CGAL 点云数据生成DSM、DTM、等高线和数据分类

news2024/11/17 15:41:31

原文链接 CGAL 点云数据生成DSM、DTM、等高线和数据分类 - 知乎

在GIS应用软件中使用的许多传感器(如激光雷达)都会产生密集的点云。这类应用软件通常利用更高级的数据结构:如:不规则三角格网 (TIN)是生成数字高程模型 (DEM) 的基础,也可以利用TIN生成数字地形模型 (DTM)。对点云数据进行分类,提取地面、植被和建筑点(或其他用户定义的标签)等分类数据,从而使得获取的信息更加丰富。


  • TIN:不规则三角格网,一种 2D 三角剖分结构,根据 3D 点在水平面上的投影关系连接它们,使用众多三角形构造地物表面。
  • DSM:数字表面模型,包括建筑和植被的整个扫描表面的模型。CGAL中使用一个TIN来存储DSM。
  • DTM:数字地形模型,一个没有建筑物或植被等物体的裸地面模型。CGAL中使用TIN和光栅来存储DTM。
  • DEM:数字高程模型,是一个更通用的术语,包括DSM和DTM。




using Kernel = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel;
using Projection_traits = CGAL::Projection_traits_xy_3<Kernel>;
using Point_2 = Kernel::Point_2;
using Point_3 = Kernel::Point_3;
using Segment_3 = Kernel::Segment_3;

// Triangulated Irregular Network
using TIN = CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<Projection_traits>;


许多格式的点云(XYZ, OFF, PLY, LAS)都可以使用流操作符轻松加载到CGAL::Point_set_3结构中,然后生成存DSM储在TIN中。DSM表示如下:

// Read points
  std::ifstream ifile (fname, std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::Point_set_3<Point_3> points;
  ifile >> points;
  std::cerr << points.size() << " point(s) read" << std::endl;

  // Create DSM
  TIN dsm (points.points().begin(), points.points().end());


using Mesh = CGAL::Surface_mesh<Point_3>;

  Mesh dsm_mesh;
  CGAL::copy_face_graph (dsm, dsm_mesh);
  std::ofstream dsm_ofile ("dsm.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dsm_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dsm_ofile, dsm_mesh);



DSM 是 计算DTM的基础,将DSM上的非地形点进行数据清洗后,通过计算可以生成DTM,即另一个用TIN表示的DTM。作为一个例子,可以通过以下步骤计算得到一个 DTM :

  • 设置高度阈值消除高度的剧烈变化
  • 设置周长阈值聚类周边的地物作为连接的组件
  • 过滤所有小于定义阈值的组件

该算法依赖于 2 个参数:高度阈值对应于建筑物的最小高度,以及周长阈值对应于 2D 投影上建筑物的最大尺寸。

3.1 带有信息的TIN

CGAL Delaunay 提供了一组三角测量的 API,用于计算顶点、三角面的空间相互关系,可以获取比TIN本身更多的信息。在例子中,计算每个顶点跟踪的输入点云中对应点索引,并且每个面都被赋予其连接组件的索引。

auto idx_to_point_with_info
    = [&](const Point_set::Index& idx) -> std::pair<Point_3, Point_set::Index>
        return std::make_pair (points.point(idx), idx);

  TIN_with_info tin_with_info
    (boost::make_transform_iterator (points.begin(), idx_to_point_with_info),
     boost::make_transform_iterator (points.end(), idx_to_point_with_info));

3.2 识别连接组件


double spacing = CGAL::compute_average_spacing<Concurrency_tag>(points, 6);
  spacing *= 2;

  auto face_height
    = [&](const TIN_with_info::Face_handle fh) -> double
        double out = 0.;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
          out = (std::max) (out, CGAL::abs(fh->vertex(i)->point().z() - fh->vertex((i+1)%3)->point().z()));
        return out;

  // Initialize faces info
  for (TIN_with_info::Face_handle fh : tin_with_info.all_face_handles())
    if (tin_with_info.is_infinite(fh) || face_height(fh) > spacing) // Filtered faces are given info() = -2
      fh->info() = -2;
    else // Pending faces are given info() = -1;
      fh->info() = -1;

  // Flooding algorithm
  std::vector<int> component_size;
  for (TIN_with_info::Face_handle fh : tin_with_info.finite_face_handles())
    if (fh->info() != -1)

    std::queue<TIN_with_info::Face_handle> todo;

    int size = 0;
    while (!todo.empty())
      TIN_with_info::Face_handle current = todo.front();

      if (current->info() != -1)
      current->info() = int(component_size.size());
      ++ size;

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
        todo.push (current->neighbor(i));

    component_size.push_back (size);

  std::cerr << component_size.size() << " connected component(s) found" << std::endl;


Mesh tin_colored_mesh;

  Mesh::Property_map<Mesh::Face_index, CGAL::IO::Color>
    color_map = tin_colored_mesh.add_property_map<Mesh::Face_index, CGAL::IO::Color>("f:color").first;

  CGAL::copy_face_graph (tin_with_info, tin_colored_mesh,
                          ([&](const std::pair<TIN_with_info::Face_handle, Mesh::Face_index>& ff)
                             // Color unassigned faces gray
                             if (ff.first->info() < 0)
                               color_map[ff.second] = CGAL::IO::Color(128, 128, 128);
                               // Random color seeded by the component ID
                               CGAL::Random r (ff.first->info());
                               color_map[ff.second] = CGAL::IO::Color (r.get_int(64, 192),
                                                                   r.get_int(64, 192),
                                                                   r.get_int(64, 192));

  std::ofstream tin_colored_ofile ("colored_tin.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (tin_colored_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (tin_colored_ofile, tin_colored_mesh);


