以下数据来自SQL Zoo
1.at 'Edinburgh Napier University',studying '(8) Computer Science',Show the the percentage who STRONGLY AGREE.(在爱丁堡纳皮尔大学,学习“计算机科学”,显示STRONGLY AGREE的百分比)
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q01'
AND institution='Edinburgh Napier University'
AND subject='(8) Computer Science'
2.Show the institution and subject where the score is at least 100 for question 15.(列出第15题得分至少为100分的院校和科目)
SELECT institution,subject
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q15'
AND score >=100
3.Show the institution and score where the score for '(8) Computer Science' is less than 50 for question 'Q15'(在“Q15”题中,显示“(8)计算机科学”得分低于50分的院校和分数)
SELECT institution,score
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q15'
AND score <50
AND subject='(8) Computer Science'
4.Show the subject and total number of students who responded to question 22 for each of the subjects '(8) Computer Science' and '(H) Creative Arts and Design'.(请列出在“(8)计算机科学”和“(H)创意艺术与设计”两个科目中回答问题22的学生总数)
SELECT subject,sum(response)
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q22'
AND (subject='(8) Computer Science' or subject = '(H) Creative Arts and Design')
group by subject
5.Show the subject and total number of students who A_STRONGLY_AGREE to question 22 for each of the subjects '(8) Computer Science' and '(H) Creative Arts and Design'.(请列出在“(8)计算机科学”和“(H)创意艺术与设计”两个科目中强烈同意问题22的科目和学生总数)
SELECT subject,sum(response*A_STRONGLY_AGREE)/100
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q22'
AND (subject='(8) Computer Science' or subject = '(H) Creative Arts and Design')
group by subject
6.Show the percentage of students who A_STRONGLY_AGREE to question 22 for the subject '(8) Computer Science' show the same figure for the subject '(H) Creative Arts and Design'.(显示在“(8)计算机科学”科目中强烈同意问题22的学生的百分比,在“(H)创意艺术与设计”科目中显示相同的数字)
SELECT subject,
ROUND(SUM(response*A_STRONGLY_AGREE) / SUM(response))
FROM nss
WHERE question = 'Q22'
AND (subject = '(H) Creative Arts and Design' OR subject = '(8) Computer Science')
GROUP BY subject
7.Show the average scores for question 'Q22' for each institution that include 'Manchester' in the name.(显示名称中包含“曼彻斯特”的每所院校在“Q22”问题上的平均得分)
SELECT institution,round(sum(score*response)/sum(response))
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q22'
AND (institution LIKE '%Manchester%')
group BY institution
order by institution
8.Show the institution, the total sample size and the number of computing students for institutions in Manchester for 'Q01'.(显示该院校、总样本量和曼彻斯特院校计算机专业学生的数量)
SELECT institution,sum(sample),SUM(CASE WHEN subject = '(8) Computer Science' THEN sample ELSE NULL END)
FROM nss
WHERE question='Q01'
AND (institution LIKE '%Manchester%')
group by institution