Python 中的 help()
在使用 Python 中的 help() 函数时,每次调用 ‘modules’ 都会产生一个追踪错误,如下所示:
>>> help()
Welcome to Python 3.2! This is the online help utility.
If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
the tutorial on the Internet at
Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utility and
return to the interpreter, just type "quit".
To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
"keywords", or "topics". Each module also comes with a one-line summary
of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
such as "spam", type "modules spam".
help> modules
Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...
AutoComplete abc logging symtable
AutoCompleteWindow aboutDialog macosxSupport sys
AutoExpand activestate macpath sysconfig
Bindings adodbapi macurl2path tabbedpages
CallTipWindow afxres mailbox tabnanny
CallTips aifc mailcap tarfile
ClassBrowser antigravity marshal telnetlib
CodeContext argparse math tempfile
ColorDelegator array mimetypes test
Debugger ast mmap testcode
Delegator asynchat mmapfile textView
EditorWindow asyncore mmsystem textwrap
FileList atexit modulefinder this
FormatParagraph audioop msilib threading
GrepDialog base64 msvcrt time
HyperParser bdb multiprocessing timeit
IOBinding binascii netbios timer
IdleHistory binhex netrc tkinter
MultiCall bisect nntplib token
MultiStatusBar builtins nt tokenize
ObjectBrowser bz2 ntpath trace
OutputWindow cProfile ntsecuritycon traceback
ParenMatch calendar nturl2path tty
PathBrowser cgi numbers turtle
Percolator cgitb odbc turtledemo
PyParse chunk opcode types
PyShell cmath operator unicodedata
RemoteDebugger cmd optparse unittest
RemoteObjectBrowser code os urllib
ReplaceDialog codecs os2emxpath uu
RstripExtension codeop parser uuid
ScriptBinding collections pdb virtualenv
ScrolledList colorsys perfmon warnings
SearchDialog commctrl pickle wave
SearchDialogBase compileall pickletools weakref
SearchEngine concurrent pip webbrowser
StackViewer configDialog pipes win2kras
ToolTip configHandler pkg_resources win32api
TreeWidget configHelpSourceEdit pkgutil win32clipboard
UndoDelegator configSectionNameDialog platform win32com
WidgetRedirector configparser plistlib win32con
WindowList contextlib poplib win32console
ZoomHeight copy posixpath win32cred
__future__ copyreg pprint win32crypt
_abcoll csv profile win32cryptcon
_ast ctypes pstats win32event
_bisect curses pty win32evtlog
_codecs datetime py_compile win32evtlogutil
_codecs_cn dbi pyclbr win32file
_codecs_hk dbm pydoc win32gui
_codecs_iso2022 dde pydoc_data win32gui_struct
_codecs_jp decimal pyexpat win32help
_codecs_kr difflib pypm win32inet
_codecs_tw dis pythoncom win32inetcon
_collections distutils pythonselect win32job
_compat_pickle doctest pywin win32lz
_csv dummy_threading pywin32_testutil win32net
_ctypes dynOptionMenuWidget pywintypes win32netcon
_ctypes_test easy_install queue win32pdh
_datetime email quopri win32pdhquery
_dummy_thread encodings random win32pdhutil
_elementtree errno rasutil win32pipe
_functools filecmp re win32print
_hashlib fileinput regcheck win32process
_heapq fnmatch regutil win32profile
_io formatter reprlib win32ras
_json fractions rlcompleter win32rcparser
_locale ftplib rpc win32security
_lsprof functools run win32service
_markupbase gc runpy win32serviceutil
_md5 genericpath sched win32timezone
_msi getopt select win32trace
_multibytecodec getpass servicemanager win32traceutil
_multiprocessing gettext setuptools win32transaction
_pickle glob shelve win32ts
_pyio gzip shlex win32ui
_random hashlib shutil win32uiole
_sha1 heapq signal win32verstamp
_sha256 hmac site win32wnet
_sha512 html smtpd winerror
_socket http smtplib winioctlcon
_sqlite3 idle sndhdr winnt
_sre idlelib socket winperf
_ssl idlever socketserver winreg
_string imaplib sqlite3 winsound
_strptime imghdr sre_compile winxpgui
_struct imp sre_constants winxptheme
_subprocess importlib sre_parse wsgiref
_symtable inspect ssl xdrlib
_testcapi io sspi xml
_thread isapi sspicon xmlrpc
_threading_local itertools stat xxsubtype
_tkinter json string zipfile
_warnings keybindingDialog stringprep zipimport
_weakref keyword struct zlib
_weakrefset lib2to3 subprocess
_win32sysloader linecache sunau
_winxptheme locale symbol
Enter any module name to get more help. Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python32\lib\", line 465, in __call__
return*args, **kwds)
File "C:\Python32\lib\", line 1757, in __call__
File "C:\Python32\lib\", line 1769, in interact
request = self.getline('help> ')
File "C:\Python32\lib\", line 1780, in getline
return input(prompt)
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 367, in Win32RawInput
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\mfc\", line 223, in GetSimpleInput
if title is None: title=win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetWindowText()
win32ui.error: The frame does not exist
引发此错误的原因是涉及 Pythonwin 包与 Windows GUI 组件的交互。要解决此问题,请尝试以下步骤:
- 确保您安装了最新的 Pythonwin 包。您可以从 GitHub 上获取最新版本:
- 确保您的 Python 安装与 Pythonwin 版本兼容。Pythonwin 2.x 版与 Python 2.x 兼容,Pythonwin 3.x 版与 Python 3.x 兼容。
- 重新安装 Pythonwin。要执行此操作,请运行以下命令:
pip install --upgrade pythonwin
- 如果您仍然遇到此问题,请尝试在命令提示符下运行 Python。要执行此操作,请打开命令提示符并输入以下命令:
- 在非交互式模式下使用 help()
在某些非交互式环境下(例如脚本或自动化工具),使用 help()
在脚本中执行 help()
在脚本中,使用 pydoc
模块代替 help()
import pydoc # 输出 int 类型的帮助文档
- help() 函数调用之后异常中断
函数内部可能由于某些系统配置问题或 Python 环境问题,无法正确加载帮助文档。此时可能会出现 RuntimeError
help() # 直接调用进入交互式帮助模式,遇到某些系统配置问题可能会报错
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
- 检查当前的 Python 环境是否正常,确保没有路径问题或者模块冲突。
- 可以尝试重启 Python 解释器,或者重新安装 Python。
当你在 Python 中使用 help()
- 对象未定义:确保传递的对象已经定义或导入。
- 拼写错误:检查对象名称的拼写是否正确。
- 模块未导入:确保相关模块已导入。
- 非法参数类型:只传递合法的 Python 对象、模块或类型。
- 非交互式模式问题:在非交互式环境下,使用
。 - 系统或环境问题:检查 Python 环境配置或重启解释器。
通过遵循这些步骤,你应该能够轻松追踪和解决与 help()