读取飞机xml文件:a 1982 Cessna 172P
JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model v1.2.0.dev1 Oct 5 2024 21:22:03
[JSBSim-ML v2.0]
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Reading Aircraft Configuration File: Cessna C-172 Skyhawk II
Version: 2.0
This aircraft model is a BETA release!!!
This aircraft model probably will not fly as expected.
Use this model for development purposes ONLY!!!
Description: Models a 1982 Cessna 172P.
Model Author: Tony Peden
Creation Date: 1999-01-01
Version: $Revision: 1.91 $
Aircraft Metrics:
WingArea: 174.000000
WingSpan: 36.000000
Incidence: 0.000000
Chord: 4.900000
H. Tail Area: 21.900000
H. Tail Arm: 15.700000
V. Tail Area: 16.500000
V. Tail Arm: 15.700000
Eyepoint (x, y, z): 37.000000 , 0.000000 , 48.000000
Ref Pt (x, y, z): 43.200000 , 0.000000 , 59.400000
Visual Ref Pt (x, y, z): 42.600000 , 0.000000 , 38.500000
Mass and Balance:
baseIxx: 948.000000 slug-ft2
baseIyy: 1346.000000 slug-ft2
baseIzz: 1967.000000 slug-ft2
baseIxy: -0.000000 slug-ft2
baseIxz: 0.000000 slug-ft2
baseIyz: -0.000000 slug-ft2
Empty Weight: 1454.000000 lbm
CG (x, y, z): 41.000000 , 0.000000 , 36.500000
Point Mass Object: 190.000000 lbs. at X, Y, Z (in.): 36.000000 -14.000000 24.000000
Point Mass Object: 140.000000 lbs. at X, Y, Z (in.): 36.000000 14.000000 24.000000
Point Mass Object: 130.000000 lbs. at X, Y, Z (in.): 60.000000 -14.000000 24.000000
Point Mass Object: 106.000000 lbs. at X, Y, Z (in.): 60.000000 14.000000 24.000000
Point Mass Object: 120.000000 lbs. at X, Y, Z (in.): 95.000000 0.000000 24.000000
Point Mass Object: 80.000000 lbs. at X, Y, Z (in.): 41.000000 144.000000 36.000000
Ground Reactions:
BOGEY Nose Gear
Location: -6.800000 , 0.000000 , -20.000000
Spring Constant: 1800.000000
Damping Constant: 500.000000 (linear)
Rebound Damping Constant: 2000.000000 (linear)
Dynamic Friction: 0.500000
Static Friction: 0.800000
Rolling Friction: 0.022000
Steering Type: STEERABLE
Grouping: NONE
Max Steer Angle: 10.000000
Retractable: 0
BOGEY Left Main Gear
Location: 58.200000 , -50.250000 , -18.460000
Spring Constant: 5400.000000
Damping Constant: 160.000000 (linear)
Rebound Damping Constant: 320.000000 (linear)
Dynamic Friction: 0.500000
Static Friction: 0.800000
Rolling Friction: 0.022000
Steering Type: FIXED
Grouping: LEFT
Max Steer Angle: 0.000000
Retractable: 0
BOGEY Right Main Gear
Location: 58.200000 , 50.250000 , -18.460000
Spring Constant: 0.000000
Damping Constant: 0.000000 (linear)
Rebound Damping Constant: 0.000000 (linear)
Dynamic Friction: 0.500000
Static Friction: 0.800000
Rolling Friction: 0.022000
Steering Type: FIXED
Grouping: RIGHT
Max Steer Angle: 0.000000
Retractable: 0
Location: 188.000000 , 0.000000 , 8.000000
Spring Constant: 20000.000000
Damping Constant: 1000.000000 (linear)
Rebound Damping Constant: 1000.000000 (linear)
Dynamic Friction: 0.200000
Static Friction: 0.200000
Location: 43.200000 , -214.800000 , 59.400000
Spring Constant: 10000.000000
Damping Constant: 2000.000000 (linear)
Rebound Damping Constant: 2000.000000 (linear)
Dynamic Friction: 0.200000
Static Friction: 0.200000
Location: 43.200000 , 214.800000 , 59.400000
Spring Constant: 10000.000000
Damping Constant: 2000.000000 (linear)
Rebound Damping Constant: 2000.000000 (linear)
Dynamic Friction: 0.200000
Static Friction: 0.200000
(FUEL) tank holds 130.000000 lbs. FUEL
currently at 100.000000% of maximum capacity
Tank location (X, Y, Z): 48.000000, -112.000000, 59.400000
Effective radius: 29.400000 inches
Initial temperature: -9999.000000 Fahrenheit
Priority: 1
(FUEL) tank holds 130.000000 lbs. FUEL
currently at 100.000000% of maximum capacity
Tank location (X, Y, Z): 48.000000, 112.000000, 59.400000
Effective radius: 29.400000 inches
Initial temperature: -9999.000000 Fahrenheit
Priority: 1
1 dimensional table with 25 rows.
0.0000 0.0730
0.1000 0.0730
0.2000 0.0720
0.3000 0.0710
0.4000 0.0690
0.5000 0.0660
0.6000 0.0620
0.7000 0.0550
0.8000 0.0450
0.9000 0.0340
1.0000 0.0240
1.1000 0.0130
1.2000 -0.0060
1.3000 -0.0130
1.4000 -0.0240
1.5000 -0.0340
1.6000 -0.0450
1.7000 -0.0550
1.8000 -0.0620
1.9000 -0.0660
2.0000 -0.0690
2.1000 -0.0710
2.2000 -0.0720
2.3000 -0.0730
5.0000 -0.0730
1 dimensional table with 26 rows.
0.0000 0.0660
0.1000 0.0700
0.2000 0.0700
0.3000 0.0660
0.4000 0.0600
0.5000 0.0530
0.6000 0.0501
0.7000 0.0469
0.8000 0.0426
0.9000 0.0360
1.0000 0.0282
1.1000 0.0191
1.2000 0.0155
1.3000 0.0191
1.4000 0.0282
1.5000 0.0360
1.6000 0.0426
1.7000 0.0469
1.8000 0.0501
1.9000 0.0516
2.0000 0.0525
2.1000 0.0525
2.2000 0.0522
2.3000 0.0511
2.4000 0.0504
5.0000 0.0493
1 dimensional table with 2 rows.
0.8500 1.0000
1.0500 0.8000
1 dimensional table with 3 rows.
0.8500 1.0000
1.0500 1.8000
2.0000 1.4000
Propeller Name: Fixed-Pitch 75-inch Two-Blade Propeller
IXX = 1.6700
Diameter = 6.2500 ft.
Number of Blades = 2
Gear Ratio = 1.0000
Minimum Pitch = 22.0000
Maximum Pitch = 22.0000
Minimum RPM = 0.0000
Maximum RPM = 0.0000
X = -37.7000
Y = 0.0000
Z = 26.6000
Pitch = 0.0000 degrees
Yaw = 0.0000 degrees
Engine Name: IO320
MinManifoldPressure: 10.0000
MaxManifoldPressure: 28.5000
MinMaP (Pa): 33863.8000
MaxMaP (Pa): 96511.8300
Displacement: 320.0000
Bore: 5.1250
Stroke: 4.3750
Cylinders: 4.0000
Cylinders Head Mass: 2.0000
Compression Ratio: 8.5000
MaxHP: 160.0000
Cycles: 4.0000
IdleRPM: 550.0000
MaxRPM: 2700.0000
Throttle Constant: 29.6506
ISFC: 0.3200
Volumetric Efficiency: 0.8500
PeakMeanPistonSpeed_fps: 100.0000
Intake Impedance Factor: 0.1519
Dynamic FMEP Factor: 18400.0000
Static FMEP Factor: 46500.0000
Starter Motor Torque: 64.0000
Starter Motor RPM: 1100.0000
Combustion Efficiency table:
1 dimensional table with 12 rows.
0.0000 0.9800
0.9000 0.9800
1.0000 0.9700
1.0500 0.9500
1.1000 0.9000
1.1500 0.8500
1.2000 0.7900
1.3000 0.7000
1.4000 0.6300
1.5000 0.5700
1.6000 0.5250
2.0000 0.3450
Mixture Efficiency Correlation table:
1 dimensional table with 15 rows.
0.0500 0.0000
0.0514 0.0086
0.0518 0.2155
0.0543 0.4828
0.0584 0.7069
0.0631 0.8362
0.0694 0.9310
0.0779 1.0000
0.0885 1.0000
0.0927 0.9828
0.1012 0.9310
0.1145 0.7241
0.1216 0.4569
0.1244 0.2328
0.1250 0.0000
System: Navigation
Channel Heading
Loading Component "navigation/actual-heading-rad" of type: SENSOR
INPUT: heading-true-rad
Bias: 0.0030
OUTPUT: actual-heading-rad
System: Fuel content in volume
System: Mixture control
Channel Automatic Mixture Control
Loading Component "systems/mixture-cmd-norm" of type: FCS_FUNCTION
1 dimensional table with 2 rows.