3.3 数据清洗


int min_size = int(points.size() / 2);

  std::vector<TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle> to_remove;
  for (TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle vh : tin_with_info.finite_vertex_handles())
    TIN_with_info::Face_circulator circ = tin_with_info.incident_faces (vh),
      start = circ;

    // Remove a vertex if it's only adjacent to components smaller than threshold
    bool keep = false;
      if (circ->info() >= 0 && component_size[std::size_t(circ->info())] > min_size)
        keep = true;
    while (++ circ != start);

    if (!keep)
      to_remove.push_back (vh);

  std::cerr << to_remove.size() << " vertices(s) will be removed after filtering" << std::endl;
  for (TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle vh : to_remove)
    tin_with_info.remove (vh);

3.4 孔洞填充和网格重建

因为简单地移除被建筑物覆盖的大面积的顶点会导致生成大的Delaunay三角面片,从而造成DTM的质量较差,对于这些孔洞,使用孔填充算法填充对孔进行三角测量、细化和平整,以生成形状更好的网格数据模型。以下代码段将 TIN 复制到网格中,同时过滤掉过大的面,然后识别孔并填充所有孔,除了最大的孔(即外壳)。

// Copy and keep track of overly large faces
  Mesh dtm_mesh;

  std::vector<Mesh::Face_index> face_selection;
  Mesh::Property_map<Mesh::Face_index, bool> face_selection_map
   = dtm_mesh.add_property_map<Mesh::Face_index, bool>("is_selected", false).first;

  double limit = CGAL::square (5 * spacing);
  CGAL::copy_face_graph (tin_with_info, dtm_mesh,
                          ([&](const std::pair<TIN_with_info::Face_handle, Mesh::Face_index>& ff)
                             double longest_edge = 0.;
                             bool border = false;
                             for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
                               longest_edge = (std::max)(longest_edge, CGAL::squared_distance

                               TIN_with_info::Face_circulator circ
                                 = tin_with_info.incident_faces (ff.first->vertex(i)),
                                 start = circ;
                                 if (tin_with_info.is_infinite (circ))
                                   border = true;
                               while (++ circ != start);

                               if (border)

                             // Select if face is too big AND it's not
                             // on the border (to have closed holes)
                             if (!border && longest_edge > limit)
                               face_selection_map[ff.second] = true;
                               face_selection.push_back (ff.second);

  // Save original DTM
  std::ofstream dtm_ofile ("dtm.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_ofile, dtm_mesh);

  std::cerr << face_selection.size() << " face(s) are selected for removal" << std::endl;

  // Expand face selection to keep a well formed 2-manifold mesh after removal
  CGAL::expand_face_selection_for_removal (face_selection, dtm_mesh, face_selection_map);
  for (Mesh::Face_index fi : faces(dtm_mesh))
    if (face_selection_map[fi])

  std::cerr << face_selection.size() << " face(s) are selected for removal after expansion" << std::endl;

  for (Mesh::Face_index fi : face_selection)
    CGAL::Euler::remove_face (halfedge(fi, dtm_mesh), dtm_mesh);

  if (!dtm_mesh.is_valid())
    std::cerr << "Invalid mesh!" << std::endl;

  // Save filtered DTM
  std::ofstream dtm_holes_ofile ("dtm_with_holes.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_holes_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_holes_ofile, dtm_mesh);

  // Get all holes
  std::vector<Mesh::Halfedge_index> holes;
  CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::extract_boundary_cycles (dtm_mesh, std::back_inserter (holes));

  std::cerr << holes.size() << " hole(s) identified" << std::endl;

  // Identify outer hull (hole with maximum size)
  double max_size = 0.;
  Mesh::Halfedge_index outer_hull;
  for (Mesh::Halfedge_index hi : holes)
    CGAL::Bbox_3 hole_bbox;
    for (Mesh::Halfedge_index haf : CGAL::halfedges_around_face(hi, dtm_mesh))
      const Point_3& p = dtm_mesh.point(target(haf, dtm_mesh));
      hole_bbox += p.bbox();
    double size = CGAL::squared_distance (Point_2(hole_bbox.xmin(), hole_bbox.ymin()),
                                          Point_2(hole_bbox.xmax(), hole_bbox.ymax()));
    if (size > max_size)
      max_size = size;
      outer_hull = hi;

  // Fill all holes except the bigest (which is the outer hull of the mesh)
  for (Mesh::Halfedge_index hi : holes)
    if (hi != outer_hull)
        (dtm_mesh, hi, CGAL::Emptyset_iterator(), CGAL::Emptyset_iterator());

  // Save DTM with holes filled
  std::ofstream dtm_filled_ofile ("dtm_filled.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_filled_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_filled_ofile, dtm_mesh);


CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::isotropic_remeshing (faces(dtm_mesh), spacing, dtm_mesh);

  std::ofstream dtm_remeshed_ofile ("dtm_remeshed.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_remeshed_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_remeshed_ofile, dtm_mesh);

4 光栅化


CGAL::Bbox_3 bbox = CGAL::bbox_3 (points.points().begin(), points.points().end());

  // Generate raster image 1920-pixels large
  std::size_t width = 1920;
  std::size_t height = std::size_t((bbox.ymax() - bbox.ymin()) * 1920 / (bbox.xmax() - bbox.xmin()));

  std::cerr << "Rastering with resolution " << width << "x" << height << std::endl;

  // Use PPM format (Portable PixMap) for simplicity
  std::ofstream raster_ofile ("raster.ppm", std::ios_base::binary);

