0x00、获取当前时间,时间格式为yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz
std:: string GetCurrentTime ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = boost:: posix_time:: microsec_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration td = now. time_of_day ( ) ;
unsigned int ms = td. total_milliseconds ( ) % 1000 ;
std:: locale loc ( std:: locale ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_facet ( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) ) ;
std:: ostringstream oss;
oss. imbue ( loc) ;
oss << now << "." << std:: setw ( 3 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << ms % 1000 ;
return oss. str ( ) ;
0x01、获取当前时间,时间格式为 yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss AM/PM ,12小时时间制
std:: string GetCurrentTimeFor12HFormat ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime utc_now = boost:: posix_time:: second_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
std:: stringstream ss;
ss. imbue ( std:: locale ( ss. getloc ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_facet ( "%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p" ) ) ) ;
ss << utc_now;
return ss. str ( ) ;
0x02、获取当前时间,时间格式为 yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss ,24小时时间制
std:: string GetCurrentTimeFor24HFormat ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime utc_now = boost:: posix_time:: second_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
std:: stringstream ss;
ss. imbue ( std:: locale ( ss. getloc ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_facet ( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" ) ) ) ;
ss << utc_now;
return ss. str ( ) ;
long GetCurrentTimeForSeconds ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = boost:: posix_time:: microsec_clock:: universal_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime epoch ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( 1970 , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration duration_since_epoch = now - epoch;
return duration_since_epoch. total_seconds ( ) ;
# include <iostream>
# include <string>
# include <sstream>
# include <locale>
# include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
# include <boost/date_time/time_facet.hpp>
# include <boost/date_time/time_zone_names.hpp>
# include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
using namespace std;
std:: string GetCurrentTime ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = boost:: posix_time:: microsec_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration td = now. time_of_day ( ) ;
unsigned int ms = td. total_milliseconds ( ) % 1000 ;
std:: locale loc ( std:: locale ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_facet ( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) ) ;
std:: ostringstream oss;
oss. imbue ( loc) ;
oss << now << "." << std:: setw ( 3 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << ms % 1000 ;
return oss. str ( ) ;
std:: string GetCurrentTimeFor12HFormat ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime utc_now = boost:: posix_time:: second_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
std:: stringstream ss;
ss. imbue ( std:: locale ( ss. getloc ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_facet ( "%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p" ) ) ) ;
ss << utc_now;
return ss. str ( ) ;
long ConvertFormatTime12HToSeconds ( const std:: string& datetimeStr)
std:: istringstream iss ( datetimeStr) ;
std:: string year, month, day, hour, minute, second, period;
getline ( iss, year, '/' ) ;
getline ( iss, month, '/' ) ;
getline ( iss, day, ' ' ) ;
getline ( iss, hour, ':' ) ;
getline ( iss, minute, ':' ) ;
getline ( iss, second, ' ' ) ;
getline ( iss, period) ;
int i_year = std:: stoi ( year) ;
int i_month = std:: stoi ( month) ;
int i_day = std:: stoi ( day) ;
int i_hour = std:: stoi ( hour) ;
int i_minute = std:: stoi ( minute) ;
int i_second = std:: stoi ( second) ;
if ( period == "PM" )
i_hour += 12 ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime pt ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( i_year, i_month, i_day) , boost:: posix_time:: time_duration ( i_hour - 8 , i_minute, i_second) ) ;
time_t unix_time = boost:: posix_time:: to_time_t ( pt) ;
return unix_time;
std:: string GetCurrentTimeFor24HFormat ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime utc_now = boost:: posix_time:: second_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
std:: stringstream ss;
ss. imbue ( std:: locale ( ss. getloc ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_facet ( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" ) ) ) ;