0.0000 0.0000
2117.0000 1.0000
OUTPUT: mixture-cmd-norm
OUTPUT: mixture-cmd-norm
Declared properties
guidance/target_wp_latitude_rad (initial value: 0.0000)
guidance/target_wp_longitude_rad (initial value: 0.0000)
guidance/specified-heading-rad (initial value: 0.0000)
guidance/heading-selector-switch (initial value: 0.0000)
System: GNC Utilities
Channel Guidance Waypoint Heading Director
Loading Component "guidance/wp-heading-rad" of type: WAYPOINT_HEADING
Loading Component "guidance/wp-distance" of type: WAYPOINT_DISTANCE
Loading Component "guidance/wp-heading-deg" of type: PURE_GAIN
INPUT: wp-heading-rad
GAIN: constant value 57.300000
OUTPUT: wp-heading-deg
Channel Included Angle to Heading
Loading Component "guidance/selected_target_heading" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: wp-heading-rad
Switch takes test 1 value (specified-heading-rad)
if all of the following are true: {
heading-selector-switch eq constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: selected_target_heading
Loading Component "guidance/angle-to-heading-rad" of type: ANGLE
Declared properties
ap/roll-attitude-mode (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/autopilot-roll-on (initial value: 0.0000)
guidance/roll-angle-limit (initial value: 0.5240)
guidance/roll-rate-limit (initial value: 0.1740)
ap/roll-angle-saturation (initial value: 0.0000)
Overriding properties
Overriding value for property guidance/roll-angle-limit
(old value: 0.5240 new value: 0.5230)
Overriding value for property guidance/roll-rate-limit
(old value: 0.1740 new value: 0.1740)
System: Autopilot
Channel Heading Hold
Loading Component "ap/roll-control-autopilot-on" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (constant value 1.000000)
if all of the following are true: {
autopilot-roll-on ne constant value 0.000000
OUTPUT: roll-control-autopilot-on
Loading Component "ap/roll-autopilot-windup-trigger" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 1.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (constant value 1.000000)
if all of the following are true: {
roll-angle-saturation ne constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 2 value (constant value 0.000000)
if all of the following are true: {
roll-control-autopilot-on gt constant value 0.000000
OUTPUT: roll-autopilot-windup-trigger
Loading Component "ap/limited-roll-angle-rad" of type: PURE_GAIN
Minimum limit: -roll-angle-limit
Maximum limit: roll-angle-limit
INPUT: angle-to-heading-rad
GAIN: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: limited-roll-angle-rad
Loading Component "ap/roll-attitude-selector" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (limited-roll-angle-rad)
if all of the following are true: {
roll-attitude-mode eq constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: roll-attitude-selector
Loading Component "ap/limited-roll-angle-error" of type: SUMMER
OUTPUT: limited-roll-angle-error
Loading Component "ap/roll-rate-pid-control" of type: PID
Minimum limit: -roll-rate-limit
Maximum limit: roll-rate-limit
INPUT: limited-roll-angle-error
OUTPUT: roll-rate-pid-control
Loading Component "ap/total-limited-roll-rate" of type: PURE_GAIN
INPUT: roll-rate-limit
GAIN: constant value 2.000000
OUTPUT: total-limited-roll-rate
Loading Component "ap/roll-rate-saturation" of type: DEADBAND
INPUT: roll-rate-pid-control
DEADBAND WIDTH: total-limited-roll-rate
GAIN: 1.0000
OUTPUT: roll-rate-saturation
Loading Component "ap/limited-roll-rate-error" of type: SUMMER
OUTPUT: limited-roll-rate-error
Loading Component "ap/roll-command-pid-control" of type: PID
INPUT: limited-roll-rate-error
OUTPUT: roll-command-pid-control
Loading Component "ap/roll-cmd-smoother" of type: LAG_FILTER
INPUT: roll-command-pid-control
C[1]: constant value 100.000000
OUTPUT: roll-cmd-smoother
Loading Component "ap/roll-cmd-norm-output" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (roll-cmd-smoother)
if all of the following are true: {
roll-control-autopilot-on ne constant value 0.000000
OUTPUT: roll-cmd-norm-output
Loading Component "ap/roll-command-selector-steering" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (roll-cmd-norm-output)
if all of the following are true: {
roll-control-autopilot-on == constant value 1.000000
WOW == constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: steer-cmd-norm
OUTPUT: roll-command-selector-steering
Declared properties
ap/attitude_hold (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/altitude_hold (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/heading_hold (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/altitude_setpoint (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/heading_setpoint (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/aileron_cmd (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/elevator_cmd (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/airspeed_setpoint (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/airspeed_hold (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/throttle-cmd-norm (initial value: 0.0000)
ap/hdg-roll-err-c1 (initial value: 0.5000)
ap/roll-pid-kp (initial value: 50.0000)
ap/roll-pid-ki (initial value: 5.0000)
ap/roll-pid-kd (initial value: 17.0000)
Autopilot: C-172X Autopilot
Channel Roll wing leveler
Loading Component "fcs/attitude/sensor/phi-rad" of type: SENSOR
Frame delay: 240 frames (2.0000 sec)
INPUT: phi-rad
Quantized output (property: attitude/sensor/quantized/phi-rad)
Bits: 12
Min value: -3.1416
Max value: 3.1416
(span: 6.2832, granularity: 0.0015)
Bias: 0.0010
Sensor lag: 0.5000
Noise variance (percent): 0.0500
Random noise is gaussian distributed.
OUTPUT: phi-rad
Loading Component "fcs/wing-leveler-ap-on-off" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value -1.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (constant value 0.000000)
if all of the following are true: {
attitude_hold == constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: wing-leveler-ap-on-off
Loading Component "fcs/roll-ap-error-pid" of type: PID
INPUT: phi-rad
OUTPUT: roll-ap-error-pid
Loading Component "fcs/roll-ap-autoswitch" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (-roll-ap-error-pid)
if all of the following are true: {
attitude_hold == constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: roll-ap-autoswitch
Channel Roll heading hold
Loading Component "fcs/heading-true-degrees" of type: PURE_GAIN
INPUT: heading-true-rad
GAIN: constant value 57.300000
OUTPUT: heading-true-degrees
Loading Component "fcs/heading-error" of type: SUMMER
OUTPUT: heading-error
Loading Component "fcs/heading-error-bias-switch" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (constant value 360.000000)
if all of the following are true: {
heading-error lt constant value -180.000000
Switch takes test 2 value (constant value -360.000000)
if all of the following are true: {
heading-error gt constant value 180.000000
OUTPUT: heading-error-bias-switch
Loading Component "fcs/heading-corrected" of type: SUMMER
Minimum limit: constant value -30.000000
Maximum limit: constant value 30.000000
OUTPUT: heading-corrected
Loading Component "fcs/heading-command" of type: PURE_GAIN
INPUT: heading-corrected
GAIN: constant value 0.017450
OUTPUT: heading-command
Loading Component "fcs/heading-roll-error-lag" of type: LAG_FILTER
INPUT: heading-command
C[1] is the value of property: hdg-roll-err-c1
OUTPUT: heading-roll-error-lag
Loading Component "fcs/heading-roll-error" of type: SUMMER
OUTPUT: heading-roll-error
Loading Component "fcs/heading-roll-error-switch" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (heading-roll-error)
if all of the following are true: {
heading_hold == constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: heading-roll-error-switch
Loading Component "fcs/heading-pi-controller" of type: PID
INPUT: heading-roll-error-switch
OUTPUT: heading-pi-controller
Loading Component "fcs/roll-command-selector" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (heading-pi-controller)
if all of the following are true: {
heading_hold == constant value 1.000000
WOW == constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 2 value (roll-ap-autoswitch)
if all of the following are true: {
attitude_hold == constant value 1.000000
WOW == constant value 0.000000
OUTPUT: aileron_cmd
OUTPUT: roll-command-selector
Channel Pitch altitude hold
Loading Component "fcs/altitude-error" of type: SUMMER
Minimum limit: constant value -100.000000
Maximum limit: constant value 100.000000
OUTPUT: altitude-error
Loading Component "fcs/alt-error-lag" of type: LAG_FILTER
INPUT: altitude-error
C[1]: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: alt-error-lag
Loading Component "fcs/hdot-command" of type: SCHEDULED_GAIN
1 dimensional table with 13 rows.
0.0000 0.1200
1000.0000 0.1100
2000.0000 0.1000
3000.0000 0.0960
4000.0000 0.0930
5000.0000 0.0860
6000.0000 0.0780
7000.0000 0.0690
8000.0000 0.0610
9000.0000 0.0530
10000.0000 0.0450
11000.0000 0.0370
12000.0000 0.0280
INPUT: alt-error-lag
GAIN: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: hdot-command
Scheduled by table:
1 dimensional table with 13 rows.
0.0000 0.1200
1000.0000 0.1100
2000.0000 0.1000
3000.0000 0.0960
4000.0000 0.0930
5000.0000 0.0860
6000.0000 0.0780
7000.0000 0.0690
8000.0000 0.0610
9000.0000 0.0530
10000.0000 0.0450
11000.0000 0.0370
12000.0000 0.0280
Loading Component "fcs/hdot-error" of type: SUMMER
OUTPUT: hdot-error
Loading Component "fcs/ap-alt-hold-switch" of type: SWITCH
Switch default value is: constant value 0.000000
Switch takes test 1 value (hdot-error)
if all of the following are true: {
altitude_hold == constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: ap-alt-hold-switch
Loading Component "fcs/windup-trigger" of type: DEADBAND
INPUT: elevator-pos-deg
DEADBAND WIDTH: constant value 46.000000
GAIN: 1.0000
OUTPUT: windup-trigger
Loading Component "fcs/altitude-hold-pid" of type: PID
Minimum limit: constant value -1.000000
Maximum limit: constant value 1.000000
INPUT: ap-alt-hold-switch
OUTPUT: altitude-hold-pid
Loading Component "fcs/elevator" of type: PURE_GAIN
INPUT: altitude-hold-pid
GAIN: constant value -1.000000
OUTPUT: elevator_cmd
OUTPUT: elevator
FCS: c172
Channel Pitch
Loading Component "fcs/pitch-trim-sum" of type: SUMMER
Minimum limit: constant value -1.000000
Maximum limit: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: pitch-trim-sum
Loading Component "fcs/elevator-control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE
INPUT: pitch-trim-sum
GAIN: constant value 0.017450
OUTPUT: elevator-control
In/Out Mapping:
Input MIN: -1.0000
Input MAX: 1.0000
Output MIN: -28.0000
Output MAX: 23.0000
Loading Component "fcs/elevator-actuator" of type: ACTUATOR
Minimum limit: constant value -0.340000
Maximum limit: constant value 0.340000
INPUT: elevator-control
OUTPUT: elevator-pos-rad
OUTPUT: elevator-actuator
Bias: 0.0020
Actuator lag: constant value 60.000000
Hysteresis width: 0.0500
Channel Roll
Loading Component "fcs/roll-trim-sum" of type: SUMMER
Minimum limit: constant value -1.000000
Maximum limit: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: roll-trim-sum
Loading Component "fcs/left-aileron-control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE
INPUT: roll-trim-sum
GAIN: constant value 0.017450
OUTPUT: left-aileron-control
In/Out Mapping:
Input MIN: -1.0000
Input MAX: 1.0000
Output MIN: -20.0000
Output MAX: 15.0000
Loading Component "fcs/left-aileron-actuator" of type: ACTUATOR
Minimum limit: constant value -0.350000
Maximum limit: constant value 0.260000
INPUT: left-aileron-control
OUTPUT: left-aileron-pos-rad
OUTPUT: left-aileron-actuator
Increasing rate limit: constant value 1.570000
Decreasing rate limit: constant value 1.570000
Loading Component "fcs/right-aileron-control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE
INPUT: -roll-trim-sum
GAIN: constant value 0.017450
OUTPUT: right-aileron-control
In/Out Mapping:
Input MIN: -1.0000
Input MAX: 1.0000
Output MIN: -20.0000
Output MAX: 15.0000
Loading Component "fcs/right-aileron-actuator" of type: ACTUATOR
Minimum limit: constant value -0.350000
Maximum limit: constant value 0.260000
INPUT: right-aileron-control
OUTPUT: right-aileron-pos-rad
OUTPUT: right-aileron-actuator
Increasing rate limit: constant value 1.570000
Decreasing rate limit: constant value 1.570000
Loading Component "fcs/effective-aileron-pos" of type: SUMMER
OUTPUT: effective-aileron-pos
Channel Yaw
Loading Component "fcs/yaw-trim-sum" of type: SUMMER
Minimum limit: constant value -1.000000
Maximum limit: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: yaw-trim-sum
Loading Component "fcs/rudder-control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE
INPUT: yaw-trim-sum
GAIN: constant value 0.017450
OUTPUT: rudder-pos-rad
OUTPUT: rudder-control
In/Out Mapping:
Input MIN: -1.0000
Input MAX: 1.0000
Output MIN: -16.0000
Output MAX: 16.0000
Channel Flaps
Loading Component "fcs/flaps-control" of type: KINEMATIC
INPUT: flap-cmd-norm
0.0000 0.0000
10.0000 2.0000
20.0000 1.0000
30.0000 1.0000
OUTPUT: flap-pos-deg
OUTPUT: flaps-control
Loading Component "fcs/flap-position-normalizer" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE
INPUT: flap-pos-deg
GAIN: constant value 1.000000
OUTPUT: flap-pos-norm
OUTPUT: flap-position-normalizer
In/Out Mapping:
Input MIN: 0.0000
Input MAX: 30.0000
Output MIN: 0.0000
Output MAX: 1.0000
Function: aero/angle/right_wing_tip_alpha
1 dimensional table with 13 rows.
0.0000 1.2030
0.1000 1.1270
0.1500 1.0900
0.2000 1.0730
0.3000 1.0460
0.4000 1.0280
0.5000 1.0190
0.6000 1.0130
0.7000 1.0080
0.8000 1.0060
0.9000 1.0030
1.0000 1.0020
1.1000 1.0000
Function: aero/function/ground-effect-factor-lift
1 dimensional table with 13 rows.