  // PPM header
  raster_ofile << "P6" << std::endl // magic number
               << width << " " << height << std::endl // dimensions of the image
               << 255 << std::endl; // maximum color value

  // Use rainbow color ramp output
  Color_ramp color_ramp;

  // Keeping track of location from one point to its neighbor allows
  // for fast locate in DT
  TIN::Face_handle location;

  // Query each pixel of the image
  for (std::size_t y = 0; y < height; ++ y)
    for (std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++ x)
      Point_3 query (bbox.xmin() + x * (bbox.xmax() - bbox.xmin()) / double(width),
                     bbox.ymin() + (height-y) * (bbox.ymax() - bbox.ymin()) / double(height),
                     0); // not relevant for location in 2D

      location = dtm_clean.locate (query, location);

      // Points outside the convex hull will be colored black
      std::array<unsigned char, 3> colors { 0, 0, 0 };
      if (!dtm_clean.is_infinite(location))
        std::array<double, 3> barycentric_coordinates
          = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::barycentric_coordinates
          (Point_2 (location->vertex(0)->point().x(), location->vertex(0)->point().y()),
           Point_2 (location->vertex(1)->point().x(), location->vertex(1)->point().y()),
           Point_2 (location->vertex(2)->point().x(), location->vertex(2)->point().y()),
           Point_2 (query.x(), query.y()),

        double height_at_query
          = (barycentric_coordinates[0] * location->vertex(0)->point().z()
             + barycentric_coordinates[1] * location->vertex(1)->point().z()
             + barycentric_coordinates[2] * location->vertex(2)->point().z());

        // Color ramp generates a color depending on a value from 0 to 1
        double height_ratio = (height_at_query - bbox.zmin()) / (bbox.zmax() - bbox.zmin());
        colors = color_ramp.get(height_ratio);
      raster_ofile.write (reinterpret_cast<char*>(&colors), 3);



5 等高线生成




bool face_has_isovalue (TIN::Face_handle fh, double isovalue)
  bool above = false, below = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
    // Face has isovalue if one of its vertices is above and another
    // one below
    if (fh->vertex(i)->point().z() > isovalue)
      above = true;
    if (fh->vertex(i)->point().z() < isovalue)
      below = true;

  return (above && below);

Segment_3 isocontour_in_face (TIN::Face_handle fh, double isovalue)
  Point_3 source;
  Point_3 target;
  bool source_found = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
    Point_3 p0 = fh->vertex((i+1) % 3)->point();
    Point_3 p1 = fh->vertex((i+2) % 3)->point();

    // Check if the isovalue crosses segment (p0,p1)
    if ((p0.z() - isovalue) * (p1.z() - isovalue) > 0)

    double zbottom = p0.z();
    double ztop = p1.z();
    if (zbottom > ztop)
      std::swap (zbottom, ztop);
      std::swap (p0, p1);

    // Compute position of segment vertex
    double ratio = (isovalue - zbottom) / (ztop - zbottom);
    Point_3 p = CGAL::barycenter (p0, (1 - ratio), p1,ratio);

    if (source_found)
      target = p;
      source = p;
      source_found = true;

  return Segment_3 (source, target);

 通过这些函数,我们可以创建一个线段图,然后将其处理成一组折线。为此,我们使用`boost::adjacency_list`结构,并跟踪从端点到顶点的映射。下以下代码计算最小和最大高度差的50 个等值,并创建一个包含所有等值的图形:

std::array<double, 50> isovalues; // Contour 50 isovalues
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < isovalues.size(); ++ i)
    isovalues[i] = bbox.zmin() + ((i+1) * (bbox.zmax() - bbox.zmin()) / (isovalues.size() - 2));

  // First find on each face if they are crossed by some isovalues and
  // extract segments in a graph
  using Segment_graph = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, Point_3>;
  Segment_graph graph;
  using Map_p2v = std::map<Point_3, Segment_graph::vertex_descriptor>;
  Map_p2v map_p2v;
  for (TIN::Face_handle vh : dtm_clean.finite_face_handles())
    for (double iv : isovalues)
      if (face_has_isovalue (vh, iv))
        Segment_3 segment = isocontour_in_face (vh, iv);
        for (const Point_3& p : { segment.source(), })
          // Only insert end points of segments once to get a well connected graph
          Map_p2v::iterator iter;
          bool inserted;
          std::tie (iter, inserted) = map_p2v.insert (std::make_pair (p, Segment_graph::vertex_descriptor()));
          if (inserted)
            iter->second = boost::add_vertex (graph);
            graph[iter->second] = p;
        boost::add_edge (map_p2v[segment.source()], map_p2v[], graph);



// Split segments into polylines
  std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> > polylines;
  Polylines_visitor<Segment_graph> visitor (graph, polylines);
  CGAL::split_graph_into_polylines (graph, visitor);

  std::cerr << polylines.size() << " polylines computed, with "
            << map_p2v.size() << " vertices in total" << std::endl;

  // Output to WKT file
  std::ofstream contour_ofile ("contour.wkt");
  CGAL::IO::write_multi_linestring_WKT (contour_ofile, polylines);


template <typename Graph>
class Polylines_visitor
  std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> >& polylines;
  Graph& graph;


  Polylines_visitor (Graph& graph, std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> >& polylines)
    : polylines (polylines), graph(graph) { }

  void start_new_polyline()
    polylines.push_back (std::vector<Point_3>());

  void add_node (typename Graph::vertex_descriptor vd)
    polylines.back().push_back (graph[vd]);

  void end_polyline()
    // filter small polylines
    if (polylines.back().size() < 50)

