- 11.风险管理--过程--识别风险→实施定性风险分析→实施定量风险分析→规划风险应对→实施风险应对→监督风险
- 101、 [单选] 在项目即将进入收尾阶段时,项目经理发现了一项原来没有考虑到的新风险。该风险一旦发生,可能给最终的可交付成果带来重要影响,甚至可能使其不能被客户接受。项目经理应该怎么做?
- 14.敏捷--角色--产品负责人PO–职责–1.创建待办列表并排序;2.确认工作优先顺序;3.提供反馈;4.指导开发方向。--本次迭代已经结束,下次迭代是解决问题还是做新任务,需要PO给出优先级。
- 102、 [单选] 在敏捷迭代中,由于意外的挑战,任务1无法按时完成。项目中的另一个团队依赖于任务1的及时完成以完成他们的项目部分。项目经理应该如何解决这个问题?
- 4.整合管理
- 103、 [单选] 一位新的项目经理最近在他们当前的组织中结束了一个项目。新项目经理使用了他们之前公司的最终项目报告格式,一位干系人评论说,虽然缺少了几条关键信息,但他们更喜欢这种格式。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
- 13.干系人管理--权力利益方格、权力影响方格、作用影响方格
- 104、 [单选] 在项目实施期间发生组织重组,一名关键干系人被替换。新的干系人对项目成功存在很高的兴趣并拥有足够的影响力,对项目结果产生重大影响。在执行干系人分析之后,项目经理该如何处理该新项目干系人?
- 14.敏捷--预测
- 105、 [单选] 你正在领导一个开发新智能手机的项目。因为你要预测需求的许多变更,并不断从干系人那里得到反馈来调整智能手机,所以工作将以小的增量迭代完成。然而,这款智能手机的摄像头将由一家拒绝以渐进方式合作的供应商开发。你为该项目选择什么项目管理方法是最好的?
- 11.风险管理
- 106、 [单选] 项目经理在产品开发的第三次迭代中意识到,用于项目管理计划的模板没有显示更新。项目经理应该采取什么行动?
- 14.敏捷
- 107、 [单选] 一家沉浸于传统瀑布式项目管理中的PMO聘请了你,作为敏捷实践者,来指导组织向敏捷的转变。在完成对组织文化的初步评估之后,你已经意识到许多干系人都抵制变更。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
- 14.敏捷–方法–回顾–回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。
- 108、 [单选] 作为向敏捷转变的一部分,一个组织为一个项目选择一个试点团队来开发一个软件工具。一位敏捷教练被分配到团队中,在整个过渡过程中指导他们。在最初的几次迭代中,教练与项目经理和团队一起指导他们进行敏捷实践,并将任务分配给团队成员。敏捷教练采用什么最佳行动方案来确定团队是否获得了在没有教练的情况下执行即将到来的迭代所需的技能?
- 9.资源管理
- 109、 [单选] 项目经理接管一个执行阶段的项目,在对项目进度进行初步审查期间,项目经理注意到与特定关键路径活动有关的信息不完整,有些活动还存在风险。项目经理如何才能确定每项活动的责任?
- 14.敏捷--项目生命周期--特征--敏捷是持续参与;预测是在特定里程碑参与;混合型建议定期参与。
- 110、 [单选] 你将与你的团队会面来确定项目的生命周期。在分析了定义和管理需求、开发可交付成果、处理变更、控制风险和成本,以及与关键干系人合作的最佳方式之后,做出了选择混合生命周期的决定。在选定项目生命周期后,关键干系人多久参与一次?
101、 [单选] 在项目即将进入收尾阶段时,项目经理发现了一项原来没有考虑到的新风险。该风险一旦发生,可能给最终的可交付成果带来重要影响,甚至可能使其不能被客户接受。项目经理应该怎么做?
When the project is about to close, the project manager has identified a new risk that was not considered previously. Should this risk occur, it may cause a significant impact on the final deliverables, and may even make it unacceptable to the client. Then, what should the project manager do?
To inform the management and client of the impact of such risk
To perform qualitative risk analysis
To work out risk mitigation action
To increase emergency reserves
102、 [单选] 在敏捷迭代中,由于意外的挑战,任务1无法按时完成。项目中的另一个团队依赖于任务1的及时完成以完成他们的项目部分。项目经理应该如何解决这个问题?
During an agile iteration, Task 1 cannot be completed on time due to unexpected challenges. Another team within the project is depending on timely completion of Task 1 in order to fulfill their part of the project. How should the Project Manager resolve this issue?
Meet with both teams separately and ask them to figure out a way to meet the required deadlines and complete the project on time
Meet with the product owner to reprioritize the iteration backlog so that it does not impact other teams or obligations
Increase the number of team members for the project team and increase the iteration length ensuring that the work will be completed according to schedule
Let team members know you want them to do their best under difficult circumstances, and make sure to note the iteration’s challenges in lessons learned
103、 [单选] 一位新的项目经理最近在他们当前的组织中结束了一个项目。新项目经理使用了他们之前公司的最终项目报告格式,一位干系人评论说,虽然缺少了几条关键信息,但他们更喜欢这种格式。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A new project manager recently ended a project in their current organization. The new project manager used the format of the final project report of their previous company, and a related party commented that although a few key pieces of information were missing, But they prefer this format.What should the project manager do next?
