
news2024/9/23 13:17:23



属于mft工具套件的一个工具,固件工具 Firmware Tools (MFT):https://blog.csdn.net/bandaoyu/article/details/142427579



请不要使用mlxlink通过(“--port_state dn”)标志来禁用主机与无管理交换机之间的端口连接。


为新设备(NVIDIA ConnectX-6及以上,NVIDIA Quantum交换机及以上)设置速率(50GbE、100GbE和200GbE),需要指定通道数量:mlxlink -d <dev> --speeds [50G_2X | 50G_1X | 100G_2X | 100G_4X | 200G_4X ]。



  • 监控功能:

    • 错误计数器和比特错误率信息
    • 链路等级
    • 前向纠错信息
    • 一般端口信息
    • SerDes 参数
    • 设备信息
    • PCIe
  • 配置功能:

    • 重置端口
    • 速度
    • SerDes 参数
    • 前向纠错
    • 循环回路


获取 <设备>,<端口编号> 的信息:状态,带宽,固件版本,mft版本等

mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number>

mlxlink -d mlx5_bond_0  -p 1      /mlxlink -d 81:00.0  -p 1   

获取 <设备>,<端口编号> 和比特错误率计数器的信息。

mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> -c

mlxlink -d mlx5_bond_0  -p 1      /mlxlink -d 81:00.0  -p 1 


mlxlink 用法


mlxlink [OPTIONS]


-h |--help

Display help message.

-v |--version

Display version info.

-d |--device <device>

Perform operation for a specified mst device

-p |--port <port_number>

Port Number

--port_type <port_type>

Port Type [NETWORK(Default)/PCIE/OOB]

--depth <depth>

Depth level of the DUT of some hierarchy (valid for PCIe port type only)

--pcie_index <pcie_index>

PCIe index number (Internal domain index) (valid for PCIe port type only)

--node <node>

The node within each depth (valid for PCIe port type only)


Print the output in JSON format



Show valid PCIe links (valid for PCIe port type only)

-m |--show_module

Show Module Info

-c |--show_counters

Show Physical Counters and BER Info

-e |--show_eye

Show Eye Opening Info


Show FEC Capabilities


Show Transmitter Info

--show_tx_group_map <group_num>

Display all label ports mapped to group <group_num> (for NVIDIA Spectrum-2 and NVIDIA Quantum devices).


General Device Info


Show BER Monitor Info.

Note: The flag is not supported in HCAs.


Show External PHY Info

Note: The flag is supported in NVIDIA Spectrum switch systems only.


-a |--port_state <port_state>

Configure Port State [UP(up)/DN(down)/TG(toggle)]

-s |--speeds <speeds>

Configure Speeds [speed1,speed2,...]


Configure Link Mode Force (Disable AN)

-l |--loopback <loopback>

Configure Loopback Mode [NO(no loopback)/RM(phy remote Rx-to-Tx loopback)/PH(internal phy Tx-to-Rx loopback)/EX(external loopback connector needed)]

-k |--fec <fec_override>

Configure FEC [AU(Auto)/NF(No-FEC)/FC(FireCode FEC)/ RS(RS-FEC)]/LL(LL-RS-FEC)/DF-RS(Interleaved_RS-FEC)/DF-LL(Interleaved_LL_RS-FEC)]

--fec_speed <fec_speed>

Speed to Configure FEC [100G/50G/25G/...] (Default is Active Speed)

--serdes_tx <params>

Configure Transmitter Parameters [polarity,ob_tap0,...]

--serdes_tx_lane <transmitter_lane>

Transmitter Lane to Set (Optional - Default All Lanes)


Save Transmitter Configuration for Current Speed Permanently (Optional)


Set the parameters according to Data Base only, otherwise it will be set according to the best possible configuration chosen by the system (e.g. KR-startup) (Optional)

--tx_group_map <group_num>

Map ports to group <group_num> (for NVIDIA Spectrum-2 and NVIDIA Quantum devices)

--ports <ports>

Ports to be mapped [1,2,3,4..]

