
news2025/2/22 4:10:08



2 Overall mechanisms and concepts

2.1 Declaration of modes

2.2 Mode managers and mode users

2.3 Modes in the RTE

2.4 Modes in the Basic Software Scheduler

2.5 Communication of modes

3 Configuration of the Basic Software Modemanager

3.2 Semantics of BswM Configuration: Interfaces and behavioral aspects

3.3 ECU state management

3.4 Communication Management

3.5 Diagnostics


1 Scope of Document

4 Requirements Specification

4.1 ECU State Manager (EcuM)

4.2 Watchdog Manager

4.3 Communication Manager

4.4 Basic Software Mode Manager


1 Introduction and Functional Overview

7 Functional Specification

7.1 Phases of the ECU Manager Module

7.2 Structural Description of the ECU Manager

7.3 STARTUP Phase

7.4 SHUTDOWN Phase

7.5 SLEEP Phase

7.6 UP Phase

7.7 Shutdown Targets

7.8 Alarm Clock

7.9 MultiCore

7.10 EcuM Mode Handling

7.11 Advanced Topics

7.12 ErrorHook

7.13 Error classification

9 Sequence Charts

9.1 State Sequences

9.2 Wakeup Sequences


1 Introduction and functional overview

5 Dependencies to other modules

7 Functional specification

9 Sequence diagrams




2 Overall mechanisms and concepts

A mode can be seen as the current state of an ECU1 wide, global variable, which is maintained by the RTE respectively the Schedule Manager.


Modes can be used for different purposes. First of all modes are used to synchronize Software Components and Basic Software Modules. Via modes specified triggers can be enabled and disabled, and consequently the activation of Executable Entitys can be prevented. Also Executable Entitys can be triggered explicitely during a Mode Switch. On the other hand mode switches can explicitly trigger executable entities during transition from one mode to another. For example the RTE can activate an OnEntry ExecutableEntity to initialize acertain resource before entering a specific mode. In this mode the triggers of this ExecutableEntity are activated. If the mode is left the OnExit ExecutableEntity is called, which could execute some cleanup code and the triggers would be deacti vated.


  • 可以同步SWC和BSW

  • 通过使能和失能特殊的触发器来执行或禁止相应的运行实体

  • 此外运行实体在模式切换期间显示触发


2.1 Declaration of modes


ECU state management there may exist the ModeDeclarations


  • RUN



2.2 Mode managers and mode users

两个模式:管理者模式 和 用户模式

Responsible for switching modes are Mode managers, which are the only instances able to change the value of the global variable.


2.3 Modes in the RTE


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2.4 Modes in the Basic Software Scheduler

Another possibility for a Basic Software Module acting as a Mode user to get informed about mode switches, is to register a BSW Module Entry, which is triggered by a Mode Switch Event (see also [3]).


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2.5 Communication of modes


  • Mode Switch

  • Mode Request

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3 Configuration of the Basic Software Modemanager

3.2 Semantics of BswM Configuration: Interfaces and behavioral aspects

In general the BswM can be seen as a state machine, which is defined by its interface and a behavioral description. The input actions of this state machine are mode requests. Each mode request is described in the ECU configuration of the BswM as a BswMModeRequestSource. These mode requests can be of different types (C-API calls, mode requests via RTE, mode notifications via RTE, etc.) but internally they are treated in the same way. If a mode is requested the internal mirror of this BswMModeRequestSource is updated and depending on the configuration a rule evaluation is triggered, which results in the execution of predefined action lists. Action lists group Actions. Typically an action is a triggering of a mode switch in the RTE or Schedule Manager, but there are also predefined actions which change the status of some Basic Software Module.

总的来说,BswM可以被看作是一个状态机,它由其接口和行为描述定义该状态机的输入操作是模式请求。每个模式请求在BswM的ECU配置中作为BswMModeRequestSource进行描述。这些模式请求可以是不同类型(C-API调用,通过RTE发送的模式请求,通过RTE发送模式通知等),但它们在内部以相同的方式处理。 如果请求模式,则此 BswMModeRequestSource的内部镜像将进行更新并且根据配置触发规则评估,从而导致执行预定义的动作列表。动作列表将动作分组。通常,动作是触发 RTE或调度管理器中的模式切换,但也有预定义的动作,可以更改某些基本软件模块的状态。

Interface of the BswM

The interface is defined by the BswMModeRequestSource and the BswMActionListItem containers.


