
news2024/9/23 19:28:22

In this course, I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to get started programming in Python.

Now, Python is one of the most popular programming languages out there在众多的……中.

And it's by far目前为止 one of the most sõught after受欢迎的 for jobs.

And so if you're trying to get a job or you're trying to ãutömāte自动化 your life or you're trying to write awesome scripts to do a bunch of一堆 different things, then Python's for you.

Honestly, more and more developers every day are moving their projects over to Python because it's such a powerful and it's such an easy to use language.

A lot of programming languages out there just aren't very beginner friendly.

There's a lot of sỳntax.

There's a lot of like little things that if you get wrong, the program will yell at you.

Python is the complete opposite of that.

You basically just type out what you want to do and Python does it.

It's that simple.

There's not a whole lot of大量的 syntax to learn.

The learning cûrve曲线 is litërälly字面意义的 zero.

You jump in, you can start writing your first program in seconds.

In this course, I'm going to teach you guys everything you need to know to get started in Python.

I designed this course, especially for Python.

And each lesson has been specially designed with examples that will help you along the way.

with so many people starting to learn Python.

The question isn't why should you learn Python? The question is, why shouldn't you?

And I think for a lot of people the reason they might not want to learn Python is because they're intimidāted害怕担心 or they're afraid that it's going to be too hard.

Trust me, I am going to hold your hand through this èntīre全部的 course.

We're going to talk about all the cõre concepts核心概念 in Python.

We're going to look at everything you need to know to start programming in Python and start being confïdënt自信的 and start writing scripts and start writing programs that are awesome and doing cool things in your life.

Anyway, I'm super pûmped to迫不及待 be teaching you guys Python.

I can't wait to get started in this course.

And I hope you guys stick around逗留 and follow along with the course and learn this amazing programming language.

In this tūtõríäl教程, I'm going to show you guys how to install Python onto your computer.

And we're also going to install a text editör文本编辑器 that we can use to write our Python programs in.

So the first order of business首要任务 is to actually install Python on your computer.

So what we want to do is head over前往 to our web browsër浏览器.

And you want to go over here to this page, it's just forward slash正斜杠/ downloads.

And on this page, there's going to be two buttons down here.

And it's just going to say download Python 3.6.3.

And at least that's the version that I have right now.

or download Python

So here's the thing about Python, there's actually two mājör主要的 versions of Python that are in use cûrrëntly目前.

There's Python two, and there's Python three.

So you can see over here, this is like

Basically, any Python two version we would just refer to as like Python two.

And here's like the latest Python three version.

And so there's these two versions that you can download.

And the first thing we have to decide is which version do we want to download.





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