0.0000 0.4800
0.1000 0.5150
0.1500 0.6290
0.2000 0.7090
0.3000 0.8150
0.4000 0.8820
0.5000 0.9280
0.6000 0.9620
0.7000 0.9880
0.8000 1.0000
0.9000 1.0000
1.0000 1.0000
1.1000 1.0000
Function: aero/function/ground-effect-factor-drag
Aerodynamics (Lift|Side|Drag axes):
2 dimensional table with 17 rows, 2 columns.
0.0000 1.0000
-0.0900 -0.2200 -0.2200
0.0000 0.2500 0.2500
0.0900 0.7300 0.7300
0.1000 0.8300 0.7800
0.1200 0.9200 0.7900
0.1400 1.0200 0.8100
0.1600 1.0800 0.8200
0.1700 1.1300 0.8300
0.1900 1.1900 0.8500
0.2100 1.2500 0.8600
0.2400 1.3500 0.8800
0.2600 1.4400 0.9000
0.2800 1.4700 0.9200
0.3000 1.4300 0.9500
0.3200 1.3800 0.9900
0.3400 1.3000 1.0500
0.3600 1.1500 1.1500
Function: aero/coefficient/CLwbh
1 dimensional table with 4 rows.
0.0000 0.0000
10.0000 0.2500
20.0000 0.3000
30.0000 0.3500
Function: aero/coefficient/CLDf
Function: aero/coefficient/CLDe
Function: aero/coefficient/CLadot
Function: aero/coefficient/CLq
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5792 4.6831 4.6957 4.7054 4.7125 4.7167 4.7181 4.7167 4.7125 4.7055 4.6957 4.6832 4.5794
-9.0000 4.5886 4.6926 4.7052 4.7150 4.7221 4.7263 4.7277 4.7263 4.7221 4.7151 4.7053 4.6927 4.5887
-8.0000 4.5947 4.6989 4.7115 4.7214 4.7284 4.7326 4.7340 4.7326 4.7284 4.7214 4.7116 4.6990 4.5949
-7.0000 4.5977 4.7019 4.7146 4.7244 4.7314 4.7357 4.7371 4.7357 4.7315 4.7244 4.7146 4.7020 4.5979
-6.0000 4.5975 4.7017 4.7143 4.7241 4.7312 4.7354 4.7368 4.7354 4.7312 4.7242 4.7144 4.7018 4.5976
-5.0000 4.5940 4.6981 4.7107 4.7206 4.7276 4.7318 4.7332 4.7318 4.7276 4.7206 4.7108 4.6982 4.5942
-4.0000 4.5874 4.6913 4.7039 4.7137 4.7207 4.7249 4.7263 4.7249 4.7207 4.7137 4.7039 4.6914 4.5875
-3.0000 4.5775 4.6812 4.6937 4.7035 4.7105 4.7147 4.7161 4.7147 4.7105 4.7036 4.6938 4.6813 4.5777
-2.0000 4.5644 4.6678 4.6803 4.6900 4.6970 4.7012 4.7026 4.7012 4.6970 4.6901 4.6803 4.6679 4.5646
-1.0000 4.5481 4.6511 4.6636 4.6733 4.6802 4.6844 4.6858 4.6844 4.6803 4.6733 4.6636 4.6512 4.5483
0.0000 4.5287 4.6312 4.6436 4.6533 4.6602 4.6644 4.6657 4.6644 4.6602 4.6533 4.6437 4.6313 4.5289
1.0000 4.5061 4.6081 4.6204 4.6301 4.6369 4.6411 4.6425 4.6411 4.6370 4.6301 4.6205 4.6082 4.5063
2.0000 4.4805 4.5818 4.5941 4.6036 4.6105 4.6146 4.6160 4.6146 4.6105 4.6037 4.5942 4.5819 4.4806
3.0000 4.4517 4.5524 4.5646 4.5741 4.5809 4.5850 4.5863 4.5850 4.5809 4.5741 4.5647 4.5525 4.4519
4.0000 4.4200 4.5199 4.5320 4.5414 4.5482 4.5522 4.5536 4.5522 4.5482 4.5415 4.5321 4.5200 4.4202
5.0000 4.3853 4.4844 4.4964 4.5057 4.5124 4.5164 4.5178 4.5164 4.5124 4.5058 4.4964 4.4845 4.3855
6.0000 4.3476 4.4459 4.4578 4.4670 4.4736 4.4776 4.4790 4.4777 4.4737 4.4671 4.4578 4.4460 4.3478
7.0000 4.3072 4.4044 4.4162 4.4254 4.4320 4.4359 4.4372 4.4359 4.4320 4.4254 4.4163 4.4045 4.3074
8.0000 4.2639 4.3602 4.3718 4.3809 4.3874 4.3913 4.3926 4.3913 4.3874 4.3810 4.3719 4.3603 4.2641
9.0000 4.2180 4.3131 4.3247 4.3336 4.3401 4.3439 4.3452 4.3439 4.3401 4.3337 4.3247 4.3132 4.2181
10.0000 4.1694 4.2634 4.2748 4.2837 4.2900 4.2938 4.2951 4.2938 4.2900 4.2837 4.2749 4.2635 4.1695
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5893 4.6934 4.7060 4.7158 4.7228 4.7270 4.7284 4.7270 4.7228 4.7158 4.7060 4.6934 4.5894
-9.0000 4.5968 4.7011 4.7137 4.7235 4.7306 4.7348 4.7362 4.7348 4.7306 4.7236 4.7137 4.7011 4.5970
-8.0000 4.6012 4.7055 4.7181 4.7280 4.7350 4.7393 4.7407 4.7393 4.7351 4.7280 4.7182 4.7056 4.6013
-7.0000 4.6024 4.7067 4.7193 4.7292 4.7362 4.7404 4.7418 4.7404 4.7362 4.7292 4.7194 4.7068 4.6025
-6.0000 4.6003 4.7046 4.7172 4.7270 4.7341 4.7383 4.7397 4.7383 4.7341 4.7271 4.7173 4.7047 4.6005
-5.0000 4.5951 4.6992 4.7118 4.7216 4.7286 4.7329 4.7343 4.7329 4.7287 4.7217 4.7119 4.6993 4.5952
-4.0000 4.5866 4.6905 4.7031 4.7129 4.7199 4.7241 4.7255 4.7241 4.7199 4.7129 4.7032 4.6906 4.5868
-3.0000 4.5749 4.6786 4.6911 4.7009 4.7079 4.7121 4.7135 4.7121 4.7079 4.7009 4.6912 4.6786 4.5751
-2.0000 4.5601 4.6633 4.6758 4.6856 4.6926 4.6967 4.6981 4.6968 4.6926 4.6856 4.6759 4.6634 4.5603
-1.0000 4.5421 4.6449 4.6573 4.6670 4.6740 4.6782 4.6796 4.6782 4.6740 4.6671 4.6574 4.6450 4.5422
0.0000 4.5209 4.6232 4.6356 4.6453 4.6522 4.6563 4.6577 4.6564 4.6522 4.6453 4.6357 4.6233 4.5211
1.0000 4.4967 4.5984 4.6107 4.6203 4.6272 4.6313 4.6327 4.6313 4.6272 4.6204 4.6108 4.5985 4.4968
2.0000 4.4693 4.5704 4.5827 4.5922 4.5990 4.6031 4.6045 4.6031 4.5991 4.5923 4.5827 4.5705 4.4695
3.0000 4.4390 4.5394 4.5515 4.5610 4.5677 4.5718 4.5732 4.5718 4.5678 4.5610 4.5516 4.5394 4.4392
4.0000 4.4056 4.5052 4.5173 4.5267 4.5334 4.5374 4.5388 4.5375 4.5334 4.5267 4.5174 4.5053 4.4058
5.0000 4.3694 4.4681 4.4801 4.4894 4.4961 4.5001 4.5014 4.5001 4.4961 4.4894 4.4802 4.4682 4.3696
6.0000 4.3303 4.4281 4.4399 4.4491 4.4558 4.4597 4.4610 4.4597 4.4558 4.4492 4.4400 4.4282 4.3305
7.0000 4.2883 4.3852 4.3969 4.4060 4.4126 4.4165 4.4178 4.4165 4.4126 4.4061 4.3970 4.3853 4.2885
8.0000 4.2437 4.3395 4.3511 4.3601 4.3666 4.3705 4.3718 4.3705 4.3666 4.3602 4.3511 4.3396 4.2439
9.0000 4.1964 4.2911 4.3025 4.3114 4.3178 4.3217 4.3230 4.3217 4.3179 4.3115 4.3026 4.2912 4.1966
10.0000 4.1465 4.2400 4.2513 4.2601 4.2665 4.2702 4.2715 4.2703 4.2665 4.2602 4.2514 4.2401 4.1467
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.6003 4.7047 4.7173 4.7272 4.7342 4.7384 4.7399 4.7385 4.7342 4.7272 4.7174 4.7048 4.6005
-9.0000 4.6043 4.7087 4.7213 4.7312 4.7382 4.7425 4.7439 4.7425 4.7383 4.7312 4.7214 4.7088 4.6044
-8.0000 4.6050 4.7095 4.7221 4.7319 4.7390 4.7432 4.7446 4.7432 4.7390 4.7320 4.7222 4.7095 4.6052
-7.0000 4.6026 4.7069 4.7196 4.7294 4.7364 4.7407 4.7421 4.7407 4.7365 4.7295 4.7196 4.7070 4.6028
-6.0000 4.5970 4.7011 4.7138 4.7236 4.7306 4.7348 4.7363 4.7349 4.7307 4.7236 4.7138 4.7012 4.5971
-5.0000 4.5881 4.6921 4.7047 4.7145 4.7215 4.7257 4.7271 4.7257 4.7215 4.7145 4.7047 4.6922 4.5883
-4.0000 4.5761 4.6798 4.6923 4.7021 4.7091 4.7133 4.7147 4.7133 4.7091 4.7022 4.6924 4.6799 4.5763
-3.0000 4.5610 4.6642 4.6767 4.6865 4.6935 4.6977 4.6991 4.6977 4.6935 4.6865 4.6768 4.6643 4.5611
-2.0000 4.5426 4.6455 4.6579 4.6676 4.6746 4.6787 4.6801 4.6788 4.6746 4.6677 4.6580 4.6456 4.5428
-1.0000 4.5212 4.6235 4.6359 4.6456 4.6525 4.6566 4.6580 4.6567 4.6525 4.6456 4.6360 4.6236 4.5214
0.0000 4.4967 4.5984 4.6108 4.6204 4.6272 4.6313 4.6327 4.6314 4.6273 4.6204 4.6108 4.5985 4.4969
1.0000 4.4691 4.5702 4.5825 4.5920 4.5988 4.6029 4.6043 4.6029 4.5989 4.5920 4.5825 4.5703 4.4693
2.0000 4.4386 4.5389 4.5511 4.5606 4.5673 4.5714 4.5728 4.5714 4.5674 4.5606 4.5512 4.5390 4.4387
3.0000 4.4051 4.5046 4.5167 4.5261 4.5328 4.5368 4.5382 4.5369 4.5328 4.5261 4.5168 4.5047 4.4052
4.0000 4.3687 4.4674 4.4793 4.4886 4.4953 4.4993 4.5007 4.4993 4.4953 4.4887 4.4794 4.4675 4.3688
5.0000 4.3294 4.4272 4.4391 4.4483 4.4549 4.4589 4.4602 4.4589 4.4549 4.4483 4.4391 4.4273 4.3296
6.0000 4.2874 4.3842 4.3959 4.4051 4.4116 4.4155 4.4169 4.4156 4.4117 4.4051 4.3960 4.3843 4.2876
7.0000 4.2427 4.3385 4.3501 4.3591 4.3656 4.3695 4.3708 4.3695 4.3656 4.3592 4.3501 4.3386 4.2429
8.0000 4.1954 4.2900 4.3015 4.3104 4.3168 4.3207 4.3219 4.3207 4.3169 4.3105 4.3016 4.2901 4.1956
