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论文: 《Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition》
LeNet-5 comprises seven layers, not counting the input, all of which contain trainable parameters (weights). The input is a 32×32 pixel image.
理解: LeNet5共包含7层,输入为32×32像素的图片,如下图所示:
Layer C1 is a convolutional layer with six feature maps.Each unit in each feature map is connected to a 5✖5 neigh-borhood in the input.
理解: C1 层是卷积层,使用 6 个 5×5 大小的卷积核,padding=0,stride=1进行卷积,得到 6 个 28×28 大小的特征图:32-5+1=28
Layer S2 is a subsampling layer with six feature maps of size 14×14. Each unit in each feature map is connected to a 2×2 neighborhood in the corresponding feature map in C1.The four inputs to a unit in S2 are added, then multiplied by a trainable coefficient, and then added to a trainable bias.The result is passed through a sigmoidal function.
理解: S2 层是降采样层,使用 6 个 2×2 大小的卷积核进行池化,padding=0,stride=2,得到 6 个 14×14 大小的特征图:28/2=14。S2 层其实相当于降采样层+激活层。先是降采样,然后激活函数 sigmoid 非线性输出。先对 C1 层 2x2 的视野求和,然后进入激活函数。
Layer C3 is a convolutional layer with 16 feature maps.Each unit in each feature map is connected to several 5×5 neighborhoods at identical locations in a subset of S2’s feature maps.
The first six C3 feature maps take inputs from every contiguous subsets of three feature maps in S2. The next six take input from every contiguous subset of four. The next three take input from some discontinuous subsets of four. Finally, the last one takes input from all S2 feature maps.
理解: C3 层是卷积层,使用 16 个 5×5xn 大小的卷积核,padding=0,stride=1 进行卷积,得到 16 个 10×10 大小的特征图:14-5+1=10。
16 个卷积核并不是都与 S2 的 6 个通道层进行卷积操作,如下图所示,C3 的前六个特征图(0,1,2,3,4,5)由 S2 的相邻三个特征图作为输入,对应的卷积核尺寸为:5x5x3;接下来的 6 个特征图(6,7,8,9,10,11)由 S2 的相邻四个特征图作为输入对应的卷积核尺寸为:5x5x4;接下来的 3 个特征图(12,13,14)号特征图由 S2 间断的四个特征图作为输入对应的卷积核尺寸为:5x5x4;最后的 15 号特征图由 S2 全部(6 个)特征图作为输入,对应的卷积核尺寸为:5x5x6。
Layer S4 is a subsampling layer with 16 feature maps of size 5×5. Each unit in each feature map is connected to a 2×2 neighborhood in the corresponding feature map in C3.
理解: S4 层与 S2 一样也是降采样层,使用 16 个 2×2 大小的卷积核进行池化,padding=0,stride=2,得到 16 个 5×5 大小的特征图:10/2=5。
Layer C5 is a convolutional layer with 120 feature maps.Each unit is connected to a 5×5 neighborhood on all 16 of S4’s feature maps.
理解: C5 层是卷积层,使用 120 个 5×5x16 大小的卷积核,padding=0,stride=1进行卷积,得到 120 个 1×1 大小的特征图:5-5+1=1。即相当于 120 个神经元的全连接层。
Layer F6 contains 84 units (the reason for this number comes from the design of the output layer, explained below) and is fully connected to C5.
units in layers up to F6 compute adot product between their input vector and their weigh tvector, to which a bias is added.
then passed through a sigmoid squashing function
理解: F6 是全连接层,共有 84 个神经元,与 C5 层进行全连接,即每个神经元都与 C5 层的 120 个特征图相连。计算输入向量和权重向量之间的点积,再加上一个偏置,结果通过 sigmoid 函数输出。
the output layer is composed of Euclidean RBFunits, one for each class, with 84 inputs each.
理解 :最后的 Output 层也是全连接层,是 Gaussian Connections,采用了 RBF 函数(即径向欧式距离函数),计算输入向量和参数向量之间的欧式距离(目前已经被Softmax 取代)。
这可能是神经网络 LeNet-5 最详细的解释了!