
news2025/2/22 11:36:22




<!-- 内部员工注册 -->
require_once 'get_db_conn.php';
$conn = db_connect();

if (!isset($_POST['UserID'])) {
	$_POST['UserID'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['Password'])) {
	$_POST['Password'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['RealName'])) {
	$_POST['RealName'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['Phone'])) {
	$_POST['Phone'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['Email'])) {
	$_POST['Email'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['salesman'])) {
	$_POST['salesman'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['employeename'])) {
	$_POST['employeename'] = '';
if (!isset($_POST['address'])) {
	$_POST['address'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['SubmitUser'])) {
	$InputError = 0;
	if (mb_strlen($_POST['UserID']) < 4) {
		$InputError = 1;
		echo '<script>alert("The user ID entered must be at least 4 characters long");</script>';
	elseif (mb_strlen($_POST['Password']) < 5) {
		$InputError = 1;
		echo '<script>alert("The password entered must be at least 5 characters long");</script>';
	elseif (mb_strstr($_POST['Password'], $_POST['UserID']) != False) {
		$InputError = 1;
		echo '<script>alert("The password cannot contain the user id");</script>';
	elseif ($_POST['UserID'] == 'admin') {
		echo '<script>alert("The demonstration user called demo cannot be modified");</script>';
		$InputError = 1;
	// 检查数据库中的账户ID是否存在
	if ($_POST['UserID']) {
		$result = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT userid FROM regist_user WHERE userid='" . $_POST['UserID'] . "' and status = '待审核'");
		$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT userid FROM www_users WHERE userid='" . $_POST['UserID'] . "'");
		if ((mysqli_num_rows($result1) == 1) || (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 1)) {
			$InputError = 1;
			echo '<script>alert("用户账户 ' . $_POST['UserID'] . ':已经存在,不能重复!");</script>';
	$i = 0;
	$ModulesAllowed = '';
	function CryptPass($Password)
		$CryptFunction = 'sha1';
		if ($CryptFunction == 'sha1') {
			return sha1($Password);
		} elseif ($CryptFunction == 'md5') {
			return md5($Password);
		} else {
			return $Password;
	$ModulesAllowed = '1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,';
	if ($InputError != 1) {
		$UpdatePassword = '';
		$sql_insert = "INSERT INTO regist_user(
			'" . $_POST['UserID'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['RealName'] . "',
			'" . '内部员工' . "',
			'" . $_POST['salesman'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['depart_code'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['role_name'] . "', 
			'" . CryptPass($_POST['Password']) . "',
			'" . $_POST['Phone'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['Email'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['address'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['price_flag'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['wip_flag'] . "',
			'" . $_POST['Blocked'] . "',					
			'" . time() . "',
		$result_insert = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_insert);

		$sql_allunsign = "insert into all_unsigned
				'" . $_POST['UserID'] . "',
				'" . time() . "'
		$result_allunsign = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_allunsign);
		// echo $sql_allunsign;
		$_POST['UserID'] = '';
		$_POST['RealName'] = '';
		$_POST['depart_code'] = '';
		$_POST['salesman'] = '';
		$_POST['Phone'] = '';
		$_POST['Email'] = '';
		$_POST['Password'] = '';
		$_POST['Blocked'] = 0;
		$_POST['address'] = '';
		$_POST['price_flag'] = '';
		$_POST['wip_flag'] = '';
		$_POST['role_name'] = '';
		$_POST['employeename'] = '';
		header('Refresh: 1; URL=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

