学习数仓工具 dbt

news2024/11/18 6:37:30

DBT 是一个有趣的工具,它通过一种结构化的方式定义了数仓中各种表、视图的构建和填充方式。

dbt 面相的对象是数据开发团队,提供了如下几个最有价值的能力:

  • 支持多种数据库
  • 通过 select 来定义数据,无需编写 DML
  • 构建数据时,自动分析数据依赖,按照依赖顺序生成模型
  • 版本化数据定义,支持团队 review
  • 支持数据质量测试

任何数据库都可以按照规范实现 DBT-XXX 适配器,使得你的数据库能够使用 DBT 来管理。

因为 OB 和 TiDB 都是兼容 MySQL 的,所以我先用 TiDB 的适配器来跑一下 OB,看看效果。因为 OB 对 information_schema.tables 表中的 table_type 字段内容做了一些扩展,除了 “VIEW” 和 “TABLE” 之外还引入了 “SYSTEM TABLE”, “SYSTEM VIEW”:

OceanBase(admin@test)>select distinct table_type from information_schema.tables;
| table_type   |
| VIEW         |
4 rows in set (0.008 sec)

这需要适配一下。改一下adapters.sql 即可。


本文的 dbt 脚本见 https://github.com/dbt-labs/jaffle_shop

已经定义好 dbt 脚本后,数据开发工程师每次需要更新数仓中的数据时,只需要调用 dbt run 即可让所有数据更新,提升工作效率。可以反复执行 dbt rundbt run背后会建立一些临时表,如:


) 里的例子,内部日志如下。仔细阅读,就能理解其工作原理了:

============================== 22:08:55.622663 | f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1 ==============================
22:08:55.622663 [info ] [MainThread]: Running with dbt=1.6.9
22:08:55.622992 [debug] [MainThread]: running dbt with arguments {'printer_width': '80', 'indirect_selection': 'eager', 'log_cache_events': 'False', 'write_json': 'True', 'partial_parse': 'True', 'cache_selected_only': 'False', 'warn_error': 'None', 'fail_fast': 'False', 'debug': 'False', 'log_path': '/Users/raywill/code/raywill/jaffle_shop/logs', 'version_check': 'True', 'profiles_dir': '/Users/raywill/.dbt', 'use_colors': 'True', 'use_experimental_parser': 'False', 'no_print': 'None', 'quiet': 'False', 'warn_error_options': 'WarnErrorOptions(include=[], exclude=[])', 'introspect': 'True', 'static_parser': 'True', 'log_format': 'default', 'target_path': 'None', 'invocation_command': 'dbt run', 'send_anonymous_usage_stats': 'True'}
22:08:55.662363 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'project_id', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10afdad10>]}
22:08:55.669168 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'adapter_info', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10a9cd050>]}
22:08:55.669586 [info ] [MainThread]: Registered adapter: tidb=1.6.4
22:08:55.678545 [debug] [MainThread]: checksum: f795ff6322dabffafa5fc1f59b34557dea99c8bef60412d1b41cabcb4e97dcce, vars: {}, profile: , target: , version: 1.6.9
22:08:55.693348 [debug] [MainThread]: Partial parsing enabled: 0 files deleted, 0 files added, 0 files changed.
22:08:55.693590 [debug] [MainThread]: Partial parsing enabled, no changes found, skipping parsing
22:08:55.697272 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'load_project', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10767aa50>]}
22:08:55.703811 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'resource_counts', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10b01b950>]}
22:08:55.704055 [info ] [MainThread]: Found 5 models, 3 seeds, 20 tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 349 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models
22:08:55.704224 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'runnable_timing', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10b008050>]}
22:08:55.705247 [info ] [MainThread]:
22:08:55.705615 [debug] [MainThread]: Acquiring new tidb connection 'master'
22:08:55.706190 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Acquiring new tidb connection 'list_schemas'
22:08:55.711040 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Using tidb connection "list_schemas"
22:08:55.711272 [debug] [ThreadPool]: On list_schemas: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "connection_name": "list_schemas"} */
select distinct schema_name
        from information_schema.schemata
22:08:55.711413 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Opening a new connection, currently in state init
22:08:55.791747 [debug] [ThreadPool]: SQL status: SUCCESS 7 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:55.793001 [debug] [ThreadPool]: On list_schemas: Close
22:08:55.794166 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Re-using an available connection from the pool (formerly list_schemas, now list_None_oceanbase)
22:08:55.797532 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Using tidb connection "list_None_oceanbase"
22:08:55.797766 [debug] [ThreadPool]: On list_None_oceanbase: BEGIN
22:08:55.797922 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:55.872273 [debug] [ThreadPool]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:55.872627 [debug] [ThreadPool]: Using tidb connection "list_None_oceanbase"
22:08:55.872860 [debug] [ThreadPool]: On list_None_oceanbase: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "connection_name": "list_None_oceanbase"} */
      null as "database",
      table_name as name,
      table_schema as "schema",
      case when table_type = 'BASE TABLE' then 'table'
           when table_type = 'SYSTEM TABLE' then 'table'
           when table_type = 'SYSTEM VIEW' then 'view'
           when table_type = 'VIEW' then 'view'
           else table_type
      end as table_type
    from information_schema.tables
    where table_schema = 'oceanbase'

