SeaweedFS 分布式存储安装weed

news2025/1/14 1:25:14

下载Single Binary weed Start


  1. 下载
  2. 解压 single binary file weed or weed.exe.
wget -O ./weed.tar.gz

tar -zxvf ./weed.tar.gz


chmod +x weed

mv weed /usr/local/bin/weed

root@installerdev04:/home/jupiter# which weed

root@installerdev04:/home/jupiter# weed version
version 30GB 3.71 ed7e721efe82a29b031e39e37b729a536e6cde04 linux amd64


root@installerdev04:/home/jupiter# weed -h

SeaweedFS: store billions of files and serve them fast!


        weed command [arguments]

The commands are:

    autocomplete install autocomplete
    autocomplete.uninstall uninstall autocomplete
    backup      incrementally backup a volume to local folder
    benchmark   benchmark by writing millions of files and reading them out
    compact     run weed tool compact on volume file
    download    download files by file id
    export      list or export files from one volume data file
    filer       start a file server that points to a master server, or a list of master servers
    filer.backup resume-able continuously replicate files from a SeaweedFS cluster to another location defined in replication.toml   copy one file to local
    filer.copy  copy one or a list of files to a filer folder
    filer.meta.backup continuously backup filer meta data changes to anther filer store specified in a backup_filer.toml
    filer.meta.tail see continuous changes on a filer
    filer.remote.gateway resumable continuously write back bucket creation, deletion, and other local updates to remote object store
    filer.remote.sync resumable continuously write back updates to remote storage
    filer.replicate replicate file changes to another destination
    filer.sync  resumable continuous synchronization between two active-active or active-passive SeaweedFS clusters
    fix         run weed tool fix on files or whole folders to recreate index file(s) if corrupted
    fuse        Allow use weed with linux's mount command
    iam         start a iam API compatible server
    master      start a master server
    master.follower start a master follower
    mount       mount weed filer to a directory as file system in userspace(FUSE)   <WIP> start a message queue broker
    s3          start a s3 API compatible server that is backed by a filer
    scaffold    generate basic configuration files
    server      start a master server, a volume server, and optionally a filer and a S3 gateway
    shell       run interactive administrative commands
    update      get latest or specific version from
    upload      upload one or a list of files
    version     print SeaweedFS version
    volume      start a volume server
    webdav      start a webdav server that is backed by a filer

Use "weed help [command]" for more information about a command.

For Logging, use "weed [logging_options] [command]". The logging options are:
        log to standard error as well as files (default true)
  -config_dir value
        directory with toml configuration files
  -log_backtrace_at value
        when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
  -logdir string
        If non-empty, write log files in this directory
        log to standard error instead of files
  -options string
        a file of command line options, each line in optionName=optionValue format
  -stderrthreshold value
        logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
  -v value
        log levels [0|1|2|3|4], default to 0
  -vmodule value
        comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging





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