 5.3 等高线简化


namespace PS = CGAL::Polyline_simplification_2;
using CDT_vertex_base = PS::Vertex_base_2<Projection_traits>;
using CDT_face_base = CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_face_base_2<Projection_traits>;
using CDT_TDS = CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<CDT_vertex_base, CDT_face_base>;
using CDT = CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2<Projection_traits, CDT_TDS>;
using CTP = CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<CDT>;


// Construct constrained Delaunay triangulation with polylines as constraints
  CTP ctp;
  for (const std::vector<Point_3>& poly : polylines)
    ctp.insert_constraint (poly.begin(), poly.end());

  // Simplification algorithm with limit on distance
  PS::simplify (ctp, PS::Squared_distance_cost(), PS::Stop_above_cost_threshold (16 * spacing * spacing));

  for (CTP::Constraint_id cid : ctp.constraints())
    polylines.push_back (std::vector<Point_3>());
    polylines.back().reserve (ctp.vertices_in_constraint (cid).size());
    for (CTP::Vertex_handle vh : ctp.vertices_in_constraint(cid))
      polylines.back().push_back (vh->point());

  std::size_t nb_vertices
    = std::accumulate (polylines.begin(), polylines.end(), std::size_t(0),
                       [](std::size_t size, const std::vector<Point_3>& poly) -> std::size_t
                       { return size + poly.size(); });

  std::cerr << nb_vertices
            << " vertices remaining after simplification ("
            << 100. * (nb_vertices / double(map_p2v.size())) << "%)" << std::endl;

  // Output to WKT file
  std::ofstream simplified_ofile ("simplified.wkt");
  CGAL::IO::write_multi_linestring_WKT (simplified_ofile, polylines);




// Get training from input
  Point_set::Property_map<int> training_map;
  bool training_found;
  std::tie (training_map, training_found) = points.property_map<int>("training");

  if (training_found)
    std::cerr << "Classifying ground/vegetation/building" << std::endl;

    // Create labels
    Classification::Label_set labels ({ "ground", "vegetation", "building" });

    // Generate features
    Classification::Feature_set features;
    Classification::Point_set_feature_generator<Kernel, Point_set, Point_set::Point_map>
      generator (points, points.point_map(), 5); // 5 scales

    // If TBB is used, features can be computed in parallel
    generator.generate_point_based_features (features);
    generator.generate_point_based_features (features);

    // Train a random forest classifier
    Classification::ETHZ::Random_forest_classifier classifier (labels, features);
    classifier.train (points.range(training_map));

    // Classify with graphcut regularization
    Point_set::Property_map<int> label_map = points.add_property_map<int>("labels").first;
      (points, points.point_map(), labels, classifier,
       generator.neighborhood().k_neighbor_query(12), // regularize on 12-neighbors graph
       0.5f, // graphcut weight
       12, // Subdivide to speed-up process

    // Evaluate
    std::cerr << "Mean IoU on training data = "
              << Classification::Evaluation(labels,
                                            points.range(label_map)).mean_intersection_over_union() << std::endl;

    // Save the classified point set
    std::ofstream classified_ofile ("classified.ply");
    CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (classified_ofile);
    classified_ofile << points;




#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/Projection_traits_xy_3.h>

#include <CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2.h>

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/graph_traits_Delaunay_triangulation_2.h>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/copy_face_graph.h>

#include <CGAL/Point_set_3.h>
#include <CGAL/Point_set_3/IO.h>
#include <CGAL/compute_average_spacing.h>

#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/locate.h>

#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/border.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/remesh.h>

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/split_graph_into_polylines.h>

#include <CGAL/IO/WKT.h>

#include <CGAL/Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2.h>
#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

#include <CGAL/Polyline_simplification_2/simplify.h>
#include <CGAL/Polyline_simplification_2/Squared_distance_cost.h>

#include <CGAL/Classification.h>

#include <CGAL/Random.h>

#include <fstream>
#include <queue>

#include "include/Color_ramp.h"

using Kernel = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel;
using Projection_traits = CGAL::Projection_traits_xy_3<Kernel>;
using Point_2 = Kernel::Point_2;
using Point_3 = Kernel::Point_3;
using Segment_3 = Kernel::Segment_3;

// Triangulated Irregular Network
using TIN = CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<Projection_traits>;

// Triangulated Irregular Network (with info)
using Point_set = CGAL::Point_set_3<Point_3>;
using Vbi = CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_2 <Point_set::Index, Projection_traits>;
using Fbi = CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_with_info_2<int, Projection_traits>;
using TDS = CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<Vbi, Fbi>;
using TIN_with_info = CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<Projection_traits, TDS>;

namespace Classification = CGAL::Classification;

using Concurrency_tag = CGAL::Parallel_tag;
using Concurrency_tag = CGAL::Sequential_tag;

bool face_has_isovalue (TIN::Face_handle fh, double isovalue)
  bool above = false, below = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
    // Face has isovalue if one of its vertices is above and another
    // one below
    if (fh->vertex(i)->point().z() > isovalue)
      above = true;
    if (fh->vertex(i)->point().z() < isovalue)
      below = true;

  return (above && below);

Segment_3 isocontour_in_face (TIN::Face_handle fh, double isovalue)
  Point_3 source;
  Point_3 target;
  bool source_found = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
    Point_3 p0 = fh->vertex((i+1) % 3)->point();
    Point_3 p1 = fh->vertex((i+2) % 3)->point();

    // Check if the isovalue crosses segment (p0,p1)
    if ((p0.z() - isovalue) * (p1.z() - isovalue) > 0)

    double zbottom = p0.z();
    double ztop = p1.z();
    if (zbottom > ztop)
      std::swap (zbottom, ztop);
      std::swap (p0, p1);