22:08:55.982141 [debug] [ThreadPool]: SQL status: SUCCESS 1067 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:55.991267 [debug] [ThreadPool]: On list_None_oceanbase: ROLLBACK
22:08:55.999188 [debug] [ThreadPool]: On list_None_oceanbase: Close
22:08:56.050320 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'runnable_timing', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10b26a3d0>]}
22:08:56.050653 [debug] [MainThread]: Using tidb connection "master"
22:08:56.050791 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: BEGIN
22:08:56.050913 [debug] [MainThread]: Opening a new connection, currently in state init
22:08:56.112223 [debug] [MainThread]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.112550 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: COMMIT
22:08:56.112700 [debug] [MainThread]: Using tidb connection "master"
22:08:56.112843 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: COMMIT
22:08:56.127682 [debug] [MainThread]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.127872 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: Close
22:08:56.128367 [info ] [MainThread]: Concurrency: 1 threads (target='dev')
22:08:56.128558 [info ] [MainThread]:
22:08:56.129995 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began running node model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers
22:08:56.130305 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 1 of 5 START sql view model oceanbase.stg_customers ............................ [RUN]
22:08:56.130725 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Re-using an available connection from the pool (formerly list_None_oceanbase, now model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers)
22:08:56.130937 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began compiling node model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers
22:08:56.132859 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing injected SQL for node "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.133337 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers (compile): 22:08:56.131077 => 22:08:56.133228
22:08:56.133526 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began executing node model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers
22:08:56.158597 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing runtime sql for node "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.159066 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.159227 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: BEGIN
22:08:56.159372 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:56.217134 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.217351 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.217555 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"} */

  create view `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_tmp`

  as (
    with source as (
    select * from `oceanbase`.`raw_customers`


renamed as (

        id as customer_id,

    from source


select * from renamed
22:08:56.329009 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.364055 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.364679 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"} */

    drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_backup` cascade

22:08:56.388533 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.390391 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.390649 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_customers` to `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_backup`

22:08:56.482864 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.489215 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.489815 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"} */

    drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_customers` cascade

22:08:56.510550 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.513581 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.514166 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`stg_customers`

22:08:56.600139 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.620564 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: COMMIT
22:08:56.621050 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.621314 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: COMMIT
22:08:56.636866 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.642164 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"
22:08:56.642473 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers"} */
drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_backup`
22:08:56.719959 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.724716 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers (execute): 22:08:56.133648 => 22:08:56.724313
22:08:56.725436 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers: Close
22:08:56.727114 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'run_model', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10adad4d0>]}
22:08:56.728088 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 1 of 5 OK created sql view model oceanbase.stg_customers ....................... [SUCCESS 0 in 0.60s]
22:08:56.728829 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Finished running node model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers
22:08:56.729372 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began running node model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders
22:08:56.729887 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 2 of 5 START sql view model oceanbase.stg_orders ............................... [RUN]
22:08:56.730682 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Re-using an available connection from the pool (formerly model.jaffle_shop.stg_customers, now model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders)
22:08:56.731039 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began compiling node model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders
22:08:56.734512 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing injected SQL for node "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.735763 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders (compile): 22:08:56.731390 => 22:08:56.735555
22:08:56.736135 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began executing node model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders
22:08:56.752144 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing runtime sql for node "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.752639 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.752858 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: BEGIN
22:08:56.753063 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:56.817242 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.817668 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.818016 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"} */

  create view `oceanbase`.`stg_orders__dbt_tmp`

  as (
    with source as (
    select * from `oceanbase`.`raw_orders`


renamed as (

        id as order_id,
        user_id as customer_id,

    from source


select * from renamed
22:08:56.896459 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.903640 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.903963 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"} */

    drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_orders__dbt_backup` cascade

