float a = 1.2;
std::tostring(a); // 1.200000
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << a; // 1.2
if (!strStream.view().empty()) // 判定流有数据
// 边框融合
float measureText(std::u8string text, FontTypes::Rectangle &rectangle)
float width = 0;
auto results = shape(text, {});
if (results.empty())
return 0;
using FLimit = std::numeric_limits<float>;
float minX = FLimit::max();
float minY = FLimit::max();
float maxX = FLimit::min();
float maxY = FLimit::min();
for (auto &result : results) {
FontTypes::Rectangle inkBound, outBound;
getGlyphBound(result.codepoint, inkBound, outBound);
inkBound.x += width;
minX = std::min(minX, inkBound.x);
minY = std::min(minY, inkBound.y);
maxX = std::max(maxX, inkBound.x + inkBound.width);
maxY = std::max(maxY, inkBound.y + inkBound.height);
width += result.advance;
rectangle.x = minX;
rectangle.y = minY;
rectangle.width = maxX - minX;
rectangle.height = maxY - minY;
// #line使用
#line 143 "emoji_presentation_scanner.c" 这行代码告诉预处理器,从这行开始,任何编译错误或警告都应该指向 "emoji_presentation_scanner.c" 文件的第 143 行。
如果你使用脚本或工具自动生成代码,#line 指令可以用来设置生成代码的行号和文件名,确保错误信息指向生成代码的源文件和行号。
#line 100 "generated_code.c" // Auto-generated code goes here..
#line 指令可以在宏体内重设行号和文件名,以便错误信息指向宏定义处,而不是宏展开处
#define MY_MACRO() \
do { \
#line __LINE__ + 1 __FILE__ \
/* ... macro body ... */ \
} while(0)
# 范围限制
#define LimitRange(x, min, max) x = x < min ? min : (x > max ? max : x)
# std::call_once
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
std::once_flag flag;
void initializeResource() {
std::cout << "Resource initialized." << std::endl;
// 进行初始化工作
void doSomething() {
std::call_once(flag, initializeResource);
// 在这里可以安全地使用已初始化的资源
std::cout << "Doing something with the resource." << std::endl;
int main() {
std::thread t1(doSomething);
std::thread t2(doSomething);
return 0;
// bitset初始化
template <typename... T>
constexpr auto BitSet(T... t)
return ((1 << (t)) | ...);
// 超长枚举
enum Flag : uint16_t{
A = 1,
AB = BitSet(A, B);
ABC = BitSet(A, B, C);
* C++ IMPL通用模板设计
* 数据层
class Data {
float a;
float b;
float c;
* 接口层
class Accessor {
using Impl = Data;
using ImplSP = std::shared_ptr<Data>;
Accessor() : m_impl(std::make_shared<Impl>) {}
void setA(float v) { m_impl->a = v; }
float getA() const { return m_impl->a; }
ImplSP m_impl;
C++ 现代教程三-CSDN博客