windows C++-避免死锁(下)

news2024/10/10 7:26:04

使用 join 防止死锁


为了将该示例与上一示例相关联,philosopher 类通过使用 concurrency::unbounded_buffer 对象和 join 对象来替换每个 critical_section 对象。 join 对象充当为哲学家提供筷子的仲裁程序。

此示例使用 unbounded_buffer 类,因为当目标从 unbounded_buffer 对象收到消息时,会将该消息从消息队列中移除。 这样,包含一条消息的 unbounded_buffer 对象就可以指示有筷子可用。 不包含消息的 unbounded_buffer 对象会指示筷子正在使用中。

此示例使用非贪婪 join 对象,因为非贪婪联接仅当两个 unbounded_buffer 对象都包含消息时,才允许每个 philosopher 对象访问两根筷子。 贪婪联接不会阻止死锁,因为贪婪联接会在消息可用后立即接受消息。 如果所有贪婪 join 对象都收到其中一条消息,但一直要等待另一条消息变为可用,则会发生死锁。


1. 从示例中移除以下代码。

// A shared array of critical sections. Each critical section 
// guards access to a single chopstick.
critical_section locks[philosopher_count];

2. 将 philosopher 类的 _left 和 _right 数据成员的类型更改为 unbounded_buffer。

// Message buffer for the left chopstick.
unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& _left;
// Message buffer for the right chopstick.
unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& _right;

3. 修改 philosopher 构造函数以将 unbounded_buffer 对象作为其参数。

// Gains access to the chopsticks.
vector<int> pickup_chopsticks()
   // Create a non-greedy join object and link it to the left and right 
   // chopstick.
   join<chopstick, non_greedy> j(2);

   // Receive from the join object. This resolves the deadlock situation
   // because a non-greedy join removes the messages only when a message
   // is available from each of its sources.
   return receive(&j);

4. 修改 putdown_chopsticks 方法,以通过向两根筷子的消息缓冲区发送消息来释放对筷子的访问。 

// Releases the chopsticks for others.
void putdown_chopsticks(int left, int right)
   // Add the values of the messages back to the message queue.
   asend(&_left, left);
   asend(&_right, right);

5. 修改 run 方法以包含 pickup_chopsticks 方法的结果,并将这些结果传递给 putdown_chopsticks 方法。

// Performs the main logic of the dining philosopher algorithm.
void run()
   // Repeat the thinks/eat cycle a set number of times.
   for (int n = 0; n < eat_count; ++n)
      vector<int> v = pickup_chopsticks(); 
      send(_times_eaten, n+1);

      putdown_chopsticks(v[0], v[1]);


6. 将 wmain 函数中 chopsticks 变量的声明修改为每个包含一条消息的 unbounded_buffer 对象数组。

// Create an array of message buffers to hold the chopsticks.
array<unbounded_buffer<chopstick>, philosopher_count> chopsticks;

// Send a value to each message buffer in the array.
// The value of the message is not important. A buffer that contains
// any message indicates that the chopstick is available.
for_each (begin(chopsticks), end(chopsticks), 
   [](unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& c) {
      send(c, 1);


// philosophers-join.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <agents.h>
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;

// Defines a single chopstick.
typedef int chopstick;

// The total number of philosophers.
const int philosopher_count = 5;

// The number of times each philosopher should eat.
const int eat_count = 50;

// Implements the logic for a single dining philosopher.
class philosopher : public agent 
   explicit philosopher(unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& left, 
      unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& right, const wstring& name)
      : _left(left)
      , _right(right)
      , _name(name)
      , _random_generator(42)
      send(_times_eaten, 0);

   // Retrieves the number of times the philosopher has eaten.
   int times_eaten()
      return receive(_times_eaten);

   // Retrieves the name of the philosopher.
   wstring name() const
      return _name;

   // Performs the main logic of the dining philosopher algorithm.
   void run()
      // Repeat the thinks/eat cycle a set number of times.
      for (int n = 0; n < eat_count; ++n)
         vector<int> v = pickup_chopsticks(); 
         send(_times_eaten, n+1);

         putdown_chopsticks(v[0], v[1]);


   // Gains access to the chopsticks.
   vector<int> pickup_chopsticks()
      // Create a non-greedy join object and link it to the left and right 
      // chopstick.
      join<chopstick, non_greedy> j(2);

      // Receive from the join object. This resolves the deadlock situation
      // because a non-greedy join removes the messages only when a message
      // is available from each of its sources.
      return receive(&j);

   // Releases the chopsticks for others.
   void putdown_chopsticks(int left, int right)
      // Add the values of the messages back to the message queue.
      asend(&_left, left);
      asend(&_right, right);

   // Simulates thinking for a brief period of time.
   void think()

   // Simulates eating for a brief period of time.
   void eat()

   // Yields the current context for a random period of time.
   void random_wait(unsigned int max)

   // Message buffer for the left chopstick.
   unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& _left;
   // Message buffer for the right chopstick.
   unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& _right;

   // The name of the philosopher.
   wstring _name;
   // Stores the number of times the philosopher has eaten.
   overwrite_buffer<int> _times_eaten;

   // A random number generator.
   mt19937 _random_generator;

int wmain()
   // Create an array of message buffers to hold the chopsticks.
   array<unbounded_buffer<chopstick>, philosopher_count> chopsticks;
   // Send a value to each message buffer in the array.
   // The value of the message is not important. A buffer that contains
   // any message indicates that the chopstick is available.
   for_each (begin(chopsticks), end(chopsticks), 
      [](unbounded_buffer<chopstick>& c) {
         send(c, 1);
   // Create an array of philosophers. Each pair of neighboring 
   // philosophers shares one of the chopsticks.
   array<philosopher, philosopher_count> philosophers = {
      philosopher(chopsticks[0], chopsticks[1], L"aristotle"),
      philosopher(chopsticks[1], chopsticks[2], L"descartes"),
      philosopher(chopsticks[2], chopsticks[3], L"hobbes"),
      philosopher(chopsticks[3], chopsticks[4], L"socrates"),
      philosopher(chopsticks[4], chopsticks[0], L"plato"),
   // Begin the simulation.
   for_each (begin(philosophers), end(philosophers), [](philosopher& p) {

   // Wait for each philosopher to finish and print his name and the number
   // of times he has eaten.
   for_each (begin(philosophers), end(philosophers), [](philosopher& p) {
      wcout << << L" ate " << p.times_eaten() << L" times." << endl;


复制示例代码,并将它粘贴到 Visual Studio 项目中,或粘贴到名为 philosophers-join.cpp 的文件中,再在 Visual Studio 命令提示符窗口中运行以下命令。

cl.exe /EHsc philosophers-join.cpp





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