--test_mode <prbs_mode>

Physical Test Mode Configuration [EN(enable)/DS(disable)/TU(perform tuning)]

--rx_prbs <rx_prbs_mode>

RX PRBS Mode [PRBS31(Default)/PRBS7/...] (Optional - Default PRBS31)

--tx_prbs <tx_prbs_mode>

TX PRBS Mode [PRBS31(Default)/PRBS7/...] (Optional - Default PRBS31)

--rx_rate <rx_lane_rate>

RX Lane Rate [EDR(Default)/25G/10G/...] (Optional - Default 25G)

--tx_rate <tx_lane_rate>

TX Lane Rate [EDR(Default)/25G/10G/...] (Optional - Default 25G)


PRBS TX polarity inversion (Optional - Default No Inversion)


PRBS RX polarity inversion (Optional - Default No Inversion)


PRBS lanes to set (one or more lane separated by comma)[0,1,2,...]

Optional: Default all lanes

-b |--ber_collect <csv_file>

Port Extended Information Collection [CSV File]

--amber_collect <csv_file>

AmBER Port Extended Information Collection For 16nm Products and Later [CSV File]

--ber_limit <limit_criteria>

BER Limit Criteria [Nominal(Default)/Corner/Drift] (Optional - Default Nominal)

--iteration <iteration>

Iteration Number of BER Collection


Clear Counters


Set External PHY

Note: The flag is supported in NVIDIA Spectrum switch systems only.

--twisted_pair_force_mode <twisted_pair_force_mode>

Twisted Pair Force Mode [MA(Master)/SL(Slave)]


Perform operations on the cables


Dump cable pages in raw format


Get cable Digital Diagnostic Monitoring information


Perform read operation from specific page

--length <length>

Length of data to read in bytes (Optional - Default 1 byte)

--page <pageNum>

Specific page number to read/write

--offset <offset>

Specific page offset to read/write

--write <bytes>

Perform write operation with specific data (list of bytes, separated by ',')

--prbs_select <side>

Module PRBS test mode side selector [MEDIA, HOST]

--prbs_mode <cmd>

Perform PRBS test mode on the Module [EN(Enable),DS(Disable)]

--generator_pattern <pattern>

Set PRBS generator pattern [PRBS31(default),PRBS23,PRBS7,PRBS11,PRBS9,PRBS13,SSPR,SSPRQ]


Enable PAM4 MSB <-> LSB generator swapping (Optional)


Enable PRBS generator inversion (Optional)

--generator_lanes <lanes>

PRBS generator lanes to set (one or more lane separated by comma)[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] (Optional - Default all lanes)

--checker_pattern <pattern>

Set PRBS checker pattern [PRBS31(default),PRBS23,PRBS7,PRBS11,PRBS9,PRBS13,SSPR,SSPRQ]


Enable PAM4 MSB <-> LSB checker swapping (Optional)


Enable PRBS checker inversion (Optional)

--checker_lanes <lanes>

PRBS checker lanes to set (one or more lane separated by comma)[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] (Optional - Default all lanes)

--lane_rate <rate>

Set PRBS checker and generator lane rate [HDR(50G)(default),1.25G,SDR(2.5G),10.3125G,FDR(14G),EDR(25G),NDR(100G)]


Show PRBS diagnostic counters information


Clear PRBS diagnostic counters


Show Module Control Parameters

--tx_equalization <value>

Set Module Tx Input Equalization in dB [NE(No Equalization),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12]

--rx_emphasis <value>

Set Module RX Output Emphasis in dB. for CMIS, pre-emphasis value will be set [NE(No Equalization),0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,5,6,7]

--rx_post_emphasis <value>

Set Module Rx Post Emphasis in dB [NE(No Equalization),1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

--rx_amplitude <value>

Set Module Rx Output Amplitude [0(100-400mV),1(300-600mV),2(400-800mV),3(600-1200mV)]


Read the SerDes eye margins per lane

--measure_time <time>

Measure time in seconds for single eye [10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240, 480, 600 and 900] (Optional - Default 60 for PCIe and 30 for Network ports)

--eye_select <eye_sel>

Eye selection for PAM4 [UP, MID, DOWN, ALL] (Default ALL)

--lane <lane_index>

Run eye for specific lane index (Default all lanes)


Enable the RX link deterioration

--mixer_offset0 <value>

Fine change to the center of the eye [0x0 to 0x7ff]

--mixer_offset1 <value>

Coarse change to the center of the eye [0x0 to 0x3ff]


