《计算机英语》Unit2 Operating System and Computer Architecture 操作系统和计算机构造

news2025/3/6 2:46:29

SectionA Operating System操作系统


批处理操作系统(Batch Processing Operating System)
分时操作系统(Time Sharing Operating System)
实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System)
个人操作系统(Personal Operating System)
网络操作系统(NOS, Network Operating System)
分布式操作系统(Distributed Operating System)

An OS should be constructed in such a way as to permit the effective development, testing, and introduction of new system functions without interfering with service.

1. OS as a User/Computer Interface 操作系统作为用户/计算机界面


interface   n. 接口;界面

hierarchical         a分层的

programer   n.程序员

instruction    n. 指令

overwhelmingly         adv无法抵抗的

undertaking        n任务,事业

chore        n杂事

utility     n.工具

I/O      输入/输出

invoke         vt调用

mediator        n中介者,调停者

The hardware and software used in providing applications to a user can be viewed in a layered or hierarchical fashion, as depicted in Figure 2A-1.

If one were to develop an application program as a set of machine instructions that is completely responsible for controlling the computer hardware, one would be faced with an overwhelmingly complex undertaking.

2. OS as Resource Manager 操作系统作为资源管理器


processor    n.处理器

intent        n目的

timing        n定时,同步

relinquish         v放弃

kernel      n.内核

allocation         n分配

execution    n.执行

devote         vt投入于,贡献

span         vt跨越

This includes the kernel, which contains the most frequently used functions in the OS and, at a given time, other portions of the OS currently in use.

The OS decides when an I/O device can be used by a program in execution and controls access to and use of files.

3. Services Provided by OS 操作系统提供的服务


editor         n. 编辑器

debugger       n.调试工具

schedule    v.调度

unauthorized        a未经授权的

conflict         n冲突

malfunction        n故障

inability        n无能为力

statistic        n统计

  • Program execution        程序执行
  • Access to I/O devices        访问I/O设备
  • Controlled access to files        控制文件访问
  • System access        系统访问
  • Error detection and response        错误检测和响应
  • Accounting        会计/计费

For file access, the OS must reflect a detailed understanding of not only the nature of the I/O device but also the structure of the data contained in the files on the storage medium.

For shared or public systems, the OS controls access to the system as a whole and to specific system resources.

4. Ease of Evolution of an Operating System 操作系统的易于进化


paging         n分页

mechanism        n机制

line-at-a-time        行式

modular        a模块化的

contemporary        a现代化的

inadequate        a不够好,不足的

partitioning         n分块

  • Hardware upgrades plus new types of hardware        硬件升级加上新型硬件
  • New services        新服务
  • Fixes        修复

An obvious statement is that the system should be modular in construction, with clearly defined interfaces between the modules, and that it should be well documented.

5.The Development of OS 操作系统的发展


Solaris         操作系统名

enthusiast        n热心者

timesharing         n分时操作

multitasking        n多任务处理

wrestle        v斗争

load balancing         负载平衡

compatible        a兼容的

isolated        a孤立的

vehicle        n汽车

appliance        n家用电器

enbedded system        嵌入式系统

real-time        实时

oversight        n监管

endeaver        n努力

illusion        n错觉,假象

multi-core        多核

genuinely        adv真正地

simultaneously        adv同时地

peripheral        n外部设备

dispatcher        n调度程序

6.Huawei HarmonyOS 华为鸿蒙系统


organically         adv有机地

intelligent terminal        智能终端

in-house operating system         自主研发的操作系统

ecosystem         n生态系统

Internal of Things         物联网

open source         开源


  1. An OS is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between applications and the computer hardware.

  2. The OS provides a variety of facilities and services, such as editors and debuggers.

  3. Instructions and data must be loaded into main memory before being executed.

  4. The OS provides a uniform interface that hides these details so that programmers can access such devices using simple reads and writes.

  5. In the case of a system with multiple users, the OS may provide protection mechanisms to control access to the files.

  6. A variety of errors can occur while a computer system is running. These include internal and external hardware errors, and various software errors.

  7. A good OS will collect usage statistics for various resources and performance parameters such as response time.

  8. The use of graphics terminals and page-mode terminals instead of line-at-a-time scroll mode terminals affects OS design.