Provide copies of the report to other project managers and encourage them to use the report
Rewrite the report using an approved format and then discuss with their manager how to improve the report
Consider a report on the completion of the project and archive a copy of the report
Meeting with the project team to review the project report format and get feedback
104、 [单选] 在项目实施期间发生组织重组,一名关键干系人被替换。新的干系人对项目成功存在很高的兴趣并拥有足够的影响力,对项目结果产生重大影响。在执行干系人分析之后,项目经理该如何处理该新项目干系人?
Organizational restructuring occurred during a project’s implementation and a key stakeholder was replaced. The new stakeholder has high interest in the project’s success and enough influence and can significantly impact its outcome. After performing a stakeholder analysis, how should the project manager handle this new stakeholder?
Monitor any change in stakeholder in stakeholder expectation.
Keep the stakeholder informed of the project’s progress/status.
Ensure stakeholder id satisfied with the project’s progress/status.
Manage the stakeholder’s expectation closely.
105、 [单选] 你正在领导一个开发新智能手机的项目。因为你要预测需求的许多变更,并不断从干系人那里得到反馈来调整智能手机,所以工作将以小的增量迭代完成。然而,这款智能手机的摄像头将由一家拒绝以渐进方式合作的供应商开发。你为该项目选择什么项目管理方法是最好的?
You are leading a project to develop a new smartphone. Since you are anticipating many changes in requirements and continuous feedback from stakeholders to adjust the smartphone accordingly, the work will be done iteratively in small increments. However, the camera for the smartphone will be developed by a vendor who refuses to collaborate in an incremental way. What project management approach is best for you to select for this project?
Predominantly agile with some predictive components
Predominantly predictive with some agile components
Predictive during planning and agile during execution
Agile during planning and predictive during execution
106、 [单选] 项目经理在产品开发的第三次迭代中意识到,用于项目管理计划的模板没有显示更新。项目经理应该采取什么行动?
A Project Manager realizes during the third iteration of product development that the template used for the project management plan is not showing updates. Which action should the project manager take?
Assign one team member to update the project management plan template and document any risk
Rank the need to update the template according to the business value for the upcoming iterations
Avoid adding to team distraction by fixing the issue independently
Document the issue as a new project risk and propose a solution
107、 [单选] 一家沉浸于传统瀑布式项目管理中的PMO聘请了你,作为敏捷实践者,来指导组织向敏捷的转变。在完成对组织文化的初步评估之后,你已经意识到许多干系人都抵制变更。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
A PMO steeped in traditional waterfall project management has hired you, as an agile practitioner, to guide the organization’s transformation to agile. After completing an initial assessment of the organizational culture, you have realized that many of the stakeholders are resistant to the change. What is your best course of action?
Provide training to ensure the employees are more highly specialized
Transition all projects to agile at the same time
Seek a high-level executive willing to champion the cause
Ensure the work is decomposed into silos
108、 [单选] 作为向敏捷转变的一部分,一个组织为一个项目选择一个试点团队来开发一个软件工具。一位敏捷教练被分配到团队中,在整个过渡过程中指导他们。在最初的几次迭代中,教练与项目经理和团队一起指导他们进行敏捷实践,并将任务分配给团队成员。敏捷教练采用什么最佳行动方案来确定团队是否获得了在没有教练的情况下执行即将到来的迭代所需的技能?
As part of its transformation to agile, an organization selects a pilot team for a project to develop a software tool. An agile coach is assigned to the team to guide them throughout their transition. For the first few iterations, the coach works with the project manager and team to coach them on agile practices and assign tasks to the team members. What is agile coach’s best course of action to determine if the team has acquired the required skills to perform the upcoming iterations without coaching?
A:参加每日站会 Attend daily standup meetings
B:进行产品演示 Conduct product demonstrations
C:举行迭代回顾 Hold iteration retrospectives
D:开展团队建设活动 Carry out team building activities
(1)迭代计划会(选故事、领任务、拆任务):输入产品Backlog 、冲刺目标 → 输出冲刺Backlog 、燃尽图、任务板
(2)每日站会(15分钟、轮流开、不解决问题):输入任务板/看板 →输出任务板更新、燃尽图更新、障碍日志、产品增量
(3)迭代评审会(演示、评审、反馈):输入产品增量 → 输出确认的产品增量、干系人的反馈
(4)迭代回顾会(总结、改进、计划):输入问题日志、干系人的反馈 → 输出改进计划、新的待办事项,选C。
109、 [单选] 项目经理接管一个执行阶段的项目,在对项目进度进行初步审查期间,项目经理注意到与特定关键路径活动有关的信息不完整,有些活动还存在风险。项目经理如何才能确定每项活动的责任?
A project manager takes over a project in the execution phase,during an initial review of the progress, the project manager notices that information relevant to specific critical path activities is incomplete, and some activities are at risk. How could the project manager identify accountability for each activity?
A:工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure
B:责任分配矩阵 Responsibility assignment
C:组织分解结构 Organizational breakdown structure
D:风险登记册 Risk register
110、 [单选] 你将与你的团队会面来确定项目的生命周期。在分析了定义和管理需求、开发可交付成果、处理变更、控制风险和成本,以及与关键干系人合作的最佳方式之后,做出了选择混合生命周期的决定。在选定项目生命周期后,关键干系人多久参与一次?
You meet with your team to determine the life cycle for your project. After analyzing the best way to define and manage requirements, develop deliverables, handle changes, control risk and cost, and engage key stakeholders, the decision is made to select a hybrid life cycle. With the project life cycle selected, how often will the key stakeholders be involved?
A:持续参与 Continuously
B:在特定里程碑参与 At specific milestones
C:定期参与 Regularly
D:完全不参与 Not involved at all