Show mixer offset 0 and mixer offset 1


Provide histogram of FEC errors. The result is divided to bins. Each bin is holding different number of errored bit within FEC protected block


Show FEC errors histogram


Clears FEC errors histograms


Non-interactive mode, answer yes to all questions


Get info of <device>, <port_number>:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number>

Get info of <device>, <port_number> and BER Counters:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> -c

Get info of <device>, <port_number> and Transmitter Parameters:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --show_serdes_tx

Configure Port State:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --port_state UP

Configure Port Speeds:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --speeds 25G,50G,100G

Configure FEC:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --fec RS

Configure Port for Physical Test Mode:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --test_mode EN (--rx_prbs PRBS31 --rx_rate 25G --tx_prbs PRBS7 --tx_rate 10G --invert_rx_polarity --invert_tx_polarity)

Perform PRBS Tuning:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --test_mode TU


RX and TX lane rates for new devices includes the PAM4 speeds (50G_1X and 100G_2X)eg: mlxlink -d <device> --test_mode EN --rx_rate [normal speeds | 50G_1X | 100G_2X] --tx_rate [normal speeds | 50G_1X | 100G_2X]


The PRBS pattern that is configured in PAM4 rates is PRBSQ.

Cable operations:


mlxlink -d <device> --cable [Options]

Dump cable EEPROM pages:


mlxlink -d <device> --cable --dump

Get cable DDM info:


mlxlink -d <device> --cable --ddm

Read from cable:


mlxlink -d <device> --cable --read --page <page number> --offset <bytes offset> --length <number of bytes>

Write to cable:


mlxlink -d <device> --cable --write <bytes separated by comma> --page <page number> --offset <bytes offset>

Configure Transmitter Parameters (on lane, to database):


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --serdes_tx <polar- ity>,<ob_tap0>,<ob_tap1>,<ob_tap2>,<ob_bias>,<ob_preemp_mode>,<ob_reg>,<ob_leva> (--serdes_tx_lane <lane number>) (--database)

Configure Transmitter Parameters for 16nm devices:


mlxlink -d <device> -p <port_number> --serdes_tx <pre_2_tap>,<pre_tap>,<main_tap>,<post_tap>,<ob_m2lp>,<ob_amp>

Getting PCIe links info:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt41682_pciconf0 --port_type PCIE --show_links Valid PCIe Links ---------------- : depth, pcie_index, node, port Link 1 : 3, 0, 0, 60 Link 2 : 3, 0, 1, 61 Link 3 : 3, 0, 2, 62 ..

To query information for a specific link, the depth, pcie_index and node for the link must be specified:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt41682_pciconf0 --port_type PCIE --depth 3 --pcie_index 0 --node 1 --show_serdes_tx --show_eye PCIe Operational (Enabled) Info ------------------------------- Depth, pcie index, node : 3, 0, 1 Link Speed Active (Enabled) : 8G-Gen 3 (16G-Gen 4) Link Width Active (Enabled) : 2X (16X) EYE Opening Info (PCIe) ----------------------- Physical Grade : 84, 84 Height Eye Opening [mV] : 1194, 1194 Phase Eye Opening [psec] : 84, 84 Serdes Tuning Transmitter Info (PCIe) ------------------------------------- Serdes TX parameters : Pol ,tap0 ,tap1 ,tap2 ,bias ,preemp_mode ,reg ,leva Lane 0 : 0 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 1 : 1 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 2 : 0 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 3 : 1 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 4 : 0 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 5 : 1 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 6 : 0 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9 Lane 7 : 1 ,21 ,92 ,7 ,15 ,1 ,10 ,9

To print the output in JSON format:


mlxlink -d <device> --show_module --json

To show ports group map (for NVIDIA Quantum and NVIDIA Spectrum-2):


mlxlink –d<device> --show_tx_group_map 0

To assign ports to a specific group on NVIDIA Quantum and NVIDIA Spectrum-2


mlxlink –d <device> --tx_group_map 1 –ports 1,2,3,5,4,8,7,8,9,10,11

To show histogram of FEC errors:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0 --rx_fec_histogram --show_histogram

To clear histogram:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0 --rx_fec_histogram --clear_histogram

Margin Scan Tool

The margin scan tool is used for scanning PCIe or Network ports [EDR\25G or HDR\PAM4 speeds].


