#include "usart.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *couple;
struct person w;
struct person h;
int main(int argc, char **arg)
w.name = "w";
w.age = 30;
w.couple = &h;
h.name = "h";
h.age = 30;
h.couple = &w;
printf("w's couple is %s\r\n", w.couple->name);
w's couple is h
#include "usart.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *next;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct person *next;
int main(int argc, char **arg)
struct list a_list;
struct person p1;
a_list.name = "A";
a_list.next = NULL; /* 空链表 */
p1.name = "a1";
p1.next = NULL;
a_list.next = &p1;
printf("a list: %s\r\n", a_list.next->name);
a list: a1
#include "usart.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *next;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct person *next;
void InitList(struct list *pList, char *name)
pList->name = name;
pList->next = NULL;
void AddItemToList(struct list *pList, struct person *new_person)
struct person *last;
/* 如果是空链表 */
if (pList->next == NULL)
pList->next = new_person;
new_person->next =NULL;
last = pList->next;
while (last->next)
last = last->next;
/* last->next == NULL */
last->next = new_person;
new_person->next =NULL;
void DelItemFromList(struct list *pList, struct person *person)
struct person *p = pList->next;
struct person *pre = NULL;
/* 找到person */
while (p != NULL && p != person)
/* 后面还有人, 移动到下一个 */
pre = p;
p = p->next;
/* 退出的条件: p==NULL, p == person */
if (p == NULL)
printf("can not find the person to del\r\n");
if (pre == NULL) /* 前面无人, 表示要删除的是第1项 */
pList->next = p->next;
pre->next = p->next;
void SortList(struct list *pList)
struct person *pre;
struct person *next;
char *tmp_name;
int tmp_age;
pre = pList->next;
if (pre == NULL)
while (pre)
next = pre->next;
while (next)
if (pre->age > next->age)
/* 交换值 */
tmp_name = pre->name;
pre->name = next->name;
next->name = tmp_name;
tmp_age = pre->age;
pre->age = next->age;
next->age = tmp_age;
next = next->next;
pre = pre->next;
void PrintList(struct list *pList)
int i = 0;
struct person *p = pList->next;
while (p != NULL)
printf("person %d: %s is %d\r\n", i++, p->name, p->age);
/* 后面还有人, 移动到下一个 */
p = p->next;
int main(int argc, char **arg)
struct list a_list;
int i;
struct person p[] = {
{"p1", 10, NULL},
{"p2", 20, NULL},
{"p3", 13, NULL},
{"p4", 41, NULL},
{"p5", 56, NULL},
{"p6", 12, NULL},
{"p7", 9, NULL},
{"p8", 21, NULL},
{NULL, 0, NULL},
InitList(&a_list, "A_class");
i = 0;
while (p[i].name != NULL)
AddItemToList(&a_list, &p[i]);
printf("add all person:\r\n");
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[3]);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[3].name);
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[0]);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[0].name);
printf("sort list, all person:\r\n");
void Error_Handler(void)
add all person:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p4 is 41
person 4: p5 is 56
person 5: p6 is 12
person 6: p7 is 9
person 7: p8 is 21
del person p4:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p5 is 56
person 4: p6 is 12
person 5: p7 is 9
person 6: p8 is 21
del person p1:
person 0: p2 is 20
person 1: p3 is 13
person 2: p5 is 56
person 3: p6 is 12
person 4: p7 is 9
person 5: p8 is 21
sort list, all person:
person 0: p7 is 9
person 1: p6 is 12
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p2 is 20
person 4: p8 is 21
person 5: p5 is 56
#include "usart.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *next;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct person head;
void InitList(struct list *pList, char *name)
pList->name = name;
pList->head.next = NULL;
void AddItemToList(struct list *pList, struct person *new_person)
struct person *last = &pList->head;
while (last->next)
last = last->next;
/* last->next == NULL */
last->next = new_person;
new_person->next =NULL;