  9. Any OS has faults. These are discovered over the course of time and fixes are made.

  10. For large programs, such as the typical contemporary OS, what might be referred to as straightforward modularization is inadequate.


  • Operating System,OS - 操作系统,OS
  • execution - 执行
  • application program - 应用程序
  • interface - 接口
  • hierarchical - 分层的
  • programmer - 程序员
  • instruction - 指令
  • utility - 实用程序
  • editor - 编辑器
  • debugger - 调试器
  • I/O - 输入/输出
  • scheduling - 调度
  • disk drive - 磁盘驱动器
  • internal - 内部的
  • time-sharing - 实时共享
  • multitasking - 多任务
  • load balancing - 负载均衡
  • embedded system - 嵌入式系统
  • real-time - 实时的
  • multi-core - 多核的
  • dispatcher - 分派器
  • scheduler - 调度器
  • parameter - 参数
  • multi-user - 多用户的
  • storage - 存储
  • allocation - 分配
  • processor - 处理器
  • kernel - 内核
  • version - 版本
  • page - 页面
  • modular - 模块化的
  • HarmonyOS - 鸿蒙操作系统
  • intelligent terminal - 智能终端
  • in-house operating system - 自主研发的操作系统
  • self-developed operating system - 自行开发的操作系统
  • software ecosystem - 软件生态系统
  • open source - 开源



For the computer enthusiast who wants to experiment with the internal components of an operating system, there is Linux.

Linux is an operating system originally designed by Linus Torvalds while a student at the University of Helsinki.

It is a nonproprietary product and available, along with its source code and documentation, without charge.

Because it is freely available in source code form, it has become popular among computer hobbyists, students of operating systems, and programmers in general.

Moreover, Linux is recognized as one of the more reliable operating systems available today.

For this reason, several companies now package and market versions of Linux in an easily useable form and these products are now challenging the long-established commercial operating systems on the market.

You can learn more about Linux from the Web site at http://www.linux.org.

SectionB Computer Architecture 计算机构造


central processing unit, CPU        中央处理器,CPU

rack         n机架,货架

shrink         v收缩,缩水

square         n正方形

motherboard        n主板

MID(Mobile Internet Devices)        移动互联设备

arithmetic        n算数,计算

register         n寄存器

extract        v提取

stored-program        存储程序

entity        n实体

pipelining        流水线

nanosecond        n纳秒

throughput        n生产量,吞吐量

overlap        v重叠,相交

pipe         n管子,管道

parallel        a并行的

resemble        v类似的,像

MIMD(multiple-instruction stream,multiple-data stream)        多指令多数据流

SISD(single-instruction stream,single-data stream)        单指令单数据流

unison        n一致,协调

SIMD(single-instruction stream,multiple-data stream)单指令多数据流

conglomerate        n集团,聚块

conple        v连接


  1. The circuitry in a computer that controls the manipulation of data is called the central processing unit, CPU.

  2. A CPU consists of three parts: the arithmetic/logic unit, the control unit, and the register unit. CPU由三部分组成:算术逻辑单元、控制单元和寄存器单元。

  3. The idea of storing a computer's program in its main memory is called the stored-program concept.

  4. The real goal is to improve the machine's throughput, which refers to the total amount of work the machine can accomplish in a given amount of time. 真正的目标是提高机器的吞吐量,这指的是在给定时间内机器能完成的总工作量。

  5. Pipelining can be viewed as a first step toward parallel processing, which is the performance of several activities at the same time. 流水线处理可以被视为迈向并行处理的第一步,即同时执行多项活动。


  • central processing unit, CPU - 中央处理器,CPU
  • microprocessor - 微处理器
  • motherboard - 主板
  • stored-program concept - 存储程序概念
  • register - 寄存器
  • pipelining - 流水线技术
  • throughput - 吞吐量
  • MlMD - 多指令多数据(multiple-instruction stream,multiple-data stream),一种并行处理架构
  • parallel processing - 并行处理
  • SIMD - 单指令多数据(single-instruction stream,multiple-data stream),一种并行处理架构





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