If the margin scan fails with this message (Eye scan not completed), perform a reboot and run the scan again.

To enable the margin scan with measure time 10 seconds:


mlxlink –d <device> --port_type PCIE –margin –measure_time 10

To enable the margin scan for Multi-host or Socket Direct systems through:

  • depth, pcie_index and node:


    Mlxlink –d <device> --port_type PCIE –depth 0 –pcie_index 1 –node 0 –margin –measure_time 30

  • The local port (it can be shown by the –show_links command):


    Mlxlink –d <device> --port_type PCIE –port 1 –margin –measure_time 10

RX Error Injection

Allows modifying the Eye Center capability by changing the mixer_offset0 (fine change) and mixer_offset1 (coarse change) flags for 28nm products to produce RX errors.

Flags Usage

  • To change the values of mixers:


    mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4117_pciconf0 --rx_error_injection --mixer_offset0 0x200 --mixer_offset1 0x305


    Modifying mixer_offset0 and mixer_offset1 flags can change the Eye Center and might cause link degradation.

  • To query the mixers values:


    mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4117_pciconf0 --rx_erro r_injection --show_mixers_offset

Module PRBS Test Mode

The module PRBS test mode can be performed by using the new flags under the --cable command.


  • This feature supports Active/Optical CMIS modules only

  • Either the media or host side can run with PRBS mode

  • To enable the PRBS test mode, the module should be plugged in and active

Enabling\Disabling The Module PRBS Test Mode

To enable the module PRBS test mode, the side of the module should be selected using --prbs_select flag after providing the --cable flag, it can be either the HOST or the MEDIA side, then the --prbs_mode <EN\DS> can be used to enable or disable the PRBS test mode process.

E.g: the following command will enable the PRBS test mode on the HOST side of the module:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --port 3 --cable --prbs_select HOST --prbs_mode EN

The command above will put the HOST side of the module in PRBS test mode with default Checker and Generator parameters.

The Checker and Generator parameters can be overridden while enabling the PRBS test mode according to their related flags in the help menu:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --port 3 --cable --prbs_select HOST --prbs_mode EN --checker_pattern PRBS13 --invert_checker --generator_pattern PRBS31 --swap_generator --lane_rate HDR

To disable the PRBS test mode, the following command can be executed:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --port 3 --cable --prbs_select HOST --prbs_mode DS

PRBS Diagnostic Counters Information

After performing the PRBS test mode, the module counters can be quired by using the following command:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --port 3 --cable --prbs_select HOST --show_diagnostic_info

The module PRBS test mode counters can be cleared by using the following command, which will clear the diagnostic counters on the HOST side only:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --port 3 --cable --prbs_select HOST --clear_diagnostic_info

Module Control Parameters

Some of the module parameters can be controlled by mlxlink after providing the --control_paramenter flag, which can be executed under --cable flag.

The possible parameters can be controlled as follows:

  • Reading and configuring Tx Equalization

  • Reading and configuring Rx Emphasis (PreCursor & PostCursor)

  • Reading and configuring Rx Amplitude


  • To apply the changes, the link should be disabled first

  • After configuring a new parameter, the link should be raised again to allow the firmware to load the new configuration

  • Cable control parameters are valid for active\optical modules only

Query, Configure The Module Control Parameters

To query the currently configured module control parameters, the --control_parameters flag can be used under --cable flag as follows:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --cable --control_parameters ... Module Control Parameters ------------------------- TX Equalization : 1dB RX Emphasis (pre) : 2.5dB RX Post Emphasis : No Equalization RX Amplitude : 600-1200 mV (P-P)

To configure the module control parameters, the following command can be executed:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt53104_pciconf0 --cable --control_parameters --tx_equalization 2 --rx_amplitude 1

Tool Usage with NIC vs. Switch (-p Flag)

When using mlxlink tool with NIC, notice that the "label_port" flag -p should not be used. To address different ports please use different mst devices.

For example:

To address port 1 in ConnectX-4 use:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4115_pciconf0

To address port 2 use:


mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4115_pciconf0.1


  • Any mlxlink command for switch should include the "-p" flag to address the specific port in the switch.

  • When working with the NIC, if an MTUSB is used for communication with the NVIDIA NIC, to address port 2, use mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4115_pciconf0 --gvmi_address<0xAddress>.

