2024-07-19 Unity插件 Odin Inspector9 —— Validation Attributes

news2024/9/22 7:30:14


  • 1 说明
  • 2 验证特性
    • 2.1 AssetsOnly / SceneObjectsOnly
    • 2.2 ChildGameObjectsOnly
    • 2.3 DisallowModificationsIn
    • 2.4 FilePath
    • 2.5 FolderPath
    • 2.6 MaxValue / MinValue
    • 2.7 MinMaxSlider
    • 2.8 PropertyRange
    • 2.9 Required
    • 2.10 RequiredIn
    • 2.11 RequiredListLength
    • 2.12 ValidateInput

1 说明

​ 本文介绍 Odin Inspector 插件中有关验证特性的使用方法。

2 验证特性

2.1 AssetsOnly / SceneObjectsOnly

使目标对象在 Inspector 窗口中只能关联资源 / 场景对象,限制拖拽的资源类型。

// SceneAndAssetsOnlyExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class SceneAndAssetsOnlyExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [Title("Assets only")]
    public List<GameObject> OnlyPrefabs;

    public GameObject SomePrefab;

    public Material MaterialAsset;

    public MeshRenderer SomeMeshRendererOnPrefab;

    [Title("Scene Objects only")]
    public List<GameObject> OnlySceneObjects;

    public GameObject SomeSceneObject;

    public MeshRenderer SomeMeshRenderer;

2.2 ChildGameObjectsOnly

可用于 Components 和 GameObject,并在对象旁添加小按钮,点击按钮将显示其子物体中所有满足条件的对象。

  • IncludeSelf = true


  • bool IncludeInactive


// ChildGameObjectsOnlyAttributeExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class ChildGameObjectsOnlyAttributeExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform ChildOrSelfTransform;

    public GameObject ChildGameObject;

    [ChildGameObjectsOnly(IncludeSelf = false)]
    public Light[] Lights;

2.3 DisallowModificationsIn

当该对象所在的脚本挂载在何种预制体上,其修饰的对象将被禁用 / 灰色显示。

  • PrefabKind prefabKind


    1. None


    2. InstanceInScene


    3. InstanceInPrefab


    4. Regular


    5. Variant


    6. NonPrefabInstance


    7. PrefabInstance = InstanceInPrefab | InstanceInScene


    8. PrefabAsset = Variant | Regular


    9. PrefabInstanceAndNonPrefabInstance = PrefabInstance | NonPrefabInstance


    10. All = PrefabInstanceAndNonPrefabInstance | PrefabAsset


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject o;

2.4 FilePath


  • string ParentFolder

    父路径。可以相对于 Unity 项目,也可以是绝对路径。

  • string Extensions

    文件扩展名列表(以逗号分隔)。扩展名中的 “.” 可不写。

  • bool AbsolutePath


  • bool RequireExistingPath


  • bool UseBackslashes


// FilePathExamplesComponent.cs
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class FilePathExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    // By default, FolderPath provides a path relative to the Unity project.
    public string UnityProjectPath;
    // It is possible to provide custom parent path. Parent paths can be relative to the Unity project, or absolute.
    [FilePath(ParentFolder = "Assets/Plugins/Sirenix")]
    public string RelativeToParentPath;
    // Using parent path, FilePath can also provide a path relative to a resources folder.
    [FilePath(ParentFolder = "Assets/Resources")]
    public string ResourcePath;
    // Provide a comma seperated list of allowed extensions. Dots are optional.
    [FilePath(Extensions = "cs")]
    public string ScriptFiles;
    // By setting AbsolutePath to true, the FilePath will provide an absolute path instead.
    [FilePath(AbsolutePath = true)]
    public string AbsolutePath;
    // FilePath can also be configured to show an error, if the provided path is invalid.
    [FilePath(RequireExistingPath = true)]
    public string ExistingPath;
    // By default, FilePath will enforce the use of forward slashes. It can also be configured to use backslashes instead.
    [FilePath(UseBackslashes = true)]
    public string Backslashes;
    // FilePath also supports member references with the $ symbol.
    [FilePath(ParentFolder = "$DynamicParent", Extensions = "$DynamicExtensions")]
    [BoxGroup("Member referencing")]
    public string DynamicFilePath;
    [BoxGroup("Member referencing")]
    public string DynamicParent = "Assets/Plugins/Sirenix";
    [BoxGroup("Member referencing")]
    public string DynamicExtensions = "cs, unity, jpg";
    // FilePath also supports lists and arrays.
    [FilePath(ParentFolder = "Assets/Plugins/Sirenix/Demos/Odin Inspector")]
    public string[] ListOfFiles;