    // Compute position of segment vertex
    double ratio = (isovalue - zbottom) / (ztop - zbottom);
    Point_3 p = CGAL::barycenter (p0, (1 - ratio), p1,ratio);

    if (source_found)
      target = p;
      source = p;
      source_found = true;

  return Segment_3 (source, target);

template <typename Graph>
class Polylines_visitor
  std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> >& polylines;
  Graph& graph;


  Polylines_visitor (Graph& graph, std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> >& polylines)
    : polylines (polylines), graph(graph) { }

  void start_new_polyline()
    polylines.push_back (std::vector<Point_3>());

  void add_node (typename Graph::vertex_descriptor vd)
    polylines.back().push_back (graph[vd]);

  void end_polyline()
    // filter small polylines
    if (polylines.back().size() < 50)

namespace PS = CGAL::Polyline_simplification_2;
using CDT_vertex_base = PS::Vertex_base_2<Projection_traits>;
using CDT_face_base = CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_face_base_2<Projection_traits>;
using CDT_TDS = CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2<CDT_vertex_base, CDT_face_base>;
using CDT = CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2<Projection_traits, CDT_TDS>;
using CTP = CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<CDT>;

int main (int argc, char** argv)
  const std::string fname = argc != 2 ? CGAL::data_file_path("points_3/b9_training.ply") : argv[1];
  if (argc != 2)
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " points.ply" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Running with default value " << fname << "\n";

  // Read points
  std::ifstream ifile (fname, std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::Point_set_3<Point_3> points;
  ifile >> points;
  std::cerr << points.size() << " point(s) read" << std::endl;

  // Create DSM
  TIN dsm (points.points().begin(), points.points().end());

  using Mesh = CGAL::Surface_mesh<Point_3>;

  Mesh dsm_mesh;
  CGAL::copy_face_graph (dsm, dsm_mesh);
  std::ofstream dsm_ofile ("dsm.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dsm_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dsm_ofile, dsm_mesh);

  auto idx_to_point_with_info
    = [&](const Point_set::Index& idx) -> std::pair<Point_3, Point_set::Index>
        return std::make_pair (points.point(idx), idx);

  TIN_with_info tin_with_info
    (boost::make_transform_iterator (points.begin(), idx_to_point_with_info),
     boost::make_transform_iterator (points.end(), idx_to_point_with_info));

  double spacing = CGAL::compute_average_spacing<Concurrency_tag>(points, 6);
  spacing *= 2;

  auto face_height
    = [&](const TIN_with_info::Face_handle fh) -> double
        double out = 0.;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
          out = (std::max) (out, CGAL::abs(fh->vertex(i)->point().z() - fh->vertex((i+1)%3)->point().z()));
        return out;

  // Initialize faces info
  for (TIN_with_info::Face_handle fh : tin_with_info.all_face_handles())
    if (tin_with_info.is_infinite(fh) || face_height(fh) > spacing) // Filtered faces are given info() = -2
      fh->info() = -2;
    else // Pending faces are given info() = -1;
      fh->info() = -1;

  // Flooding algorithm
  std::vector<int> component_size;
  for (TIN_with_info::Face_handle fh : tin_with_info.finite_face_handles())
    if (fh->info() != -1)

    std::queue<TIN_with_info::Face_handle> todo;

    int size = 0;
    while (!todo.empty())
      TIN_with_info::Face_handle current = todo.front();

      if (current->info() != -1)
      current->info() = int(component_size.size());
      ++ size;

      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
        todo.push (current->neighbor(i));

    component_size.push_back (size);

  std::cerr << component_size.size() << " connected component(s) found" << std::endl;

  Mesh tin_colored_mesh;

  Mesh::Property_map<Mesh::Face_index, CGAL::IO::Color>
    color_map = tin_colored_mesh.add_property_map<Mesh::Face_index, CGAL::IO::Color>("f:color").first;

  CGAL::copy_face_graph (tin_with_info, tin_colored_mesh,
                          ([&](const std::pair<TIN_with_info::Face_handle, Mesh::Face_index>& ff)
                             // Color unassigned faces gray
                             if (ff.first->info() < 0)
                               color_map[ff.second] = CGAL::IO::Color(128, 128, 128);
                               // Random color seeded by the component ID
                               CGAL::Random r (ff.first->info());
                               color_map[ff.second] = CGAL::IO::Color (r.get_int(64, 192),
                                                                   r.get_int(64, 192),
                                                                   r.get_int(64, 192));

  std::ofstream tin_colored_ofile ("colored_tin.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (tin_colored_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (tin_colored_ofile, tin_colored_mesh);

  int min_size = int(points.size() / 2);

  std::vector<TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle> to_remove;
  for (TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle vh : tin_with_info.finite_vertex_handles())
    TIN_with_info::Face_circulator circ = tin_with_info.incident_faces (vh),
      start = circ;

    // Remove a vertex if it's only adjacent to components smaller than threshold
    bool keep = false;
      if (circ->info() >= 0 && component_size[std::size_t(circ->info())] > min_size)
        keep = true;
    while (++ circ != start);

    if (!keep)
      to_remove.push_back (vh);

  std::cerr << to_remove.size() << " vertices(s) will be removed after filtering" << std::endl;
  for (TIN_with_info::Vertex_handle vh : to_remove)
    tin_with_info.remove (vh);

