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- 1027. 方格取数
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1027. 方格取数
某人从图中的左上角 A 出发,可以向下行走,也可以向右行走,直到到达右下角的 B 点。
此人从 A 点到 B 点共走了两次,试找出两条这样的路径,使得取得的数字和为最大。
# import
from sys import setrecursionlimit, stdin, stdout, exit
from collections import Counter, deque, defaultdict
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush, nlargest, nsmallest
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase
from math import log, gcd, sqrt, fabs, ceil, floor
from types import GeneratorType
from typing import TypeVar, List, Dict, Any, Callable
# Data structure
class SA:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.x < other.x
# Constants
N = int(20) # If using AR, modify accordingly
M = int(20)
INF = int(2e9)
# Set recursion limit
# Read
input = lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n") # Remove when Mutiple data
read = lambda: map(int, input().split())
read_list = lambda: list(map(int, input().split()))
# Func
class std:
# Recursion
def bootstrap(f, stack=None):
if stack is None:
stack = []
def wrappedfunc(*args, **kwargs):
if stack:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
to = f(*args, **kwargs)
while True:
if isinstance(to, GeneratorType):
to = next(to)
if not stack:
to = stack[-1].send(to)
return to
return wrappedfunc
letter_to_num = staticmethod(lambda x: ord(x.upper()) - 65) # A -> 0
num_to_letter = staticmethod(lambda x: ascii_uppercase[x]) # 0 -> A
array = staticmethod(lambda x=0, size=N: [x] * size)
array2d = staticmethod(
lambda x=0, rows=N, cols=M: [std.array(x, cols) for _ in range(rows)])
max = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a > b else b)
min = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a < b else b)
filter = staticmethod(lambda func, iterable: list(filter(func, iterable)))
# —————————————————————Division line ——————————————————————
n, = read()
w = std.array2d(0, N, N)
f = [std.array2d(0, N, N) for _ in range(N * 2)]
while True:
x, y, num = read()
if x + y + num == 0:
w[x][y] = num
for k in range(2, n + n + 1):
for i1 in range(1, n + 1):
for i2 in range(1, n + 1):
j1 = k - i1
j2 = k - i2
if 1 <= j1 <= n and 1 <= j2 <= n:
t = w[i1][j1]
if i1 != i2:
t += w[i2][j2]
f[k][i1][i2] = max(f[k][i1][i2], f[k - 1][i1 - 1][i2 - 1] + t,
f[k - 1][i1 - 1][i2] + t,
f[k - 1][i1][i2 - 1] + t,
f[k - 1][i1][i2] + t)
print(f[n + n][n][n])