧的状态。关于这些简单规则产生的模式,有大量的研究。不幸的是,康威教授于 2020 年 4 月因并发症在新冠肺炎去世。更多关于康威《生命的游戏》的信息可以在找到,更多关于马丁·加德纳的信息可以在找到。



 O                  O                 OO      O  O
O     O    O  O                 O                      O OOOO          O OO
OO    O   O                     O          O            O              O O
OO        O    O                          OO                        OO
OO        OO                             O O    O                    OO
                                         OO    O O                    O  OO
            OOO                          OO    OO                       O
                                                O    OOO
                                    O             O                     O O
                   OO             OO OO             OO  O
                   OOO               OO          OOOO    O  O
             O     OO                O O       O  OO  OO O   O    OO
             O  O                 O    O          O   OO O    O  OOO
             O                     OOOO  OO       OO   O    OOOOO O
OO            O                      O   OOO     O OOO        OOOO       O


单元的状态存储在字典中的cellsnextCells变量中。两个字典都有键的(x, y)元组(其中xy是整数),活细胞的'O',死细胞的' '。第 40 到 44 行被设置为将这些字典的表示打印到屏幕上。cells变量的字典表示单元的当前状态,而nextCells存储模拟下一步中单元的字典。

"""Conway's Game of Life, by Al Sweigart email@protected
The classic cellular automata simulation. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
More info at:
This code is available at
Tags: short, artistic, simulation"""

import copy, random, sys, time

# Set up the constants:
WIDTH = 79   # The width of the cell grid.
HEIGHT = 20  # The height of the cell grid.

# (!) Try changing ALIVE to '#' or another character:
ALIVE = 'O'  # The character representing a living cell.
# (!) Try changing DEAD to '.' or another character:
DEAD = ' '   # The character representing a dead cell.

# (!) Try changing ALIVE to '|' and DEAD to '-'.

# The cells and nextCells are dictionaries for the state of the game.
# Their keys are (x, y) tuples and their values are one of the ALIVE
# or DEAD values.
nextCells = {}
# Put random dead and alive cells into nextCells:
for x in range(WIDTH):  # Loop over every possible column.
    for y in range(HEIGHT):  # Loop over every possible row.
        # 50/50 chance for starting cells being alive or dead.
        if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
            nextCells[(x, y)] = ALIVE  # Add a living cell.
            nextCells[(x, y)] = DEAD  # Add a dead cell.

while True:  # Main program loop.
    # Each iteration of this loop is a step of the simulation.

    print('\n' * 50)  # Separate each step with newlines.
    cells = copy.deepcopy(nextCells)

    # Print cells on the screen:
    for y in range(HEIGHT):
        for x in range(WIDTH):
            print(cells[(x, y)], end='')  # Print the # or space.
        print()  # Print a newline at the end of the row.
    print('Press Ctrl-C to quit.')

    # Calculate the next step's cells based on current step's cells:
    for x in range(WIDTH):
        for y in range(HEIGHT):
            # Get the neighboring coordinates of (x, y), even if they
            # wrap around the edge:
            left  = (x - 1) % WIDTH
            right = (x + 1) % WIDTH
            above = (y - 1) % HEIGHT
            below = (y + 1) % HEIGHT

            # Count the number of living neighbors:
            numNeighbors = 0
            if cells[(left, above)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Top-left neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(x, above)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Top neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(right, above)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Top-right neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(left, y)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Left neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(right, y)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Right neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(left, below)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Bottom-left neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(x, below)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Bottom neighbor is alive.
            if cells[(right, below)] == ALIVE:
                numNeighbors += 1  # Bottom-right neighbor is alive.

            # Set cell based on Conway's Game of Life rules:
            if cells[(x, y)] == ALIVE and (numNeighbors == 2
                or numNeighbors == 3):
                    # Living cells with 2 or 3 neighbors stay alive:
                    nextCells[(x, y)] = ALIVE
            elif cells[(x, y)] == DEAD and numNeighbors == 3:
                # Dead cells with 3 neighbors become alive:
                nextCells[(x, y)] = ALIVE
                # Everything else dies or stays dead:
                nextCells[(x, y)] = DEAD

        time.sleep(1)  # Add a 1 second pause to reduce flickering.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Conway's Game of Life")
        print('By Al Sweigart email@protected')
        sys.exit()  # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program. 


  • 调整开始为活细胞的百分比,而不是总是使用 50%。
  • 添加从文本文件中读取初始状态的功能,这样用户可以手动编辑起始单元格状态。



  1. 把 10 行的WIDTH = 79改成WIDTH = 7会怎么样?
  2. 如果删除或注释掉第 36 行的print('\n' * 50)会发生什么?
  3. 如果把第 28 行的random.randint(0, 1)改成random.randint(0, 10)会怎么样?
  4. 如果把第 85 行的nextCells[(x, y)] = DEAD改成nextCells[(x, y)] = ALIVE会怎么样?