ss << utc_now;
return ss. str ( ) ;
long ConvertFormatTime24HToSeconds ( const std:: string& datetimeStr)
boost:: posix_time:: ptime parsed_time;
std:: istringstream iss ( datetimeStr) ;
iss. imbue ( std:: locale ( iss. getloc ( ) , new boost:: posix_time:: time_input_facet ( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" ) ) ) ;
iss >> parsed_time;
if ( iss. fail ( ) )
printf ( "Failed to parse the date/time string.\n" ) ;
return - 1 ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime local_time = boost:: posix_time:: second_clock:: local_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime utc_time = boost:: posix_time:: second_clock:: universal_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration timezone_offset = local_time - utc_time;
parsed_time -= timezone_offset;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration duration_since_epoch = parsed_time - boost:: posix_time:: ptime ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( 1970 , boost:: gregorian:: Jan, 1 ) ) ;
long total_seconds = duration_since_epoch. total_seconds ( ) ;
return total_seconds;
long GetCurrentTimeForSeconds ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = boost:: posix_time:: microsec_clock:: universal_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime epoch ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( 1970 , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration duration_since_epoch = now - epoch;
return duration_since_epoch. total_seconds ( ) ;
std:: string FormatTimeForSeconds ( long seconds)
boost:: posix_time:: ptime epoch ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( 1970 , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration td = boost:: posix_time:: seconds ( seconds) ; ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = epoch + td;
std:: ostringstream oss;
oss << now. date ( ) . year ( ) << "-"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. date ( ) . month ( ) . as_number ( ) << "-"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. date ( ) . day ( ) . as_number ( ) << " "
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. time_of_day ( ) . hours ( ) + 8 << ":"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. time_of_day ( ) . minutes ( ) << ":"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. time_of_day ( ) . seconds ( ) ;
return oss. str ( ) ;
long long GetCurrentTimeForMilliSeconds ( )
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = boost:: posix_time:: microsec_clock:: universal_time ( ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime epoch ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( 1970 , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration duration_since_epoch = now - epoch;
return duration_since_epoch. total_milliseconds ( ) ;
std:: string FormatTimeForMilliSeconds ( long long milliseconds)
boost:: posix_time:: ptime epoch ( boost:: gregorian:: date ( 1970 , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
boost:: posix_time:: time_duration td = boost:: posix_time:: milliseconds ( milliseconds) ;
boost:: posix_time:: ptime now = epoch + td;
std:: ostringstream oss;
oss << now. date ( ) . year ( ) << "-"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. date ( ) . month ( ) . as_number ( ) << "-"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. date ( ) . day ( ) << " "
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. time_of_day ( ) . hours ( ) + 8 << ":"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. time_of_day ( ) . minutes ( ) << ":"
<< std:: setw ( 2 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << now. time_of_day ( ) . seconds ( ) << "."
<< std:: setw ( 3 ) << std:: setfill ( '0' ) << ( now. time_of_day ( ) . fractional_seconds ( ) / 1000 ) ;
return oss. str ( ) ;
int main ( )
cout << "------------0#--------------" << endl;
cout << GetCurrentTime ( ) << endl;
cout << "------------1#--------------" << endl;
cout << GetCurrentTimeFor12HFormat ( ) << endl;
cout << GetCurrentTimeFor24HFormat ( ) << endl;
cout << "--------------------------" << endl;
cout << ConvertFormatTime12HToSeconds ( GetCurrentTimeFor12HFormat ( ) ) << endl;
cout << ConvertFormatTime24HToSeconds ( GetCurrentTimeFor24HFormat ( ) ) << endl;
cout << "-------------2#-------------" << endl;
cout << GetCurrentTimeForSeconds ( ) << endl;
cout << FormatTimeForSeconds ( GetCurrentTimeForSeconds ( ) ) << endl;
cout << "--------------------------" << endl;
cout << GetCurrentTimeForMilliSeconds ( ) << endl;
cout << FormatTimeForMilliSeconds ( GetCurrentTimeForMilliSeconds ( ) ) << endl;
getchar ( ) ;
return 0 ;