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	<div class="container">
		<div class="wrapper">
			<div class="header">内部员工注册</div>
			<form method="post" class="all_content" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?>">
				<div class="content_position">
					<!-- 第一行 -->
					<div class="content_line">
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input class="input" value="<?php echo $_POST['UserID']; ?>" pattern="(?!^([aA]{1}[dD]{1}[mM]{1}[iI]{1}[nN]{1})$)[^?+.&\\>< ]{4,}" type="text" autocomplete="off" required="required" name="UserID" size="15" maxlength="20" placeholder="'._('At least 4 characters').'" title="'._('Please input not less than 4 characters and canot be admin or contains ilLegal characters').'" />
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input type="password" value="<?php echo $_POST['Password']; ?>" class="input" autocomplete="off" pattern=".{5,}" name="Password" size="15" required="required" maxlength="20" placeholder="'._('At least 5 characters').'" title="'._('Passwords must be 5 characters or more and cannot same as the users id. A mix of upper and lower case and some non-alphanumeric characters are recommended.').'" />
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input type="text" value="<?php echo $_POST['RealName']; ?>" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="RealName" required="required" size="36" maxlength="35" />
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input type="tel" value="<?php echo $_POST['Phone']; ?>" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="Phone" pattern="[0-9+()\s-]*" size="32" maxlength="30" />
					<!-- 第二行 -->
					<div class="content_line">
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input type="email" value="<?php echo $_POST['Email']; ?>" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="Email" placeholder="' . _('user@domain.com') . '" size="32" maxlength="55" title="'._('A valid email address is required').'" />
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									$sql_depart = "SELECT depart_name FROM hr_departs ORDER BY depart_name";
									$result_depart = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_depart);
									echo '<select name="depart_code" class="select">';
									while ($myrow_depart = mysqli_fetch_array($result_depart)) {
										if (isset($_POST['depart_code']) and $myrow_depart['depart_name'] == $_POST['depart_code']) {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $myrow_depart['depart_name'] . '">' . $myrow_depart['depart_name'] . '</option>';
										} else {
											echo '<option value="' . $myrow_depart['depart_name'] . '">' . $myrow_depart['depart_name'] . '</option>';
									echo '</select>';
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<select class="select" required="required" name="price_flag">
										if ($_POST['price_flag'] == 'N') {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="N">' . '否' . '</option>';
											echo '<option value="Y">' . '是' . '</option>';
										} else {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="Y">' . '是' . '</option>';
											echo '<option value="N">' . '否' . '</option>';
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<select class="select" required="required" name="wip_flag">';
										if ($_POST['wip_flag'] == 'N') {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="N">' . '否' . '</option>';
											echo '<option value="Y">' . '是' . '</option>';
										} else {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="Y">' . '是' . '</option>';
											echo '<option value="N">' . '否' . '</option>';
					<!-- 第三行 -->
					<div class="content_line">
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									$sql_role = "SELECT role_name
											FROM sys_role_headers
											ORDER BY role_name";
									$result_role = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_role);
									echo '<select name="role_name" class="select">';
									while ($myrow_role = mysqli_fetch_array($result_role)) {
										if (isset($_POST['role_name']) and $myrow_role['role_name'] == $_POST['role_name']) {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $myrow_role['role_name'] . '">' . $myrow_role['role_name'] . '</option>';
										} else {
											echo '<option value="' . $myrow_role['role_name'] . '">' . $myrow_role['role_name'] . '</option>';
									echo '</select>';
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input type="text" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="salesman" size="15" id="text_slect_employee_num" value="<?php echo $_POST['salesman']; ?>">
									<a class="a_sel" id="btn_slect_employee" hfre="###" title="选择">选</a>
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input class="input" type="text" autocomplete="off" name="employeename" id="text_slect_employee_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['employeename']; ?>" />
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<input type="text" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="address" size="35" value="<?php echo $_POST['address']; ?>" />
					<!-- 第四行 -->
					<div class="content_line">
						<div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<select required="required" name="Blocked" class="select">
										if (isset($_POST['Blocked']) and $_POST['Blocked'] == 1) {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="1">' . 'Blocked' . '</option>';
											echo '<option value="0">' . 'Open' . '</option>';
										} else {
											echo '<option selected="selected" value="0">' . 'Open' . '</option>';
											echo '<option value="1">' . 'Blocked' . '</option>';
						<!-- <div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content"> -->
						// $sql_infoby = "SELECT userid FROM www_users";
						// $result_infoby = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_infoby);

						// echo '<select name="info_user" class="select">';
						// // 添加一个默认空选项
						// echo '<option value="" selected="selected">请选择账号</option>';

