《Brave New Words 》3.4 最重要的学科领域

news2025/3/12 18:47:22

Part III Empowering the Next Innovators

第三部分 赋能下一代创新者


The Most Important Subject-Matter Domain to Master


In the world of education, it’s crucial for developers to field-test their ideas. Essentially, it means taking our educational innovations and interventions out of the hypothetical realm and into the real classroom. It’s about seeing how our ideas perform in the hands of actual teachers and students. If Khanmigo were a cake, students and teachers would be tasting it to help us refine and improve our recipe so that we might make it the best cake possible. By early 2024, we were piloting Khanmigo with more than thirty thousand teachers and students all over the United States. In this case, they were ensuring that Khanmigo met the needs of learners and educators alike through practical and feasible educational goals and standards.

在教育领域,开发人员必须对他们的想法进行实地测试,这一点至关重要。从本质上讲,这意味着将我们的教育创新和干预措施从假设领域带入真实的课堂。这是为了了解我们的想法在实际教师和学生手中的表现。如果 Khanmigo 是一个蛋糕,学生和老师会品尝它,帮助我们完善和改进我们的配方,以便我们能做出最好的蛋糕。到 2024 年初,我们正在与全美超过三万名教师和学生一起试点 Khanmigo。在这种情况下,他们正在确保 Khanmigo 通过切实可行的教育目标和标准来满足学习者和教育工作者的需求。

In those first months, our pilot studies seemed to show us that Khanmigo was helping students level up their skills in STEM and the humanities. Surprisingly, our biggest takeaway in terms of skills learning wasn’t at all domain-specific.

在最初的几个月中,我们的试点研究似乎表明 Khanmigo 正在帮助学生提升他们在 STEM 和人文学科方面的技能。令人惊讶的是,我们在技能学习方面最大的收获与领域无关。

The School City of Hobart in Indiana was one of the first districts in the country to use Khanmigo. After they employed the AI for six months, the biggest gains they saw in their students were in the sphere of self-confidence, which is traditionally very difficult to address in a classroom setting. “Student achievement has to start with building confidence within themselves, confidence that comes from the knowledge that they know they can do it,” Hobart’s superintendent, Peggy Buffington, tells me. “Our job is to make sure that we’re equipping our students with a confidence level in their abilities. The AI is a game changer here.”

印第安纳州霍巴特学区是全国最早使用 Khanmigo 的学区之一。在他们使用 AI 六个月后,学生最大的进步在于自信心的提升,而自信心在传统课堂环境中很难解决。霍巴特学区的主管佩吉·巴芬顿告诉我:“学生的成就必须从他们内心建立信心开始,这种信心来自于知道自己可以做到这一点的知识。我们的工作是确保我们正在培养学生的自信心。AI 在这方面是一个游戏规则改变者。”

Buffington has seen these gains manifest themselves most plainly when watching the level of engagement increase among students in classrooms that have worked with Khanmigo. Where students were once uncomfortable raising their hands in class to ask questions, they are far less afraid to ask the AI tutor questions, she says. Talking to an AI tutor eliminated the specter of potential public shame or anxiety. “It’s making them more engaged, and they love the responses that they get from the AI,” she says. “They come to school and they feel confident in their work. As an educator, I am still going to come back and make sure that the students have applied their own thoughts to that work I’ve assigned to them, but the confidence levels we’re seeing the AI building in these kids is amazing.”

巴芬顿已经看到这些进步最明显地体现在那些与 Khanmigo 合作的课堂上,学生的参与度提高了。她说,以前学生在课堂上不愿意举手问问题,但他们现在不再害怕向 AI 导师提问。与 AI 导师对话消除了潜在的公众羞耻或焦虑。“这使他们更加投入,他们喜欢从 AI 那里得到的回应,”她说。“他们来上学时对自己的工作充满信心。作为教育工作者,我仍会回头确认学生们对我布置给他们的作业进行了自己的思考,但我们看到 AI 在这些孩子身上建立的自信水平是惊人的。”

Tim Krieg, director of secondary curriculum and instruction at School City of Hobart, has an intriguing theory as to why they’re seeing such a big boost. It partly comes from a new conceptualization of education, he says, with the AI essentially showing students that domains, or distinctions between subjects, no longer matter.


“The AI breaks down designations,” Krieg tells me. With Khanmigo, he says, we can show kids how math works with art, how writing works with science, how history works with economics. “Our students are creators, they’re producers, they are songwriters, they are singers, they are podcasters, they are curators of media and information. All of these designations require an increased depth of knowledge,” he says. “Learning is nonlinear; it’s continuous. AI shows us this integrated world.” Our self-confidence, he says, comes from an explicit understanding of the ways everything works together.

克里格告诉我:“AI 打破了界限。”他说,通过 Khanmigo,我们可以向孩子展示数学如何与艺术结合,写作如何与科学结合,历史如何与经济结合。“我们的学生是创作者,他们是生产者,他们是词曲作者,他们是歌手,他们是播客,他们是媒体和信息的策展人。所有这些头衔都需要更深入的知识,”他说。“学习是非线性的,它是持续的。AI 向我们展示了这个融合的世界。”他说,我们的自信来自于对一切如何协同工作的明确理解。

Understanding this point puts our kids in a better position to interact with the world both in and out of the classroom. Once you’ve mastered that knowledge, everything else, comparatively, is a piece of cake.








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