void AddItemAfter(struct person *pre, struct person *new_person)
new_person->next = pre->next;
pre->next = new_person;
void DelItemFromList(struct list *pList, struct person *person)
struct person *pre = &pList->head;
/* 找到person */
while (pre != NULL && pre->next != person)
pre = pre->next;
/* 没找到 */
if (pre == NULL)
pre->next = person->next;
void SortList(struct list *pList)
struct person *pre1 = &pList->head;
struct person *pre2;
struct person *cur = pre1->next;
struct person *next;
struct person *tmp;
while (cur)
pre2 = cur;
next = cur->next;
while (next)
if (cur->age > next->age)
/* 交换节点 */
/* 1. del cur */
DelItemFromList(pList, cur);
/* 2. del next */
DelItemFromList(pList, next);
/* 3. 在pre1之后插入next */
AddItemAfter(pre1, next);
/* 4. 在pre2之后插入cur */
if (pre2 == cur)
AddItemAfter(next, cur);
AddItemAfter(pre2, cur);
/* 5. cur/next指针互换 */
tmp = cur;
cur = next;
next = tmp;
pre2 = next;
next = next->next;
pre1 = cur;
cur = cur->next;
void PrintList(struct list *pList)
int i = 0;
struct person *p = pList->head.next;
while (p != NULL)
printf("person %d: %s is %d\r\n", i++, p->name, p->age);
/* 后面还有人, 移动到下一个 */
p = p->next;
int main(int argc, char **arg)
struct list a_list;
int i;
struct person p[] = {
{"p1", 10, NULL},
{"p2", 20, NULL},
{"p3", 13, NULL},
{"p4", 41, NULL},
{"p5", 56, NULL},
{"p6", 12, NULL},
{"p7", 9, NULL},
{"p8", 21, NULL},
{NULL, 0, NULL},
InitList(&a_list, "A_class");
i = 0;
while (p[i].name != NULL)
AddItemToList(&a_list, &p[i]);
printf("add all person:\r\n");
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[3]);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[3].name);
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[0]);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[0].name);
printf("sort list, all person:\r\n");
void Error_Handler(void)
add all person:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p4 is 41
person 4: p5 is 56
person 5: p6 is 12
person 6: p7 is 9
person 7: p8 is 21
del person p4:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p5 is 56
person 4: p6 is 12
person 5: p7 is 9
person 6: p8 is 21
del person p1:
person 0: p2 is 20
person 1: p3 is 13
person 2: p5 is 56
person 3: p6 is 12
person 4: p7 is 9
person 5: p8 is 21
sort list, all person:
person 0: p7 is 9
person 1: p6 is 12
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p2 is 20
person 4: p8 is 21
person 5: p5 is 56
1.5.1普通链表为什么要改进 ?
改进之后, pre的头是person,p1的头也是person,两个头是一致的,方便后期统一操作。
/*没改之前,主要区别是struct list结构体中的*next指针*/
/*InitList函数,pList->head = NULL; pList的头是list结构体*/
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *next;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct person *next;
void InitList(struct list *pList, char *name)
pList->name = name;
pList->next = NULL;
/*改进之后,主要区别是struct list结构体中的next指针*/
/*InitList函数,pList->head.next = NULL; pList的头是person结构体*/
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct person *next;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct person head;
void InitList(struct list *pList, char *name)
pList->name = name;
pList->head.next = NULL;
#include "usart.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node_t {
struct node_t *next;
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct node_t node;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct node_t head;
void InitList(struct list *pList, char *name)
pList->name = name;
pList->head.next = NULL;
void AddItemToList(struct list *pList, struct node_t *new_node)
struct node_t *last = &pList->head;
while (last->next)
last = last->next;
/* last->next == NULL */
last->next = new_node;
new_node->next =NULL;
void AddItemAfter(struct node_t *pre, struct node_t *new_node)
new_node->next = pre->next;
pre->next = new_node;
void DelItemFromList(struct list *pList, struct node_t *node)
struct node_t *pre = &pList->head;
/* 找到node */
while (pre != NULL && pre->next != node)