22:08:56.925139 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.926137 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.926412 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_orders` to `oceanbase`.`stg_orders__dbt_backup`

22:08:56.994692 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:56.997962 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:56.998295 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"} */

    drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_orders` cascade

22:08:57.016278 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.017341 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:57.017666 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_orders__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`stg_orders`

22:08:57.091437 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.097185 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: COMMIT
22:08:57.097653 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:57.097973 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: COMMIT
22:08:57.113205 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.119160 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"
22:08:57.119605 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders"} */
drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_orders__dbt_backup`
22:08:57.191539 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.196838 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders (execute): 22:08:56.736369 => 22:08:57.196496
22:08:57.197465 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders: Close
22:08:57.198946 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'run_model', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10b00e090>]}
22:08:57.199806 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 2 of 5 OK created sql view model oceanbase.stg_orders .......................... [SUCCESS 0 in 0.47s]
22:08:57.200556 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Finished running node model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders
22:08:57.201094 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began running node model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments
22:08:57.201612 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 3 of 5 START sql view model oceanbase.stg_payments ............................. [RUN]
22:08:57.202546 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Re-using an available connection from the pool (formerly model.jaffle_shop.stg_orders, now model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments)
22:08:57.202993 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began compiling node model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments
22:08:57.206589 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing injected SQL for node "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.207501 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments (compile): 22:08:57.203264 => 22:08:57.207308
22:08:57.207855 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began executing node model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments
22:08:57.224227 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing runtime sql for node "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.224759 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.224987 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: BEGIN
22:08:57.225194 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:57.286954 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.287364 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.287725 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"} */

  create view `oceanbase`.`stg_payments__dbt_tmp`

  as (
    with source as (
    select * from `oceanbase`.`raw_payments`


renamed as (

        id as payment_id,

        -- `amount` is currently stored in cents, so we convert it to dollars
        amount / 100 as amount

    from source


select * from renamed
22:08:57.369772 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.381916 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.382347 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"} */

    drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_payments__dbt_backup` cascade

22:08:57.404650 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.406090 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.406480 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_payments` to `oceanbase`.`stg_payments__dbt_backup`

22:08:57.476087 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.482015 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.482508 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"} */

    drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_payments` cascade

22:08:57.504008 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.507457 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.508634 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_payments__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`stg_payments`

22:08:57.584623 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.589099 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: COMMIT
22:08:57.589588 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.589984 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: COMMIT
22:08:57.607837 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.614888 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"
22:08:57.615358 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments"} */
drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_payments__dbt_backup`
22:08:57.690624 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.695481 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments (execute): 22:08:57.208062 => 22:08:57.695113
22:08:57.696561 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments: Close
22:08:57.697780 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'run_model', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10b02da10>]}
22:08:57.698487 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 3 of 5 OK created sql view model oceanbase.stg_payments ........................ [SUCCESS 0 in 0.50s]
22:08:57.699066 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Finished running node model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments
22:08:57.700156 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began running node model.jaffle_shop.customers
22:08:57.700680 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 4 of 5 START sql table model oceanbase.customers ............................... [RUN]
22:08:57.701414 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Re-using an available connection from the pool (formerly model.jaffle_shop.stg_payments, now model.jaffle_shop.customers)
22:08:57.701787 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began compiling node model.jaffle_shop.customers
22:08:57.707287 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing injected SQL for node "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:57.708262 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.customers (compile): 22:08:57.702033 => 22:08:57.708100
22:08:57.708561 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began executing node model.jaffle_shop.customers
22:08:57.737060 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:57.737355 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: BEGIN
22:08:57.737543 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:57.794172 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.794493 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:57.794774 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

        create view
        as (
            with customers as (

    select * from `oceanbase`.`stg_customers`


orders as (

    select * from `oceanbase`.`stg_orders`


payments as (

    select * from `oceanbase`.`stg_payments`


customer_orders as (


        min(order_date) as first_order,
        max(order_date) as most_recent_order,
        count(order_id) as number_of_orders
    from orders

