
news2025/1/16 0:10:00



  Some students studying in Australia often choose to practice more to complete assignments when they are baffled by assignments.How can they successfully complete an assignment?Xiao Bian came to give us a detailed explanation.

  1.topic analyzing


  Analyze the topic given by the teacher,dissect it layer by layer,list the key points and secondary points,so as to grasp the center and other essential aspects of Assignment.Checking the right topic is the key to writing a good assignment,otherwise,all the efforts in the research and writing process will be wasted.

  2.reference reading

  鉴于很多同学不知道怎么能快速找到合适文献,且对于如何有效阅读文献感到困惑,辅导包括:指导快速找到文献的方法,怎么短时间内找到Assignment写作所需要的信息,以及怎么合理利用文献,不触犯老师规定的关于academic integrity(重复率过高而有抄袭嫌疑)。

  Since many students do not know how to quickly find appropriate literature,and are confused about how to effectively read literature,guidance includes:guidance on how to quickly find literature,how to find the information required for Assignment writing in a short time,and how to reasonably use literature,so as not to violate the teacher's regulations on academic integrity(high repetition rate,suspected of plagiarism).

  3.research title

  在选题方面,帮你把老师所给题目范围不断narrow down,不断具体化,直到针对该topic的研究可操作性达到最大化。题目定对了,不仅可以设计出合理的research questions,还有助于后面方法论的制定和整个研究过程的操作,以达到研究目的。

  In terms of topic selection,we will help you to continuously narrow down and specify the scope of topics given by the teacher until the operability of the research on the topic is maximized.The right topic can not only design reasonable research questions,but also help to formulate the methodology and operate the whole research process to achieve the research purpose.


  框架的制定很大部分要围绕research questions的,有了合理的研究问题,后面的内容组织就会以回答研究问题为目的,只要严格遵循这一原则,那么框架想混乱无序都难。

  Most of the framework should be developed around research questions.With reasonable research questions,the following content organization will aim to answer research questions.As long as this principle is strictly followed,it is difficult for the framework to be disordered.


  方法论必须要紧紧围绕研究目的来进行,比如,要探究一个公司某方面的状况,那么case study是个不错选择,到底是要用qualitative还是quantitative approach也要看研究问题的。比如,如果data collection,如果用的interview或observation,那么一般需要qualitative approach,如果用interview,那么就需要进行quantitative analysis或者采用mixed method(qualitative和quantitative分析法结合)。

  The methodology must closely focus on the research purpose.For example,to explore the situation of a company,case study is a good choice.Whether to use qualitative approach or quantitative approach depends on the research problem.For example,if data collection uses an interview or observation,a qualitative approach is generally required.If an interview is used,quantitative analysis or a mixed method(a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis)is required.



  Language guidance,including help in the comprehensive repair of grammar,syntax and grammar,as well as the organization of phrases and spelling of words,will improve the language of the entire Assignment to a level,which can not only accurately express each intended meaning,but also make it more academic.


  Of course,it also includes answering and solving various problems you encounter

  1.research title

  在选题方面,帮你把老师所给题目范围不断narrow down,不断具体化,直到针对该topic的研究可操作性达到最大化。题目定对了,不仅可以设计出合理的research questions,还有助于后面方法论的制定和整个研究过程的操作,以达到研究目的。

  In terms of topic selection,we will help you to continuously narrow down and specify the scope of topics given by the teacher until the operability of the research on the topic is maximized.The right topic can not only design reasonable research questions,but also help to formulate the methodology and operate the whole research process to achieve the research purpose.


  框架的制定很大部分要围绕research questions的,有了合理的研究问题,后面的内容组织就会以回答研究问题为目的,只要严格遵循这一原则,那么框架想混乱无序都难。

  Most of the framework should be developed around research questions.With reasonable research questions,the following content organization will aim to answer research questions.As long as this principle is strictly followed,it is difficult for the framework to be disordered.


  方法论必须要紧紧围绕研究目的来进行,比如,要探究一个公司某方面的状况,那么case study是个不错选择,到底是要用qualitative还是quantitative approach也要看研究问题的。比如,如果data collection,如果用的interview或observation,那么一般需要qualitative approach,如果用interview,那么就需要进行quantitative analysis或者采用mixed method(qualitative和quantitative分析法结合)。

  The methodology must closely focus on the research purpose.For example,to explore the situation of a company,case study is a good choice.Whether to use qualitative approach or quantitative approach depends on the research problem.For example,if data collection uses an interview or observation,a qualitative approach is generally required.If an interview is used,quantitative analysis or a mixed method(a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis)is required.



  Language guidance,including help in the comprehensive repair of grammar,syntax and grammar,as well as the organization of phrases and spelling of words,will improve the language of the entire Assignment to a level,which can not only accurately express each intended meaning,but also make it more academic.




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