角色定位(Role Positioning)在编程中的实际应用场景主要体现在以下几个方面:
# 1.问题描述:
# 家庭模式是一种常见的设计模式,实现一个家庭Family,不同人物的角色定位.
# 2.问题描述:
# 输入:
# Family fy = Family();
# Role role = fy.getRole("Father");
# role.talk();
# 输出:I am a powerful father.
# 输入:
# Family fy = Family();
# Role role = fy.getRole("Mother");
# role.talk();
# 输出:I am a kind and benevolent mother.
# 3.代码实现:
class Role:
def talk(self):
raise NotImplementedError("子类需要实现这个方法!")
class Father(Role):
def talk(self):
print("I am a powerful father.")
class Mother(Role):
def talk(self):
print("I am a kind and benevolent mother.")
class Brother(Role):
def talk(self):
print("I am a sunny and handsome brother.")
class Sister(Role):
def talk(self):
print("I am a tender and considerate sister.")
class Grandfather(Role):
def talk(self):
print("I am a kind and affable grandfather. ")
class Grandmother(Role):
def talk(self):
print("I am a kind and gentle grandmother. ")
class FamilyRoles:
def getRole(self, role):
Roles = {
'Father': Father,
'Mother': Mother,
'Brother': Brother,
'Sister': Sister,
'Grandfather': Grandfather,
'Grandmother': Grandmother
return Roles.get(role)() if role in Roles else None
# 主函数
if __name__ == '__main__':
fy = FamilyRoles()
role1 = 'Father'
role2 = 'Mother'
role3 = 'Brother'
role4 = 'Sister'
role5 = 'Grandfather'
role6 = 'Grandmother'
for role_name in [role1, role2, role3, role4, role5, role6]:
role = fy.getRole(role_name)
if role:
print(f"输入:role= {role_name},\n输出:")
print(f"输入:role= {role_name},\n输出:未找到该角色!")
# 4.运行结果:
# 输入:role= Father,
# 输出:
# I am a powerful father.
# 输入:role= Mother,
# 输出:
# I am a kind and benevolent mother.
# 输入:role= Brother,
# 输出:
# I am a sunny and handsome brother.
# 输入:role= Sister,
# 输出:
# I am a tender and considerate sister.
# 输入:role= Grandfather,
# 输出:
# I am a kind and affable grandfather.
# 输入:role= Grandmother,
# 输出:
# I am a kind and gentle grandmother.
' 以下为6个类模块,在EXCEL中,按选Alt + F11进入VBE编辑器界面,点击菜单栏“插入”类模块并命名即可.
' Class Module: Father
Option Explicit ' 声明此VBA模块中所有变量都必须明确声明
Public Sub talk()
' 使用Debug.Print方法输出字符串到VBA的立即窗口中
Debug.Print "I am a powerful father."
End Sub
' Class Module: Mother
Option Explicit ' 声明此VBA模块中所有变量都必须明确声明
Public Sub talk()
' 使用Debug.Print方法输出字符串到VBA的立即窗口中
Debug.Print "I am a kind and benevolent mother."
End Sub
' Class Module: Brother
Option Explicit ' 声明此VBA模块中所有变量都必须明确声明
' 定义一个公共子程序talk
Public Sub talk()
' 使用Debug.Print方法输出字符串到VBA的立即窗口中
Debug.Print "I am a sunny and handsome brother." ' 输出:"I am a sunny and handsome brother."
End Sub
' Class Module: Sister
Option Explicit ' 声明此VBA模块中所有变量都必须明确声明
Public Sub talk()
' 使用Debug.Print方法输出字符串到VBA的立即窗口中
Debug.Print "I am a tender and considerate sister."
End Sub
' Class Module: Grandfather
Option Explicit ' 声明此VBA模块中所有变量都必须明确声明
Public Sub talk()
' 使用Debug.Print方法输出字符串到VBA的立即窗口中
Debug.Print "I am a kind and affable grandfather."
End Sub
' Class Module: Grandmother
Option Explicit ' 声明此VBA模块中所有变量都必须明确声明
Public Sub talk()
' 使用Debug.Print方法输出字符串到VBA的立即窗口中
Debug.Print "I am a kind and gentle grandmother."
End Sub
' 以下为标准模块部分,在EXCEL中,按选Alt + F11进入VBE编辑器界面,点击菜单栏“插入”标准模块并命名即可.
Rem 执行程序,功能:通过调用类模块FamilyRoles,实现家庭角色的各自定位,在立即窗口中输出结果.
Sub TestRun()
' 创建一个FamilyRoles类的新实例,赋值给fy变量
Dim fy As New FamilyRoles
' 声明一个Variant类型的数组,用于存储角色名称
Dim roleNames As Variant
' 声明一个Variant变量,用于循环中临时存储每个角色名称
Dim roleName As Variant
' 声明一个Object类型的变量,用于存储从FamilyRoles类中获取的角色对象
Dim role As Object
' 初始化roleNames数组,包含多个角色名称
roleNames = Array("Father", "Mother", "Brother", "Sister", "Grandfather", "Grandmother")
' 遍历roleNames数组中的每个角色名称
For Each roleName In roleNames
' 通过调用FamilyRoles类的getRole方法,获取对应角色名称的角色对象,并赋值给role变量
Set role = fy.getRole(roleName)
' 检查是否成功获取到了角色对象
If Not role Is Nothing Then
' 如果成功获取,则在立即窗口中输出角色名称,并调用该角色的talk方法
Debug.Print "输入: role = " & roleName & " " & vbCrLf & "输出:"
' 如果未成功获取,则在调试窗口输出未找到该角色的信息
Debug.Print "输入: role = " & roleName & " " & vbCrLf & "输出:未找到该角色!"
End If
Next roleName
End Sub
'输入: role = Father
'I am a powerful father.
'输入: role = Mother
'I am a kind and benevolent mother.
'输入: role = Brother
'I am a sunny and handsome brother.
'输入: role = Sister
'I am a tender and considerate sister.
'输入: role = Grandfather
'I am a kind and affable grandfather.
'输入: role = Grandmother
'I am a kind and gentle grandmother.