  // Copy and keep track of overly large faces
  Mesh dtm_mesh;

  std::vector<Mesh::Face_index> face_selection;
  Mesh::Property_map<Mesh::Face_index, bool> face_selection_map
   = dtm_mesh.add_property_map<Mesh::Face_index, bool>("is_selected", false).first;

  double limit = CGAL::square (5 * spacing);
  CGAL::copy_face_graph (tin_with_info, dtm_mesh,
                          ([&](const std::pair<TIN_with_info::Face_handle, Mesh::Face_index>& ff)
                             double longest_edge = 0.;
                             bool border = false;
                             for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
                               longest_edge = (std::max)(longest_edge, CGAL::squared_distance

                               TIN_with_info::Face_circulator circ
                                 = tin_with_info.incident_faces (ff.first->vertex(i)),
                                 start = circ;
                                 if (tin_with_info.is_infinite (circ))
                                   border = true;
                               while (++ circ != start);

                               if (border)

                             // Select if face is too big AND it's not
                             // on the border (to have closed holes)
                             if (!border && longest_edge > limit)
                               face_selection_map[ff.second] = true;
                               face_selection.push_back (ff.second);

  // Save original DTM
  std::ofstream dtm_ofile ("dtm.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_ofile, dtm_mesh);

  std::cerr << face_selection.size() << " face(s) are selected for removal" << std::endl;

  // Expand face selection to keep a well formed 2-manifold mesh after removal
  CGAL::expand_face_selection_for_removal (face_selection, dtm_mesh, face_selection_map);
  for (Mesh::Face_index fi : faces(dtm_mesh))
    if (face_selection_map[fi])

  std::cerr << face_selection.size() << " face(s) are selected for removal after expansion" << std::endl;

  for (Mesh::Face_index fi : face_selection)
    CGAL::Euler::remove_face (halfedge(fi, dtm_mesh), dtm_mesh);

  if (!dtm_mesh.is_valid())
    std::cerr << "Invalid mesh!" << std::endl;

  // Save filtered DTM
  std::ofstream dtm_holes_ofile ("dtm_with_holes.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_holes_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_holes_ofile, dtm_mesh);

  // Get all holes
  std::vector<Mesh::Halfedge_index> holes;
  CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::extract_boundary_cycles (dtm_mesh, std::back_inserter (holes));

  std::cerr << holes.size() << " hole(s) identified" << std::endl;

  // Identify outer hull (hole with maximum size)
  double max_size = 0.;
  Mesh::Halfedge_index outer_hull;
  for (Mesh::Halfedge_index hi : holes)
    CGAL::Bbox_3 hole_bbox;
    for (Mesh::Halfedge_index haf : CGAL::halfedges_around_face(hi, dtm_mesh))
      const Point_3& p = dtm_mesh.point(target(haf, dtm_mesh));
      hole_bbox += p.bbox();
    double size = CGAL::squared_distance (Point_2(hole_bbox.xmin(), hole_bbox.ymin()),
                                          Point_2(hole_bbox.xmax(), hole_bbox.ymax()));
    if (size > max_size)
      max_size = size;
      outer_hull = hi;

  // Fill all holes except the bigest (which is the outer hull of the mesh)
  for (Mesh::Halfedge_index hi : holes)
    if (hi != outer_hull)
        (dtm_mesh, hi, CGAL::Emptyset_iterator(), CGAL::Emptyset_iterator());

  // Save DTM with holes filled
  std::ofstream dtm_filled_ofile ("dtm_filled.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_filled_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_filled_ofile, dtm_mesh);

  CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::isotropic_remeshing (faces(dtm_mesh), spacing, dtm_mesh);

  std::ofstream dtm_remeshed_ofile ("dtm_remeshed.ply", std::ios_base::binary);
  CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (dtm_remeshed_ofile);
  CGAL::IO::write_PLY (dtm_remeshed_ofile, dtm_mesh);

  TIN dtm_clean (dtm_mesh.points().begin(), dtm_mesh.points().end());

  CGAL::Bbox_3 bbox = CGAL::bbox_3 (points.points().begin(), points.points().end());

  // Generate raster image 1920-pixels large
  std::size_t width = 1920;
  std::size_t height = std::size_t((bbox.ymax() - bbox.ymin()) * 1920 / (bbox.xmax() - bbox.xmin()));

  std::cerr << "Rastering with resolution " << width << "x" << height << std::endl;

  // Use PPM format (Portable PixMap) for simplicity
  std::ofstream raster_ofile ("raster.ppm", std::ios_base::binary);

  // PPM header
  raster_ofile << "P6" << std::endl // magic number
               << width << " " << height << std::endl // dimensions of the image
               << 255 << std::endl; // maximum color value

  // Use rainbow color ramp output
  Color_ramp color_ramp;

  // Keeping track of location from one point to its neighbor allows
  // for fast locate in DT
  TIN::Face_handle location;

  // Query each pixel of the image
  for (std::size_t y = 0; y < height; ++ y)
    for (std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++ x)
      Point_3 query (bbox.xmin() + x * (bbox.xmax() - bbox.xmin()) / double(width),
                     bbox.ymin() + (height-y) * (bbox.ymax() - bbox.ymin()) / double(height),
                     0); // not relevant for location in 2D

      location = dtm_clean.locate (query, location);

      // Points outside the convex hull will be colored black
      std::array<unsigned char, 3> colors { 0, 0, 0 };
      if (!dtm_clean.is_infinite(location))
        std::array<double, 3> barycentric_coordinates
          = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::barycentric_coordinates
          (Point_2 (location->vertex(0)->point().x(), location->vertex(0)->point().y()),
           Point_2 (location->vertex(1)->point().x(), location->vertex(1)->point().y()),
           Point_2 (location->vertex(2)->point().x(), location->vertex(2)->point().y()),
           Point_2 (query.x(), query.y()),

        double height_at_query
          = (barycentric_coordinates[0] * location->vertex(0)->point().z()
             + barycentric_coordinates[1] * location->vertex(1)->point().z()
             + barycentric_coordinates[2] * location->vertex(2)->point().z());