    group by customer_id


customer_payments as (

        sum(amount) as total_amount

    from payments

    left join orders on
         payments.order_id = orders.order_id

    group by orders.customer_id


final as (

        customer_payments.total_amount as customer_lifetime_value

    from customers

    inner join customer_orders
        on customers.customer_id = customer_orders.customer_id

    inner join customer_payments
        on  customers.customer_id = customer_payments.customer_id


select * from final

22:08:57.895098 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.898817 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:57.899487 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

        show columns from oceanbase.temp_view

22:08:57.924479 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 7 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:57.926493 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:57.926786 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

        create   table if not exists

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null


22:08:58.097120 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.101002 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.101631 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

        insert into `oceanbase`.`customers__dbt_tmp` select * from oceanbase.temp_view

22:08:58.153432 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 62 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.156432 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.157239 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

        drop view if exists oceanbase.temp_view

22:08:58.227587 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.229403 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing runtime sql for node "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.230580 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.231106 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

22:08:58.245210 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.252855 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.253059 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

    drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`customers__dbt_backup` cascade

22:08:58.274641 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.276792 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.277412 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`customers` to `oceanbase`.`customers__dbt_backup`

22:08:58.348851 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.354702 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.355026 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

    drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`customers` cascade

22:08:58.375974 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.378890 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.379742 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`customers__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`customers`

22:08:58.449860 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.461118 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: COMMIT
22:08:58.461648 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.461999 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: COMMIT
22:08:58.476014 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.479457 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.customers"
22:08:58.479875 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.customers"} */
drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`customers__dbt_backup`
22:08:58.583995 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.585602 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.customers (execute): 22:08:57.708757 => 22:08:58.585436
22:08:58.585951 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.customers: Close
22:08:58.586683 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'run_model', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10c884f10>]}
22:08:58.587183 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 4 of 5 OK created sql table model oceanbase.customers .......................... [SUCCESS 0 in 0.89s]
22:08:58.587656 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Finished running node model.jaffle_shop.customers
22:08:58.587999 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began running node model.jaffle_shop.orders
22:08:58.588335 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 5 of 5 START sql table model oceanbase.orders .................................. [RUN]
22:08:58.588989 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Re-using an available connection from the pool (formerly model.jaffle_shop.customers, now model.jaffle_shop.orders)
22:08:58.589298 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began compiling node model.jaffle_shop.orders
22:08:58.592665 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing injected SQL for node "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.593351 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.orders (compile): 22:08:58.589484 => 22:08:58.593212
22:08:58.593607 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Began executing node model.jaffle_shop.orders
22:08:58.607013 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.607297 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: BEGIN
22:08:58.607492 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:58.660110 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.660481 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.660790 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

        create view
        as (

with orders as (

    select * from `oceanbase`.`stg_orders`


payments as (

    select * from `oceanbase`.`stg_payments`


order_payments as (


        sum(case when payment_method = 'credit_card' then amount else 0 end) as credit_card_amount,
        sum(case when payment_method = 'coupon' then amount else 0 end) as coupon_amount,
        sum(case when payment_method = 'bank_transfer' then amount else 0 end) as bank_transfer_amount,
        sum(case when payment_method = 'gift_card' then amount else 0 end) as gift_card_amount,
        sum(amount) as total_amount

    from payments

    group by order_id


final as (






        order_payments.total_amount as amount

    from orders

    left join order_payments
        on orders.order_id = order_payments.order_id


select * from final

22:08:58.746833 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.749953 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.750953 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

        show columns from oceanbase.temp_view

22:08:58.774376 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 9 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.777285 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.778144 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

        create   table if not exists

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null

                 not null


22:08:58.901266 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.904156 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.904774 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

        insert into `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_tmp` select * from oceanbase.temp_view

22:08:58.942316 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 99 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:58.944322 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:58.944929 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

        drop view if exists oceanbase.temp_view

22:08:59.018315 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.021627 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Writing runtime sql for node "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.023735 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.024275 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

22:08:59.039661 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.052185 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.052598 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

    drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_backup` cascade

22:08:59.071808 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.073143 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.073565 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`orders` to `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_backup`