9.0000 4.1455 4.2390 4.2503 4.2591 4.2655 4.2692 4.2705 4.2693 4.2655 4.2592 4.2504 4.2391 4.1457
10.0000 4.0932 4.1854 4.1966 4.2053 4.2116 4.2153 4.2165 4.2153 4.2116 4.2054 4.1967 4.1855 4.0934
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5994 4.7037 4.7163 4.7261 4.7332 4.7374 4.7388 4.7374 4.7332 4.7262 4.7164 4.7038 4.5995
-9.0000 4.5997 4.7040 4.7166 4.7265 4.7335 4.7377 4.7391 4.7377 4.7335 4.7265 4.7167 4.7041 4.5998
-8.0000 4.5968 4.7011 4.7137 4.7235 4.7305 4.7348 4.7362 4.7348 4.7306 4.7236 4.7137 4.7011 4.5970
-7.0000 4.5908 4.6949 4.7075 4.7173 4.7243 4.7285 4.7299 4.7285 4.7243 4.7173 4.7075 4.6949 4.5910
-6.0000 4.5816 4.6854 4.6980 4.7078 4.7148 4.7190 4.7204 4.7190 4.7148 4.7078 4.6981 4.6855 4.5818
-5.0000 4.5693 4.6728 4.6853 4.6951 4.7021 4.7063 4.7077 4.7063 4.7021 4.6951 4.6854 4.6729 4.5694
-4.0000 4.5537 4.6569 4.6694 4.6791 4.6861 4.6902 4.6917 4.6903 4.6861 4.6792 4.6694 4.6570 4.5539
-3.0000 4.5351 4.6378 4.6502 4.6599 4.6669 4.6710 4.6724 4.6710 4.6669 4.6600 4.6503 4.6379 4.5353
-2.0000 4.5134 4.6156 4.6280 4.6376 4.6445 4.6486 4.6500 4.6486 4.6445 4.6376 4.6280 4.6157 4.5136
-1.0000 4.4886 4.5902 4.6025 4.6121 4.6190 4.6231 4.6245 4.6231 4.6190 4.6122 4.6026 4.5903 4.4888
0.0000 4.4609 4.5618 4.5740 4.5835 4.5903 4.5944 4.5958 4.5944 4.5904 4.5836 4.5741 4.5619 4.4610
1.0000 4.4301 4.5303 4.5424 4.5519 4.5586 4.5627 4.5641 4.5627 4.5587 4.5519 4.5425 4.5304 4.4303
2.0000 4.3964 4.4958 4.5079 4.5172 4.5239 4.5280 4.5293 4.5280 4.5240 4.5173 4.5079 4.4959 4.3966
3.0000 4.3599 4.4584 4.4704 4.4797 4.4863 4.4903 4.4916 4.4903 4.4863 4.4797 4.4704 4.4585 4.3601
4.0000 4.3206 4.4182 4.4300 4.4392 4.4458 4.4497 4.4511 4.4498 4.4458 4.4392 4.4301 4.4183 4.3207
5.0000 4.2785 4.3751 4.3868 4.3959 4.4024 4.4064 4.4077 4.4064 4.4025 4.3960 4.3869 4.3752 4.2787
6.0000 4.2338 4.3293 4.3409 4.3499 4.3564 4.3602 4.3615 4.3603 4.3564 4.3500 4.3410 4.3294 4.2339
7.0000 4.1864 4.2809 4.2923 4.3012 4.3076 4.3114 4.3127 4.3115 4.3077 4.3013 4.2924 4.2810 4.1866
8.0000 4.1366 4.2299 4.2412 4.2500 4.2563 4.2601 4.2613 4.2601 4.2563 4.2501 4.2413 4.2300 4.1368
9.0000 4.0844 4.1764 4.1876 4.1963 4.2025 4.2062 4.2075 4.2062 4.2025 4.1963 4.1876 4.1765 4.0845
10.0000 4.0298 4.1206 4.1315 4.1401 4.1462 4.1499 4.1512 4.1499 4.1463 4.1402 4.1316 4.1207 4.0299
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5863 4.6903 4.7029 4.7127 4.7197 4.7240 4.7254 4.7240 4.7198 4.7128 4.7030 4.6904 4.5864
-9.0000 4.5830 4.6869 4.6995 4.7093 4.7163 4.7205 4.7220 4.7206 4.7164 4.7094 4.6996 4.6870 4.5832
-8.0000 4.5766 4.6803 4.6929 4.7027 4.7097 4.7139 4.7153 4.7139 4.7097 4.7027 4.6929 4.6804 4.5767
-7.0000 4.5670 4.6705 4.6830 4.6928 4.6998 4.7040 4.7054 4.7040 4.6998 4.6928 4.6831 4.6706 4.5671
-6.0000 4.5543 4.6574 4.6699 4.6797 4.6866 4.6908 4.6922 4.6908 4.6867 4.6797 4.6700 4.6575 4.5544
-5.0000 4.5384 4.6412 4.6537 4.6634 4.6703 4.6745 4.6759 4.6745 4.6703 4.6634 4.6537 4.6413 4.5386
-4.0000 4.5195 4.6218 4.6342 4.6439 4.6508 4.6549 4.6563 4.6549 4.6508 4.6439 4.6343 4.6219 4.5196
-3.0000 4.4975 4.5993 4.6116 4.6212 4.6281 4.6322 4.6336 4.6322 4.6281 4.6213 4.6117 4.5994 4.4976
-2.0000 4.4724 4.5736 4.5859 4.5954 4.6023 4.6064 4.6078 4.6064 4.6023 4.5955 4.5860 4.5737 4.4726
-1.0000 4.4444 4.5450 4.5571 4.5666 4.5734 4.5775 4.5788 4.5775 4.5734 4.5667 4.5572 4.5450 4.4446
0.0000 4.4135 4.5133 4.5254 4.5348 4.5415 4.5456 4.5469 4.5456 4.5415 4.5348 4.5254 4.5134 4.4136
1.0000 4.3796 4.4786 4.4906 4.5000 4.5066 4.5107 4.5120 4.5107 4.5067 4.5000 4.4907 4.4787 4.3798
2.0000 4.3429 4.4411 4.4530 4.4622 4.4689 4.4728 4.4742 4.4729 4.4689 4.4623 4.4530 4.4412 4.3431
3.0000 4.3035 4.4007 4.4125 4.4217 4.4282 4.4322 4.4335 4.4322 4.4283 4.4217 4.4126 4.4008 4.3037
4.0000 4.2614 4.3576 4.3693 4.3783 4.3848 4.3887 4.3900 4.3887 4.3849 4.3784 4.3693 4.3577 4.2616
5.0000 4.2166 4.3118 4.3233 4.3323 4.3387 4.3426 4.3439 4.3426 4.3388 4.3324 4.3234 4.3119 4.2168
6.0000 4.1693 4.2634 4.2748 4.2836 4.2900 4.2938 4.2951 4.2938 4.2900 4.2837 4.2748 4.2635 4.1695
7.0000 4.1195 4.2124 4.2237 4.2324 4.2387 4.2425 4.2437 4.2425 4.2388 4.2325 4.2238 4.2125 4.1197
8.0000 4.0674 4.1590 4.1701 4.1788 4.1850 4.1887 4.1899 4.1887 4.1850 4.1789 4.1702 4.1591 4.0675
9.0000 4.0129 4.1033 4.1143 4.1228 4.1289 4.1326 4.1338 4.1326 4.1289 4.1228 4.1143 4.1034 4.0131
10.0000 3.9562 4.0453 4.0561 4.0645 4.0705 4.0741 4.0754 4.0742 4.0706 4.0646 4.0562 4.0454 3.9564
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5612 4.6646 4.6771 4.6869 4.6939 4.6981 4.6995 4.6981 4.6939 4.6869 4.6772 4.6647 4.5613
-9.0000 4.5543 4.6575 4.6700 4.6798 4.6867 4.6909 4.6923 4.6909 4.6868 4.6798 4.6701 4.6576 4.5544
-8.0000 4.5443 4.6473 4.6597 4.6694 4.6764 4.6806 4.6820 4.6806 4.6764 4.6695 4.6598 4.6473 4.5444
-7.0000 4.5311 4.6338 4.6462 4.6559 4.6628 4.6670 4.6684 4.6670 4.6629 4.6560 4.6463 4.6339 4.5313
-6.0000 4.5149 4.6172 4.6296 4.6392 4.6461 4.6503 4.6516 4.6503 4.6461 4.6393 4.6296 4.6173 4.5151
-5.0000 4.4956 4.5974 4.6097 4.6193 4.6262 4.6303 4.6317 4.6304 4.6262 4.6194 4.6098 4.5975 4.4958
-4.0000 4.4733 4.5745 4.5868 4.5964 4.6032 4.6073 4.6087 4.6073 4.6032 4.5964 4.5869 4.5746 4.4734
-3.0000 4.4480 4.5486 4.5608 4.5703 4.5771 4.5812 4.5825 4.5812 4.5771 4.5703 4.5609 4.5487 4.4481
-2.0000 4.4197 4.5197 4.5318 4.5412 4.5480 4.5520 4.5534 4.5520 4.5480 4.5413 4.5318 4.5198 4.4198
-1.0000 4.3885 4.4877 4.4998 4.5091 4.5158 4.5198 4.5212 4.5199 4.5159 4.5092 4.4998 4.4878 4.3887
0.0000 4.3545 4.4529 4.4648 4.4741 4.4808 4.4848 4.4861 4.4848 4.4808 4.4742 4.4649 4.4530 4.3546
1.0000 4.3176 4.4152 4.4270 4.4362 4.4428 4.4468 4.4481 4.4468 4.4429 4.4363 4.4271 4.4153 4.3178
2.0000 4.2781 4.3747 4.3864 4.3956 4.4021 4.4060 4.4073 4.4060 4.4021 4.3956 4.3865 4.3748 4.2783
3.0000 4.2359 4.3315 4.3431 4.3521 4.3586 4.3625 4.3638 4.3625 4.3586 4.3522 4.3432 4.3316 4.2361
4.0000 4.1911 4.2857 4.2971 4.3061 4.3124 4.3163 4.3176 4.3163 4.3125 4.3061 4.2972 4.2858 4.1913
5.0000 4.1438 4.2373 4.2486 4.2574 4.2637 4.2675 4.2688 4.2675 4.2638 4.2575 4.2487 4.2374 4.1440
6.0000 4.0941 4.1864 4.1976 4.2063 4.2125 4.2162 4.2175 4.2163 4.2125 4.2063 4.1976 4.1865 4.0942
7.0000 4.0420 4.1331 4.1441 4.1527 4.1589 4.1626 4.1638 4.1626 4.1589 4.1528 4.1442 4.1332 4.0422
8.0000 3.9877 4.0775 4.0884 4.0968 4.1029 4.1065 4.1078 4.1066 4.1029 4.0969 4.0884 4.0776 3.9878
9.0000 3.9312 4.0197 4.0304 4.0387 4.0447 4.0483 4.0495 4.0483 4.0448 4.0388 4.0305 4.0198 3.9314
10.0000 3.8726 3.9598 3.9703 3.9785 3.9844 3.9880 3.9891 3.9880 3.9845 3.9786 3.9704 3.9599 3.8728
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5240 4.6266 4.6390 4.6487 4.6556 4.6597 4.6611 4.6597 4.6556 4.6487 4.6390 4.6266 4.5241
-9.0000 4.5135 4.6158 4.6282 4.6378 4.6447 4.6489 4.6503 4.6489 4.6448 4.6379 4.6282 4.6159 4.5136
-8.0000 4.4999 4.6019 4.6142 4.6238 4.6307 4.6348 4.6362 4.6349 4.6307 4.6239 4.6143 4.6019 4.5000
-7.0000 4.4832 4.5848 4.5971 4.6067 4.6135 4.6176 4.6190 4.6177 4.6136 4.6067 4.5972 4.5849 4.4834
-6.0000 4.4635 4.5646 4.5769 4.5864 4.5932 4.5973 4.5987 4.5973 4.5932 4.5864 4.5769 4.5647 4.4637
-5.0000 4.4408 4.5414 4.5536 4.5630 4.5698 4.5739 4.5753 4.5739 4.5699 4.5631 4.5536 4.5415 4.4410