Tool Usage on NVIDIA Quantum HDR Switch Systems with Split Ports

Using mlxlink on NVIDIA Quantum HDR based switch systems split ports if the split port number is not provided by the ibdiagnet tool:


mlxlink -d lid-<LID> -p <formula>


In case of 2X port:

  • 1- port_num = round_down[(Iblinkinfo_port_num + 1)*0.5]

  • 2- if (Iblinkinfo_port_num + 1) modulo 2 =1 then append ‘/2’ to port_num

In case of 4X port, use only item #1 above



43 23[ ] ==( 2X 53.125 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> mlxlink -d lid-43 -p 12 43 24[ ] ==( 2X 53.125 Gbps Active/ LinkUp)==> mlxlink -d lid-43 -p 12/2

Tool Usage on NVIDIA Quantum-2 NDR Switch Systems

In NVIDIA Quantum-2 NDR switch generation there are 32-OSFP cages (8x), where each one holds 2 (4x) ports instead of 1, and each port can be accessed by providing the cage number and the port in the cage “Cage/Port”.


mlxlink -d <mst deivce> -p <Cage>/<Port>

If the split profile is ready, then we can access the split ports by providing the number of split to the port flag, e.g.:

  • To access the main port of 15/2


    mlxlink -d <mst deivce> -p 15/2

  • To access the split port of 15/2


    mlxlink -d <mst deivce> -p 15/2/2


Link Speed and Width

For PCIe link speed and width use the following flag: --port_type PCIE


PCIe Operational (Enabled) Info ------------------------------- Depth, pcie index, node : [Depth, pcie index, node] Link Speed Active (Enabled) : [Freq – Gen] Link Width Active (Enabled) : [Width]

PCIe Switch

For NVIDIA ConnectX-5 and newer devices, the PCIe interface can be configured for PCIe switch. When the PCIe switch is enabled, the Depth, pcie_index and node parameters are needed to specify the PCIe port where the requested information (such as counters or eye info) is gathered from.




This defines the number of layers from the Root Complex to the specific port.

  • For NVIDIA ConnectX adapter cards multi-host mode, the Depth should be set to 0.

  • For NVIDIA BlueField/BlueField-2 JBoF, the Depth should be set to 3.


This defines the root complex ID or host index.

  • For NVIDIA ConnectX adapter cards multi-host mode, the pcie_index is the host index (0 – 3).

  • For NVIDIA BlueField/BlueField-2 JBoF, the pcie_index is always 0.


This defines the specific pcie port.

  • For NVIDIA ConnectX adapter cards multi-host mode, the node is always 0 for each host_index.

  • For NVIDIA BlueField JBoF mode, this is from 0x0 – 0xF, accounting for up to 16 possible ports for BlueField JBoF.

  • For NVIDIA BlueField-2, this is 0x0 – 0x7.

Note: For NVIDIA BlueField/BlueField-2 SmartNIC mode, the PCIe link information can only be gathered from the external host. The PCIe interface status cannot be retrieved from the Arm side. When retrieving the PCIe link information from the external host, there is no need to specify the depth, pcie_index and node.

Example: NVIDIA BlueField JBoF Mode


# mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt41682_pciconf0 --port_type pcie --depth 3 --pcie_index 0 --node 4 -c PCIe Operational (Enabled) Info ------------------------------- Depth, pcie index, node : 3, 0, 4 Link Speed Active (Enabled) : 8G-Gen 3 (16G-Gen 4) Link Width Active (Enabled) : 2X (2X) Management PCIe Timers Counters Info ------------------------------------ dl down : 0 Management PCIe Performance Counters Info ----------------------------------------- RX Errors : 0 TX Errors : 0 CRC Error dllp : 0 CRC Error tlp : 0

Link Counters

For PCIe counters information use the following flag: --port_type PCIE –c


Management PCIe Timers Counters Info ------------------------------------ dl down : [link down counter] Management PCIe Performance Counters Info ----------------------------------------- RX Errors : [Rx Errors] TX Errors : [Tx Errors] CRC Error dllp : [CRC Errors dllp] CRC Error tlp : [CRC Errors tlp]

  • RX errors: indicate number of transitions to recovery due to Framing errors and CRC (dlp and tlp) errors.

  • TX errors: indicate number of transitions to recovery due to EIEOS and TS errors.