  • BswMModeRequestSource

  • BswMActionListItem

Mode Requests


Available Actions





Configuration of the BswM behavior

The behavior of the BswM is specified via rules and action lists. A rule is a logical expression, which combines the current values of ModeRequestTypeMaps. The evaluation of each rule either results in the execution of its true or false action lists.


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The ModeControlContainer contains these ActionLists. An ActionList can consist of a set of atomic actions, other “nested” ActionLists or it can reference (nested) rules which are then evaluated in the context of this Actionlist.


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3.3 ECU state management

During startup and shutdown the task of the BswM is to initialize all basic software modules in a similar way as it is done by the ECUM in older AUTOSAR releases. To achieve this the following ModeDeclarationGroup is defined, which indicates the overall state of the ECU to application software components and is used for internal rule arbitration.




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3.4 Communication Management

Besides parts of the ECU state management, the BswM is also responsible for parts of the communication management. This section describes the functionality of the BswM, which is related to the Communication Stack of AUTOSAR. This covers but is not restricted to the following uses cases.

  • Starting and stopping of IPDU Groups in general

  • Partial Networking

  • Diagnostic use cases which influence the communication of an ECU. e.g. it might be necessary to set the FlexRay State manager to passive mode via FrSm_SetEcuPassive() when requested by an application.

  • Service Discovery Control for Appplication SWCs

To fulfill the requested functionality the BswM has ModeRequestSources to

  • the Communication Manager

  • the bus state managers


  • Service Discovery


Partial Network Cluster

A Partial Network Cluster (PNC) is a (logical) group of ECUs which have to be active at the same time to realize some distributed functionality. A PNC can be assigned to one or multiple users (configuration in ComM) and specific software components can request or release communication for a PNC by requesting the communication mode of a user mapped to the PNC. ComM implements a state machine for each partial network cluster (PNC) and each PNC has its own state. For a simple mapping, the PNC state definitions are related to the states of ComM.


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The status of all PNCs on the nodes of a system channel is exchanged within the so-called PNC bit vector via a network management message (NM message).


Each PNC uses a dedicated bit position within a bit vector (PNC bit vector) transferred by a NM message on CAN, FlexRay and Ethernet. If a PNC is requested by a local ComM user on the node, the node sets the corresponding PNC bit in the PNC bit vector to 1. If the PNC is not requested anymore; the node sets the corresponding PNC bit in the PNC bit vector to 0. (Please note: If the optional feature "Synchronized PNC shutdown" is used and a PN shutdown messages has to be transmitted, the PNC bits are set to 1 for the PNCs which are released and the remaining PNC bits are set to 0). The Nm extract the PNC bit vector from a received NM-PDU and forward the PNC bit vector to the NM interface. The Nm interface module collects and aggregates PNC requests.

每个 PNC 在由 CAN、FlexRay和以太网上的 NM 消息传输的位向量(PNC位向量)中都使用一个专用位。如果节点上的本地ComM用户请求PNC,则节点将 PNC 位向量中的相应 PNC 位设置为 1。如果不再需要 PNC,则节点会将 PNC 位向量的相应 PNC位设为0。(请注意:如果使用了可选功能“同步 PNC 关闭”并且必须发送PN关闭消息,则已释放的PNC的PNC位将设置为 1,其余的 PNC位将设为0)。Nm从接收到的NM-PDU中提取PNC位向量并将PNC位矢量转发到NM接口。Nm接口模块收集和汇总PNC请求。

Each PNC uses the same bit position in the PNC bit vector on every system channel within the NM message. ComM uses 3 types of PNC bit vector named External and Internal Request Array (EIRA), External Request Array (ERA) and Internal Request Array (IRA) to exchange PNC status information with NM interface and Nms.


  • External and Internal Request Array (EIRA)外部中断请求阵列

  • External Request Array (ERA)外部请求阵列

  • Internal Request Array (IRA)内部请求阵列

Partial networking is supported on the bus types CAN, FlexRay and Ethernet. Activation and deactivation of the I-PDU groups of the PNCs on a CAN, FlexRay and Ethernet node is required to control the communication capabilities considering the current state of the PNC and to avoid false timeouts in the system.

部分网络支持 CAN、FlexRay和以太网总线类型。在CAN、Flex-Ray和以太网节点上,需要对 PNC的I-PDU组进行激活和失活,以控制通信能力,考虑到PNC的当前状态,并避免系统中的错误超时。

Starting and stopping of I-PD groups in COM are handled in BswM. I-PDU-Groups shall be started if the corresponding PNC is internally or externally requested. As soon as a PNC is neither internally norexternally requested, the corresponding I-PDU-Group shall be stopped.

