书接上文:牛耕分解+形态学分割 全覆盖路径规划(一)
前置文章1:房屋区域分割算法 Morphological Segmentation
前置文章2:牛耕覆盖算法 Boustrophedon Coverage Path Planning
项目地址:ipa320 / ipa_coverage_planning
Part 1. morphological segmentation 形态学分割
void MorphologicalSegmentation::segmentMap(const cv::Mat &map_to_be_labeled, cv::Mat &segmented_map, double map_resolution_from_subscription,
double room_area_factor_lower_limit, double room_area_factor_upper_limit)
/*This segmentation algorithm does:
* 1. collect the map data
* 2. erode the map to extract contours
* 3. find the extracted contures and save them if they fullfill the room-area criterion
* 4. draw and fill the saved contoures in a clone of the map from 1. with a random colour
* 5. get the obstacle information from the original map and draw them in the clone from 4.
* 6. spread the coloured regions to the white Pixels
// make two map clones to work with
cv::Mat temporary_map_to_find_rooms = map_to_be_labeled.clone(); // map to find the rooms and for eroding
//**************erode temporary_map until last possible room found****************
// erode map a specified amount of times
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> saved_contours; // saving variable for every contour that is between the upper and the lower limit
ROS_INFO("starting eroding");
for (int counter = 0; counter < 73; counter++)
// erode the map one time
cv::Mat eroded_map;
cv::Point anchor(-1, -1); // needed for opencv erode
cv::erode(temporary_map_to_find_rooms, eroded_map, cv::Mat(), anchor, 1);
// save the more eroded map
temporary_map_to_find_rooms = eroded_map;
// Save the eroded map in a second map, which is used to find the contours. This is neccesarry, because
// the function findContours changes the given map and would make it impossible to work any further with it
cv::Mat contour_map = eroded_map.clone();
// find Contours in the more eroded map
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> temporary_contours; // temporary saving-variable
// hierarchy saves if the contours are hole-contours:
// hierarchy[{0,1,2,3}]={next contour (same level), previous contour (same level), child contour, parent contour}
// child-contour = 1 if it has one, = -1 if not, same for parent_contour
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
cv::findContours(contour_map, temporary_contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
cv::findContours(contour_map, temporary_contours, hierarchy, cv::RETR_CCOMP, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
if (temporary_contours.size() != 0)
// check every contour if it fullfills the criteria of a room
for (int current_contour = 0; current_contour < temporary_contours.size(); current_contour++)
{ // only take first level contours --> second level contours belong to holes and doesn't need to be looked at
if (hierarchy[current_contour][3] == -1)
// check if contour is large/small enough for a room
double room_area = map_resolution_from_subscription * map_resolution_from_subscription * cv::contourArea(temporary_contours[current_contour]);
// subtract the area from the hole contours inside the found contour, because the contour area grows extremly large if it is a closed loop
for (int hole = 0; hole < temporary_contours.size(); hole++)
if (hierarchy[hole][3] == current_contour) // check if the parent of the hole is the current looked at contour
room_area -= map_resolution_from_subscription * map_resolution_from_subscription * cv::contourArea(temporary_contours[hole]);
if (room_area_factor_lower_limit < room_area && room_area < room_area_factor_upper_limit)
// save contour for later drawing in map
// make region black if room found --> region doesn't need to be looked at anymore
cv::drawContours(temporary_map_to_find_rooms, temporary_contours, current_contour, cv::Scalar(0), CV_FILLED, 8, hierarchy, 2);
