光线追踪5- Surface normals and multiple objects

news2025/3/12 19:19:04





double hit_sphere(const point3& center, double radius, const ray& r) {
vec3 oc = r.origin() - center;    
auto a = dot(r.direction(), r.direction());    
auto b = 2.0 * dot(oc, r.direction());    
auto c = dot(oc, oc) - radius*radius;    
auto discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c;
if(discriminant < 0){
 return -1.0; 
else { 
return (-b - sqrt(discriminant) ) / (2.0*a); 
color ray_color(const ray& r) {
Auto t = hit_sphere(point3(0,0,-1), 0.5, r); 
vec3 N = unit_vector(r.at(t) - vec3(0,0,-1)); 
return 0.5*color(N.x()+1, N.y()+1, N.z()+1); 
    vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
auto a = 0.5*(unit_direction.y() + 1.0);
return (1.0-a)*color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + a*color(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);



6.2  简化光线与球体相交代码


double hit_sphere(const point3& center, double radius, const ray& r) {    
	vec3 oc = r.origin() - center;    
	auto a = dot(r.direction(), r.direction());    
	auto b = 2.0 * dot(oc, r.direction());    
	auto c = dot(oc, oc) - radius*radius;    
	auto discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c;    
	if (discriminant < 0) {
	     return -1.0;    
	else {
	    return (-b - sqrt(discriminant) ) / (2.0*a);





double hit_sphere(const point3& center, double radius, const ray& r) {    
vec3 oc = r.origin() - center;
auto a = r.direction().length_squared();
auto half_b = dot(oc, r.direction());
auto c = oc.length_squared() - radius*radius;
auto discriminant = half_b*half_b - a*c;
if (discriminant < 0) {
        return -1.0;
else {
	return (-half_b - sqrt(discriminant) ) / a;

6.3  An Abstraction for Hittable Objects



#ifndef HITTABLE_H
#define HITTABLE_H

#include "ray.h"

class hit_record {  
point3  p;    
    vec3 normal;    
    double t;

class hittable {  
	virtual ~hittable() = default;    
	virtual bool hit(const ray& r, double ray_tmin, double ray_tmax, hit_record& 	rec) const = 0;



#ifndef SPHERE_H
#define SPHERE_H
#include "hittable.h"
#include "vec3.h"

class sphere : public hittable {  
    sphere(point3 _center, double _radius) : center(_center), radius(_radius) {}    
bool hit(const ray& r, double ray_tmin, double ray_tmax, hit_record& rec) const override {
	        vec3 oc = r.origin() - center;
	        auto a = r.direction().length_squared();
	        auto half_b = dot(oc, r.direction());
	        auto c = oc.length_squared() - radius*radius;
	        auto discriminant = half_b*half_b - a*c;
	        if (discriminant < 0) return false;
	        auto sqrtd = sqrt(discriminant);

	        // Find the nearest root that lies in the acceptable range.
	        auto root = (-half_b - sqrtd) / a;
	        if (root <= ray_tmin || ray_tmax <= root) {
	            root = (-half_b + sqrtd) / a;
	        if (root <= ray_tmin || ray_tmax <= root)
	                return false;        
	rec.t = root;
	rec.p = r.at(rec.t);
	rec.normal = (rec.p - center) / radius;
        return true;

private:    point3 center;    double radius;


Listing 16: [sphere.h] The sphere class

6.4 正面面片与背面面片的区别




if (dot(ray_direction, outward_normal) > 0.0) {    
	// ray is inside the sphere   
 else {    
	// ray is outside the sphere    


bool front_face;
if (dot(ray_direction, outward_normal) > 0.0) {
// ray is inside the sphere
normal = -outward_normal;
front_face = false;
else {
    // ray is outside the sphere
    normal = outward_normal;
    front_face = true;



class hit_record { 
point3 p;
vec3 normal;
double t;
 bool front_face;

void set_face_normal(const ray& r, const vec3& outward_normal) {
    // Sets the hit record normal vector.
    // NOTE: the parameter `outward_normal` is assumed to have unit length.
   front_face = dot(r.direction(), outward_normal) < 0;
   normal = front_face ? outward_normal : -outward_normal;

