viSearchPath="C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW \vi.lib ; C:\AnotherDirectory ; etc."

I ambuilding an application and using a plug-in architecture so I can dynamicallycall VIs (plug-ins) that I create in the future. My application works correctlyin the LabVIEW development environment, but not as an executable.
Whenrunning the executable one of the following occurs:
Myapplication seems to do nothing, as if the plug-in was never called
I receiveError 1003 indicating that the VI is not executable
I receivea dialog asking me to find the "missing" subVIs
There aseveral method outlined below that may be used to resolve this issue:
Method 1: Include the subVIs in the samedirectory as the plug-in
Save thesubVIs that your plug-in uses in the same location as the plug-in. You can alsoinclude these subVIs in a folder that is located in the same directory as theplug-in. This works because the default VI Search Path for an executableincludes the path of the executable and its sub-directories. Note: you mustinclude all of the VI's dependencies, including sub-subVIs, etc.
Method 2: Save your plug-in as an LLB
Save yourplug-in as an LLB by selecting File»Save with Options»Application Distribution.This automatically saves all of the subVIs (including referenced vi.lib VIs)into one LLB file. For more information on creating LLBs, see How Do I Create aLabVIEW VI Library that Automatically Includes All SubVIs?
Method 3: Create your plug-in as a singletop-level VI and save your subVIs as an LLB
This is acombination of Methods 1 & 2. First save your top-level VI as usual ( Then save your VI as specified in Method 2 (i.e. MyVI.llb). Thiswill in effect create a sub-directory (MyVI.llb), which includes the necessarysubVIs. Note: the llb also includes another copy of your top-level VI (i.e. does not hurt anything, but you can delete the copy from the llb by goingto Tools»Edit VI Library.
Method 4: Explicitly specify the directory ofyour subVIs (i.e. vi.lib directory) as part of the VI Search Path for yourexecutable
If you arerunning the executable on a machine which includes the plug-in's subVIs, youcan specify the directory of the subVIs (i.e. vi.lib) as part of the VI SearchPath for the executable. To do so, add the following line to the executable'sini file:
viSearchPath="C:\ProgramFiles\National Instruments\LabVIEW \vi.lib ; C:\AnotherDirectory ; etc."
For moreinformation on changing the VI Search Path of an executable, please referenceHow Can I Change or Set the VI Search Path for LabVIEW Executables?
Method 5: Build a Source Distribution
Create asource distribution for the Plug-in VI, make sure to uncheck the followingoptions to include all dependencies for the plug-in.
Thisbehavior can be caused when a plug-in VI is called dynamically, but is unableto run because the main-level executable cannot locate the plug-in'sdependencies. For instance, if your plug-in uses vi.lib VIs (such as the SimpleError Handler VI) you will need to somehow tell the top-level executable how tofind these VIs. This behavior does not occur when running the top-levelapplication in the LabVIEW development environment because the vi.lib directoryis specified as part of the VI Search Path (in Tools»Options»Paths»VI SearchPath), but is not included by default in executables.