-4.0000 4.4152 4.5151 4.5272 4.5366 4.5434 4.5474 4.5488 4.5474 4.5434 4.5367 4.5273 4.5152 4.4153
-3.0000 4.3866 4.4858 4.4979 4.5072 4.5139 4.5179 4.5193 4.5180 4.5139 4.5073 4.4979 4.4859 4.3868
-2.0000 4.3552 4.4536 4.4656 4.4749 4.4815 4.4855 4.4868 4.4855 4.4815 4.4749 4.4656 4.4537 4.3553
-1.0000 4.3209 4.4186 4.4304 4.4396 4.4462 4.4502 4.4515 4.4502 4.4462 4.4397 4.4305 4.4187 4.3211
0.0000 4.2839 4.3807 4.3924 4.4015 4.4081 4.4120 4.4133 4.4120 4.4081 4.4016 4.3925 4.3808 4.2841
1.0000 4.2442 4.3401 4.3517 4.3607 4.3672 4.3711 4.3724 4.3711 4.3672 4.3608 4.3517 4.3402 4.2444
2.0000 4.2019 4.2968 4.3082 4.3172 4.3236 4.3274 4.3287 4.3275 4.3236 4.3172 4.3083 4.2968 4.2021
3.0000 4.1570 4.2508 4.2622 4.2711 4.2774 4.2812 4.2825 4.2812 4.2774 4.2711 4.2623 4.2509 4.1572
4.0000 4.1097 4.2024 4.2136 4.2224 4.2286 4.2324 4.2337 4.2324 4.2287 4.2224 4.2137 4.2025 4.1099
5.0000 4.0600 4.1515 4.1626 4.1713 4.1774 4.1812 4.1824 4.1812 4.1775 4.1713 4.1627 4.1516 4.0602
6.0000 4.0080 4.0983 4.1093 4.1178 4.1239 4.1275 4.1288 4.1276 4.1239 4.1178 4.1093 4.0984 4.0082
7.0000 3.9538 4.0429 4.0536 4.0620 4.0680 4.0717 4.0729 4.0717 4.0681 4.0621 4.0537 4.0429 3.9540
8.0000 3.8975 3.9852 3.9958 4.0041 4.0100 4.0136 4.0148 4.0136 4.0101 4.0042 3.9959 3.9853 3.8977
9.0000 3.8392 3.9255 3.9360 3.9441 3.9500 3.9535 3.9546 3.9535 3.9500 3.9442 3.9361 3.9256 3.8393
10.0000 3.7789 3.8639 3.8741 3.8822 3.8879 3.8913 3.8925 3.8914 3.8879 3.8822 3.8742 3.8640 3.7791
3 dimensional table with 7 breakpoints, 7 tables.
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5792 4.6831 4.6957 4.7054 4.7125 4.7167 4.7181 4.7167 4.7125 4.7055 4.6957 4.6832 4.5794
-9.0000 4.5886 4.6926 4.7052 4.7150 4.7221 4.7263 4.7277 4.7263 4.7221 4.7151 4.7053 4.6927 4.5887
-8.0000 4.5947 4.6989 4.7115 4.7214 4.7284 4.7326 4.7340 4.7326 4.7284 4.7214 4.7116 4.6990 4.5949
-7.0000 4.5977 4.7019 4.7146 4.7244 4.7314 4.7357 4.7371 4.7357 4.7315 4.7244 4.7146 4.7020 4.5979
-6.0000 4.5975 4.7017 4.7143 4.7241 4.7312 4.7354 4.7368 4.7354 4.7312 4.7242 4.7144 4.7018 4.5976
-5.0000 4.5940 4.6981 4.7107 4.7206 4.7276 4.7318 4.7332 4.7318 4.7276 4.7206 4.7108 4.6982 4.5942
-4.0000 4.5874 4.6913 4.7039 4.7137 4.7207 4.7249 4.7263 4.7249 4.7207 4.7137 4.7039 4.6914 4.5875
-3.0000 4.5775 4.6812 4.6937 4.7035 4.7105 4.7147 4.7161 4.7147 4.7105 4.7036 4.6938 4.6813 4.5777
-2.0000 4.5644 4.6678 4.6803 4.6900 4.6970 4.7012 4.7026 4.7012 4.6970 4.6901 4.6803 4.6679 4.5646
-1.0000 4.5481 4.6511 4.6636 4.6733 4.6802 4.6844 4.6858 4.6844 4.6803 4.6733 4.6636 4.6512 4.5483
0.0000 4.5287 4.6312 4.6436 4.6533 4.6602 4.6644 4.6657 4.6644 4.6602 4.6533 4.6437 4.6313 4.5289
1.0000 4.5061 4.6081 4.6204 4.6301 4.6369 4.6411 4.6425 4.6411 4.6370 4.6301 4.6205 4.6082 4.5063
2.0000 4.4805 4.5818 4.5941 4.6036 4.6105 4.6146 4.6160 4.6146 4.6105 4.6037 4.5942 4.5819 4.4806
3.0000 4.4517 4.5524 4.5646 4.5741 4.5809 4.5850 4.5863 4.5850 4.5809 4.5741 4.5647 4.5525 4.4519
4.0000 4.4200 4.5199 4.5320 4.5414 4.5482 4.5522 4.5536 4.5522 4.5482 4.5415 4.5321 4.5200 4.4202
5.0000 4.3853 4.4844 4.4964 4.5057 4.5124 4.5164 4.5178 4.5164 4.5124 4.5058 4.4964 4.4845 4.3855
6.0000 4.3476 4.4459 4.4578 4.4670 4.4736 4.4776 4.4790 4.4777 4.4737 4.4671 4.4578 4.4460 4.3478
7.0000 4.3072 4.4044 4.4162 4.4254 4.4320 4.4359 4.4372 4.4359 4.4320 4.4254 4.4163 4.4045 4.3074
8.0000 4.2639 4.3602 4.3718 4.3809 4.3874 4.3913 4.3926 4.3913 4.3874 4.3810 4.3719 4.3603 4.2641
9.0000 4.2180 4.3131 4.3247 4.3336 4.3401 4.3439 4.3452 4.3439 4.3401 4.3337 4.3247 4.3132 4.2181
10.0000 4.1694 4.2634 4.2748 4.2837 4.2900 4.2938 4.2951 4.2938 4.2900 4.2837 4.2749 4.2635 4.1695
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5893 4.6934 4.7060 4.7158 4.7228 4.7270 4.7284 4.7270 4.7228 4.7158 4.7060 4.6934 4.5894
-9.0000 4.5968 4.7011 4.7137 4.7235 4.7306 4.7348 4.7362 4.7348 4.7306 4.7236 4.7137 4.7011 4.5970
-8.0000 4.6012 4.7055 4.7181 4.7280 4.7350 4.7393 4.7407 4.7393 4.7351 4.7280 4.7182 4.7056 4.6013
-7.0000 4.6024 4.7067 4.7193 4.7292 4.7362 4.7404 4.7418 4.7404 4.7362 4.7292 4.7194 4.7068 4.6025
-6.0000 4.6003 4.7046 4.7172 4.7270 4.7341 4.7383 4.7397 4.7383 4.7341 4.7271 4.7173 4.7047 4.6005
-5.0000 4.5951 4.6992 4.7118 4.7216 4.7286 4.7329 4.7343 4.7329 4.7287 4.7217 4.7119 4.6993 4.5952
-4.0000 4.5866 4.6905 4.7031 4.7129 4.7199 4.7241 4.7255 4.7241 4.7199 4.7129 4.7032 4.6906 4.5868
-3.0000 4.5749 4.6786 4.6911 4.7009 4.7079 4.7121 4.7135 4.7121 4.7079 4.7009 4.6912 4.6786 4.5751
-2.0000 4.5601 4.6633 4.6758 4.6856 4.6926 4.6967 4.6981 4.6968 4.6926 4.6856 4.6759 4.6634 4.5603
-1.0000 4.5421 4.6449 4.6573 4.6670 4.6740 4.6782 4.6796 4.6782 4.6740 4.6671 4.6574 4.6450 4.5422
0.0000 4.5209 4.6232 4.6356 4.6453 4.6522 4.6563 4.6577 4.6564 4.6522 4.6453 4.6357 4.6233 4.5211
1.0000 4.4967 4.5984 4.6107 4.6203 4.6272 4.6313 4.6327 4.6313 4.6272 4.6204 4.6108 4.5985 4.4968
2.0000 4.4693 4.5704 4.5827 4.5922 4.5990 4.6031 4.6045 4.6031 4.5991 4.5923 4.5827 4.5705 4.4695
3.0000 4.4390 4.5394 4.5515 4.5610 4.5677 4.5718 4.5732 4.5718 4.5678 4.5610 4.5516 4.5394 4.4392
4.0000 4.4056 4.5052 4.5173 4.5267 4.5334 4.5374 4.5388 4.5375 4.5334 4.5267 4.5174 4.5053 4.4058
5.0000 4.3694 4.4681 4.4801 4.4894 4.4961 4.5001 4.5014 4.5001 4.4961 4.4894 4.4802 4.4682 4.3696
6.0000 4.3303 4.4281 4.4399 4.4491 4.4558 4.4597 4.4610 4.4597 4.4558 4.4492 4.4400 4.4282 4.3305
7.0000 4.2883 4.3852 4.3969 4.4060 4.4126 4.4165 4.4178 4.4165 4.4126 4.4061 4.3970 4.3853 4.2885
8.0000 4.2437 4.3395 4.3511 4.3601 4.3666 4.3705 4.3718 4.3705 4.3666 4.3602 4.3511 4.3396 4.2439
9.0000 4.1964 4.2911 4.3025 4.3114 4.3178 4.3217 4.3230 4.3217 4.3179 4.3115 4.3026 4.2912 4.1966
10.0000 4.1465 4.2400 4.2513 4.2601 4.2665 4.2702 4.2715 4.2703 4.2665 4.2602 4.2514 4.2401 4.1467
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.6003 4.7047 4.7173 4.7272 4.7342 4.7384 4.7399 4.7385 4.7342 4.7272 4.7174 4.7048 4.6005
-9.0000 4.6043 4.7087 4.7213 4.7312 4.7382 4.7425 4.7439 4.7425 4.7383 4.7312 4.7214 4.7088 4.6044
-8.0000 4.6050 4.7095 4.7221 4.7319 4.7390 4.7432 4.7446 4.7432 4.7390 4.7320 4.7222 4.7095 4.6052
-7.0000 4.6026 4.7069 4.7196 4.7294 4.7364 4.7407 4.7421 4.7407 4.7365 4.7295 4.7196 4.7070 4.6028
-6.0000 4.5970 4.7011 4.7138 4.7236 4.7306 4.7348 4.7363 4.7349 4.7307 4.7236 4.7138 4.7012 4.5971
-5.0000 4.5881 4.6921 4.7047 4.7145 4.7215 4.7257 4.7271 4.7257 4.7215 4.7145 4.7047 4.6922 4.5883
-4.0000 4.5761 4.6798 4.6923 4.7021 4.7091 4.7133 4.7147 4.7133 4.7091 4.7022 4.6924 4.6799 4.5763
-3.0000 4.5610 4.6642 4.6767 4.6865 4.6935 4.6977 4.6991 4.6977 4.6935 4.6865 4.6768 4.6643 4.5611
-2.0000 4.5426 4.6455 4.6579 4.6676 4.6746 4.6787 4.6801 4.6788 4.6746 4.6677 4.6580 4.6456 4.5428
-1.0000 4.5212 4.6235 4.6359 4.6456 4.6525 4.6566 4.6580 4.6567 4.6525 4.6456 4.6360 4.6236 4.5214
0.0000 4.4967 4.5984 4.6108 4.6204 4.6272 4.6313 4.6327 4.6314 4.6273 4.6204 4.6108 4.5985 4.4969
1.0000 4.4691 4.5702 4.5825 4.5920 4.5988 4.6029 4.6043 4.6029 4.5989 4.5920 4.5825 4.5703 4.4693
2.0000 4.4386 4.5389 4.5511 4.5606 4.5673 4.5714 4.5728 4.5714 4.5674 4.5606 4.5512 4.5390 4.4387
