from tkinter import *
from tkinter. messagebox import *
import time
import os
root = Tk( )
import random
dirall= [ ]
randima = [ ]
def call ( ) :
global image1
global image2
global image3
global image4
global image5
global selone
global seltwo
dirall. clear( )
randima. clear( )
for dirs in os. walk( './test/' ) :
dirall. append( dirs)
secdir= dirall[ 0 ] [ 1 ]
luckima= random. choice( secdir)
secdir. remove( luckima)
decdir= luckima
filelist= os. listdir( './test/' + decdir)
selone = random. choice( filelist)
randima. append( decdir+ '/' + selone)
filelist. remove( selone)
seltwo = random. choice( filelist)
randima. append( decdir+ '/' + seltwo)
for i in range ( 3 ) :
randdir= random. choice( secdir)
randfile= os. listdir( './test/' + randdir)
randima. append( randdir+ '/' + random. choice( randfile) )
secdir. remove( randdir)
random. shuffle( randima)
title= Label( root, text= "所有的" + luckima) . grid( column= 1 , row= 0 )
image1 = PhotoImage( file = 'test/' + randima[ 0 ] )
image2 = PhotoImage( file = 'test/' + randima[ 1 ] )
image3 = PhotoImage( file = 'test/' + randima[ 2 ] )
image4 = PhotoImage( file = 'test/' + randima[ 3 ] )
image5 = PhotoImage( file = 'test/' + randima[ 4 ] )
label = Label( root, image= image1) . grid( column= 0 , row= 1 )
labe2 = Label( root, image= image2) . grid( column= 1 , row= 1 )
labe3 = Label( root, image= image3) . grid( column= 2 , row= 1 )
labe4 = Label( root, image= image4) . grid( column= 3 , row= 1 )
labe5 = Label( root, image= image5) . grid( column= 4 , row= 1 )
def defcheck ( ) :
cvar1. set ( 0 )
cvar2. set ( 0 )
cvar3. set ( 0 )
cvar4. set ( 0 )
cvar5. set ( 0 )
def test ( ) :
count= 0
if cvar1. get( ) == 1 :
if selone not in randima[ 0 ] and seltwo not in randima[ 0 ] :
warn= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '验证失败,请重新验证!' )
count= 20
call( )
else :
count += 1
if cvar2. get( ) == 1 and count!= 20 :
if selone not in randima[ 1 ] and seltwo not in randima[ 1 ] :
warn= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '验证失败,请重新验证!' )
count= 20
call( )
else :
count+= 1
if cvar3. get( ) == 1 and count!= 20 :
if selone not in randima[ 2 ] and seltwo not in randima[ 2 ] :
warn= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '验证失败,请重新验证!' )
count= 20
call( )
else :
count+= 1
if cvar4. get( ) == 1 and count!= 20 :
if selone not in randima[ 3 ] and seltwo not in randima[ 3 ] :
warn= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '验证失败,请重新验证!' )
count= 20
call( )
else :
count += 1
if cvar5. get( ) == 1 and count!= 20 :
if selone not in randima[ 4 ] and seltwo not in randima[ 4 ] :
warn= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '验证失败,请重新验证!' )
count= 20
call( )
else :
count += 1
if count== 2 :
mess= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '验证通过,将进入系统!' )
root. destroy( )
elif count== 0 :
mess= showwarning( title= '图形验证码' , message = '请选择图形再验证!' )
else :
defcheck( )
root. title( '图形验证码' )
root. wm_attributes( '-topmost' , 1 )
root. geometry( '500x180' )
title= Label( root, text= "请点击下面图中" ) . grid( column= 0 , row= 0 )
call( )
cvar1 = IntVar( )
cvar2 = IntVar( )
cvar3 = IntVar( )
cvar4 = IntVar( )
cvar5 = IntVar( )
check1 = Checkbutton( root, text = "选择" , variable = cvar1, onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0 ) . grid( column= 0 , row= 2 )
check2= Checkbutton( root, text = "选择" , variable = cvar2, onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0 ) . grid( column= 1 , row= 2 )
check3 = Checkbutton( root, text = "选择" , variable = cvar3, onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0 ) . grid( column= 2 , row= 2 )
check4= Checkbutton( root, text = "选择" , variable = cvar4, onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0 ) . grid( column= 3 , row= 2 )
check5 = Checkbutton( root, text = "选择" , variable = cvar5, onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0 ) . grid( column= 4 , row= 2 )
actis = Button( root, text= "确认" , command= test, width= 8 )
actis. grid( column= 3 , row= 3 )
actcal = Button( root, text= "换一组" , command= call, width= 8 )
actcal. grid( column= 4 , row= 3 )
root. mainloop( )