COM 中的I-PDU组启动和停止由BswM 处理。如果相应的 PNC内部或外部请求,则应启动相应的I-PDU-Group,一旦 PNC既没有内部请求也没有外部请求,则应停止相应的I-PDU群组。

Internal PNC requests indicate communication needs locally on the ECU and are also called "active PNC request". External PNC requests indicate communication needs of a remote ECU in the network and are also called "passive PNC request".

内部 PNC 请求指示 ECU 上的本地通信需求,也称为“主动 PNC 请求”。

外部PNC 请求指示网络中远程 ECU 的通信需求,也称为“被动 PNC 请求”。

The logic to control I-PDU-Groups is handled as interaction between ComM and BswM. ComM indicates the current state of a particular PNC state machine to BswM.


The BswM controls the corresponding I-PDU groups by means of mode arbitration and mode control. Please note, deactivation of single FlexRay ECUs is not possible.


The PNC Gateway feature is used to span (logical) partial network clusters across bus / communication channel boundaries, "gatewaying" PNC requests from one bus/net work to the others.


The PNC Gateway collects PNC requests from all of its multiple active channels (which are called active since it actively keeps them awake, if required) and aggregates them.


The PNC Gateway sends the aggregated PNC state in the network to all its active channels, which causes all nodes to have the same view on the global PNC request state as the gateway.


If the PNC Gateway is not the topmost PNC Gateway in the network hierarchy, the PNC Gateway will also send the aggregated PNC request state of all subordinate nodes, plus its own internal request state, to its superior PNC coordinator, which is connected via the so-called connector type "passive".

如果 PNC网关不是网络层次结构中的最高 PNC网关,则 PNC网关还将发送所有子节点的聚合 PNC请求状态以及它自己的内部请求状态到其上级 PNC协调器,该协调器通过所谓的“被动”连接器类型连接。

The superior PNC coordinators will aggregate the subordinate coordinators PNC request states, so the top-level coordinator will know about all active PNC requests in the network, and send that info to the subordinate nodes.

上级 PNC 协调器将聚合下属协调器的 PNC请求状态,因此顶级协调器将了解网络中所有活动的 PNC请求,并将该信息发送到子节点。

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Aggregation of internal and external Partial Network Cluster


This feature is used by every ECU that is member of a Partial Network Cluster (PNC).

  • Active PNC requests are forwarded by the ComM via the Nm to the Nms.

  • Passive PNC requests are received by the Nms and forwarded to the Nm.


  • 主动PNC请求由ComM通过Nm转发到Nm。

  • Nm接收被动PNC请求并将其转发给Nm。

Nm handles received PNC request with respect to a so-called PN filter mask. The PN filter mask define which of the received PNC requests are relevant. Nm collects and maintains internal and external PNC requests.


The aggregation of internal and external requested PNCs is called "External Internal Request Array (EIRA)".


Changes of the EIRA are forwarded by Nm to ComM. ComM needs this information to handle changes in the corresponding PNC state machines.

EIA 的更改由 Nm 转发到 ComM。ComM 需要此信息来处理相应 PNC状态机中的更改。

The provided information of a request change (PNC request changed from requested to released and vice versa) to ComM at (almost) the same time on every ECU, results to switch the I-PDU-Groups synchronously on all direct connected ECUs.


Therefore the Nm maintain timers (so-called PNC reset timer) of each PNC request in the EIRA.


The PNC reset timer is restarted every time the corresponding PNC is requested within received PNC bit vector and every time the corresponding PNC request is transmitted.

每次在接收到的PNC位矢量内请求对应的PNC以及每次发送对应的 PNC 请求时,都会重新启动PNC复位定时器。

Aggregation of external Partial Network Cluster


This feature is used by the ECUs where the PNC Gateway functionality is enabled to collect the external PNC requests per channel.


The external PNC requests have to be coordinated across all affected channels. The logic of the PNC coordination is provided by ComM.


There, for each channel it is configured if it is actively or passively coordinated.


On actively coordinated channels, external PNC requests are mirrored back to the channel where the PNC request was received and also forwarded to all other coordinated channels (either passively or actively coordinated) where this PNC is assigned to.