						// while ($myrow_infoby = mysqli_fetch_array($result_infoby)) {
						// 	if (isset($_POST['info_user']) && $myrow_infoby['userid'] == $_POST['info_user']) {
						// 		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $myrow_infoby['userid'] . '">' . $myrow_infoby['userid'] . '</option>';
						// 	} else {
						// 		echo '<option value="' . $myrow_infoby['userid'] . '">' . $myrow_infoby['userid'] . '</option>';
						// 	}
						// }
						// echo '</select>';
						<!-- </div>
						</div> -->

						<!-- <div class="content_item">
							<div class="item_info">
								<div class="item_title">
									<text class="require">*</text>
								<div class="item_content">
									<div class="radio">
										<div class="radio-group">
											<input type="radio" name="user_type" value="inemployee" <?php if ((isset($_POST['user_type']) && $_POST['user_type'] == 'inemployee') || !isset($_POST['user_type'])) echo 'checked'; ?>>
											<input type="radio" name="user_type" value="supplier" <?php if (isset($_POST['user_type']) && $_POST['user_type'] == 'supplier') echo 'checked'; ?>>
											<input type="radio" name="user_type" value="customer" <?php if (isset($_POST['user_type']) && $_POST['user_type'] == 'customer') echo 'checked'; ?>>
						</div> -->
					<div class="all_btn">
						<div class="btn_position">
							<input class="btn" type="submit" value="注册" name="SubmitUser" />
		<div id="message" class="message"></div>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
				title: '选择员工',
				width: '550px',
				height: 470,
				content: 'url:BtnSearchemployee.php?fwValue=&cat=buliao',
				init: function() {
					this.content.document.getElementById('cat').value = 'buliao';
					this.content.document.getElementById('fwValue').value = '';
		// 获取提示框元素
		var messageElement = document.getElementById('message');
		// 设置提示消息文本和样式
		var message = '<?php echo $result_insert ? "插入成功" : "插入失败"; ?>';
		var className = '<?php echo $result_insert ? "success" : "error"; ?>';
		// 添加类名和文本内容
		messageElement.textContent = message;
		// 显示提示框
		messageElement.style.display = 'block';
		// 延迟一段时间后隐藏提示框
		setTimeout(function() {
			messageElement.style.display = 'none';
		}, 1000);



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文章目录 一、需求分析二、表设计&#xff08;两张表&#xff09;三、功能实现3.1 数据字典功能3.1.1 列表功能3.1.2 新增数据字典3.1.3 编辑数据字典 3.2 数据字典明细3.2.1 列表功能3.2.2 新增字典明细3.2.3 编辑字典明细 3.3 客户管理功能3.3.1 列表功能3.3.2 新增用户3.3.3…


亲测可用&#xff0c;镜像地址&#xff1a;Claude 3 镜像 使用方法 访问镜像&#xff1a;Claude 3 镜像 2. 点击设置&#xff0c;配置授权码&#xff0c;关闭设置。这里免费赠送一个体验版的授权码 sk-SZcJyvx3RXRID624E2D3795578Df44C7Af03F2909a8f5eA0 即可发起对话啦&…


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角色定位(Role Positioning)在编程中的实际应用场景主要体现在以下几个方面&#xff1a; 1、权限管理&#xff1a;在开发企业级应用或复杂的系统时&#xff0c;角色定位用于定义和管理用户的权限。例如&#xff0c;一个系统可能有管理员、普通用户、访客等不同角色&#xff0c…


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基于Spring Boot的简历系统设计与开发

基于Spring Boot的简历系统设计与开发 开发语言&#xff1a;Java框架&#xff1a;springbootJDK版本&#xff1a;JDK1.8数据库工具&#xff1a;Navicat11开发软件&#xff1a;eclipse/myeclipse/idea 部分系统展示 前台首页界面 简历模板管理界面 用户管理界面 管理员登录界…


