HTML小游戏27 - Chuck Chicken 魔法蛋网页游戏(附完整源码)

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本节教程我会带大家使用 HTML 、CSS和 JS 来制作一个 Chuck Chicken 魔法蛋网页游戏

✨ 前言

🕹️ 本文已收录于🎖️100个HTML小游戏专栏:100个H5游戏专栏icon-default.png?t=N7T8
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在线演示地址:摸鱼小游戏 | Chuck Chicken 魔法蛋 | 海拥游戏 | Chuck Chicken 魔法蛋;立志打造一个拥有100个小游戏的摸鱼网站。made by Haiyong,技术支持——海拥icon-default.png?t=N7T8

✨ 项目基本结构




<body onload="setTimeout(function(){window.scrollTo(0,1)},1);">
    <div id="ajaxbar">
        <div id="game"><canvas id="canvas"></canvas></div>
        <div id="orientate"><img src="media/graphics/orientate/landscape.jpg" /></div>
        <div id="play" class="play" onclick=""><img src="media/graphics/splash/mobile/cover-start.jpg" /></div>

CSS 源码


body {
	background-color: #000;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	position: relative;
	font-family: "Arial";
	width: 100%;


#game {
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	top: 0;
	z-index: 0;


#ajaxbar {
	background: url('media/graphics/loading/ajax-loader.gif') center no-repeat;


#canvas {
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	top: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
	-webkit-transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
	z-index: 1;


#orientate {
	position: absolute;
	float: left;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	z-index: 10002;
	display: none;

JS 源码

js 代码较多,这里提供部分,完整源码可以在文末下载


var _SETTINGS = {
	API: {
		Enabled: !1,
		Log: {
			Events: {
				InitializeGame: !0,
				EndGame: !0,
				Level: {
					Begin: !0,
					End: !0,
					Win: !0,
					Lose: !0,
					Draw: !0
	Ad: {
		Mobile: {
			Preroll: {
				Enabled: !1,
				Duration: 5,
				Width: 300,
				Height: 250,
				Rotation: {
					Enabled: !1,
					Weight: {
						MobileAdInGamePreroll: 40,
						MobileAdInGamePreroll2: 40,
						MobileAdInGamePreroll3: 20
			Header: {
				Enabled: !1,
				Duration: 5,
				Width: 320,
				Height: 50,
				Rotation: {
					Enabled: !1,
					Weight: {
						MobileAdInGameHeader: 40,
						MobileAdInGameHeader2: 40,
						MobileAdInGameHeader3: 20
			Footer: {
				Enabled: !1,
				Duration: 5,
				Width: 320,
				Height: 50,
				Rotation: {
					Enabled: !1,
					Weight: {
						MobileAdInGameFooter: 40,
						MobileAdInGameFooter2: 40,
						MobileAdInGameFooter3: 20
			End: {
				Enabled: !1,
				Duration: 1,
				Width: 300,
				Height: 250,
				Rotation: {
					Enabled: !1,
					Weight: {
						MobileAdInGameEnd: 40,
						MobileAdInGameEnd2: 40,
						MobileAdInGameEnd3: 20
	Language: {
		Default: "en"
	DeveloperBranding: {
		Splash: {
			Enabled: !1
		Logo: {
			Enabled: !1,
			Link: "",
			LinkEnabled: !1,
			NewWindow: !0,
			Width: 166,
			Height: 61
	Branding: {
		Splash: {
			Enabled: !1
		Logo: {
			Enabled: !1,
			Link: "",
			LinkEnabled: !1,
			NewWindow: !0,
			Width: 166,
			Height: 61
	MoreGames: {
		Enabled: !1,
		Link: "",
		NewWindow: !0