cv::drawContours(temporary_map_to_find_rooms, temporary_contours, current_contour, cv::Scalar(0), cv::FILLED, 8, hierarchy, 2);
//*******************draw contures in new map***********************
std::cout << "Segmentation Found " << saved_contours.size() << " rooms." << std::endl;
// draw filled contoures in new_map_to_draw_contours_ with random colour if this colour hasn't been used yet
cv::Mat new_map_to_draw_contours; // map for drawing the found contours
map_to_be_labeled.convertTo(segmented_map, CV_32SC1, 256, 0);
std::vector<cv::Scalar> already_used_coloures; // vector for saving the already used coloures
for (int idx = 0; idx < saved_contours.size(); idx++)
bool drawn = false; // checking-variable if contour has been drawn
int draw_counter = 0; // counter to exit loop if it gets into an endless-loop (e.g. when there are more rooms than possible)
cv::Scalar fill_colour(rand() % 52224 + 13056);
if (!contains(already_used_coloures, fill_colour) || draw_counter > 250)
// if colour is unique draw Contour in map
cv::drawContours(segmented_map, saved_contours, idx, fill_colour, CV_FILLED);
cv::drawContours(segmented_map, saved_contours, idx, fill_colour, cv::FILLED);
already_used_coloures.push_back(fill_colour); // add colour to used coloures
drawn = true;
} while (!drawn);
// get obstacle informations and draw them into the new map
ROS_INFO("starting getting obstacle information");
for (int row = 0; row < map_to_be_labeled.rows; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < map_to_be_labeled.cols; ++col)
// find obstacles = black pixels
if (map_to_be_labeled.at<unsigned char>(row, col) == 0)
segmented_map.at<int>(row, col) = 0;
ROS_INFO("drawn obstacles in map");
//**************spread the colored region by making white pixel around a contour their color****************
// spread the coloured regions to the white Pixels
ROS_INFO("filled white pixels in new map");
Step 1. 腐蚀地图
ROS_INFO("started Testing");
cv::Mat Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test = temporary_map_to_find_rooms.clone();
size_t test_times = 7;
for (int counter = 0; counter < test_times; counter++)
cv::Mat eroded_map_test;
cv::Point anchor_test(-1, -1);
cv::erode(Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test, eroded_map_test, cv::Mat(), anchor_test, 1);
Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test = eroded_map_test;
cv::imshow("Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test", Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test);
创建一些测试的数据,腐蚀 test_times 次看看腐蚀的到的效果是什么样的(由于很多像我一样平时用不到opencv,所以慢一点来看),从下图中我们可以看出来,腐蚀后黑色区域向外/内蔓延了,图左为原图,图右为腐蚀一次的图(这也是常用的保证安全距离的方式)
![]() |
![]() |
Step2. 提取轮廓
// find Contours in map
cv::Mat contour_map_test = Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test.clone();
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> temporary_contours_test;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy_test;
cv::findContours(contour_map_test, temporary_contours_test, hierarchy_test, cv::RETR_CCOMP, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
// display
cv::Mat display_map = cv::Mat::ones(temporary_map_to_find_rooms.size(), temporary_map_to_find_rooms.type()) * 255;
cv::drawContours(display_map, temporary_contours_test, -1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1);
// cv::imshow("Contours", display_map);
![]() |
![]() |
在这一部分比较难理解的是 hierarchy ,我在这里借助GPT解释一下:
我们尝试输出一下 temporary_contours :
- Next Contour (同一层级的下一个轮廓):这个值指向同一层级的下一个轮廓。如果没有下一个轮廓,则为-1。
- Previous Contour (同一层级的上一个轮廓):这个值指向同一层级的上一个轮廓。如果没有上一个轮廓,则为-1。
- First Child (第一个子轮廓):这个值指向当前轮廓的第一个子轮廓。如果当前轮廓没有子轮廓,则为-1。
- Parent Contour (父轮廓):这个值指向当前轮廓的父轮廓。如果当前轮廓没有父轮廓,则为-1。