pre = pre->next;
/* 没找到 */
if (pre == NULL)
pre->next = node->next;
int CmpPersonAge(struct node_t *pre, struct node_t *next)
struct person *p;
struct person *n;
p = (struct person *)((char *)pre - (unsigned int)&((struct person *)0)->node);
n = (struct person *)((char *)next - (unsigned int)&((struct person *)0)->node);
if (p->age < n->age)
return -1;
return 0;
void SortList(struct list *pList)
struct node_t *pre1 = &pList->head;
struct node_t *pre2;
struct node_t *cur = pre1->next;
struct node_t *next;
struct node_t *tmp;
while (cur)
pre2 = cur;
next = cur->next;
while (next)
if (CmpPersonAge(cur, next) == 0)
/* 交换节点 */
/* 1. del cur */
DelItemFromList(pList, cur);
/* 2. del next */
DelItemFromList(pList, next);
/* 3. 在pre1之后插入next */
AddItemAfter(pre1, next);
/* 4. 在pre2之后插入cur */
if (pre2 == cur)
AddItemAfter(next, cur);
AddItemAfter(pre2, cur);
/* 5. cur/next指针互换 */
tmp = cur;
cur = next;
next = tmp;
pre2 = next;
next = next->next;
pre1 = cur;
cur = cur->next;
void PrintList(struct list *pList)
int i = 0;
struct node_t *node = pList->head.next;
struct person *p;
while (node != NULL)
p = (struct person *)((char *)node - (unsigned int)&((struct person *)0)->node);;
printf("person %d: %s is %d\r\n", i++, p->name, p->age);
/* 后面还有人, 移动到下一个 */
node = node->next;
int main(int argc, char **arg)
struct list a_list;
int i;
struct person p[] = {
// {"p1", 10, {NULL}},
// {"p2", 20, {NULL}},
// {"p3", 13, {NULL}},
// {"p4", 41, {NULL}},
// {"p5", 56, {NULL}},
// {"p6", 12, {NULL}},
// {"p7", 9, {NULL}},
// {"p8", 21, {NULL}},
// {"p9", 22, {NULL}},
// {"p10", 21, {NULL}},
// {"p11", 20, {NULL}},
// {NULL, 0, {NULL}},
{"p1", 10, NULL},
{"p2", 20, NULL},
{"p3", 13, NULL},
{"p4", 41, NULL},
{"p5", 56, NULL},
{"p6", 12, NULL},
{"p7", 9, NULL},
{"p8", 21, NULL},
{"p9", 22, NULL},
{"p10", 21, NULL},
{"p11", 20, NULL},
{NULL, 0, NULL},
InitList(&a_list, "A_class");
i = 0;
while (p[i].name != NULL)
AddItemToList(&a_list, &p[i].node);
printf("add all person:\r\n");
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[3].node);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[3].name);
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[0].node);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[0].name);
printf("sort list, all person:\r\n");
void Error_Handler(void)
add all person:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p4 is 41
person 4: p5 is 56
person 5: p6 is 12
person 6: p7 is 9
person 7: p8 is 21
person 8: p9 is 22
person 9: p10 is 21
person 10: p11 is 20
del person p4:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p5 is 56
person 4: p6 is 12
person 5: p7 is 9
person 6: p8 is 21
person 7: p9 is 22
person 8: p10 is 21
person 9: p11 is 20
del person p1:
person 0: p2 is 20
person 1: p3 is 13
person 2: p5 is 56
person 3: p6 is 12
person 4: p7 is 9
person 5: p8 is 21
person 6: p9 is 22
person 7: p10 is 21
person 8: p11 is 20
sort list, all person:
person 0: p7 is 9
person 1: p6 is 12
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p11 is 20
person 4: p2 is 20
person 5: p10 is 21
person 6: p8 is 21
person 7: p9 is 22
person 8: p5 is 56
此时在链表头里面加入struct node_t head;让head存放next指向p1的node,p1的node存放next指向p2......依次类推。
struct Dog {
char *name;
int age;
struct node_t node;
1. 引入概念container
struct person {
struct node_t node;
char *name;
int age;
struct dog {
struct node_t node;
char *name;
int age;
char *class;
struct person {
struct node_t node;
char *name;
int age;
struct dog {
struct node_t node;
char *name;
int age;
char *class;
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct node_t node;
char *address;
struct dog {
char *name;
int age;
char *class;
struct node_t node;
struct node_t {
void *container;
struct node_t *next;
person3.node.next == &list.head
3. 怎么插入新项
new_node->pre = left_node;
new_node->next = right_node;
left_node->next = new_node;