2.5 FolderPath


  • string ParentFolder

    父路径。可以相对于 Unity 项目,也可以是绝对路径。

  • bool AbsolutePath


  • bool RequireExistingPath


  • bool UseBackslashes


// FolderPathExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class FolderPathExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    // By default, FolderPath provides a path relative to the Unity project.
    public string UnityProjectPath;

    // It is possible to provide custom parent path. Parent paths can be relative to the Unity project, or absolute.
    [FolderPath(ParentFolder = "Assets/Plugins/Sirenix")]
    public string RelativeToParentPath;

    // Using parent path, FolderPath can also provide a path relative to a resources folder.
    [FolderPath(ParentFolder = "Assets/Resources")]
    public string ResourcePath;

    // By setting AbsolutePath to true, the FolderPath will provide an absolute path instead.
    [FolderPath(AbsolutePath = true)]
    public string AbsolutePath;

    // FolderPath can also be configured to show an error, if the provided path is invalid.
    [FolderPath(RequireExistingPath = true)]
    public string ExistingPath;

    // By default, FolderPath will enforce the use of forward slashes. It can also be configured to use backslashes instead.
    [FolderPath(UseBackslashes = true)]
    public string Backslashes;

    // FolderPath also supports member references and attribute expressions with the $ symbol.
    [FolderPath(ParentFolder = "$DynamicParent")]
    [BoxGroup("Member referencing")]
    public string DynamicFolderPath;

    [BoxGroup("Member referencing")]
    public string DynamicParent = "Assets/Plugins/Sirenix";

    // FolderPath also supports lists and arrays.
    [FolderPath(ParentFolder = "Assets/Plugins/Sirenix")]
    public string[] ListOfFolders;

2.6 MaxValue / MinValue

在 Inspector 窗口中对象能够被设置的最小 / 大值。超过该范围则会有错误提示。

  • double maxValue/minValue

    最大 / 小值。

  • string Expression

    用于解析最大 / 小值的字符串。可以是字段、属性、方法名或表达式。

// MinMaxValueValueExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class MinMaxValueValueExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    // Ints
    public int IntMinValue0;

    public int IntMaxValue0;

    // Floats
    public float FloatMinValue0;

    public float FloatMaxValue0;

    // Vectors
    public Vector3 Vector3MinValue0;

    public Vector3 Vector3MaxValue0;

2.7 MinMaxSlider

将 Vector2 向量表示为 [min, max] 区间,并在 Inspector 窗口中以滑动条方式显示。其中,x 为最小值,y 为最大值。

  • float minValue/maxValue

    最小 / 大值。

  • string minValueGetter/maxValueGetter

    获取最小 / 大值的方法名称。

  • string minMaxValueGetter


  • bool showFields = false


// MinMaxSliderExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class MinMaxSliderExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [MinMaxSlider(-10, 10)]
    public Vector2 MinMaxValueSlider = new Vector2(-7, -2);

    [MinMaxSlider(-10, 10, true)]
    public Vector2 WithFields = new Vector2(-3, 4);

    [InfoBox("You can also assign the min max values dynamically by referring to members.")]
    [MinMaxSlider("DynamicRange", true)]
    public Vector2 DynamicMinMax = new Vector2(25, 50);

    [MinMaxSlider("Min", 10f, true)]
    public Vector2 DynamicMin = new Vector2(2, 7);

    [InfoBox("You can also use attribute expressions with the @ symbol.")]
    [MinMaxSlider("@DynamicRange.x", "@DynamicRange.y * 10f", true)]
    public Vector2 Expressive = new Vector2(0, 450);

    public Vector2 DynamicRange = new Vector2(0, 50);

    public float Min { get { return this.DynamicRange.x; } }

    public float Max { get { return this.DynamicRange.y; } }

2.8 PropertyRange


  • double min/max

    最小 / 大值。

  • string minGetter/maxGetter


// PropertyRangeExampleComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class PropertyRangeExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [Range(0, 10)]
    public int Field = 2;

    [InfoBox("Odin's PropertyRange attribute is similar to Unity's Range attribute, but also works on properties.")]
    [ShowInInspector, PropertyRange(0, 10)]
    public int Property { get; set; }

    [InfoBox("You can also reference member for either or both min and max values.")]
    [PropertyRange(0, "Max"), PropertyOrder(3)]
    public int Dynamic = 6;

    public int Max = 100;