这个程序显示一个数字计时器,倒计时到零。第六十四个项目的sevseg.py模块“七段显示模块”为每个数字生成图形,而不是直接呈现数字字符。您必须先创建这个文件,倒计时程序才能运行。然后,将倒计时设置为你喜欢的任何秒数、分钟数和小时数。这个程序类似于项目 19,“数字钟。”



 __   __       __   __       __   __
|  | |  |  *  |  | |  |  *   __| |__|
|__| |__|  *  |__| |__|  *  |__   __|

Press Ctrl-C to quit.


运行import sevseg之后,您可以调用sevseg.getSevSegStr()函数来获得一个包含七个段数字的多行字符串。然而,倒计时程序需要在时、分、秒之间显示一个由星号组成的冒号。这需要用splitlines()方法将这些数字的三行多行字符串分割成三个单独的字符串。

"""Countdown, by Al Sweigart email@protected
Show a countdown timer animation using a seven-segment display.
Press Ctrl-C to stop.
More info at
Requires to be in the same folder.
This code is available at
Tags: tiny, artistic"""

import sys, time
import sevseg  # Imports our program.

# (!) Change this to any number of seconds:
secondsLeft = 30

    while True:  # Main program loop.
        # Clear the screen by printing several newlines:
        print('\n' * 60)

        # Get the hours/minutes/seconds from secondsLeft:
        # For example: 7265 is 2 hours, 1 minute, 5 seconds.
        # So 7265 // 3600 is 2 hours:
        hours = str(secondsLeft // 3600)
        # And 7265 % 3600 is 65, and 65 // 60 is 1 minute:
        minutes = str((secondsLeft % 3600) // 60)
        # And 7265 % 60 is 5 seconds:
        seconds = str(secondsLeft % 60)

        # Get the digit strings from the sevseg module:
        hDigits = sevseg.getSevSegStr(hours, 2)
        hTopRow, hMiddleRow, hBottomRow = hDigits.splitlines()

        mDigits = sevseg.getSevSegStr(minutes, 2)
        mTopRow, mMiddleRow, mBottomRow = mDigits.splitlines()

        sDigits = sevseg.getSevSegStr(seconds, 2)
        sTopRow, sMiddleRow, sBottomRow = sDigits.splitlines()

        # Display the digits:
        print(hTopRow    + '     ' + mTopRow    + '     ' + sTopRow)
        print(hMiddleRow + '  *  ' + mMiddleRow + '  *  ' + sMiddleRow)
        print(hBottomRow + '  *  ' + mBottomRow + '  *  ' + sBottomRow)

        if secondsLeft == 0:
            print('    * * * * BOOM * * * *')

        print('Press Ctrl-C to quit.')

        time.sleep(1)  # Insert a one-second pause.
        secondsLeft -= 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print('Countdown, by Al Sweigart email@protected')
    sys.exit()  # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program.) 


  • 提示用户输入开始倒计时的时间。
  • 让用户输入在倒计时结束时显示的消息。



  1. 如果把第 13 行的secondsLeft = 30改成secondsLeft = 30.5会怎么样?
  2. 如果把第 30、33、36 行的2改成1会怎么样?
  3. 如果把 52 行的time.sleep(1)改成time.sleep(0.1)会怎么样?
  4. 如果把 53 行的secondsLeft -= 1改成secondsLeft -= 2会怎么样?
  5. 如果删除或注释掉第 18 行的print('\n' * 60)会发生什么?
  6. 如果删除或注释掉第 10 行的import sevseg,会得到什么错误信息?



这个节目是一个永远深入地下的深洞的动画。虽然很短,但这个程序利用了计算机屏幕的滚动特性,产生了一个有趣且无休止的可视化效果,证明了制作有趣的东西并不需要太多代码。这个项目类似于 58 项目“彩虹”



Deep Cave, by Al Sweigart email@protected
Press Ctrl-C to stop.
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左侧的井号字符数由leftWidth变量跟踪。中间的空格数由gapWidth变量跟踪。右侧标签字符的数量从WIDTH - gapWidth - leftWidth开始计算。这确保了每一行总是相同的宽度。

"""Deep Cave, by Al Sweigart email@protected
An animation of a deep cave that goes forever into the earth.
This code is available at
Tags: tiny, beginner, scrolling, artistic"""

import random, sys, time

# Set up the constants:
WIDTH = 70  # (!) Try changing this to 10 or 30.
PAUSE_AMOUNT = 0.05  # (!) Try changing this to 0 or 1.0.

print('Deep Cave, by Al Sweigart email@protected')
print('Press Ctrl-C to stop.')

leftWidth = 20
gapWidth = 10

while True:
    # Display the tunnel segment:
    rightWidth = WIDTH - gapWidth - leftWidth
    print(('#' * leftWidth) + (' ' * gapWidth) + ('#' * rightWidth))

    # Check for Ctrl-C press during the brief pause:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        sys.exit()  # When Ctrl-C is pressed, end the program.