     Listing 19: [hittable.h] Adding front-face tracking to hit_record


class sphere : public hittable {
 bool hit(const ray& r, double ray_tmin, double ray_tmax, hit_record& rec) const   {
        rec.t = root;
        rec.p = r.at(rec.t);
        vec3 outward_normal = (rec.p - center) / radius;
        rec.set_face_normal(r, outward_normal);
	    return true;    

 Listing 20: [sphere.h] The sphere class with normal determination


6.5 hittable_list



#include "hittable.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

using std::shared_ptr;
using std::make_shared;

class hittable_list : public hittable {
std::vector<shared_ptr<hittable>> objects;
    hittable_list() { }
hittable_list(shared_ptr<hittable> object) { add(object); }

void clear() { objects.clear(); }

void add(shared_ptr<hittable> object) {

  bool hit(const ray& r, double ray_tmin, double ray_tmax, hit_record& rec) const override {
        hit_record temp_rec;
        bool hit_anything = false;
        auto closest_so_far = ray_tmax;

        for (const auto& object : objects) {
            if (object->hit(r, ray_tmin, closest_so_far, temp_rec)){
                hit_anything = true;
                closest_so_far = temp_rec.t;
                rec = temp_rec;
        return hit_anything;

Listing 21: [hittable_list.h] The hittable_list class


6.6 一些C++的新特性   

hittable_list 类的代码使用了两个C++特性,如果你平时不是C++程序员可能会遇到困扰:vector和shared_ptr。



shared_ptr<double> double_ptr = make_shared<double>(0.37);
shared_ptr<vec3> vec3_ptr = make_shared<vec3>(1.414214, 2.718281, 1.618034);
shared_ptr<sphere> sphere_ptr = make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,0,0), 1.0);

make_shared<thing>(thing_constructor_params ...) 分配一个新的 thing 类型的实例,使用构造函数参数。它返回一个 shared_ptr<thing>。

由于类型可以通过 make_shared<type>(...) 的返回类型自动推断出来,上述代码可以更简洁地使用 C++ 的 auto 类型推导器表示如下:

auto double_ptr = make_shared<double>(0.37);
auto vec3_ptr   = make_shared<vec3>(1.414214, 2.718281, 1.618034);
auto sphere_ptr = make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,0,0), 1.0);

    在我们的代码中,我们将使用 shared_ptr,因为它允许多个几何体共享一个公共实例(例如,一组使用相同颜色材质的球体),并且使内存管理自动化并更易于理解。

std::shared_ptr 包含在 <memory> 头文件中。

第二个您可能不熟悉的 C++ 特性是 std::vector。它是一个泛型的类似数组的集合,可以存储任意类型的元素。在上面的代码中,我们使用了一个 hittable 指针的集合。std::vector 会在添加更多值时自动扩展:objects.push_back(object) 将一个值添加到 std::vector 成员变量 objects 的末尾。

std::vector 包含在 <vector> 头文件中。

最后,在第21行的 using 语句告诉编译器我们将从 std 库中获取 shared_ptr 和 make_shared,因此我们在引用它们时不需要每次都加上 std:: 前缀。

6.7 常见的常量和实用函数



#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>

// Usings 
Using std::shared_ptr;
using std::make_shared;
using std::sqrt;

// Constants
const double infinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
const double pi = 3.1415926535897932385;

// Utility Functions
inline double degrees_to_radians(double degrees) {
return degrees * pi / 180.0;

// Common Headers
#include "ray.h"
#include "vec3.h"


新的main 函数

#include "rtweekend.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "hittable.h"
#include "hittable_list.h"
#include "sphere.h"