3.0000 4.4051 4.5046 4.5167 4.5261 4.5328 4.5368 4.5382 4.5369 4.5328 4.5261 4.5168 4.5047 4.4052
4.0000 4.3687 4.4674 4.4793 4.4886 4.4953 4.4993 4.5007 4.4993 4.4953 4.4887 4.4794 4.4675 4.3688
5.0000 4.3294 4.4272 4.4391 4.4483 4.4549 4.4589 4.4602 4.4589 4.4549 4.4483 4.4391 4.4273 4.3296
6.0000 4.2874 4.3842 4.3959 4.4051 4.4116 4.4155 4.4169 4.4156 4.4117 4.4051 4.3960 4.3843 4.2876
7.0000 4.2427 4.3385 4.3501 4.3591 4.3656 4.3695 4.3708 4.3695 4.3656 4.3592 4.3501 4.3386 4.2429
8.0000 4.1954 4.2900 4.3015 4.3104 4.3168 4.3207 4.3219 4.3207 4.3169 4.3105 4.3016 4.2901 4.1956
9.0000 4.1455 4.2390 4.2503 4.2591 4.2655 4.2692 4.2705 4.2693 4.2655 4.2592 4.2504 4.2391 4.1457
10.0000 4.0932 4.1854 4.1966 4.2053 4.2116 4.2153 4.2165 4.2153 4.2116 4.2054 4.1967 4.1855 4.0934
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5994 4.7037 4.7163 4.7261 4.7332 4.7374 4.7388 4.7374 4.7332 4.7262 4.7164 4.7038 4.5995
-9.0000 4.5997 4.7040 4.7166 4.7265 4.7335 4.7377 4.7391 4.7377 4.7335 4.7265 4.7167 4.7041 4.5998
-8.0000 4.5968 4.7011 4.7137 4.7235 4.7305 4.7348 4.7362 4.7348 4.7306 4.7236 4.7137 4.7011 4.5970
-7.0000 4.5908 4.6949 4.7075 4.7173 4.7243 4.7285 4.7299 4.7285 4.7243 4.7173 4.7075 4.6949 4.5910
-6.0000 4.5816 4.6854 4.6980 4.7078 4.7148 4.7190 4.7204 4.7190 4.7148 4.7078 4.6981 4.6855 4.5818
-5.0000 4.5693 4.6728 4.6853 4.6951 4.7021 4.7063 4.7077 4.7063 4.7021 4.6951 4.6854 4.6729 4.5694
-4.0000 4.5537 4.6569 4.6694 4.6791 4.6861 4.6902 4.6917 4.6903 4.6861 4.6792 4.6694 4.6570 4.5539
-3.0000 4.5351 4.6378 4.6502 4.6599 4.6669 4.6710 4.6724 4.6710 4.6669 4.6600 4.6503 4.6379 4.5353
-2.0000 4.5134 4.6156 4.6280 4.6376 4.6445 4.6486 4.6500 4.6486 4.6445 4.6376 4.6280 4.6157 4.5136
-1.0000 4.4886 4.5902 4.6025 4.6121 4.6190 4.6231 4.6245 4.6231 4.6190 4.6122 4.6026 4.5903 4.4888
0.0000 4.4609 4.5618 4.5740 4.5835 4.5903 4.5944 4.5958 4.5944 4.5904 4.5836 4.5741 4.5619 4.4610
1.0000 4.4301 4.5303 4.5424 4.5519 4.5586 4.5627 4.5641 4.5627 4.5587 4.5519 4.5425 4.5304 4.4303
2.0000 4.3964 4.4958 4.5079 4.5172 4.5239 4.5280 4.5293 4.5280 4.5240 4.5173 4.5079 4.4959 4.3966
3.0000 4.3599 4.4584 4.4704 4.4797 4.4863 4.4903 4.4916 4.4903 4.4863 4.4797 4.4704 4.4585 4.3601
4.0000 4.3206 4.4182 4.4300 4.4392 4.4458 4.4497 4.4511 4.4498 4.4458 4.4392 4.4301 4.4183 4.3207
5.0000 4.2785 4.3751 4.3868 4.3959 4.4024 4.4064 4.4077 4.4064 4.4025 4.3960 4.3869 4.3752 4.2787
6.0000 4.2338 4.3293 4.3409 4.3499 4.3564 4.3602 4.3615 4.3603 4.3564 4.3500 4.3410 4.3294 4.2339
7.0000 4.1864 4.2809 4.2923 4.3012 4.3076 4.3114 4.3127 4.3115 4.3077 4.3013 4.2924 4.2810 4.1866
8.0000 4.1366 4.2299 4.2412 4.2500 4.2563 4.2601 4.2613 4.2601 4.2563 4.2501 4.2413 4.2300 4.1368
9.0000 4.0844 4.1764 4.1876 4.1963 4.2025 4.2062 4.2075 4.2062 4.2025 4.1963 4.1876 4.1765 4.0845
10.0000 4.0298 4.1206 4.1315 4.1401 4.1462 4.1499 4.1512 4.1499 4.1463 4.1402 4.1316 4.1207 4.0299
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5863 4.6903 4.7029 4.7127 4.7197 4.7240 4.7254 4.7240 4.7198 4.7128 4.7030 4.6904 4.5864
-9.0000 4.5830 4.6869 4.6995 4.7093 4.7163 4.7205 4.7220 4.7206 4.7164 4.7094 4.6996 4.6870 4.5832
-8.0000 4.5766 4.6803 4.6929 4.7027 4.7097 4.7139 4.7153 4.7139 4.7097 4.7027 4.6929 4.6804 4.5767
-7.0000 4.5670 4.6705 4.6830 4.6928 4.6998 4.7040 4.7054 4.7040 4.6998 4.6928 4.6831 4.6706 4.5671
-6.0000 4.5543 4.6574 4.6699 4.6797 4.6866 4.6908 4.6922 4.6908 4.6867 4.6797 4.6700 4.6575 4.5544
-5.0000 4.5384 4.6412 4.6537 4.6634 4.6703 4.6745 4.6759 4.6745 4.6703 4.6634 4.6537 4.6413 4.5386
-4.0000 4.5195 4.6218 4.6342 4.6439 4.6508 4.6549 4.6563 4.6549 4.6508 4.6439 4.6343 4.6219 4.5196
-3.0000 4.4975 4.5993 4.6116 4.6212 4.6281 4.6322 4.6336 4.6322 4.6281 4.6213 4.6117 4.5994 4.4976
-2.0000 4.4724 4.5736 4.5859 4.5954 4.6023 4.6064 4.6078 4.6064 4.6023 4.5955 4.5860 4.5737 4.4726
-1.0000 4.4444 4.5450 4.5571 4.5666 4.5734 4.5775 4.5788 4.5775 4.5734 4.5667 4.5572 4.5450 4.4446
0.0000 4.4135 4.5133 4.5254 4.5348 4.5415 4.5456 4.5469 4.5456 4.5415 4.5348 4.5254 4.5134 4.4136
1.0000 4.3796 4.4786 4.4906 4.5000 4.5066 4.5107 4.5120 4.5107 4.5067 4.5000 4.4907 4.4787 4.3798
2.0000 4.3429 4.4411 4.4530 4.4622 4.4689 4.4728 4.4742 4.4729 4.4689 4.4623 4.4530 4.4412 4.3431
3.0000 4.3035 4.4007 4.4125 4.4217 4.4282 4.4322 4.4335 4.4322 4.4283 4.4217 4.4126 4.4008 4.3037
4.0000 4.2614 4.3576 4.3693 4.3783 4.3848 4.3887 4.3900 4.3887 4.3849 4.3784 4.3693 4.3577 4.2616
5.0000 4.2166 4.3118 4.3233 4.3323 4.3387 4.3426 4.3439 4.3426 4.3388 4.3324 4.3234 4.3119 4.2168
6.0000 4.1693 4.2634 4.2748 4.2836 4.2900 4.2938 4.2951 4.2938 4.2900 4.2837 4.2748 4.2635 4.1695
7.0000 4.1195 4.2124 4.2237 4.2324 4.2387 4.2425 4.2437 4.2425 4.2388 4.2325 4.2238 4.2125 4.1197
8.0000 4.0674 4.1590 4.1701 4.1788 4.1850 4.1887 4.1899 4.1887 4.1850 4.1789 4.1702 4.1591 4.0675
9.0000 4.0129 4.1033 4.1143 4.1228 4.1289 4.1326 4.1338 4.1326 4.1289 4.1228 4.1143 4.1034 4.0131
10.0000 3.9562 4.0453 4.0561 4.0645 4.0705 4.0741 4.0754 4.0742 4.0706 4.0646 4.0562 4.0454 3.9564
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5612 4.6646 4.6771 4.6869 4.6939 4.6981 4.6995 4.6981 4.6939 4.6869 4.6772 4.6647 4.5613
-9.0000 4.5543 4.6575 4.6700 4.6798 4.6867 4.6909 4.6923 4.6909 4.6868 4.6798 4.6701 4.6576 4.5544
-8.0000 4.5443 4.6473 4.6597 4.6694 4.6764 4.6806 4.6820 4.6806 4.6764 4.6695 4.6598 4.6473 4.5444
-7.0000 4.5311 4.6338 4.6462 4.6559 4.6628 4.6670 4.6684 4.6670 4.6629 4.6560 4.6463 4.6339 4.5313
-6.0000 4.5149 4.6172 4.6296 4.6392 4.6461 4.6503 4.6516 4.6503 4.6461 4.6393 4.6296 4.6173 4.5151
-5.0000 4.4956 4.5974 4.6097 4.6193 4.6262 4.6303 4.6317 4.6304 4.6262 4.6194 4.6098 4.5975 4.4958
-4.0000 4.4733 4.5745 4.5868 4.5964 4.6032 4.6073 4.6087 4.6073 4.6032 4.5964 4.5869 4.5746 4.4734
-3.0000 4.4480 4.5486 4.5608 4.5703 4.5771 4.5812 4.5825 4.5812 4.5771 4.5703 4.5609 4.5487 4.4481
-2.0000 4.4197 4.5197 4.5318 4.5412 4.5480 4.5520 4.5534 4.5520 4.5480 4.5413 4.5318 4.5198 4.4198
-1.0000 4.3885 4.4877 4.4998 4.5091 4.5158 4.5198 4.5212 4.5199 4.5159 4.5092 4.4998 4.4878 4.3887
0.0000 4.3545 4.4529 4.4648 4.4741 4.4808 4.4848 4.4861 4.4848 4.4808 4.4742 4.4649 4.4530 4.3546
1.0000 4.3176 4.4152 4.4270 4.4362 4.4428 4.4468 4.4481 4.4468 4.4429 4.4363 4.4271 4.4153 4.3178
2.0000 4.2781 4.3747 4.3864 4.3956 4.4021 4.4060 4.4073 4.4060 4.4021 4.3956 4.3865 4.3748 4.2783
3.0000 4.2359 4.3315 4.3431 4.3521 4.3586 4.3625 4.3638 4.3625 4.3586 4.3522 4.3432 4.3316 4.2361
4.0000 4.1911 4.2857 4.2971 4.3061 4.3124 4.3163 4.3176 4.3163 4.3125 4.3061 4.2972 4.2858 4.1913
5.0000 4.1438 4.2373 4.2486 4.2574 4.2637 4.2675 4.2688 4.2675 4.2638 4.2575 4.2487 4.2374 4.1440
6.0000 4.0941 4.1864 4.1976 4.2063 4.2125 4.2162 4.2175 4.2163 4.2125 4.2063 4.1976 4.1865 4.0942
7.0000 4.0420 4.1331 4.1441 4.1527 4.1589 4.1626 4.1638 4.1626 4.1589 4.1528 4.1442 4.1332 4.0422
8.0000 3.9877 4.0775 4.0884 4.0968 4.1029 4.1065 4.1078 4.1066 4.1029 4.0969 4.0884 4.0776 3.9878
9.0000 3.9312 4.0197 4.0304 4.0387 4.0447 4.0483 4.0495 4.0483 4.0448 4.0388 4.0305 4.0198 3.9314
10.0000 3.8726 3.9598 3.9703 3.9785 3.9844 3.9880 3.9891 3.9880 3.9845 3.9786 3.9704 3.9599 3.8728
2 dimensional table with 21 rows, 13 columns.
