《重构》读书笔记【第1章 重构,第一个示例,第2章 重构原则】

news2024/9/20 16:43:56


    • 第1章 重构,第一个示例
      • 1.1 重构前
      • 1.2 重构后
    • 第2章 重构原则
      • 2.1 何谓重构
      • 2.2 两顶帽子
      • 2.3 为何重构
      • 2.4 何时重构
      • 2.5 重构和开发过程

第1章 重构,第一个示例

我这里使用的IDE是IntelliJ IDEA

1.1 重构前

  • plays.js
export const plays = {
    "hamlet": {"name": "Hamlet", "type": "tragedy"},
    "as-like": {"name": "As You Like It", "type": "comedy"},
    "othello": {"name": "Othello", "type": "tragedy"}
  • invoice.js
export const invoice = {
    "customer": "BigCo",
    "performances": [
            "playID": "hamlet",
            "audience": 55
            "playID": "as-like",
            "audience": 35
            "playID": "othello",
            "audience": 40
  • statement.js
import {plays} from "./plays.js";
import {invoice} from "./invoice.js";

function statement(invoice, plays) {
    let totalAmount = 0;
    let volumeCredits = 0;
    let result = `Statement for ${invoice.customer}\n`;
    const format = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
            style: "currency", currency: "USD",
            minimumFractionDigits: 2
    for (let perf of invoice.performances) {
        const play = plays[perf.playID];
        let thisAmount = 0;

        switch (play.type) {
            case "tragedy":
                thisAmount = 40000;
                if (perf.audience > 30) {
                    thisAmount += 1000 * (perf.audience - 30);
            case "comedy":
                thisAmount = 30000;
                if (perf.audience > 20) {
                    thisAmount += 10000 + 500 * (perf.audience - 20);
                thisAmount += 300 * perf.audience;
                throw new Error(`unknown type: ${play.type}`);

        // add volume credits
        volumeCredits += Math.max(perf.audience - 30, 0);
        // add extra credit for every ten comedy attendees
        if ("comedy" === play.type) volumeCredits += Math.floor(perf.audience / 5);

        // print line for this order
        result += ` ${play.name}: ${format(thisAmount / 100)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
        totalAmount += thisAmount;
    result += `Amount owed is ${format(totalAmount / 100)}\n`;
    result += `You earned ${volumeCredits} credits\n`;
    return result;

let res = statement(invoice, plays);
  • package.json
  "name": "untitled",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "type": "module",
  "dependencies": {


Statement for BigCo
 Hamlet: $650.00 (55 seats)
 As You Like It: $580.00 (35 seats)
 Othello: $500.00 (40 seats)
Amount owed is $1,730.00
You earned 47 credits

1.2 重构后

  • plays.js
export const plays = {
    "hamlet": {"name": "Hamlet", "type": "tragedy"},
    "as-like": {"name": "As You Like It", "type": "comedy"},
    "othello": {"name": "Othello", "type": "tragedy"}
  • invoice.js
export const invoice = {
    "customer": "BigCo",
    "performances": [
            "playID": "hamlet",
            "audience": 55
            "playID": "as-like",
            "audience": 35
            "playID": "othello",
            "audience": 40
  • package.json
  "name": "untitled",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "type": "module",
  "dependencies": {
  • createStatementData.js
class PerformanceCalculator {
    constructor(aPerformance, aPlay) {
        this.performance = aPerformance;
        this.play = aPlay;

    get volumeCredits() {
        return Math.max(this.performance.audience - 30, 0);

    get amount() {
        throw new Error("subclass responsibility");

class TragedyCalculator extends PerformanceCalculator {
    get amount() {
        let result = 40000;
        if (this.performance.audience > 30) {
            result += 1000 * (this.performance.audience - 30);
        return result;

class ComedyCalculator extends PerformanceCalculator {
    get amount() {
        let result = 30000;
        if (this.performance.audience > 20) {
            result += 10000 + 500 * (this.performance.audience - 20);
        result += 300 * this.performance.audience;
        return result;

    get volumeCredits() {
        return super.volumeCredits + Math.floor(this.performance.audience / 5);

function createPerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay) {
    switch (aPlay.type) {
        case "tragedy":
            return new TragedyCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay);
        case "comedy":
            return new ComedyCalculator(aPerformance, aPlay);
            throw new Error(`unknown type: ${aPlay.type}`);