在主动协调的通道上,外部 PNC请求被镜像回接收 PNC请求的通道,并转发到分配有该 PNC的所有其他协调通道(无论是被动协调还是主动协调)。

On passive coordinated channels external PNC requests are forwarded to other actively coordinated channels where this PNC is assigned to without mirroring back on the channel from where the external PNC request was received. This avoids endless mirroring of partial network cluster requests,

在被动协调通道中,外部 PNC请求被转发到其他主动协调通道,该PNC 也会被分配给主动协调通道,而不会在接收外部 PNC请求的通道中镜像回来。这避免了部分网络集群请求的无休止的反射。

if 2 ECUs have PNC Gateway functionality enabled and are connected to the same channel. The Nm module provides the information if PNCs are externally requested or released to ComM and manages the PNC timer handling for each relevant PNC and per channel. The aggregated state of the external requested PNCs is called "External Request Array" (ERA).

如果两个ECU启用了PNC Gateway功能并连接到同一信道,则Nm模块会在外部向ComM请求或释放PNC时提供这些信息,并管理每个相关PNC和每个信道的PNC定时器处理。外部请求的PNC的聚合称为“外部请求阵列”(ERA)

Synchronized PNC shutdown

PNC shutdown的同步

In order to avoid timeout failure on application level, the PNC shall shutdown in a synchronized way (all nodes in the PNC will shutdown at the same point in time).


The synchronized PNC shutdown is a functionality which is a cooperation of ComM, Nm and Nm to ensure a synchronized PNC shutdown at almost the same point in time across the whole PN topology.

同步 PNC 关闭是一个由 ComM、Nm和 总线Nm 共同实现的功能,可确保在整个 PN拓扑中几乎相同的时间点同步 PNC关断。

A synchronized PNC shutdown is handled by ECUs in role of a top-level PNC coordinator or intermediate PNC coordinator if the PNC Gateway is enabled.

如果 PNC 网关处于启用状态,则由 ECU 充当顶级 PNC协调器或中间 PNC 协调器处理同步 PNC关闭。

If the ComM of an ECU in the role of a top-level PNC coordinator detects that a PNC is released (PNC is no longer internally or externally requested), the ComM requests a synchronized PNC shutdown.

如果充当顶级PNC协调整个 ECU 的 ComM 检测到 PNC释放(PNC内部或外部请求不再存在),则ComM 请求同步 PNC关闭

The Nm module stores all requests and handles them in the context of the Nm_Mainfunction. The Nm module indicates the affected Nms regarding an activated PNC shutdown process.


The Nms call the Nm module to provide the aggregated requests for a synchronized PNC shutdown as PNC bit vector per given NM-Channel.


The Nms use the provided PNC bit vector to assemble a NM-PDU as PN shutdown message and transmit this message on the according NM channel.


If a PN shutdown message is received by an ECU in the role of an intermediate PNC coordinator, the Nms extract the PNC bit vector from the received PN shutdown message and forwards the information by calling the callback function Nm_ForwardSynchronizedPncShutdown.

如果中间 PNC协调器角色中的 ECU接收到 PN关闭消息,则Nms从接收到的 PN 关闭消息中提取 PNC 位向量,并通过调用回调函数 Nm_ForwardSynchronizedPncShutdown 来转发该信息。

The callback function will immediately forward the indication to ComM by calling ComM_Nm_ForwardSynchronizedPncShutdown. ComM will immediately request a synchronized PNC shutdown of all actively PNC coordinated (coordinated by a PNC gateway) ComMChannels.

回调函数将立即通过调用ComM_Nm_ForwardSynchronizedPncShutdown将指示转发到ComM。ComM将立即请求所有积极PNC协调(由PNC网关协调)的ComMChannels的同步 PNC 关闭。

The requests for a synchronized PNC shutdown are forwarded to the Nm module per NM-Channel and handled in the same way as described in the previous section. If a PNC leaf node receives a PN shutdown message, then it will handle the message as a usual NM message (update the local PN info and reset PN reset time).

同步 PNC关闭请求通过 NM 通道转发到 Nm 模块,处理方式与前一节所述相同。如果 PNC叶节点接收到 PN 关闭消息,则它将像处理常规 NM 消息一样处理该消息(更新本地 PN 信息并重置 PN 复位时间)

Scheduling of main functions

Since state changes of communication channels or PNCs are generally processed in the context of the main processing functions, it is important to properly consider the scheduling and the order of execution for the main processing functions for the modules involved in the communication and network management (ComM, Nm, Nms).