-10.0000 -5.0000 -4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 10.0000
-10.0000 4.5240 4.6266 4.6390 4.6487 4.6556 4.6597 4.6611 4.6597 4.6556 4.6487 4.6390 4.6266 4.5241
-9.0000 4.5135 4.6158 4.6282 4.6378 4.6447 4.6489 4.6503 4.6489 4.6448 4.6379 4.6282 4.6159 4.5136
-8.0000 4.4999 4.6019 4.6142 4.6238 4.6307 4.6348 4.6362 4.6349 4.6307 4.6239 4.6143 4.6019 4.5000
-7.0000 4.4832 4.5848 4.5971 4.6067 4.6135 4.6176 4.6190 4.6177 4.6136 4.6067 4.5972 4.5849 4.4834
-6.0000 4.4635 4.5646 4.5769 4.5864 4.5932 4.5973 4.5987 4.5973 4.5932 4.5864 4.5769 4.5647 4.4637
-5.0000 4.4408 4.5414 4.5536 4.5630 4.5698 4.5739 4.5753 4.5739 4.5699 4.5631 4.5536 4.5415 4.4410
-4.0000 4.4152 4.5151 4.5272 4.5366 4.5434 4.5474 4.5488 4.5474 4.5434 4.5367 4.5273 4.5152 4.4153
-3.0000 4.3866 4.4858 4.4979 4.5072 4.5139 4.5179 4.5193 4.5180 4.5139 4.5073 4.4979 4.4859 4.3868
-2.0000 4.3552 4.4536 4.4656 4.4749 4.4815 4.4855 4.4868 4.4855 4.4815 4.4749 4.4656 4.4537 4.3553
-1.0000 4.3209 4.4186 4.4304 4.4396 4.4462 4.4502 4.4515 4.4502 4.4462 4.4397 4.4305 4.4187 4.3211
0.0000 4.2839 4.3807 4.3924 4.4015 4.4081 4.4120 4.4133 4.4120 4.4081 4.4016 4.3925 4.3808 4.2841
1.0000 4.2442 4.3401 4.3517 4.3607 4.3672 4.3711 4.3724 4.3711 4.3672 4.3608 4.3517 4.3402 4.2444
2.0000 4.2019 4.2968 4.3082 4.3172 4.3236 4.3274 4.3287 4.3275 4.3236 4.3172 4.3083 4.2968 4.2021
3.0000 4.1570 4.2508 4.2622 4.2711 4.2774 4.2812 4.2825 4.2812 4.2774 4.2711 4.2623 4.2509 4.1572
4.0000 4.1097 4.2024 4.2136 4.2224 4.2286 4.2324 4.2337 4.2324 4.2287 4.2224 4.2137 4.2025 4.1099
5.0000 4.0600 4.1515 4.1626 4.1713 4.1774 4.1812 4.1824 4.1812 4.1775 4.1713 4.1627 4.1516 4.0602
6.0000 4.0080 4.0983 4.1093 4.1178 4.1239 4.1275 4.1288 4.1276 4.1239 4.1178 4.1093 4.0984 4.0082
7.0000 3.9538 4.0429 4.0536 4.0620 4.0680 4.0717 4.0729 4.0717 4.0681 4.0621 4.0537 4.0429 3.9540
8.0000 3.8975 3.9852 3.9958 4.0041 4.0100 4.0136 4.0148 4.0136 4.0101 4.0042 3.9959 3.9853 3.8977
9.0000 3.8392 3.9255 3.9360 3.9441 3.9500 3.9535 3.9546 3.9535 3.9500 3.9442 3.9361 3.9256 3.8393
10.0000 3.7789 3.8639 3.8741 3.8822 3.8879 3.8913 3.8925 3.8914 3.8879 3.8822 3.8742 3.8640 3.7791
Function: aero/coefficient/CLalpha
Function: aero/coefficient/CDo
1 dimensional table with 4 rows.
0.0000 0.0000
10.0000 0.0070
20.0000 0.0120
30.0000 0.0180
Function: aero/coefficient/CDDf
2 dimensional table with 26 rows, 4 columns.
0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000
-0.0873 0.0041 0.0000 0.0005 0.0014
-0.0698 0.0013 0.0004 0.0025 0.0041
-0.0524 0.0001 0.0023 0.0059 0.0084
-0.0349 0.0003 0.0057 0.0108 0.0141
-0.0175 0.0020 0.0105 0.0172 0.0212
0.0000 0.0052 0.0168 0.0251 0.0299
0.0175 0.0099 0.0248 0.0346 0.0402
0.0349 0.0162 0.0342 0.0457 0.0521
0.0524 0.0240 0.0452 0.0583 0.0655
0.0698 0.0334 0.0577 0.0724 0.0804
0.0873 0.0442 0.0718 0.0881 0.0968
0.1047 0.0566 0.0874 0.1053 0.1148
0.1222 0.0706 0.1045 0.1240 0.1343
0.1396 0.0860 0.1232 0.1442 0.1554
0.1571 0.0962 0.1353 0.1573 0.1690
0.1745 0.1069 0.1479 0.1708 0.1830
0.1920 0.1180 0.1610 0.1849 0.1975
0.2094 0.1298 0.1746 0.1995 0.2126
0.2269 0.1424 0.1892 0.2151 0.2286
0.2443 0.1565 0.2054 0.2323 0.2464
0.2618 0.1727 0.2240 0.2521 0.2667
0.2793 0.1782 0.2302 0.2587 0.2735
0.2967 0.1716 0.2227 0.2507 0.2653
0.3142 0.1618 0.2115 0.2388 0.2531
0.3316 0.1475 0.1951 0.2214 0.2351
0.3491 0.1097 0.1512 0.1744 0.1866
Function: aero/coefficient/CDwbh
Function: aero/coefficient/CDDe
Function: aero/coefficient/CDbeta
1 dimensional table with 3 rows.
-0.3490 0.1080
0.0000 0.0000
0.3490 -0.1080
Function: aero/coefficient/CYb
Function: aero/coefficient/CYda
Function: aero/coefficient/CYdr
Function: aero/coefficient/CYp
Function: aero/coefficient/CYr
1 dimensional table with 3 rows.
-0.3490 0.0311
0.0000 0.0000
0.3490 -0.0311
Function: aero/coefficient/Clb
Function: aero/coefficient/Clp
1 dimensional table with 2 rows.
0.0000 0.0800
0.0940 0.1900
Function: aero/coefficient/Clr
Function: aero/coefficient/Clda
Function: aero/coefficient/Cldr
Function: aero/coefficient/Cmalpha
1 dimensional table with 4 rows.
0.0000 0.0000
10.0000 -0.0300
20.0000 -0.0500
30.0000 -0.0600
Function: aero/coefficient/CmDf
Function: aero/coefficient/Cmq
Function: aero/coefficient/Cmadot
Function: aero/coefficient/Cmo
Function: aero/coefficient/Cmde
1 dimensional table with 3 rows.