export function createStatementData(invoice, plays) {
    const statementData = {};
    statementData.customer = invoice.customer;
    statementData.performances = invoice.performances.map(enrichPerformances);
    statementData.totalAmount = totalAmount(statementData);
    statementData.totalVolumeCredits = totalVolumeCredits(statementData);
    return statementData;

    function enrichPerformances(aPerformance) {
        const calculator = createPerformanceCalculator(aPerformance, playFor(aPerformance));
        const result = Object.assign({}, aPerformance);
        result.play = calculator.play;
        result.amount = calculator.amount;
        result.volumeCredits = calculator.volumeCredits;
        return result;

    function playFor(aPerformance) {
        return plays[aPerformance.playID];

    function totalAmount(data) {
        return data.performances.reduce((total, p) => total + p.amount, 0);

    function totalVolumeCredits(data) {
        return data.performances.reduce((total, p) => total + p.volumeCredits, 0);
  • statement.js
import {plays} from "./plays.js";
import {invoice} from "./invoice.js";
import {createStatementData} from "./createStatementData.js";

function statement(invoice, plays) {
    return renderPlainText(createStatementData(invoice, plays));

function renderPlainText(data) {
    let result = `Statement for ${data.customer}\n`;
    for (let perf of data.performances) {
        result += ` ${perf.play.name}: ${usd(perf.amount)} (${perf.audience} seats)\n`;
    result += `Amount owed is ${usd(data.totalAmount)}\n`;
    result += `You earned ${(data.totalVolumeCredits)} credits\n`;
    return result;

function htmlStatement (invoice, plays) {
    return renderHtml(createStatementData(invoice, plays));
function renderHtml (data) {
    let result = `<h1>Statement for ${data.customer}</h1>\n`;
    result += "<table>\n";
    result += "<tr><th>play</th><th>seats</th><th>cost</th></tr>";
    for (let perf of data.performances) {
        result += ` <tr><td>${perf.play.name}</td><td>${perf.audience}</td>`;
        result += `<td>${usd(perf.amount)}</td></tr>\n`;
    result += "</table>\n";
    result += `<p>Amount owed is <em>${usd(data.totalAmount)}</em></p>\n`;
    result += `<p>You earned <em>${data.totalVolumeCredits}</em> credits</p>\n`;
    return result;

function usd(aNumber) {
    return new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US",
            style: "currency", currency: "USD",
            minimumFractionDigits: 2
        }).format(aNumber / 100);

let res = statement(invoice, plays);
let assert_res = "Statement for BigCo\n" +
    " Hamlet: $650.00 (55 seats)\n" +
    " As You Like It: $580.00 (35 seats)\n" +
    " Othello: $500.00 (40 seats)\n" +
    "Amount owed is $1,730.00\n" +
    "You earned 47 credits\n"

console.log(res === assert_res)

第2章 重构原则

2.1 何谓重构






2.2 两顶帽子

  • 添加新功能:不应该修改已有代码,只关注新功能。增加新测试,通过测试衡量工作进度
  • 重构:只改变程序内部结构,不应该添加测试(存在遗漏),不修改测试(除非接口发生变化)
  • 软件开发在这两者之间切换

2.3 为何重构

  • 改进软件设计:程序的设计在没有重构的情况下逐渐腐败变质,功能的增加或者修改可能使代码越来越难以理解。
  • 软件更容易理解:提高代码可读性。
  • 帮助找出bug:这个是建立在代码容易理解之上的。
  • 提高编程速度:良好设计降低开发和理解成本。


2.4 何时重构

  • 事不过三,三则重构:重复性问题若出现三次,就应该考虑重构。


  • 预备性重构:最佳时机是在添加新功能之前进行,磨刀不误砍柴工。
  • 阅读时重构:遇到难以理解的代码时,考虑是否可以通过重构使其更清晰。
  • 人的思考资源宝贵:重构就是把理解转移到代码中,沉淀知识。
  • 捡垃圾式重构:“童子军军规”——至少让营地比你来时更干净。


  • 日常编程中的重构:重构应是为了自己,而非单独排期。

  • 长期重构:大型重构应由整个团队共同参与,逐步推进。

  • CodeReview时的重构:考虑他人的理解,提高代码和设计的可读性。

  • 添加功能时重构:一方面可能是需要理解需要修改的代码,另一方面是使增加新特性更加容易。

  • 修补错误时重构:出现bug的时候,难以找出问题所在的时候,很有可能是代码不清晰导致查找bug的困难。


  • 不需人理解的抽象代码:不需人常常修改,可放任自流。
  • 重写成本低于重构:若从头开始更经济,无需重构。

2.5 重构和开发过程





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