论文网址:[2304.08876] 用于定向微小目标检测的动态粗到细学习 (arxiv.org)
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1.1. 心得
1.2. 论文总结图
2. 论文逐段精读
2.1. Abstract
①Extreme geometric shapes (tiny) and finite features (few pixels) of tiny rotating objects will cause serious mismatch (inaccurate positional prior?) and imbalance (inaccurate positive sample features?) issues
②They proposed dynamic prior and coarse-to-fine assigner, called DCFL
posterior adj.在后部的;在后面的 n.臀部;屁股
2.2. Introduction
①Oriented bounding box greatly eliminates redundant background area, especially in aerial images
②Comparison figure:
where M* denotes matching function;
green, blue and red boxes are true positive, false positive, and false negative predictions respectively,
the left figure set is static and the right is dynamic
③Figure of mismatch and imbalance issues:
each point in the left figure denotes a prior location(先验打那么多个点啊...而且为啥打得那么整齐,这是什么one-shot吗)
④They introduce dynamic Prior Capturing Block (PCB) as their prior method. Based on this, they further utilize Cross-FPN-layer Coarse Positive Sample (CPS) to assign labels. After that, they reorder these candidates by prediction (posterior), and present gt by finer Dynamic Gaussian Mixture Model (DGMM)
eradicate vt.根除;消灭;杜绝 n.根除者;褪色灵
2.3. Related Work
2.3.1. Oriented Object Detection
(1)Prior for Oriented Objects
(2)Label Assignment
2.3.2. Tiny Object Detection
(1)Multi-scale Learning
(2)Label Assignment
(3)Context Information
(4)Feature Enhancement
2.4. Method
①For a set of dense prior , where
denotes width,
denotes height and
denotes the number of shape information(什么东西啊,是那些点吗), mapping it to
by Deep Neural Network (DNN):
where represents the detection head(探测头...外行不太懂,感觉也就是一个函数嘛?);
one part in
denotes the classification scores, where
means the class number(更被认为是阳性的样本那层的
one part in
denotes the classification scores, where
means the box parameter number(什么东西?box parameter?什么是箱参数?)
②In static methods, the pos labels assigned for is
③In dynamic methods, the pos labels set integrate posterior information:
④The loss function:
where and
represent the number of positive and negative samples,
is the neg labels set
⑤Modelling ,
2.4.1. Dynamic Prior
2.4.2. Coarse Prior Matching
2.4.3. Finer Dynamic Posterior Matching
2.5. Experiments
2.5.1. Datasets
2.5.2. Implementation Details
2.5.3. Main Results
(1)Results on DOTA series
(2)Results on DIOR-R
(3)Results on HBB Datasets
2.5.4. Ablation Study
(1)Effects of Individual Strategy
(2)Comparisons of Different CPS.
(3)Fixed Prior and Dynamic Prior
(4)Detailed Design in PCB
(5)Effects of Parameters
2.6. Analysis
(1)Reconciliation of imbalance problems
2.7. Conclusion
3. 知识补充
4. Reference List
Xu, C. et al. (2023) 'Dynamic Coarse-to-Fine Learning for Oriented Tiny Object Detection', CVPR. doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2304.08876