CV - 计算机视觉 | ML - 机器学习 | RL - 强化学习 | NLP 自然语言处理
Subjects: cs.LG、cs.AI
1.Neuro Symbolic Continual Learning: Knowledge, Reasoning Shortcuts and Concept Rehearsal
作者:Emanuele Marconato, Gianpaolo Bontempo, Elisa Ficarra, Simone Calderara, Andrea Passerini, Stefano Teso
We introduce Neuro-Symbolic Continual Learning, where a model has to solve a sequence of neuro-symbolic tasks, that is, it has to map sub-symbolic inputs to high-level concepts and compute predictions by reasoning consistently with prior knowledge. Our key observation is that neuro-symbolic tasks, although different, often share concepts whose semantics remains stable over time. Traditional approaches fall short: existing continual strategies ignore knowledge altogether, while stock neuro-symbolic architectures suffer from catastrophic forgetting. We show that leveraging prior knowledge by combining neuro-symbolic architectures with continual strategies does help avoid catastrophic forgetting, but also that doing so can yield models affected by reasoning shortcuts. These undermine the semantics of the acquired concepts, even when detailed prior knowledge is provided upfront and inference is exact, and in turn continual performance. To overcome these issues, we introduce COOL, a COncept-level cOntinual Learning strategy tailored for neuro-symbolic continual problems that acquires high-quality concepts and remembers them over time. Our experiments on three novel benchmarks highlights how COOL attains sustained high performance on neuro-symbolic continual learning tasks in which other strategies fail.
2.STEPS: Joint Self-supervised Nighttime Image Enhancement and Depth Estimation
作者:Yupeng Zheng, Chengliang Zhong, Pengfei Li, Huan-ang Gao, Yuhang Zheng, Bu Jin, Ling Wang, Hao Zhao, Guyue Zhou, Qichao Zhang, Dongbin Zhao
Self-supervised depth estimation draws a lot of attention recently as it can promote the 3D sensing capabilities of self-driving vehicles. However, it intrinsically relies upon the photometric consistency assumption, which hardly holds during nighttime. Although various supervised nighttime image enhancement methods have been proposed, their generalization performance in challenging driving scenarios is not satisfactory. To this end, we propose the first method that jointly learns a nighttime image enhancer and a depth estimator, without using ground truth for either task. Our method tightly entangles two self-supervised tasks using a newly proposed uncertain pixel masking strategy. This strategy originates from the observation that nighttime images not only suffer from underexposed regions but also from overexposed regions. By fitting a bridge-shaped curve to the illumination map distribution, both regions are suppressed and two tasks are bridged naturally. We benchmark the method on two established datasets: nuScenes and RobotCar and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on both of them. Detailed ablations also reveal the mechanism of our proposal. Last but not least, to mitigate the problem of sparse ground truth of existing datasets, we provide a new photo-realistically enhanced nighttime dataset based upon CARLA. It brings meaningful new challenges to the community. Codes, data, and models are available at this https URL.
3.GraphReg: Dynamical Point Cloud Registration with Geometry-aware Graph Signal Processing
作者: Zhao Mingyang, Ma Lei, Jia Xiaohong, Yan Dong-Ming, Huang Tiejun
This study presents a high-accuracy, efficient, and physically induced method for 3D point cloud registration, which is the core of many important 3D vision problems. In contrast to existing physics-based methods that merely consider spatial point information and ignore surface geometry, we explore geometry aware rigid-body dynamics to regulate the particle (point) motion, which results in more precise and robust registration. Our proposed method consists of four major modules. First, we leverage the graph signal processing (GSP) framework to define a new signature, (i.e., point response intensity for each point), by which we succeed in describing the local surface variation, resampling keypoints, and distinguishing different particles. Then, to address the shortcomings of current physics-based approaches that are sensitive to outliers, we accommodate the defined point response intensity to median absolute deviation (MAD) in robust statistics and adopt the X84 principle for adaptive outlier depression, ensuring a robust and stable registration. Subsequently, we propose a novel geometric invariant under rigid transformations to incorporate higher-order features of point clouds, which is further embedded for force modeling to guide the correspondence between pairwise scans credibly. Finally, we introduce an adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) method to search for the global optimum and substantially accelerate the registration process. We perform comprehensive experiments to evaluate the proposed method on various datasets captured from range scanners to LiDAR. Results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms representative state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy and is more suitable for registering large-scale point clouds. Furthermore, it is considerably faster and more robust than most competitors.