  • CRC Error dllp: indicate CRC error in Data Link Layer Packets

  • CRC Error tlp: indicate CRC error in Transaction Layer Packet



# mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4123_pciconf0 --port_type PCIE -c PCIe Operational (Enabled) Info ------------------------------- Depth, pcie index, node : 0, 0, 0 Link Speed Active (Enabled) : 16G-Gen 4 (16G-Gen 4) Link Width Active (Enabled) : 16X (16X) Management PCIe Timers Counters Info ------------------------------------ dl down : 3 Management PCIe Performance Counters Info ----------------------------------------- RX Errors : 0 TX Errors : 16 CRC Error dllp : 0 CRC Error tlp : 0

Link Eye Opening and Grade

For PCIe link physical grade and eye opening information use the following flag: --port_type PCIE –e


EYE Opening Info (PCIE) ------------------------ Physical Grade : [Grade0, Grade1, Grade2, Grade3, Grade4, Grade5, Grade6, Grade7, Grade8, Grade9, Grade10, Grade11, Grade12, Grade13, Grade14, Grade15] Height Eye Opening [mV] : [Height0, Height1, Height2, Height3, Height4, Height5, Height6, Height7, Height8, Height9, Height10, Height11, Height12, Height13, Height14, Height15] Phase Eye Opening [psec] : [Phase0, Phase1, Phase2, Phase3, Phase4, Phase5, Phase6, Phase7, Phase8, Phase9, Phase10, Phase11, Phase12, Phase13, Phase14, Phase15]



# mlxlink -d /dev/mst/mt4123_pciconf0 --port_type PCIE -e PCIe Operational (Enabled) Info ------------------------------- Depth, pcie index, node : 0, 0, 0 Link Speed Active (Enabled) : 16G-Gen 4 (16G-Gen 4) Link Width Active (Enabled) : 16X (16X) EYE Opening Info (PCIe) ----------------------- Physical Grade : 57279, 56340, 59340, 61824, 55140, 60501, 61530, 57392, 61573, 58930, 62752, 60421, 57188, 59796, 60066, 60847 Height Eye Opening [mV] : 292, 288, 314, 325, 278, 310, 319, 299, 316, 318, 343, 323, 310, 311, 335, 318 Phase Eye Opening [psec] : 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 28, 28, 28, 28, 30, 28, 30

Pass / Fail Criteria

SLRED (ConnectX-6/ConnectX-6 Dx/ConnectX-6 Lx)


mlxlink -d [device] --port_type PCIE --margin



Eye Grade

Figure of Merit (FOM)

0 < Eye Grade < 700


700 < Eye Grade < 2300

gray area

2300 < Eye Grade




Eye Margin


0 < Eye Grade < 150


150 < Eye Grade < 400

gray area

400 < Eye Grade


© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Oct 11, 2023.




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掘金API中的接口最长的周期是‘1d’的&#xff0c;因此周线/月线/年线等数据需要自己进行合成。 基本思路 用日线合成长周期的k线只需要确定好合成的周期以及需要的数据即可。 周期: 一般行情软件上提供年k、月k、周k&#xff0c;我也选择年、月、周再加一个季度频率。 数据:…

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图纸者&#xff0c;匠心之凝聚&#xff0c;智慧之结晶。然&#xff0c;信息之海浩瀚无垠&#xff0c;暗流涌动&#xff0c;图纸之安全&#xff0c;实乃企业之头等大事。 故&#xff0c;择一良器&#xff0c;以密护图纸&#xff0c;实为当务之急。 以下&#xff0c;七款图纸加密…


简介&#xff1a; CSDN博客专家、《Android系统多媒体进阶实战》一书作者 新书发布&#xff1a;《Android系统多媒体进阶实战》&#x1f680; 优质专栏&#xff1a; Audio工程师进阶系列【原创干货持续更新中……】&#x1f680; 优质专栏&#xff1a; 多媒体系统工程师系列【…


高刷显示器哪个好&#xff1f;说实话&#xff0c;540Hz这些才能成为高刷显示器&#xff0c;什么200,240的&#xff0c;都不够高&#xff0c;什么是从容&#xff0c;有我不用才叫从容。下面我们一起来看看540Hz的高刷显示器都有哪些吧&#xff01; 1.高刷显示器哪个好 - 蚂蚁电…


