
news2024/9/23 9:29:48
  • 免费集装箱箱号识别API,人工智能企业CIMCAI
  • 集装箱识别检测人工智能平台全球4千企业用户,支持API集成二次开发。
  • 箱信息识别及铅封号识别功能免费,顶尖AI集装箱识别率99.98%+,
  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI打造。
  • 中国上海人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业,
  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。
  • 中国上海人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI工业级高度成熟产品,飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4千企业用户,
  • 中国上海人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI,是全球全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,
  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。
  • Free container number identification API, artificial intelligence enterprise CIMCAI
  • The artificial intelligence platform for container identification and detection has 4000 enterprise users worldwide and supports the secondary development of API integration.
  • The container information identification and lead seal number identification function are free, and the top AI container identification rate is 99.98%+,
  • Created by CIMCI, the global No.1 container AI enterprise.
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence unicorn enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced AI high-tech enterprise in the world,
  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.
  • CIMCAI constructing industrial-grade highly mature product. CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container detection cloud serves more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence unicorn enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the world's first to complete two million times of artificial intelligence container damage inspection,
  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.
  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI,全球顶尖港航人工智能/港航人工智能科技,港航人工智能AI产品高度成熟达到工业级,识别率/准确率/实时性各性能指标处于国际顶尖水平,产品在实际生产环境高检测率/零误判率/高泛化性/高鲁棒性/稀疏样本持续学习,应用投产包括:
  • 全球港口码头智能闸口智能化
  • 全球港区岸边卸/装船智能化
  • 全球港区内堆场智能化
  • 港区安全生产
  • 全球航运船公司智能化
  • 全球铁路站场/中心站智能化
  • 智能堆场/无人堆场
  • 智慧海关智能化
  • 智能箱厂智慧箱厂
  • 智能多式联运
  • CIMCAI world No.1 container AI enterprise, world's top port and shipping AI/port and shipping AI technology. The port and shipping AI products are highly mature and reach the industrial level. The recognition rate/accuracy rate/real-time performance indicators are at the international top level. The products have high detection rate/zero false judgment rate/high generalization/high robustness/sparse sample continuous learning in the actual production environment. The application and production include:
  • Intelligent gate of global ports and terminals
  • Intelligent shore unloading/loading in global port area
  • Intelligent storage yard in global port area
  • Safe production in port area
  • Intelligent global shipping companies
  • Intelligent global railway station/central station
  • Intelligent storage yard/unmanned storage yard
  • Intelligent customs
  • Smart Factory
  • Intelligent multimodal transport
  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI,打造飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务,
  • 实现手机小程序AI集装箱识别/集装箱缺陷检测箱况检测/好坏箱判定,
  • 可通过微信小程序直接使用,或者通过API接口(HTTP接口)调用,可结合触发装置二次开发。
  • 用户只需输入视频/照片/视频流到飞瞳引擎™,飞瞳引擎即可在秒级完成集装箱信息识别/集装箱缺陷检测箱况残损检测/好坏箱判定,
  • 返回集装箱信息/集装箱缺陷检测箱况残损人工智能AI识别检测结果。
  • 飞瞳引擎™集装箱识别检测云服务应用CIMCAI全球领先高算力集群技术超级算力,优化加快AI推理速度。
  • CIMCAI全球顶尖集装箱人工智能AI科技集装箱识别率99.98%+,高识别率/高实时性/高泛化性/高鲁棒性。
  • CIMCAI world No.1 container AI enterprise, constructing CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container detection cloud service,
  • Realize mobile phone applet AI container identification/container defect detection damage condition detection/good and bad container judgment,
  • It can be used directly through WeChat applet or called through API interface (HTTP interface), and can be combined with secondary development of trigger device.
  • Users only need to input video/photo/video stream to CIMCAI ENGINE™, CIMCAI ENGINE™ can complete the container information identification/container defect detection/damage detection/good and bad container determination in seconds,
  • Return the container information/container defect detection container condition damage AI identification detection results.
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ The container identification and detection cloud service applies CIMCAI's global leading high computing power cluster technology to optimize and speed up AI reasoning.
  • CIMCAI, the world's top container AI technology, has a container recognition rate of 99.98%+, high recognition rate/high real-time/high generalization/high robustness.
  • 飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱识别检测云服务,可应用于包括港口码头闸口,港口内堆场,
  • 港口岸边卸/装船,航运船公司,铁路站场/中心站,智能堆场/无人堆场,智慧海关,智能箱厂,多式联运集装箱枢纽。
  • 飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务的优势在于:开发成本小/周期短/难度低,
  • 飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务接口设计接入快,方便交互,用户无需维护。
  • 飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务已有全球4千企业用户投入使用,应用落地全球集装箱运输各领域。
  • 微信搜索:飞瞳引擎,飞瞳引擎™AI集装箱检测云服务功能。
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container identification and detection cloud service can be applied to port and dock gates and storage yards in ports,
  • Port shore unloading/loading, shipping company, railway station/central station, intelligent yard/unmanned yard, intelligent customs, intelligent container factory, multimodal container hub.
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ The advantages of AI container detection cloud service are: low development cost/short cycle/low difficulty,
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ The AI container detection cloud service interface is designed for fast access, convenient interaction and no maintenance for users.
  • CIMCAI ENGINE™ The AI container detection cloud service has been put into use by 4000 enterprise users around the world, and has been applied in various fields of global container transportation.
  • WeChat search: CIMCAI ENGINE, test AI container detection cloud service function.
  • 免费集装箱箱号识别API,人工智能企业CIMCAI
  • 集装箱识别检测人工智能平台全球4千企业用户,支持API集成二次开发。
  • 箱信息识别及铅封号识别功能免费,顶尖AI集装箱识别率99.98%+,
  • 全球No.1集装箱人工智能企业CIMCAI打造。
  • 中国上海人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI是全球应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的港航人工智能高科技企业,
  • 工业级成熟港航人工智能产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。
  • 中国上海人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI工业级高度成熟产品,飞瞳引擎AI集装箱检测云服务全球超4千企业用户,
  • 中国上海人工智能独角兽企业CIMCAI,是全球全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,
  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。
  • Free container number identification API, artificial intelligence enterprise CIMCAI
  • The artificial intelligence platform for container identification and detection has 4000 enterprise users worldwide and supports the secondary development of API integration.
  • The container information identification and lead seal number identification function are free, and the top AI container identification rate is 99.98%+,
  • Created by CIMCI, the global No.1 container AI enterprise.
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence unicorn enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the most widely applied, largest and most advanced AI high-tech enterprise in the world,
  • Industrial-level mature port and shipping AI products are applied on a global scale, and the top three shipping companies and ports and terminals in the world are applied.
  • CIMCAI constructing industrial-grade highly mature product. CIMCAI ENGINE™ AI container detection cloud serves more than 4000 enterprise users worldwide,
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence unicorn enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the world's first to complete two million times of artificial intelligence container damage inspection,
  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.
  • For more information, please visit the official website www.cimcai.com.





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