由于通信信道或 PNC的状态变化通常在主处理功能的上下文中进行处理,因此正确考虑涉及通信和网络管理(ComM、Nm、Nms)的模块的主处理功能的调度和执行顺序非常重要。

ComM generally coordinates the activities considering the events in the system and triggers the required actions (by calling the relevant APIs) of the lower layers.


Events in the system causing specific actions required to be triggered by ComM can be internal requests of users (internal requests for channels or PNCs), passive/external requests for channels or PNCs or synchronized PNC shutdown messages received on the bus.


  • 用户的内部请求(对信道或 PNC 的内部请求)、

  • 对信道或 PNC 的被动/外部请求

  • 或在总线上接收到的同步 PNC 关闭消息。

External events may be caused by wakeup events, reception of cyclic NM messages or synchronized shutdown messages.


  • 唤醒事件、

  • 周期性NM消息的接收

  • 或同步关机消息引起。

ComM receives and processes all internal and external requests


and triggers required actions


that will lead to state changes in the state machines for communication and network management modules


and consequently the transmission of cyclic NM messages or synchronized shutdown messages on the bus.


During integration of the modules, it must be considered that the processing of specific requests is done asynchronously in the basic software (e.g. transmission requests,some requests from the application)


and also that specific actions may be processed decoupled in the context of the main processing cycle of the involved modules (e.g.transmission in the Nms, processing of timers, state changes and notificationsto upper layers).


I-PDU Group Switching

For the I-PDU group switching it is expected that dedicated I-PDU groups for outgoing and incoming I-PDUs in COM exist for each channel or partial network.


AUTOSAR COM takes care that an I-PDU is active (started) if at least one I-PDU group containing this I-PDU is active.

AUTOSAR COM确保如果至少一个包含此I-PDU的I-PDU组处于活动状态,则I-PDU处于活动状态(启动)


  • Channel related I-PDU Group Handling

  • PNC related I-PDU Group Handling

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Channel related I-PDU Group Handling

Listing 3.18: ComM reports FULL_COMMUNICATION


rule channel1requested initially false { if ( ComM_Mode_Channel1 == COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION ) { actionlist channel1requestedActions/* channel 1 */ } } actions channel1requestedActions on condition { /* channel 1 */ PduGroupSwitch { init true enable ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.CAN1IPDUS_TX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.CAN1IPDUS_RX } } rule channel2requested initially false { if ( ComM_Mode_Channel2 == COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION ) { actionlist channel2requestedActions/* channel 2 */ } } actions channel2requestedActions on condition {/* channel 2 */ PduGroupSwitch { init true enable ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.CAN2IPDUS_TX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.CAN2IPDUS_RX } }

Listing 3.19: ComM reports SILENT_COMMUNICATION

Listing 3.20: ComM reports NO_COMMUNICATION

PNC related I-PDU Group Handling


/* PNC 1 */ rule pnc1requested initially false { if ( PNC1 == PNC_REQUESTED || PNC1 == PNC_READY_SLEEP ) { actionlist pnc1requestedActions } } actions pnc1requestedActions on condition { PduGroupSwitch { init true enable ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC1IPDUS_TX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC1IPDUS_RX } } /* PNC 2 */ rule pnc2requested initially false { if ( PNC2 == PNC_REQUESTED || PNC2 == PNC_READY_SLEEP ) { actionlist pnc2requestedActions } } actions pnc2requestedActions on condition { PduGroupSwitch { init true enable ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC2IPDUS_CH1_TX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC2IPDUS_CH1_RX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC2IPDUS_CH2_TX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC2IPDUS_CH1_RX } } /* PNC 3 */ rule pnc3requested initially false { if ( PNC3 == PNC_REQUESTED || PNC3 == PNC_READY_SLEEP ) { actionlist pnc3requestedActions } } actions pnc3requestedActions on condition { PduGroupSwitch { init true enable ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC3IPDUS_TX, ArMmExample.EcuC.MyCom.PNC3IPDUS_RX } }

Listing 3.21: ComM reports PNC_REQUESTED or PNC_READY_SLEEP

Listing 3.22: ComM reports PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP

Listing 3.23: ComM reports PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION

J1939 Networkmanagement

In contrast to curren






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2024年8月23日&#xff0c;HighPoint揭开了其新款RocketStor 654x系列外部NVMe RAID外壳的神秘面纱。这款新产品旨在将第四代存储应用提升至全新水平&#xff0c;为工业、边缘计算平台以及专业工作站环境提供强大的存储解决方案。 #### 技术亮点 - **高性能与大容量** Rocke…