var _STRINGS = {
	Ad: {
		Mobile: {
			Preroll: {
				ReadyIn: "The game is ready in ",
				Loading: "Your game is loading...",
				Close: "Close"
			Header: {
				ReadyIn: "The game is ready in ",
				Loading: "Your game is loading...",
				Close: "Close"
			End: {
				ReadyIn: "Advertisement ends in ",
				Loading: "Please wait ...",
				Close: "Close"
	Splash: {
		Loading: "Loading ...",
		LogoLine1: "Some text here",
		LogoLine2: "powered by MarketJS",
		LogoLine3: "none",
		TapToStart: "TAP TO START"
	VO: {
		chuckStart: "Let's get started;After you taste my fist;I have to find his weak point;This is your last chance to surrender;What's going on?;We gotta stop this!;Time for real action;Oh no you don't;I'll take care of this".split(";"),
		chuckStartMayor: ["How much is the reward for saving the city this time?", "Right away, Mr Mayor!", "Okay, it's a deal!"],
		chuckStartSweetheart: ["Stay calm sweetheart, Chuck is on his way!"],
		chuckWin: ["Nice warm up", "This must be my lucky day", "It's all in a day's work!"],
		mingoStart: ["I won't fail this time", "Nothing can stop me now!"],
		deeStart: ["Von voyage!", "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!", "We're going to live like kings!"],
		dexStart: ["Yahoo!", "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!", "Dex the super Duck!"],
		donStart: ["Yahoo!", "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"],
		birdyStart: ["Let's rock!"],
		ninjaStart: ["I'm getting promoted!", "We're at your command!"],
		sinisterStart: ["I summon you my shadow army, serve your master!"],
		ronnieStart: ["Ronnie and Gino, reporting for duty, sir!"],
		ginoStart: ["Ronnie and Gino, reporting for duty, sir!"],
		penStart: ["If you move one step forward, I'll make you a frozen chicken"],
		guinStart: ["If you move one step forward, I'll make you a frozen chicken"],
		mayorStart: ["Chuck, go get him!"],
		mulanStart: ["Help!"],
		flickStart: ["Chuck, help!", "Chuck, it's me, Flick!"],
		wingStart: ["Chuck, help!"],
		hypotizedStart: ["Your wish is my command"],
		rainbowStart: ["Help me!"],
		coupleStart: ["Help me!"]
	Shop: [{
		Name: "Guide",
		Info: "Egg guide line",
		Price: 24
	}, {
		Name: "Extra Egg",
		Info: "1 extra egg",
		Price: 24
	}, {
		Name: "Extra Bounce",
		Info: "1 extra bounce",
		Price: 24
	}, {
		Name: "Magic Egg Respawn",
		Info: "Respawn after used",
		Price: 24
	Chuck: {
		rhino: {
			name: "Rhinoceros Punch",
			skill: "Punch to defeat hard to reach enemies"
		eagle: {
			name: "Eagle Eyes",
			skill: "Fly to save hanging hostages"
		skunk: {
			name: "Stinky Skunk",
			skill: "Make nearby enemies faint with stinky skunk spray"
		mole: {
			name: "Spinning Mole",
			skill: "Drill to open locked cages"
		cheetah: {
			name: "Speeding Cheetah",
			skill: "Run to heat up frozen hostages"
		spider: {
			name: "Spider Feet",
			skill: "Stick on wall to throw egg"
		fish: {
			name: "Leaping Toadfish",
			skill: "Swim pass the water pool"
		armadillo: {
			name: "Armadillo Shield",
			skill: "Destroy machines with its hard shell"
		bat: {
			name: "Bat Power",
			skill: "Detect cannon ball and throw eggs past them"
		snake: {
			name: "Rubber Snake",
			skill: "Stretch elastic hand to reach enemies"
		rat: {
			name: "Miniscule Mouse",
			skill: "Shrink to pass through small holes to toggle lever"
		chameleon: {
			name: "Invisible Chameleon",
			skill: "Turn invisible to avoid laser detection"
		unlock: {
			name: "Awesome Stunt!",
			skill: "New chapters unlocked!"
	Tutorial: {
		"continue": {
			desktop: "Click to continue",
			mobile: "Tap to continue"
		shoot: {
			desktop: "Aim and click to shoot Golden Egg",
			mobile: "Aim and tap to shoot Golden Egg"
		magicEgg: "Shoot the Golden Egg towards \nthe Magic Egg to transform Chuck.",
		lever: "Shoot the lever with Golden Egg \nto open the metal door with the\nsame colour",
		retry: "Press E to restart level",
		pool: "Shoot towards the Toadfish Egg\nat the angle of the Pool Portal",
		laser: "Transform into Invisible \nChameleon to switch \noff laser",
		hang: "Transform into Eagle Eye\nto save hanging hostages",
		doll: "Defeat Cuddly birdy\nto revert the doll\nhostage",
		blackhole: "A blackhole teleports Golden\nEgg to another blackhole",
		robot: "Robots can only be destroyed\nby defeating Dr Mingo holding\nthe controller",
		tank: "Tanks can only be destroyed\nby defeating Dr Mingo holding\nthe controller",
		hypotized: "Hypnotized hostages can\nonly be saved by defeating\nDee holding the controller",
		cage: "Shoot the Spinning Mole\nEgg towards the direction \nof the Cage to destroy it",
		frozen: "Shoot the Speeding Cheetah\nEgg towards the direction of\nthe hostage to rescue it",
		machine: "Shoot the Armadillo Shield\nEgg towards the direction \nof the machine to destroy it"
	Game: {
		SelectPlayer: "Select Player",
		Win: "You win!",
		Lose: "You lose!",
		Score: "Score",
		Time: "Time",
		Buy: "BUY",
		Owned: "OWNED",
		Unlock: "Complete chapter 1 and 2 to unlock this chapter",
		Locked: "LOCKED",
		E: "E",
		Level: "LEVEL ",
		Shop: "SHOP",
		Theme: "CHAPTERS",
		Levels: "LEVELS",
		Paused: "SETTINGS",
		Settings: "SETTINGS",
		Gallery: "GALLERY",
		Over: "Game Over",
		Win: "YOU WIN",
		Lose: "YOU LOSE"
	Results: {
		Title: "High score"







2.从海拥资源网下载:Chuck Chicken 魔法蛋网页游戏源码_海拥资源库Chuck Chicken 魔法蛋网页游戏源码_海拥资源库icon-default.png?t=N7T8
3.也可通过下方卡片添加好友回复 Chuck Chicken 获取





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