#include <iostream>

double hit_sphere(const point3& center, double radius, const ray& r) {

color ray_color(const ray& r, const hittable& world) {
hit_record rec;
    if (world.hit(r, 0, infinity, rec)) {
       return 0.5 * (rec.normal + color(1,1,1));

vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
auto a = 0.5*(unit_direction.y() + 1.0);
    return (1.0-a)*color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + a*color(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);

int main() {
// Image
auto aspect_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0;
int image_width = 400;

    // Calculate the image height, and ensure that it's at least 1.
int image_height = static_cast<int>(image_width / aspect_ratio);
image_height = (image_height < 1) ? 1 : image_height;
   // World
hittable_list world;
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,0,-1), 0.5));
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,-100.5,-1), 100));
// Camera
auto focal_length = 1.0;
auto viewport_height = 2.0;
auto viewport_width = viewport_height * (static_cast<double>(image_width)/image_height);
auto camera_center = point3(0, 0, 0);

 // Calculate the vectors across the horizontal and down the vertical viewport edges.    auto viewport_u = vec3(viewport_width, 0, 0);
auto viewport_v = vec3(0, -viewport_height, 0);

  // Calculate the horizontal and vertical delta vectors from pixel to pixel.    
auto pixel_delta_u = viewport_u / image_width;
auto pixel_delta_v = viewport_v / image_height;

// Calculate the location of the upper left pixel.
auto viewport_upper_left = camera_center - vec3(0, 0, focal_length) - viewport_u/2 - viewport_v/2;
auto pixel00_loc = viewport_upper_left + 0.5 * (pixel_delta_u + pixel_delta_v);

 // Render
   std::cout << "P3\n" << image_width << ' ' << image_height << "\n255\n";
for (int j = 0; j < image_height; ++j) {
        std::clog << "\rScanlines remaining: " << (image_height - j) << ' ' << std::flush;
        for (int i = 0; i < image_width; ++i) {
            auto pixel_center = pixel00_loc + (i * pixel_delta_u) + (j * pixel_delta_v);
            auto ray_direction = pixel_center - camera_center;
            ray r(camera_center, ray_direction);
color pixel_color = ray_color(r, world);
               write_color(std::cout, pixel_color);
std::clog << "\rDone.                 \n";


Image 5: Resulting render of normals-colored sphere with ground


6.8 An Interval Class


#ifndef INTERVAL_H
#define INTERVAL_H

class interval {
double min, max;

interval() : min(+infinity), max(-infinity) {}  // Default interval is empty
interval(double _min, double _max) : min(_min), max(_max) {}

bool contains(double x) const {
        return min <= x && x <= max;

bool surrounds(double x) const {
        return min < x && x < max;

static const interval empty, universe;

const static interval empty   (+infinity, -infinity);
const static interval universe(-infinity, +infinity);


                 Listing 26: [interval.h] Introducing the new interval class

class hittable_list : public hittable {
bool hit(const ray& r, interval ray_t, hit_record& rec) const override {
        hit_record temp_rec;
        bool hit_anything = false;
        auto closest_so_far = ray_t.max;
        for (const auto& object : objects) {
            if (object->hit(r, interval(ray_t.min, closest_so_far), temp_rec)) {
                hit_anything = true;
                closest_so_far = temp_rec.t;
                rec = temp_rec;
        return hit_anything;

 Listing 29: [hittable_list.h] hittable_list::hit() using interval

class sphere : public hittable {
bool hit(const ray& r, interval ray_t, hit_record& rec) const override {
        // Find the nearest root that lies in the acceptable range.
        auto root = (-half_b - sqrtd) / a;
        if (!ray_t.surrounds(root)) {
            root = (-half_b + sqrtd) / a;
            if (!ray_t.surrounds(root))
                return false;

 Listing 30: [sphere.h] sphere using interval

color ray_color(const ray& r, const hittable& world) {
    hit_record rec;
    if (world.hit(r, interval(0, infinity), rec)) {
        return 0.5 * (rec.normal + color(1,1,1));
    vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
    auto a = 0.5*(unit_direction.y() + 1.0);
    return (1.0-a)*color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + a*color(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);

                Listing 31: [main.cc] The new main using interval






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