        // Color ramp generates a color depending on a value from 0 to 1
        double height_ratio = (height_at_query - bbox.zmin()) / (bbox.zmax() - bbox.zmin());
        colors = color_ramp.get(height_ratio);
      raster_ofile.write (reinterpret_cast<char*>(&colors), 3);


  // Smooth heights with 5 successive Gaussian filters
  double gaussian_variance = 4 * spacing * spacing;
  for (TIN::Vertex_handle vh : dtm_clean.finite_vertex_handles())
    double z = vh->point().z();
    double total_weight = 1;

    TIN::Vertex_circulator circ = dtm_clean.incident_vertices (vh),
      start = circ;

      if (!dtm_clean.is_infinite(circ))
        double sq_dist = CGAL::squared_distance (vh->point(), circ->point());

        double weight = std::exp(- sq_dist / gaussian_variance);
        z += weight * circ->point().z();
        total_weight += weight;
    while (++ circ != start);

    z /= total_weight;

    vh->point() = Point_3 (vh->point().x(), vh->point().y(), z);

  std::array<double, 50> isovalues; // Contour 50 isovalues
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < isovalues.size(); ++ i)
    isovalues[i] = bbox.zmin() + ((i+1) * (bbox.zmax() - bbox.zmin()) / (isovalues.size() - 2));

  // First find on each face if they are crossed by some isovalues and
  // extract segments in a graph
  using Segment_graph = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, Point_3>;
  Segment_graph graph;
  using Map_p2v = std::map<Point_3, Segment_graph::vertex_descriptor>;
  Map_p2v map_p2v;
  for (TIN::Face_handle vh : dtm_clean.finite_face_handles())
    for (double iv : isovalues)
      if (face_has_isovalue (vh, iv))
        Segment_3 segment = isocontour_in_face (vh, iv);
        for (const Point_3& p : { segment.source(), })
          // Only insert end points of segments once to get a well connected graph
          Map_p2v::iterator iter;
          bool inserted;
          std::tie (iter, inserted) = map_p2v.insert (std::make_pair (p, Segment_graph::vertex_descriptor()));
          if (inserted)
            iter->second = boost::add_vertex (graph);
            graph[iter->second] = p;
        boost::add_edge (map_p2v[segment.source()], map_p2v[], graph);

  // Split segments into polylines
  std::vector<std::vector<Point_3> > polylines;
  Polylines_visitor<Segment_graph> visitor (graph, polylines);
  CGAL::split_graph_into_polylines (graph, visitor);

  std::cerr << polylines.size() << " polylines computed, with "
            << map_p2v.size() << " vertices in total" << std::endl;

  // Output to WKT file
  std::ofstream contour_ofile ("contour.wkt");
  CGAL::IO::write_multi_linestring_WKT (contour_ofile, polylines);

  // Construct constrained Delaunay triangulation with polylines as constraints
  CTP ctp;
  for (const std::vector<Point_3>& poly : polylines)
    ctp.insert_constraint (poly.begin(), poly.end());

  // Simplification algorithm with limit on distance
  PS::simplify (ctp, PS::Squared_distance_cost(), PS::Stop_above_cost_threshold (16 * spacing * spacing));

  for (CTP::Constraint_id cid : ctp.constraints())
    polylines.push_back (std::vector<Point_3>());
    polylines.back().reserve (ctp.vertices_in_constraint (cid).size());
    for (CTP::Vertex_handle vh : ctp.vertices_in_constraint(cid))
      polylines.back().push_back (vh->point());

  std::size_t nb_vertices
    = std::accumulate (polylines.begin(), polylines.end(), std::size_t(0),
                       [](std::size_t size, const std::vector<Point_3>& poly) -> std::size_t
                       { return size + poly.size(); });

  std::cerr << nb_vertices
            << " vertices remaining after simplification ("
            << 100. * (nb_vertices / double(map_p2v.size())) << "%)" << std::endl;

  // Output to WKT file
  std::ofstream simplified_ofile ("simplified.wkt");
  CGAL::IO::write_multi_linestring_WKT (simplified_ofile, polylines);

  // Get training from input
  Point_set::Property_map<int> training_map;
  bool training_found;
  std::tie (training_map, training_found) = points.property_map<int>("training");

  if (training_found)
    std::cerr << "Classifying ground/vegetation/building" << std::endl;

    // Create labels
    Classification::Label_set labels ({ "ground", "vegetation", "building" });

    // Generate features
    Classification::Feature_set features;
    Classification::Point_set_feature_generator<Kernel, Point_set, Point_set::Point_map>
      generator (points, points.point_map(), 5); // 5 scales

    // If TBB is used, features can be computed in parallel
    generator.generate_point_based_features (features);
    generator.generate_point_based_features (features);

    // Train a random forest classifier
    Classification::ETHZ::Random_forest_classifier classifier (labels, features);
    classifier.train (points.range(training_map));

    // Classify with graphcut regularization
    Point_set::Property_map<int> label_map = points.add_property_map<int>("labels").first;
      (points, points.point_map(), labels, classifier,
       generator.neighborhood().k_neighbor_query(12), // regularize on 12-neighbors graph
       0.5f, // graphcut weight
       12, // Subdivide to speed-up process

    // Evaluate
    std::cerr << "Mean IoU on training data = "
              << Classification::Evaluation(labels,
                                            points.range(label_map)).mean_intersection_over_union() << std::endl;