22:08:59.150592 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.156193 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.156664 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

    drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`orders` cascade

22:08:59.176531 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.179595 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.180285 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */

    rename table `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`orders`

22:08:59.248180 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.253036 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: COMMIT
22:08:59.253797 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.254205 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: COMMIT
22:08:59.268802 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.275387 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Using tidb connection "model.jaffle_shop.orders"
22:08:59.275828 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.6.9", "profile_name": "jaffle_shop", "target_name": "dev", "node_id": "model.jaffle_shop.orders"} */
drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_backup`
22:08:59.460776 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.465491 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Timing info for model.jaffle_shop.orders (execute): 22:08:58.593775 => 22:08:59.465044
22:08:59.466131 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: On model.jaffle_shop.orders: Close
22:08:59.467397 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'run_model', 'label': 'f43f4f98-1c20-4751-8101-18f6577098a1', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10c885950>]}
22:08:59.468191 [info ] [Thread-1 (]: 5 of 5 OK created sql table model oceanbase.orders ............................. [SUCCESS 0 in 0.88s]
22:08:59.468896 [debug] [Thread-1 (]: Finished running node model.jaffle_shop.orders
22:08:59.471036 [debug] [MainThread]: Using tidb connection "master"
22:08:59.471461 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: BEGIN
22:08:59.471741 [debug] [MainThread]: Opening a new connection, currently in state closed
22:08:59.556370 [debug] [MainThread]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.557436 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: COMMIT
22:08:59.557989 [debug] [MainThread]: Using tidb connection "master"
22:08:59.558425 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: COMMIT
22:08:59.574008 [debug] [MainThread]: SQL status: SUCCESS 0 in 0.0 seconds
22:08:59.574684 [debug] [MainThread]: On master: Close
22:08:59.576154 [debug] [MainThread]: Connection 'master' was properly closed.
22:08:59.576798 [debug] [MainThread]: Connection 'model.jaffle_shop.orders' was properly closed.
22:08:59.577387 [info ] [MainThread]:
22:08:59.578056 [info ] [MainThread]: Finished running 3 view models, 2 table models in 0 hours 0 minutes and 3.87 seconds (3.87s).
22:08:59.579442 [debug] [MainThread]: Command end result
22:08:59.591150 [info ] [MainThread]:
22:08:59.591525 [info ] [MainThread]: Completed successfully
22:08:59.591792 [info ] [MainThread]:
22:08:59.592064 [info ] [MainThread]: Done. PASS=5 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=5
22:08:59.592567 [debug] [MainThread]: Command `dbt run` succeeded at 22:08:59.592489 after 4.01 seconds
22:08:59.592899 [debug] [MainThread]: Sending event: {'category': 'dbt', 'action': 'invocation', 'label': 'end', 'context': [<snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x10a4eff10>, <snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x1046a7f50>, <snowplow_tracker.self_describing_json.SelfDescribingJson object at 0x1046b4dd0>]}
22:08:59.593216 [debug] [MainThread]: Flushing usage events

对于 view stg_customers,dbt 的处理过程如下:

create view `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_tmp` as ...;
drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_backup` cascade;
rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_customers` to `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_backup`;
drop view if exists `oceanbase`.`stg_customers` cascade;
rename table `oceanbase`.`stg_customers__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`stg_customers`;

可见,它依靠创建临时 view,操作无误后通过 rename 的方式保证“原子性”。

对于 table orders,dbt 的处理过程如下:

create view   oceanbase.temp_view      as ( ... select * from final  );
create   table if not exists  `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_tmp`  (...);
insert into `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_tmp` select * from oceanbase.temp_view 
drop view if exists oceanbase.temp_view;
drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_backup` cascade;
rename table `oceanbase`.`orders` to `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_backup`;
drop table if exists `oceanbase`.`orders` cascade;
rename table `oceanbase`.`orders__dbt_tmp` to `oceanbase`.`orders`;

这里面,它创建了一个临时 temp_view,然后把 temp_view 的内容插入到 orders 表里。为了保证原子性,也使用了类似 view 的手法,创建了一些临时表。

作为一个完整的产品,dbt 还提供了一些贴心功能给数据使用者:
dbt docs generate 能够给数仓表生成文档,dbt docs serve 能启动一个服务用于浏览这些文档。真的很贴心。







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windows server设置桌面显示此电脑

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