常笑医学整理了5个风湿免疫科常用的评估量表&#xff0c;包括类风湿关节炎患者病情评价&#xff08;DAS28&#xff09;、系统性狼疮活动性测定&#xff08;SLAM&#xff09;等。这些量表在常笑医学网均支持在线评估、下载和创建项目使用。 01 类风湿关节炎患者病情评价 &#x…


简述 AI更新太快导致我们不知选择什么使用更好&#xff1f;本文对比了新模型o1系列和Claude-3.5-sonnet的一些特点&#xff0c;针对不同开发场景提供了选择建议&#xff0c;希望能为你提供一些模型选择的参考。 模型对比 o1系列: 优势&#xff1a; 推理能力非常强&#xff0…

【动态规划】两个数组的 dp 问题二

两个数组的 dp 问题 1.正则表达式匹配2.交错字符串3.两个字符串的最小ASCII删除和4.最长重复子数组 点赞&#x1f44d;&#x1f44d;收藏&#x1f31f;&#x1f31f;关注&#x1f496;&#x1f496; 你的支持是对我最大的鼓励&#xff0c;我们一起努力吧!&#x1f603;&#x1…


const markerContent <div class"custom-content-marker"> <span>摄像机<span> <img src"//a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/demo-center/icons/poi-marker-red.png"> </div> marker.value new AMap.Marker({position:…


一&#xff1a;Ubuntu安装 1、下载Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS 官网下载地址&#xff1a;https://releases.ubuntu.com/24.04.1/ubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso 可以直接点击这里下载 2、使用VMware安装 新建虚拟机 之后一直下一步&#xff0c;到如下界面&#xff0c;选择 刚刚…


目录 聚合查询聚合函数count()sum()avg()max()和min()总结 分组查询group by 子句having 子句 联合查询笛卡尔积内连接外连接自连接子查询单行子查询多行子查询from子句使用子查询 合并查询 聚合查询 聚合查询就是针对表中行与行之间的查询。 聚合函数 count() count(列名)&a…

战神5/战神:诸神黄昏/God of War Ragnarok(容量175GB)百度网盘下载

版本介绍 v1.0.612.4312|容量175GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄|赠单板学习补丁 配置要求 战神5/战神&#xff1a;诸神黄昏/God of War Ragnarok 游戏介绍 不灭的北欧传奇 由Santa Monica Studio出品、Jetpack Interactive负责PC移植的佳作《God of War Ragnark》将带您…


1. 环境 python版本&#xff1a;3.11.9 2.完整代码 import sqlite3 import timefrom funasr import AutoModel import sounddevice as sd import numpy as np from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin# 模型参数设置 chunk_size [0, 10, 5] encoder_chunk_look_back 7 decoder_c…



Tomcat 漏洞复现

1、CVE-2017-12615 1、环境开启 2、首页抓包&#xff0c;修改为 PUT 方式提交 Tomcat允许适用put方法上传任意文件类型&#xff0c;但不允许isp后缀文件上传&#xff0c;因此需要配合 windows的解析漏洞 3、访问上传的jsp文件 4、使用工具进行连接 2、后台弱⼝令部署war包 1…


pycharm新建flask项目时&#xff0c;会提供一个创建flask项目的导向&#xff0c;自动设置虚拟环境&#xff0c;并且安装flask及其依赖而vscode新建flask项目时&#xff0c;需要手动设置虚拟环境并安装flask&#xff0c;需要在终端使用pip install flask命令来安装flask及其依赖…




在数据集成和数据仓库建设中&#xff0c;Kettle作为一个强大的开源ETL工具&#xff0c;提供了灵活的数据抽取、转换和加载功能。本文将通过实战案例&#xff0c;详细介绍Kettle在数据导入、ETL流程设计、自动化任务调度等方面的应用。 一、数据导入 1. SQL语句导入 导入sql语…


关节速度和末端速度空间的映射需要计算雅可比矩阵的逆矩阵,在博途PLC里如何计算一个方阵的逆矩阵,大家可以参考下面这篇文章: 博途PLC矩阵求逆 矩阵求逆 博图SCL_博图矩阵运算-CSDN博客文章浏览阅读839次。本文介绍如何用C语言实现矩阵求逆的过程,详细解析了相关代码,适…