right_node->pre = new_node;
4. 怎么删除项
left_node = del_node->pre;
right_node = del_node->next;
left_node->next = right_node;
right_node->pre = left_node;
5. 初始化
6. 添加person节点
7. 在链表后面添加节点
#include "usart.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
(type *)((char *)ptr - (unsigned int)&((type *)0)->member)
struct node_t {
struct node_t *pre;
struct node_t *next;
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct node_t node;
struct list {
char *name; /* A班 */
struct node_t head;
void InitList(struct list *pList, char *name)
pList->name = name;
pList->head.next = &pList->head;
pList->head.pre = &pList->head;
void AddItemToList(struct list *pList, struct node_t *new_node)
struct node_t *last = pList->head.pre;
new_node->next = &pList->head;
last->next = new_node;
new_node->pre = last;
pList->head.pre = new_node;
void AddItemAfter(struct node_t *pre, struct node_t *new_node)
struct node_t *right = pre->next;
pre->next = new_node;
new_node->next = right;
right->pre = new_node;
new_node->pre = pre;
void DelItemFromList(struct list *pList, struct node_t *node)
struct node_t *left = node->pre;
struct node_t *right = node->next;
left->next = right;
right->pre = left;
int CmpPersonAge(struct node_t *pre, struct node_t *next)
struct person *p;
struct person *n;
p = container_of(pre, struct person, node);
n = container_of(next, struct person, node);
if (p->age < n->age)
return -1;
return 0;
void SortList(struct list *pList)
struct node_t *pre1 = &pList->head;
struct node_t *pre2;
struct node_t *cur = pre1->next;
struct node_t *next;
struct node_t *tmp;
while (cur != &pList->head)
pre2 = cur;
next = cur->next;
while (next != &pList->head)
if (CmpPersonAge(cur, next) == 0)
/* 交换节点 */
/* 1. del cur */
DelItemFromList(pList, cur);
/* 2. del next */
DelItemFromList(pList, next);
/* 3. 在pre1之后插入next */
AddItemAfter(pre1, next);
/* 4. 在pre2之后插入cur */
if (pre2 == cur)
AddItemAfter(next, cur);
AddItemAfter(pre2, cur);
/* 5. cur/next指针互换 */
tmp = cur;
cur = next;
next = tmp;
pre2 = next;
next = next->next;
pre1 = cur;
cur = cur->next;
void PrintList(struct list *pList)
int i = 0;
struct node_t *node = pList->head.next;
struct person *p;
while (node != &pList->head)
p = container_of(node, struct person, node);
printf("person %d: %s is %d\r\n", i++, p->name, p->age);
/* 后面还有人, 移动到下一个 */
node = node->next;
int main(int argc, char **arg)
struct list a_list;
int i;
struct person p[] = {
{"p1", 10, {NULL}},
{"p2", 20, {NULL}},
{"p3", 13, {NULL}},
{"p4", 41, {NULL}},
{"p5", 56, {NULL}},
{"p6", 12, {NULL}},
{"p7", 9, {NULL}},
{"p8", 21, {NULL}},
{"p9", 22, {NULL}},
{"p10", 21, {NULL}},
{"p11", 20, {NULL}},
{NULL, 0, {NULL}},
InitList(&a_list, "A_class");
i = 0;
while (p[i].name != NULL)
AddItemToList(&a_list, &p[i].node);
printf("add all person:\r\n");
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[3].node);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[3].name);
DelItemFromList(&a_list, &p[0].node);
printf("del person %s:\r\n", p[0].name);
printf("sort list, all person:\r\n");
void Error_Handler(void)
add all person:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p4 is 41
person 4: p5 is 56
person 5: p6 is 12
person 6: p7 is 9
person 7: p8 is 21
person 8: p9 is 22
person 9: p10 is 21
person 10: p11 is 20
del person p4:
person 0: p1 is 10
person 1: p2 is 20
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p5 is 56
person 4: p6 is 12
person 5: p7 is 9
person 6: p8 is 21
person 7: p9 is 22
person 8: p10 is 21
person 9: p11 is 20
del person p1:
person 0: p2 is 20
person 1: p3 is 13
person 2: p5 is 56
person 3: p6 is 12
person 4: p7 is 9
person 5: p8 is 21
person 6: p9 is 22
person 7: p10 is 21
person 8: p11 is 20
sort list, all person:
person 0: p7 is 9
person 1: p6 is 12
person 2: p3 is 13
person 3: p11 is 20
person 4: p2 is 20
person 5: p10 is 21
person 6: p8 is 21
person 7: p9 is 22
person 8: p5 is 56