for (size_t i = 0; i < hierarchy_test.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "Hierarchy " << i << ": ";
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
std::cout << hierarchy_test[i][j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Hierarchy 0: -1 -1 1 -1
Hierarchy 1: -1 -1 -1 0
Step3. 寻找房间
if (temporary_contours_test.size() != 0)
for (int current_contour = 0; current_contour < temporary_contours_test.size(); current_contour++)
if (hierarchy_test[current_contour][3] == -1)
double room_area = map_resolution_from_subscription * map_resolution_from_subscription * cv::contourArea(temporary_contours_test[current_contour]);
for (int hole = 0; hole < temporary_contours_test.size(); hole++)
if (hierarchy_test[hole][3] == current_contour)
room_area -= map_resolution_from_subscription * map_resolution_from_subscription * cv::contourArea(temporary_contours_test[hole]);
if (room_area_factor_lower_limit < room_area && room_area < room_area_factor_upper_limit)
cv::drawContours(Mattemporary_map_to_find_rooms_test, temporary_contours_test, current_contour, cv::Scalar(0), cv::FILLED, 8, hierarchy_test, 2);
- 1. 遍历每一个父轮廓,利用OpenCV的 contourArea 函数计算该轮廓的面积
- 2. 删除父轮廓中的子轮廓的面积(障碍物)
- 3. 如果除去子轮廓的面积符合开始设定的面积范围,将该轮廓保存在数组中,将地图中该轮廓范围填充(置为不可到达)
Step4. 回到Step1重复腐蚀并查找
Step5. 填充轮廓
map_to_be_labeled.convertTo(segmented_map, CV_32SC1, 256, 0);
std::vector<cv::Scalar> already_used_coloures_test;
for (int idx = 0; idx < saved_contours.size(); idx++)
bool drawn = false; // checking-variable if contour has been drawn
int draw_counter = 0; // counter to exit loop if it gets into an endless-loop (e.g. when there are more rooms than possible)
cv::Scalar fill_colour(rand() % 52224 + 13056);
if (!contains(already_used_coloures_test, fill_colour) || draw_counter > 250)
cv::drawContours(segmented_map, saved_contours, idx, fill_colour, cv::FILLED);
already_used_coloures_test.push_back(fill_colour); // add colour to used coloures
drawn = true;
} while (!drawn);
for (int row = 0; row < map_to_be_labeled.rows; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < map_to_be_labeled.cols; ++col)
if (map_to_be_labeled.at<unsigned char>(row, col) == 0)
segmented_map.at<int>(row, col) = 0;
cv::Mat display_map_test;
cv::imshow("filled", display_map_test);
step6. 扩散填充
// spreading image is supposed to be of type CV_32SC1
void wavefrontRegionGrowing(cv::Mat& image)
//This function spreads the colored regions of the given map to the neighboring white pixels
if (image.type()!=CV_32SC1)
std::cout << "Error: wavefrontRegionGrowing: provided image is not of type CV_32SC1." << std::endl;
cv::Mat spreading_map = image.clone();
bool finished = false;
while (finished == false)
finished = true;
for (int row = 1; row < spreading_map.rows-1; ++row)
for (int column = 1; column < spreading_map.cols-1; ++column)
if (spreading_map.at(row, column) > 65279) // unassigned pixels
//check 3x3 area around white pixel for fillcolour, if filled Pixel around fill white pixel with that colour
bool set_value = false;
for (int row_counter = -1; row_counter <= 1 && set_value==false; ++row_counter)
for (int column_counter = -1; column_counter <= 1 && set_value==false; ++column_counter)
int value = image.at<int>(row + row_counter, column + column_counter);
if (value != 0 && value <= 65279)
spreading_map.at<int>(row, column) = value;
set_value = true;
finished = false; // keep on iterating the wavefront propagation until no more changes occur
image = spreading_map.clone();
- 检查输入数据类型,地图类型必须为CV_32SC1
- 遍历图像像素,如果像素未被分配(像素值大于 65279),则检查周围3*3范围
- 如果3*3范围内存在色彩像素,则设置为该值,set_value用于标记是否修改该像素的值
- 不停的进行着色,直到没有未被分配的色彩为止(finished = true)
![]() |
![]() |
至此,图像的分割完成了,但是这样的填充方法有缺陷,在得到的图中也可以很明显的看出来,由于填充顺序是从左上到右下遍历,所以房间可能会存在左边缺少右边突出的现象。思考一下优化方向:① 针对独立房间的方法,ipa项目中采用的是不断的腐蚀并提取轮廓,是否能够改进; ② 针对填充房间,ipa项目中采用的是对像素点周围3*3范围进行查找,是否能优化