2.9 Required


  • string errorMessage


  • InfoMessageType messageType


// RequiredExamplesComponent.cs
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class RequiredExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject MyGameObject;
    [Required("Custom error message.")]
    public Rigidbody MyRigidbody;
    [InfoBox("Use $ to indicate a member string as message.")]
    public GameObject GameObject;
    public string DynamicMessage = "Dynamic error message";

2.10 RequiredIn


  • string errorMessage


  • PrefabKind prefabKind


    1. None


    2. InstanceInScene


    3. InstanceInPrefab


    4. Regular


    5. Variant


    6. NonPrefabInstance


    7. PrefabInstance = InstanceInPrefab | InstanceInScene


    8. PrefabAsset = Variant | Regular


    9. PrefabInstanceAndNonPrefabInstance = PrefabInstance | NonPrefabInstance


    10. All = PrefabInstanceAndNonPrefabInstance | PrefabAsset


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject o;

2.11 RequiredListLength

将 List 限制为包含指定数量的元素。

  • int minLength/maxLength

    最小 / 大长度。

  • string minLengthGetter/maxLengthGetter

    用于获取集合最小 / 大长度的 C# 表达式,例如“@this.otherList.Count”。

    如果设置了 MinLength,则当 MinLengthGetter 返回 null 时,MinLength 将作为回退。

  • string fixedLengthGetter

    用于获取集合长度的 C# 表达式。

  • PrefabKind PrefabKind


// RequiredListLengthExamplesComponent.cs

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class RequiredListLengthExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public int[] fixedLength;
    [RequiredListLength(1, null)]
    public int[] minLength;
    [RequiredListLength(null, 10, PrefabKind = PrefabKind.InstanceInScene)]
    public List<int> maxLength;
    [RequiredListLength(3, 10)]
    public List<int> minAndMaxLength;
    public int SomeNumber;
    public List<GameObject> matchLengthOfOther;
    [RequiredListLength("@this.SomeNumber", null)]
    public int[] minLengthExpression;
    [RequiredListLength(null, "@this.SomeNumber")]
    public List<int> maxLengthExpression;

2.12 ValidateInput

允许检查 Inspector 窗口中拖拽关联值是否正确。

  • string condition


  • string defaultMessage


  • InfoMessageType messageType


// ValidateInputExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor namespaces can only be used in the editor.
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.Examples;

public class ValidateInputExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
#if UNITY_EDITOR // MyScriptyScriptableObject is an example type and only exists in the editor
    [Title("Default message", "You can just provide a default message that is always used")]
    [ValidateInput("MustBeNull", "This field should be null.")]
    public MyScriptyScriptableObject DefaultMessage;

    [Space(12), HideLabel]
    [Title("Dynamic message", "Or the validation method can dynamically provide a custom message")]
    [ValidateInput("HasMeshRendererDynamicMessage", "Prefab must have a MeshRenderer component")]
    public GameObject DynamicMessage;

    [Space(12), HideLabel]
    [Title("Dynamic message type", "The validation method can also control the type of the message")]
    [ValidateInput("HasMeshRendererDynamicMessageAndType", "Prefab must have a MeshRenderer component")]
    public GameObject DynamicMessageAndType;

    [Space(8), HideLabel]
    [InfoBox("Change GameObject value to update message type", InfoMessageType.None)]
    public InfoMessageType MessageType;

    [Space(12), HideLabel]
    [Title("Dynamic default message", "Use $ to indicate a member string as default message")]
    [ValidateInput("AlwaysFalse", "$Message", InfoMessageType.Warning)]
    public string Message = "Dynamic ValidateInput message";

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
    private bool AlwaysFalse(string value) {
        return false;

    private bool MustBeNull(MyScriptyScriptableObject scripty) {
        return scripty == null;

    private bool HasMeshRendererDefaultMessage(GameObject gameObject) {
        if (gameObject == null) return true;

        return gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>() != null;

    private bool HasMeshRendererDynamicMessage(GameObject gameObject, ref string errorMessage) {
        if (gameObject == null) return true;

        if (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>() == null) {
            // If errorMessage is left as null, the default error message from the attribute will be used
            errorMessage = "\"" + gameObject.name + "\" must have a MeshRenderer component";

            return false;

        return true;

    private bool HasMeshRendererDynamicMessageAndType(GameObject gameObject, ref string errorMessage, ref InfoMessageType? messageType) {
        if (gameObject == null) return true;

        if (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>() == null) {
            // If errorMessage is left as null, the default error message from the attribute will be used
            errorMessage = "\"" + gameObject.name + "\" should have a MeshRenderer component";

            // If messageType is left as null, the default message type from the attribute will be used
            messageType = this.MessageType;

            return false;

        return true;





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