
news2024/11/18 15:21:08


  • 1. Adverb and Adverb Phrase (副词和副词词组)
    • 1.1. Functions (功能)
    • 1.2. As a "catch-all" category (作为“包罗万象”的类别)
  • 2. Adverbial (状语)
  • References

1. Adverb and Adverb Phrase (副词和副词词组)




An adverb is a word or an expression that generally modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a determiner, a clause, a preposition, or a sentence.

Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, or level of certainty by answering questions such as how, in what way, when, where, to what extent.

This is called the adverbial function and may be performed by an individual adverb, by an adverbial phrase, or by an adverbial clause.

Adverbs are traditionally regarded as one of the parts of speech.

adverb (adv.) [ˈædvɜː(r)b]:n. 副词
  • Cambridge Dictionary

a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase

  • In the phrase “she smiled cheerfully”, the word “cheerfully” is an adverb.
  • In the phrase “the house was spotlessly clean”, the word “spotlessly” is an adverb.


Adverbs thus perform a wide range of modifying functions. The major exception is the function of modifier of nouns, which is performed instead by adjectives (compare “she sang loudly” with “her loud singing disturbed me”; here the verb sang is modified by the adverb loudly, whereas the noun singing is modified by the adjective loud).

The word even in the first sentence is an adjective, since it is a prepositive modifier that modifies the noun numbers. The word even in the second sentence is a prepositive adverb that modifies the verb drank.

  • Even numbers are divisible by two
  • The camel even drank.

1.1. Functions (功能)

An adverb used in this way may provide information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, or other circumstances of the activity denoted by the verb or verb phrase.

  • She sang loudly. (loudly modifies the verb sang, indicating the manner of singing)
  • We left it here. (here modifies the verb phrase left it, indicating place)
  • I worked yesterday. (yesterday modifies the verb worked, indicating time)
  • You often make mistakes. (often modifies the verb phrase make mistakes, indicating frequency)
  • He undoubtedly did it. (undoubtedly modifies the verb phrase did it, indicating certainty)

Adverbs can also be used as modifiers of adjectives, and of other adverbs, often to indicate degree.

  • You are quite right. (the adverb quite modifies the adjective right)
  • She sang very loudly. (the adverb very modifies another adverb loudly)

They can also modify determiners, prepositional phrases, or whole clauses or sentences.

  • I bought practically the only fruit. (practically modifies the determiner the in the noun phrase, “the only fruit” wherein only is an adjective)
  • She drove us almost to the station. (almost modifies the prepositional phrase to the station)
  • Certainly we need to act. (certainly modifies the sentence as a whole)

Although it is possible for an adverb to precede or to follow a noun or a noun phrase, the adverb nonetheless does not modify either in such cases.

  • Internationally there is a shortage of protein for animal feeds
  • There is a shortage internationally of protein for animal feeds
  • There is an international shortage of protein for animal feeds

Adverbs can sometimes be used as predicative expressions.

  • Your seat is there.

In the first sentence, “Internationally” is a prepositive adverb that modifies the clause, “there is …”. In the second sentence, “internationally” is a postpositive adverb that modifies the clause, “There is …”. By contrast, the third sentence contains “international” as a prepositive adjective that modifies the noun, “shortage.”

When the function of an adverb is performed by an expression consisting of more than one word, it is called an adverbial phrase or adverbial clause, or simply an adverbial.

1.2. As a “catch-all” category (作为“包罗万象”的类别)

Adverbs are considered a part of speech in traditional English grammar, and are still included as a part of speech in grammar taught in schools and used in dictionaries.

However, modern grammarians recognize that words traditionally grouped together as adverbs serve a number of different functions. Some describe adverbs as a “catch-all” category that includes all words that do not belong to one of the other parts of speech.

Grammarians find difficulty categorizing negating words, such as the English not. Although traditionally listed as an adverb, this word does not behave grammatically like any other, and it probably should be placed in a class of its own.
语法学家发现很难对否定词进行分类,例如英语中的 not。虽然传统上将其列为副词,但这个词在语法上的表现与其他词不同,因此可能应该将其归为一类。

not [nɒt]:adv. 不,不是,没有,不要

2. Adverbial (状语)


An adverbial is a word (an adverb) or a group of words (an adverbial clause or adverbial phrase) that modifies or more closely defines the sentence or the verb.
状语是用来修饰或更紧密地定义句子或动词的一个词 (副词) 或一组词 (状语从句或状语短语)。

The word adverbial itself is also used as an adjective, meaning “having the same function as an adverb”.
adverbial 这个词本身也可用作形容词,意为具有与副词相同的功能。

adverbial [ədˈvɜː(r)biəl]:adj. 副词的,状语的 n. 副词类


[1] Yongqiang Cheng, https://yongqiang.blog.csdn.net/
[2] Adverb, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adverb
[3] 怎样理解副词的副?https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/600356427





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