    # Adjust the left side width:
    diceRoll = random.randint(1, 6)
    if diceRoll == 1 and leftWidth > 1:
        leftWidth = leftWidth - 1  # Decrease left side width.
    elif diceRoll == 2 and leftWidth + gapWidth < WIDTH - 1:
        leftWidth = leftWidth + 1  # Increase left side width.
        pass  # Do nothing; no change in left side width.

    # Adjust the gap width:
    # (!) Try uncommenting out all of the following code:
    #diceRoll = random.randint(1, 6)
    #if diceRoll == 1 and gapWidth > 1:
    #    gapWidth = gapWidth - 1  # Decrease gap width.
    #elif diceRoll == 2 and leftWidth + gapWidth < WIDTH - 1:
    #    gapWidth = gapWidth + 1  # Increase gap width.
    #    pass  # Do nothing; no change in gap width. 




  1. 如果把第 23 行的(' ' * gapWidth)改成('.' * gapWidth)会怎么样?
  2. 如果把第 32 行的random.randint(1, 6)改成random.randint(1, 1)会怎么样?
  3. 如果把第 32 行的random.randint(1, 6)改成random.randint(2, 2)会怎么样?
  4. 如果删除或注释掉第 17 行的leftWidth = 20,会得到什么错误信息?
  5. 如果把第 10 行的WIDTH = 70改成WIDTH = -70会怎么样?
  6. 如果将第 11 行的PAUSE_AMOUNT = 0.05改为PAUSE_AMOUNT = -0.05,会得到什么错误信息?




在CentOS 7.5上用离线压缩包安装Python-3.9.10的过程记录

项目的需要&#xff0c;需要在CentOS 7.5上去部署一个Python 3.9.10的安装环境。 值得注意的是在CentOS 7.5系统中&#xff0c;默认安装了 Python 2.7.x。 Python 2.7.x 是许多系统工具和应用程序所依赖的版本&#xff0c;因此它被包括在 CentOS 7.5 发行版中。如果在 CentOS …


数据治理是一个去中心化、多元参与的系统工程。一个全面且明确的数据治理体系&#xff0c;可以帮助组织构建生态式、协同化治理路径&#xff0c;最大化地提升整体数据质量&#xff0c;实现数据战略&#xff0c;激活新型生产力。 本文以元数据、数据标准、主数据、数据交换、数…


SpringBoot批量添加或修改数据的三种方式 方式一.Mybatis-plus 提供的 saveOrUpdateBatch 提供的方法 是遍历每一个元素&#xff0c;判断主键是否存在&#xff0c;如果存在则做更新&#xff0c;不存在添加 方式二.分组数据再批量添加或修改 先获取表中所有的主键 &#xff0…


3D相机—结构光相机 结构光&#xff0c;英文叫做 Structured light&#xff0c;其原理是基本原理是&#xff0c;通过近红外激光器&#xff0c;将具有一定结构特征的光线投射到被拍摄物体上&#xff0c;再由专门的红外摄像头进行采集。这种具备一定结构的光线&#xff0c;会因被…




文章目录前言一、红蓝格子填字母【蚂蚁4.11笔试第三题】解法一&#xff1a;二分解法解法二&#xff1a;模拟二、桌上弹球游戏【蚂蚁4.11笔试第二题】每日一题day82&#xff1a;困于环中的机器人&#xff08;力扣1041&#xff09;前言 1、红蓝格子填字母 2、桌上弹球游戏 3、困…

12 个好用且不花钱的网络监控工具

导读要让一个多级机构运行良好而且平稳的话&#xff0c;一个非常艰巨重大的任务就是做好网络管理。每个机构都配备专门的人员&#xff0c;即网络分析师&#xff0c;来进行网络管理。他们 使用了 许多工具来监视网络的运行状况&#xff0c;并查看网络流量的上升和下降状况。他们…

机器学习 03 K-近邻算法

目录 一、K-近邻算法 1.1 K-近邻算法(KNN)概念 1.1.1 概念理解举例 1.2 KNN算法流程总结 1.3 K值的选择 1.3.1 举例说明 1.4 kd树 1.4.1 KD树原理 1.4.2 树的建立 1.5 最近领域的搜索 k近邻算法优缺点 二、距离度量 2.1 距离公式的基本性质 2.2 常见的距离 2.2.…