1、定义与动机 定义一系列算法&#xff0c;把它们一个个封装起来&#xff0c;并且使它们可互相替换&#xff08;变化&#xff09;&#xff0c;该模式使得算法可独立于使用它的客户程序&#xff08;稳定&#xff09;而变化&#xff08;扩展&#xff0c;子类化&#xff09; 在软…

pinia 的介绍和使用

pinia是vue2,vue2 尤其是vue3官方推荐的状态管理器&#xff0c;和vuex类似&#xff0c;但使用起来更为简单&#xff0c; 概念&#xff1a; state:定义响应式共享变量 getter&#xff1a;相当于计算属性 actions&#xff1a;相当于方法 npm安装 npm install pinia创建pinia ,注…


Python容器 列表元组字符串集合字典 列表 定义方法&#xff1a;[元素1, 元素2, …] 列表一次可以存储多个不同数据类型的数据&#xff0c;支持嵌套。 例如&#xff1a; list1 ["张三", 33, True] print(list1) print(type(list1))list2 [list, "李四", …


一、背景 近年来&#xff0c;企业“数据资产”的概念不断受政府/企业重视和建设.根据《数据资产评估指导意见》规定&#xff0c;数据资产评估是指资产评估机构及其资产评估专业人员遵守法律、行政法规和资产评估准则&#xff0c;根据委托对评估基准日特定目的下的数据资产价值…


Halcon的HSmartWindowControl控件在C#WinForm中的使用介绍&#xff08;包括绘制ROI&#xff09; 文章目录 Halcon的HSmartWindowControl控件在C#WinForm中的使用介绍&#xff08;包括绘制ROI&#xff09;一、 引入hSmartWindowControl控件二、 编写打开图像功能三、 编写绘制RO…

【热门话题】Stable Diffusion:本地部署教程

&#x1f308;个人主页: 鑫宝Code &#x1f525;热门专栏: 闲话杂谈&#xff5c; 炫酷HTML | JavaScript基础 ​&#x1f4ab;个人格言: "如无必要&#xff0c;勿增实体" 文章目录 Stable Diffusion&#xff1a;本地部署教程一、引言二、环境准备1. 硬件配置2. …


设计金融产品类Financial&#xff0c;属性包括产品名称、产品介绍、起投金额、产品期限&#xff08;int&#xff09;、年化收益&#xff08;百分数&#xff09;&#xff1b;方法包括发布、截止、投资。 设计金融产品类子类&#xff1a; 基金产品Fund&#xff0c;继承金融产品类…


✅作者简介&#xff1a;大家好&#xff0c;我是橘橙黄又青&#xff0c;一个想要与大家共同进步的男人&#x1f609;&#x1f609; &#x1f34e;个人主页&#xff1a;再无B&#xff5e;U&#xff5e;G-CSDN博客 1.继承 1.1 为什么需要继承 Java 中使用类对现实世界中实体来…

牛客网BC-125 序列中整数去重复(难题讲解)

题目如下 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 题目讲解&#xff08;思路&#xff09; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------…


​ ​ &#x1f525;个人主页&#xff1a;guoguoqiang. &#x1f525;专栏&#xff1a;数据结构 ​ 一、树的基本概念 1.概念 树是一种非线性的数据结构&#xff0c;它是由n&#xff08;n>0&#xff09;个有限结点组成一个具有层次关系的集合。把它叫做树是因 为它看起…

机器学习 - multi-class 数据集训练 (含代码)

直接上代码 # Multi-class datasetimport numpy as np RANDOM_SEED 42 np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) N 100 # number of points per class D 2 # dimensionality K 3 # number of classes X np.zeros((N*K, D)) y np.zeros(N*K, dtypeuint8) for j in range(K):ix rang…


我们今天来学习一般嵌入式的必备库&#xff0c;JSON库 1&#xff0c;json和cJSON 那什么是JSON什么是cJSON&#xff0c;他们之间有什么样的关联呢&#xff0c;让我们一起来探究一下吧。 JSON&#xff08;JavaScript Object Notation&#xff09;是一种轻量级的数据交换格式&…

tomcat 结构目录

bin 启动&#xff0c;关闭和其他脚本。这些 .sh文件&#xff08;对于Unix系统&#xff09;是这些.bat文件的功能副本&#xff08;对于Windows系统&#xff09;。由于Win32命令行缺少某些功能&#xff0c;因此此处包含一些其他文件。比如说&#xff1a;windows下启动tomcat用的是…