-0.3490 -0.0227
0.0000 0.0000
0.3490 0.0227
Function: aero/coefficient/Cnb
Function: aero/coefficient/Cnp
Function: aero/coefficient/Cnr
Function: aero/coefficient/Cnda
Function: aero/coefficient/Cndr
Output data set: 0
Function: velocities/pi-deg_sec
脚本xml文件:C172-01A 滑跑起飞过程
- 发动机启动
在0.25秒时刻启动发动机,并配置自动驾驶仪以保持飞机的滚转角 - 开始滑跑
飞机在3秒时刻释放刹车并开始滑跑,同时将襟翼设置为10度以增加升力,为飞机的加速和随后的起飞做准备 - 爬升
达到51节校准空速时触发抬头操作,离地并开始爬升 - 设置自动驾驶高度6000英尺
达到51节校准空速后延迟10秒触发,设置自动驾驶仪的目标高度为6000英尺。 - 调整油门/襟翼
飞机离地高度达到1000英尺时触发,执行的操作包括收回襟翼和设置新的航向。 - 每分钟输出飞行状态信息
Script: "C172-01A takeoff run"
begins at 0.0000 seconds and runs to 200.0083 seconds with dt = 0.008333 (120.000000 Hz)
Local property: left-brake-cmd-norm = 1.000000
Local property: center-brake-cmd-norm = 1.000000
Local property: right-brake-cmd-norm = 1.000000
Local property: randomseed = 2498.000000
Local property: heading-selector-switch = 1.000000
Local property: specified-heading-rad = 3.490000
Local property: run_id = 1.000000
Local property: notify-time-trigger = 0.000000
Event 0 (engine start):
When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: {
sim-time-sec >= constant value 0.250000
Actions taken:
set fcs/throttle-cmd-norm to 1.000000 (constant via ramp with time constant 0.500000)
set propulsion/magneto_cmd to 3.000000 (constant via step)
set propulsion/starter_cmd to 1.000000 (constant via step)
set ap/roll-attitude-mode to 1.000000 (constant via step)
set ap/autopilot-roll-on to 1.000000 (constant via step)
run id
a-pilot-x-ft sec2
a-pilot-y-ft sec2
a-pilot-z-ft sec2
pdot-rad sec2
qdot-rad sec2
rdot-rad sec2
udot-ft sec2
vdot-ft sec2
wdot-ft sec2
p-rad sec
q-rad sec
r-rad sec
pi-rad sec
qi-rad sec
ri-rad sec
p-aero-rad sec
q-aero-rad sec
r-aero-rad sec
phidot-rad sec
thetadot-rad sec
psidot-rad sec
Event 1 (Begin roll):
When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: {
sim-time-sec >= constant value 3.000000
Actions taken:
set fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm to 0.000000 (constant via step)
set fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm to 0.000000 (constant via step)
set fcs/center-brake-cmd-norm to 0.000000 (constant via step)
set fcs/flap-cmd-norm to 0.330000 (constant via step)
set fcs/elevator-cmd-norm to 0.000000 (constant via step)
Event 2 (Rotate):
When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: {
vc-kts >= constant value 51.000000
Actions taken:
set ap/altitude_setpoint to 1000.000000 (constant via step)
set ap/altitude_hold to 1.000000 (constant via step)
Event 3 (Set autopilot for 6000 ft.):
When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: {
vc-kts >= constant value 51.000000
Actions taken (after a delay of 10.000000 secs):
set ap/altitude_setpoint to 6000.000000 (constant via step)
set simulation/output/log_rate_hz to 10.000000 (constant via step)
Event 4 (Adjust throttle/flaps):
When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: {
h-agl-ft >= constant value 1000.000000
Actions taken:
set fcs/flap-cmd-norm to 0.000000 (constant via step)
set guidance/specified-heading-rad to 1.750000 (constant via step)
set ap/roll-attitude-mode to 1.000000 (constant via step)
set simulation/write-state-file to 2.000000 (constant via step)
Event 5 (Time Notify):
Whenever triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: {
sim-time-sec >= notify-time-trigger
Actions taken:
set simulation/notify-time-trigger to 60.000000 (delta via step)
Output filename change from ./JSBout172B.csv from aircraft configuration file to c1723.csv specified on command line
GEAR_CONTACT: 0.000000 seconds: Nose Gear 1
GEAR_CONTACT: 0.000000 seconds: Left Main Gear 1
GEAR_CONTACT: 0.000000 seconds: Right Main Gear 1
Simulation parameters logged
Rate parameters logged
Velocity parameters logged
Mass parameters logged
Propagate parameters logged
FCS parameters logged
Propulsion parameters logged
Properties logged:
- vrp-gc-latitude_deg
- vrp-longitude_deg
- vrp-radius-ft
Mass Properties Report (English units: lbf, in, slug-ft^2)
Weight CG-X CG-Y CG-Z Ixx Iyy Izz Ixy Ixz Iyz
Base Vehicle 1454.0 41.0 0.0 36.5 948.0 1346.0 1967.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
0 PILOT 190.0 36.0 -14.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
1 CO-PILOT 140.0 36.0 14.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
2 PASSENGER 1 130.0 60.0 -14.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
3 PASSENGER 2 106.0 60.0 14.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
4 LUGGAGE 120.0 95.0 0.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
5 PesticideBomb 80.0 41.0 144.0 36.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
0 Fuel 130 48 -112 59.4 9.7013 9.7013 9.7013
1 Fuel 130 48 112 59.4 9.7013 9.7013 9.7013
Total: 2480.0 45.5 4.2 35.4 2095.7 1505.0 3150.4 -10.8 13.6 4.0
End of vehicle configuration loading.
Simulation Configuration
Mass Properties Model:
Ground Reactions Model:
Aerodynamics Model:
Propulsion Model:
State Report at sim time: 0.000000 seconds
ECI: -1636354.08174152, -18107108.71473717, 10325659.96215431 (x,y,z, in ft)
ECEF: -1636354.081742 , -18107108.714737 , 10325659.962154 (x,y,z, in ft)
Local: 29.759526, -95.163839, 4.305018 (geodetic lat, lon, alt ASL in deg and ft)
ECI: 180, -60.24047397481984, 84.836161 (phi, theta, psi in deg)
Local: -1.192708005548819e-15, -7.951386703658792e-15, 7.951386703658792e-16 (phi, theta, psi in deg)
ECI: 1320.391190653657, -119.3248214477856, 0 (x,y,z in ft/s)
ECEF: 0, 0, 0 (x,y,z in ft/s)
Local: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 (n,e,d in ft/sec)
Body: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 (u,v,w in ft/sec)
Body Rates (relative to given frame, expressed in body frame)
ECI: 0.003627054262170481, 0, -0.002073832402526141 (p,q,r in deg/s)
ECEF: 0, 0, 0 (p,q,r in deg/s)
---- JSBSim Execution beginning ... --------------------------------------------
Time Notify (Event 5) executed at time: 0.008333
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 0.000000
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 4.305000
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.759526
Altitude (geod, ft): = 4.305000
Throttle pos: = 0.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.999480
Weight (lbs): = 2480.000000
Propeller RPM: = 0.000000
- 然后运行第一个事件,启动发动机,输出结果如下:
Start: Wednesday October 09 2024 09:42:48 (HH:MM:SS)
engine start (Event 0) executed at time: 0.258333
Sim Run ID: = 1.000000
ap/hdg-roll-err-c1 = 0.500000
accelerations/a-pilot-x-ft_sec2 = -0.092034
accelerations/a-pilot-y-ft_sec2 = -0.437431
accelerations/a-pilot-z-ft_sec2 = -32.050636
accelerations/n-pilot-x-norm = -0.002861
accelerations/n-pilot-y-norm = -0.013596
accelerations/n-pilot-z-norm = -0.996164
accelerations/Nz = 0.996318
accelerations/pdot-rad_sec2 = -0.067422
accelerations/qdot-rad_sec2 = 0.020971
accelerations/rdot-rad_sec2 = -0.000187
accelerations/udot-ft_sec2 = -0.093934
accelerations/vdot-ft_sec2 = -0.267800
accelerations/wdot-ft_sec2 = 0.054013
velocities/h-dot-fps = -0.016088
velocities/v-north-fps = -0.035222
velocities/v-east-fps = 0.113689
velocities/v-down-fps = 0.016088
velocities/u-fps = -0.035240
velocities/v-fps = 0.113768
velocities/w-fps = 0.015483
velocities/p-rad_sec = 0.026447
velocities/q-rad_sec = 0.008187
velocities/r-rad_sec = -0.000011
velocities/pi-rad_sec = 0.026511
velocities/qi-rad_sec = 0.008187
velocities/ri-rad_sec = -0.000047
velocities/eci-velocity-mag-fps = 1325.885657
velocities/vc-fps = 0.120095
velocities/vc-kts = 0.071154
velocities/ve-fps = 0.120095
velocities/ve-kts = 0.071154
velocities/vtrue-fps = 0.120103
velocities/vtrue-kts = 0.071159
velocities/machU = -0.000032
velocities/p-aero-rad_sec = 0.026447
velocities/q-aero-rad_sec = 0.008187
velocities/r-aero-rad_sec = -0.000011
velocities/phidot-rad_sec = 0.026447
velocities/thetadot-rad_sec = 0.008187
velocities/psidot-rad_sec = 0.000030
velocities/u-aero-fps = -0.035240
velocities/v-aero-fps = 0.113768
velocities/w-aero-fps = 0.015483
velocities/vt-fps = 0.120103
velocities/mach = 0.000108
velocities/vg-fps = 0.119020
- 在3秒时刻释放刹车并开始滑跑,同时将襟翼设置为10度以增加升力
Begin roll (Event 1) executed at time: 3.008333
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 0.105720
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 4.312023
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.759526
Altitude (geod, ft): = 4.312023
Throttle pos: = 1.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.999480
Weight (lbs): = 2479.983615
Propeller RPM: = 2166.873237
- 爬升
Rotate (Event 2) executed at time: 21.908333
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 51.003221
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 4.423090
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.758661
Altitude (geod, ft): = 4.423090
Throttle pos: = 1.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.999476
Weight (lbs): = 2479.585758
Propeller RPM: = 2560.350200
GEAR_CONTACT: 23.533333 seconds: Nose Gear 0
GEAR_CONTACT: 23.808333 seconds: Right Main Gear 0
GEAR_CONTACT: 24.375000 seconds: Left Main Gear 0
Takeoff report for Nose Gear (Liftoff at time: 28.525000 seconds)
Distance traveled: 988.154557 ft, 301.189509 meters
Distance traveled (over 50'): 1472.140712 ft, 448.708489 meters
[Altitude (ASL): 53.240946 ft. / 16.227840 m | Temperature: 58.810135 F / 14.894519 C]
[Velocity (KCAS): 55.815511]
Takeoff report for Left Main Gear (Liftoff at time: 28.600000 seconds)
Distance traveled: 1068.259685 ft, 325.605552 meters
Distance traveled (over 50'): 1479.055988 ft, 450.816265 meters
[Altitude (ASL): 54.671069 ft. / 16.663742 m | Temperature: 58.805035 F / 14.891686 C]
[Velocity (KCAS): 55.681726]
Takeoff report for Right Main Gear (Liftoff at time: 28.600000 seconds)
Distance traveled: 1013.999199 ft, 309.066956 meters
Distance traveled (over 50'): 1479.055988 ft, 450.816265 meters
[Altitude (ASL): 54.671069 ft. / 16.663742 m | Temperature: 58.805035 F / 14.891686 C]
[Velocity (KCAS): 55.681726]
- 设置自动驾驶高度6000英尺
Set autopilot for 6000 ft. (Event 3) executed at time: 31.916667
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 50.655934
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 110.267642
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.756287
Altitude (geod, ft): = 110.267642
Throttle pos: = 1.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.995662
Weight (lbs): = 2479.366278
Propeller RPM: = 2566.273189
- 每分钟输出飞行状态信息
Time Notify (Event 5) executed at time: 60.008333
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 50.544889
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 364.636889
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.749774
Altitude (geod, ft): = 364.636889
Throttle pos: = 1.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.986538
Weight (lbs): = 2478.758519
Propeller RPM: = 2566.218544
Time Notify (Event 5) executed at time: 120.000000
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 47.863100
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 889.310518
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.736128
Altitude (geod, ft): = 889.310518
Throttle pos: = 1.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.967928
Weight (lbs): = 2477.479562
Propeller RPM: = 2545.877527
- 调整油门/襟翼
Adjust throttle/flaps (Event 4) executed at time: 133.441667
Time Notify (Event 5) executed at time: 180.000000
Cal. airspeed (kts): = 52.703078
Altitude (AGL, ft): = 1439.148798
Latitude (geod, deg): = 29.729021
Altitude (geod, ft): = 1439.148798
Throttle pos: = 1.000000
Mixture pos: = 0.948737
Weight (lbs): = 2476.210045
Propeller RPM: = 2578.831079
End: Wednesday October 09 2024 10:15:34 (HH:MM:SS)