消息队列一. 什么是消息队列二. 消息队列有关函数1.获取key - ftok2.创建消息队列 - msgget3.发送消息 - msgsnd4.接收消息 - msgrcv5.删除消息队列 - msgctl三. 实例注意:一. 什么是消息队列 消息队列独立于发送消息的进程和接收消息的进程&#xff0c;消息队列是消息的链表&…

【牛客刷题专栏】0x19:JZ18 删除链表的节点(C语言编程题)

前言 个人推荐在牛客网刷题(点击可以跳转)&#xff0c;它登陆后会保存刷题记录进度&#xff0c;重新登录时写过的题目代码不会丢失。个人刷题练习系列专栏&#xff1a;个人CSDN牛客刷题专栏。 题目来自&#xff1a;牛客/题库 / 在线编程 / 剑指offer&#xff1a; 目录前言问题…

GPT-5年底上线?初创公司Runway CEO再爆料:OpenAI员工相信GPT-5有望成AGI

来源: 新智源 微信号&#xff1a;AI-era 最近&#xff0c;Runway CEO关于GPT-5的爆料&#xff0c;又被网友们翻了出来&#xff0c;讨论得热火朝天。不论AGI会在哪一年出现&#xff0c;显然&#xff0c;能见证这一天的人都是幸运的。 最近&#xff0c;又有网友翻出了关于GPT-5的…


目录 一.&#x1f606;计算机与操作系统&#x1f606; 计算机与操作系统发展史简介: 计算机与操作系统的关系: 二.&#x1f604;Linux操作系统&#x1f604; 开源软件的代名词:Linux 非图形化界面的Liunx 三.&#x1f606;Linux基本指令之文件管理篇&#x1f606; 1.操…


Spring配置数据源数据源的作用环境准备手动创建c3p0数据源封装抽取关键信息&#xff0c;手动创建c3p0数据源使用Spring容器配置数据源数据源的作用 数据源(连接池)是提高程序性能如出现的 事先实例化数据源&#xff0c;初始化部分连接资源 使用连接资源时从数据源中获取 使用完…


前段时间看到有人私信&#xff1a;网络安全行业现在好混吗&#xff0c;工资水平怎么样&#xff1f;今天在这里做个回答&#xff0c;不知你所说的“好混吗”指的是什么&#xff1f; 薪资高&#xff0c;待遇好&#xff1f;不加班&#xff0c;活儿少&#xff1f;不受气&#xff0…

我的创作纪念日 - 2048

2048 ✌️ 今天是 2023 年 4 月 10 日&#xff0c;系统说我在 2017 年 08 月 31 日那天发布了第一篇博客&#xff08;【算法】编写一个能将给定非负整数列表中的数字排列成最大数字的程序&#xff09;&#xff0c;距离当时已经有 2048 天了&#xff0c;2048 这个数字真的很能挑…


​​​​​现在的面试是什么样的&#xff1f; 面试官拿到简历后会先看下你的技术栈&#xff0c;他面试你的问题就来自这些技术栈 面试官都是看人下菜碟&#xff0c;每次面试问的问题都不一样&#xff0c;会根据你回答问题的情况来决定深入的程度&#xff0c;直到了解清楚你的…


△形网络和Y型网络的变换 △形网络也称三角形网络&#xff0c;Y也称星形网络 我们今天就来看下这两种网络是如何变换的。 看下面的电路 如何通过计算得出电流表的读数&#xff1f; 显然电路的串并联结构并不是那么纯粹&#xff0c;Ra Rb Rc构成了一个 △形网络,如下图所示。…


目录一、背景二、题目三、过程1.形式转换2.个位数相加只能向前进一位嘛&#xff1f;3.十位数上要填写的内容?4.如何下意识的去做结构化&#xff1f;四、总结五、升华一、背景 公司的产品是做K12的教育平台&#xff0c;马老板也受感染研究起了小学数学题。一道二年级的题让我窥…


Java阶段一Day19 文章目录Java阶段一Day19对象流字符流WriterReader转换流缓冲字符流BufferedWriter与PrintWriterBufferedReader异常Throwable、Error、Exception异常处理机制throwthrowstry-catchfinally面试题教师总结新单词JAVA IO对象流对象输入流构造器方法例transient关…


目录 求根号n 程序设计 程序分析 求根号n 【问题描述】设计一个计算的算法,n是任意正整数。 除了赋值和比较运算,该算法只能用到基本的四则运算操作。 【输入形式】输入一个正整数 【输出形式】输出答案 【样例输入】10 【样例输出】3 【样例说明】表示对n开平方后向…