LLMs之PEFT之Llama-2:《LoRA Learns Less and Forgets LessLoRA学得更少但遗忘得也更少》翻译与解读

news2024/10/5 16:44:42

LLMs之PEFT之Llama-2:《LoRA Learns Less and Forgets LessLoRA学得更少但遗忘得也更少》翻译与解读










《LoRA Learns Less and Forgets Less》翻译与解读


1 Introduction引言

Figure 1: Learning vs. forgetting tradeoff curves for Llama-2-7B and Llama-2-13B trained on Starcoder-Python. Gray regions are hypothetical Pareto frontiers for performance on the source domain and the code target domain.图 1:Llama-2-7B 和 Llama-2-13B 在 Starcoder-Python 上的学习与遗忘权衡曲线。灰色区域是源领域和代码目标领域性能的假设帕累托前沿。

6 Discussion讨论

7 Conclusion结论

《LoRA Learns Less and Forgets Less》翻译与解读




2024 年 5 月15 日




Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a widely-used parameter-efficient finetuning method for large language models. LoRA saves memory by training only low rank perturbations to selected weight matrices. In this work, we compare the performance of LoRA and full finetuning on two target domains, programming and mathematics. We consider both the instruction finetuning (≈100K prompt-response pairs) and continued pretraining (≈10B unstructured tokens) data regimes. Our results show that, in most settings, LoRA substantially underperforms full finetuning. Nevertheless, LoRA exhibits a desirable form of regularization: it better maintains the base model’s performance on tasks outside the target domain. We show that LoRA provides stronger regularization compared to common techniques such as weight decay and dropout; it also helps maintain more diverse generations. We show that full finetuning learns perturbations with a rank that is 10-100X greater than typical LoRA configurations, possibly explaining some of the reported gaps. We conclude by proposing best practices for finetuning with LoRA.


1 Introduction引言

Finetuning large language models (LLMs) with billions of weights requires a non-trivial amount of GPU memory. Parameter-efficient finetuning methods reduce the memory footprint during training by freezing a pretrained LLM and only training a small number of additional parameters, often called adapters. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA; Hu et al. (2021)) trains adapters that are low-rank perturbations to selected weight matrices.

Since its introduction, LoRA has been touted as a strict efficiency improvement that does not compromise accuracy on the new, target domain (Hu et al., 2021; Dettmers et al., 2024; Raschka, 2023; Zhao et al., 2024b). However, only a handful of studies benchmark LoRA against full finetuning for LLMs with billions of parameters, (Ivison et al., 2023; Zhuo et al., 2024; Dettmers et al., 2024), reporting mixed results. Some of these studies rely on older models (e.g. RoBERTa), or coarse evaluation benchmarks (such as GLUE or ROUGE) that are less relevant for contemporary LLMs. In contrast, more sensitive domain-specific evaluations, e.g., code, reveal cases where LoRA is inferior to full finetuning (Ivison et al., 2023; Zhuo et al., 2024). Here we ask: under which conditions does LoRA approximate full finetuning accuracy on challenging target domains, such as code and math?



By training fewer parameters, LoRA is assumed to provide a form of regularization that constrains the finetuned model’s behavior to remain close to that of the base model (Sun et al., 2023; Du et al., 2024). We also ask: does LoRA act as a regularizer that mitigates “forgetting” of the source domain?

In this study, we rigorously compare LoRA and full finetuning for Llama-2 7B (and in some cases, 13B) models across two challenging target domains, code and mathematics. Within each domain, we explore two training regimes. The first is instruction finetuning, the common scenario for LoRA involving question-answer datasets with tens to hundreds of millions of tokens. Here, we use Magicoder-Evol-Instruct-110K (Wei et al., 2023)and MetaMathQA (Yu et al., 2023). The second regime is continued pretraining, a less common application for LoRA which involves training on billions of unlabeled tokens; here we use the StarCoder-Python (Li et al., 2023) and OpenWebMath (Paster et al., 2023) datasets (Table 1).


在本研究中,我们严格比较了LoRA和完全微调在Llama-2 7B(某些情况下为13B)模型在代码和数学这两个挑战性目标领域中的表现。在每个领域中,我们探索了两种训练方式。第一种是指令微调,这是一种涉及数千万到数亿个标记的问题回答数据集的常见LoRA场景。在这里,我们使用Magicoder-Evol-Instruct-110K(Wei等,2023)和MetaMathQA(Yu等,2023)。第二种方式是持续预训练,这是LoRA不常见的应用,涉及数十亿个未标记的标记的训练;在这里,我们使用StarCoder-Python(Li等,2023)和OpenWebMath(Paster等,2023)数据集(表1)。

We evaluate target-domain performance (henceforth, learning) via challenging coding and math benchmarks (HumanEval; Chen et al. (2021), and GSM8K; Cobbe et al. (2021)). We evaluate source-domain forgetting performance on language understanding, world knowledge, and common-sense reasoning tasks (Zellers et al., 2019; Sakaguchi et al., 2019; Clark et al., 2018).