    // Save the classified point set
    std::ofstream classified_ofile ("classified.ply");
    CGAL::IO::set_binary_mode (classified_ofile);
    classified_ofile << points;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

# 8、附:Color_ramp.h

#ifndef COLOR_RAMP_H
#define COLOR_RAMP_H

class Color_ramp
  typedef std::array<unsigned char, 3> Color;
  typedef std::pair<double, Color> Step;

  std::vector<Step> m_steps;


    m_steps.push_back (std::make_pair (0, Color{ 192, 192, 255}));
    m_steps.push_back (std::make_pair (0.2, Color{ 0, 0, 255}));
    m_steps.push_back (std::make_pair (0.4, Color{ 0, 255, 0}));
    m_steps.push_back (std::make_pair (0.6, Color{ 255, 255, 0}));
    m_steps.push_back (std::make_pair (0.8, Color{ 255, 0, 0}));
    m_steps.push_back (std::make_pair (1.0, Color{ 128, 0, 0}));

  Color get (double value) const
    std::size_t idx = 0;
    while (m_steps[idx+1].first < value)
      ++ idx;

    double v0 = m_steps[idx].first;
    double v1 = m_steps[idx+1].first;
    const Color& c0 = m_steps[idx].second;
    const Color& c1 = m_steps[idx+1].second;

    double ratio = (value - v0) / (v1 - v0);

    Color out;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
      out[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>((1 - ratio) * c0[i] + ratio * c1[i]);

    return out;


#endif // COLOR_RAMP_H





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Android AOSP探索之Ubantu下Toolbox的安装

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SpringWebFlux RequestBody多出双引号问题——ProxyPin抓包揪出真凶

缘起 公司有个服务做埋点收集的&#xff0c;可以参考我之前的文章埋点日志最终解决方案&#xff0c;今天突然发现有些数据日志可以输出&#xff0c;但是没法入库。 多出的双引号 查看Flink日志发现了JSON解析失败&#xff0c;Flink是从Kafka拿数据&#xff0c;Kafka本身不处…


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1. 基础理论 神经网络基础&#xff1a; 目标&#xff1a;了解神经网络的结构&#xff0c;包括神经元、权重、偏置和激活函数。 神经网络是由多个层次的神经元组成的网络&#xff0c;它模拟了人脑处理信息的方式。每个神经元可以接收输入、处理输入并生成输出。这一过程涉及到…


时隔多年我又来跟新了&#xff0c;今天给大普家及下前端Vue傻瓜式发布App&#xff0c;话不多说直接上干货。 首先准备开发工具HBuilder X&#xff0c;去官网直接下载即可&#xff0c;算了直接给你们上地址吧HBuilderX-高效极客技巧。 打开软件&#xff0c;文件-->新建--&g…


文章目录 什么是CVSS&#xff1f;CVSS 漏洞等级分类历史版本的 CVSS 存在哪些问题&#xff1f;CVSS 4.0改进的“命名法”改进的“基本指标”考虑“OT/IOT”新增的“其他指标”CVSS 4.0存在的问题 Reference: 什么是CVSS&#xff1f; 在信息安全评估领域&#xff0c;CVSS为我们…


组件化设计在B端上应用十分普遍&#xff0c;其实可视化大屏组件更为规范&#xff0c;本期分享组件化设计的好处&#xff0c;至于组件源文件如何获取&#xff0c;大家都懂的。 组件化设计对可视化大屏设计有以下几个方面的帮助&#xff1a; 提高可重用性&#xff1a; 组件化设…


KiKi学习了循环&#xff0c;BoBo老师给他出了一系列打印图案的练习&#xff0c;该任务是打印用“*”组成的X形图案。 输入描述&#xff1a; 多组输入&#xff0c;一个整数&#xff08;2~20&#xff09;&#xff0c;表示输出的行数&#xff0c;也表示组成“X”的反斜线和正斜线…

Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 2)

Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 2) Codeforces Round 942 (Div. 2) A. Contest Proposal 题意&#xff1a;给出两个长度为n的非递减排序的ab序列&#xff0c;通过向a序列中插入新元素&#xff0c;然后排序后删除最大元素&#xff0c;使得两个长度为n的排列中每一个 a i a_i ai​…


1、架构升级 1.1 软件架构&#xff1a;分层解耦、服务化、API 接口标准化 随着企业向软件定义汽车开发方法的转变&#xff0c;软件架构也需要同步进行升级&#xff0c;引入面向服务的架构&#xff08;Service-Oriented Architecture&#xff0c;简称 SOA&#xff09;方法论。…


&#x1f47d;发现宝藏 前些天发现了一个巨牛的人工智能学习网站&#xff0c;通俗易懂&#xff0c;风趣幽默&#xff0c;忍不住分享一下给大家。【点击进入巨牛的人工智能学习网站】。 探索Plotly交互式数据可视化 在数据科学和数据分析领域&#xff0c;可视化是一种强大的工具…

LeetCode 105.从前序与中序遍历构造二叉树

题目描述 给定两个整数数组 preorder 和 inorder &#xff0c;其中 preorder 是二叉树的先序遍历&#xff0c; inorder 是同一棵树的中序遍历&#xff0c;请构造二叉树并返回其根节点。 示例 1: 输入: preorder [3,9,20,15,7], inorder [9,3,15,20,7] 输出: [3,9,20,null,nul…


Window&#xff08;Qt/Vs&#xff09;软件添加版本信息 文章目录 Window&#xff08;Qt/Vs&#xff09;软件添加版本信息VS添加版本信息添加资源文件添加版本定义头自动更新版本添加批处理脚本设置生成事件 Qt添加版本信息添加资源文件文件信息修改自动更新版本 CMake添加版本信…