服务器选择&#xff1a;CentOS Stream-9 服务器厂商&#xff1a;腾讯云&#xff08;没有收钱&#x1f4b4;&#xff09; 使用工具&#xff1a;宝塔&#xff08;没收钱&#xff09; 建议两位大佬给俺冲冲钱&#xff0c;嘻嘻&#x1f92d; 系列文章目录 提示&#xff1a;这里可以…

VMware Workstation安装及配置CentOS7 Linux操作系统

VMware workstation安装 百度网盘&#xff0c;VMware-workstation-full-17.5.2.exe 安装包&#xff1a; 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xgbWUlo-hFUbb11MRxIVsw?pwd87bq 提取码: 87bq 检查网络适配器是否正常配置 在VMware Workstation中安装CentOS7 Linux操作系统 下载…


财务管理和时间管理&#xff0c;是有一定关联的。 一般来说&#xff0c;财务上的弹性&#xff0c;会带来时间管理的弹性。财务上的紧张&#xff0c;会带来时间管理的紧张。 比如&#xff0c;一个人财务状况很好&#xff0c;就可以用更多的时间挑选合适的工作。在工作期间&…


&#x1f601; 作者简介&#xff1a;前端开发爱好者&#xff0c;致力学习前端开发技术 ⭐️个人主页&#xff1a;夜宵饽饽的主页 ❔ 系列专栏&#xff1a;JavaScript小贴士 &#x1f450;学习格言&#xff1a;成功不是终点&#xff0c;失败也并非末日&#xff0c;最重要的是继续…

【困难】 猿人学web第一届 第15题 备周则意怠,常见则不疑

数据接口分析 数据接口 https://match.yuanrenxue.cn/api/match/15 请求时需要携带 page 页码&#xff0c;m为加密参数 cookie中没有加密信息&#xff0c;携带 SessionId请求即可 加密参数还原 查看数据接口对应的 requests 栈 m参数 是通过 window.m() 方法执行后得到的 打上…


黑翅鸢优化算法&#xff08;Black-winged kite algorithm&#xff0c;BKA&#xff09;是一种受自然界启发的群体智能优化算法&#xff0c;其设计灵感源自黑翅鸢&#xff08;Black-winged kite&#xff09;的生存策略。黑翅鸢在攻击和迁徙过程中展现出的高度适应性和智能行为&am…

3分钟带你手把手安装一款音乐制作神器——FL Studio中文版

大家好&#xff0c;今天我要给大家介绍一款音乐制作神器——FL Studio中文版。这款软件可是音乐制作界的翘楚&#xff0c;无论是专业人士还是音乐爱好者&#xff0c;都会为它的强大功能和易用性所折服。 我们来看看FL Studio的特点。这是一款全能型的音乐工作站&am…


拓扑描述&#xff1a; R1作为所有PC的网关&#xff1b; 财务部用户&#xff1a; 市场部用户&#xff1a; Server1&#xff1a;HTTP服务器地址为7.7.7.7/24 PC 2&#xff1a; PC 5:&#xff1a; PC 3&#xff1a;&…

干货分享|分享一款高效的软件卸载神器 Geek Uninstaller

问题&#xff1a;卸载软件时&#xff0c;时常会留下残留文件和注册表。当遇到流氓软件&#xff0c;还常常卸载失败。 1.软件介绍 特点&#xff1a;高效快速&#xff0c;小巧便携。100% 免费 2.下载方法 官方下载网站&#xff1a;Geek Uninstaller - the best FREE uninstaller …

《深入理解JAVA虚拟机(第2版)》- 第6章 - 学习笔记

第6章 类文件结构 6.1 概述 字节码和二级制本地机器码&#xff08;Native Code&#xff09;是用来存储程序编译后的结果的&#xff0c;是二种程序存储结构。 6.2 无关性的基石 这里说的无关性&#xff0c;分为&#xff1a;平台无关性和语言无关性。 平台无关性&#xff1a;…

Codeforces Round 913 (Div. 3) D. Jumping Through Segments (二分*1400)

很容易看出这道题应该二分答案&#xff0c;本题的难点在于对于mid的验证。 找距离肯定是不难&#xff0c;难就难在我们输入的区间并不是按照左右顺序排列的&#xff0c;有的区间可能涵盖住了另一个区间&#xff0c;也就是说在这里我们需要进行的是左右的移动。 那么我们根本无…