We find that for code, LoRA substantially underper-forms full finetuning, whereas for math, LoRA closes more of the gap (Sec. 4.1), while requiring longer training. Despite this performance gap, we show that LoRA better maintains source-domain performance compared to full finetuning (Sec. 4.2). Furthermore, we characterize the tradeoff between performance on the target versus source domain (learning ver-sus forgetting). For a given model size and dataset, we find that LoRA and full finetuning form a simi-lar learning-forgetting tradeoff curve: LoRA’s that learn more generally forget as much as full finetun-ing, though we find cases (for code) where LoRA can learn comparably but forgets less (Sec. 4.3).



We then show that LoRA – even with a less restric-tive rank – provides stronger regularization when compared to classic regularization methods such as dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014), and weight decay (Goodfellow et al., 2016). We also show that LoRA provides regularization at the output level: we ana-lyze the generated solutions to HumanEval problems and find that while full finetuning collapses to a lim-ited set of solutions, LoRA maintains a diversity of solutions more similar to the base model (Sun et al., 2023; Du et al., 2024).

Why does LoRA underperform full finetuning? LoRA was originally motivated in part by the hypothesis that finetuning results in low-rank perturbations to the base model’s weight matrix (Li et al., 2018; Aghajanyan et al., 2020; Hu et al., 2021). However, the tasks explored by these works are relatively easy for modern LLMs, and certainly easier than the coding and math domains studied here. Thus, we perform a singular value decomposition to show that full finetuning barely changes the spectrum of the base model’s weight matrices, and yet the difference between the two (i.e. the perturbation) is high rank. The rank of the perturbation grows as training progresses, with ranks 10-100× higher than typical LoRA configurations (Figure 7).



We conclude by proposing best practices for training models with LoRA. We find that LoRA is especially sensitive to learning rates, and that the performance is affected mostly by the choice of target modules and to a smaller extent by rank.

To summarize, we contribute the following results:

• Full finetuning is more accurate and sample-efficient than LoRA in code and math (Sec.4.1).

• LoRA forgets less of the source domain, providing a form of regularization (Sec. 4.2 and 4.3).

• LoRA’s regularization is stronger compared to common regularization techniques; it also helps maintaining the diversity of generations (Sec. 4.4).

• Full finetuning finds high rank weight perturbations (Sec. 4.5).

• Compared to full finetuning, LoRA is more sensitive to hyperparameters, namely learning rate, target modules, and rank (in decreasing order; Sec. 4.6) .



>> 完全微调在代码和数学上比LoRA更准确且样本效率更高(第4.1节)。

>> LoRA对源领域遗忘较少,提供了一种正则化形式(第4.2节和第4.3节)。

>> LoRA的正则化比常见的正则化技术更强;它还帮助维持生成的多样性(第4.4节)。

>> 完全微调找到了高秩权重扰动(第4.5节)。

>> 与完全微调相比,LoRA对超参数更敏感,即学习率、目标模块和秩(按递减顺序;第4.6节)。

Figure 1: Learning vs. forgetting tradeoff curves for Llama-2-7B and Llama-2-13B trained on Starcoder-Python. Gray regions are hypothetical Pareto frontiers for performance on the source domain and the code target domain.图 1:Llama-2-7B 和 Llama-2-13B 在 Starcoder-Python 上的学习与遗忘权衡曲线。灰色区域是源领域和代码目标领域性能的假设帕累托前沿。

6 Discussion讨论

Does the difference between LoRA and full finetuning decrease with model size? Studies in the past have hinted at a relationship between the effectiveness of finetuning and model size (Aghajanyan et al., 2020; Hu et al., 2021; Zhuo et al., 2024). While recent studies have successfully applied LoRA to 70B parameter models (Ivison et al., 2023; Yu et al., 2023), we leave a rigorous study of these intriguing scaling properties to future work.

LoRA与全微调之间的差异是否随着模型大小的增加而减少?过去的研究暗示了微调有效性与模型大小之间的关系(Aghajanyan et al., 2020; Hu et al., 2021; Zhuo et al., 2024)。虽然最近的研究已成功将LoRA应用于70B参数模型(Ivison et al., 2023; Yu et al., 2023),但我们把对这些迷人扩展性质的严格研究留作未来工作。

Limitations of the spectral analysis. The observation that full finetuning tends to find high rank solutions does not rule out the possibility of low-rank solutions; rather, it shows that they are not typically found. An alternative interpretation is that the rank needed to reconstruct the weight matrix is higher than the rank needed for a downstream task.


Why does LoRA perform well on math and not code? One hypothesis is that math datasets involve a smaller domain shift; they include a larger percentage of English and lead to decreased forgetting. The second hypothesis is that the GSM8K evaluation is too easy and does not capture the new college-level math learned in finetuning.


7 Conclusion结论

This work sheds light on the downstream performance of contemporary LLMs (with 7 and 13 billion parameters) trained with LoRA. Different from most prior work, we use domain-specific datasets in code and math, associated with sensitive evaluation metrics. We show that LoRA underperforms full finetuning in both domains. We also show that LoRA keeps the finetuned model’s behavior close to that of the base model, with diminished source-domain forgetting and more diverse generations at inference time. We investigate LoRA’s regularization properties, and show that full finetuning finds weight perturbations are far from being low-rank. We conclude by analyzing LoRA’s increased sensitivity to hyperparameters and highlighting best practices.





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