Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX对于刚接触PDF或不愿投入过多精力学习PDF技术的产品管理者及开发者来说,Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX无疑是理想的选择。破解版它拥有操作简单的特性,提供可支持定制的可视化编程组件,开发者通过简单的拖放动作,就可以即时添加PDF显示功能到任何基于Windows系统的独立应用程序中。这一款PDF软件开发工具包使研发机构无需掌握深奥的PDF专业知识就能快速创建出强大的PDF应用程序并迅速投放市场。它兼容多种编程语言,如:C/C++, Visual Basic, .Net, Delphi等。
Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX是一款可视化编程组件,不仅提供PDF显示及注释功能,还具有占有资源少、分发体积小等特点。Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX采用与时下广受用户欢迎且运行可靠稳定的福昕阅读器相同的核心技术,能够快速、准确、高质量地显示PDF文档。这款组件支持简单集成至其他应用程序,专为想要开发PDF显示及注释功能的用户而设计
Better rendering quality
Supporting Fortune 500 customers that demand quality, we have the engineers, resources and the need to provide best-in-class rendering quality.
Faster rendering speed
Compared to our competitors, Foxit’s technology is faster, more accurate, and it works.
Worldwide support
With a truly worldwide presence, Foxit can provide you with the local support that you need through email, online messaging and phone calls in real-time.
Out of Memory Management
The Out of Memory Management (OOM) feature will ensure that the SDK automatically recovers from any anomalous events with minimal effect to the users experience.
Superior font handling
Foxit’s superior font matching algorithm can accurately determine which substitute most closely resembles the original non-embedded font and uses that to display the text.
Optimized for mobile
Foxit Software is probably best known for its small, fast and lightweight Foxit Reader app, which matches Adobe Reader’s rendering quality, but beats it in speed.